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    .2015 年 6 月 B 级真题听力原文和参考答案Part IListening ComprehensionSection A1. M: How is everything going, Peter? 答案 C2. W: May I have your name, please? 答案 A3. M: Do you like to chat in English online? 答案 B4. W: Would you please sign your name here, sir? 答案 A5. M: Do you often travel on business? 答案 D6. W: Can you put me through to the managersoffice? 答案 C7. M: Shall we arrange a meeting sometime next week? 答案 DSection B8.W: Tom, why were you late for the interview?M: I miss the bus.Q: Why was Tom late? 答案 A9. W: How do you like to pay for the computer?M: By credit card, please.Q: How will the man pay for the computer? 答案 D10. W: We are really impressed by your work experience.M: Thank you very much.Q: What impresses the woman deeply? 答案 D11. M: Marry, why isn tLinda working here now?W: She retired last week.Q: What can we learn about Linda from the conversation? 答案 C12. M: Excuse me ,where can I learn more about your company.W: From our website.Q:Where can the man get more information about the company?. 答案 B13. M: Good morning, I have an appointment with Doctor Green at 10:30.W: Please wait a moment. He is with another patient.Q: Where does this conversation most probably take place? 答案 A14. W: I m afraid we canthave the meeting today as John isnthere.M: I see. Letshave it tomorrow.Q: When will they have the meeting? 答案 CSection CConversation 1W: Good morning, may I help you?M: Yes, (15) I would like to see a doctor, please.W: Are you a new patient here?M: Yes, this is my first time here.W: I see. Whats your trouble?M: (16) I ve caught a bad cold.15. What does the man want to do? 答案 C16. Whatsthe matter with the man? 答案 AConversation 2W: Good afternoon, Parker Industries.M: Hello, (17) may I speak to Mr. Black, please?W: I m sorry, he is not in. Can I take a message?M: Yes, Im John Brown. Please tell him our meeting will be held on Friday at 3:30.W: (18) Friday at 3:30.M: And would you ask him to call me this afternoon?W: Yes, whats your phone number, please?M: It s 3584058.W: Ok. (19) I ll pass the message to Mr. Black.17. Whom does the man want to speak to? 答案 D18. When will they have the meeting? 答案 A19. What will the woman do for the man? 答案 DSection DGood afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you very much for coming to our conference this afternoon. Im Henry Johnson, the (20) sales manager of Smart Toys. Now, Id like to introduce you to a completely (21) new idea of toy manufacture.Firstly, I ll talk about the market research which led to the (22) development of this product. Then I ll explain the production and our sales plan. Finally, I ll make some suggestions so that you can make this product a (23) success. We are confident this new product will sell well in the (24) American market. At the end of my speech, well have a question-and-answer section.Part IIVocabulary & StructureSection A25. C26. D27. C28. B29. A30. B31. A32. C33. B34. ASection B35. to guess36. be made37. frequently38. agreement39. more difficultPart IIIReading ComprehensionTask 140. B41. C42. B43. A44. DTask 245. C46. B47. DTask 348. 64,50049. 2.6 million.50. the United States51. global52. reliable energyTask 453. C, K54. M, J 55. F, Q 56. G, O 57. E, H Task 558. Jim Johnson59. The Vice President60. introduce61. next week62. the second floorPart IVTranslation English into Chinese63. A-C-B64. B-A-C65. A-B-C66. C-B-A67. 参考译文 作为一家国际公司, ABC 集团已经经营了 50 多年。公司内部有很大的空间可以晋升到更高岗位,所以来我们公司工作能使你的职业生涯迈上新高度。如果你想在一个正在成长的公司里找工作,那么这些工作绝对适合你。Part VWritingA Suggested Answer:MEMODate: (1) June 14th, 2015From: (2) ManagerTo: (3) All the employeesRe: (4) About the bonusMessage:Our company made great achievements last year. Each employee will receive a $500 bonus, together with the wages next month. We hope you can keep on working hard and making new contributions to our company. Wish our company greater success next year.Signature: (5) Joan Blackburn.


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