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    .小五英语个性化辅导第二讲一般疑问句【知识点: 一般疑问句概述 】用 Yes 或 No 作答的疑问句叫一般疑问句。其基本结构为:be/助动词 /情态动词 +主语 +谓语/表语 +(其他 ) 。一般疑问句还有下列特点:1、以 be 动词、助动词或情态动词开头;Eg::Is your father a teacher?Does Catherine like animals?Can Jenny speak French?2、往往读升调;3、译成汉语,都可以带上“吗”,例如上面三句可分别译为:你父亲是老师吗?凯瑟琳喜欢动物吗?詹妮会说法语吗?【重点】一、将陈述句变成一般疑问句?要将陈述句变成一般疑问句,可以遵循下列步骤:1. 看句中有没有 be 动词( am、is、 are、 was、 were)、助动词( do、does、 did 、have、 had)或情态动词( can、 must、 will 、may 等),如果有,将其提到句首,句末打上问号可。eg: It was rainy yesterday. Was it rainy yesterday? Toms father can play the piano. Can Toms father play the piano? I have finished my homework. Have you finished your homework?2.如果句中没有 be 动词、助动词或情态动词,则根据谓语动词的形式借助do 的相应形式放在句首。具体方法是:如果谓语动词是原形,则借do;如果谓语动词是一般现在时第.三人称单数形式,则借does;如果谓语动词是过去式,则借did. 需要注意的是,借does或 did 后,原句的谓语动词要变回原形。例: They go to school by bike. Do they go to school by bike? Bill gets up at 6:30 every day. Does bill gets up at 6:30 every day?The students saw a film yesterday. Did the students see a film yesterday?二、一般疑问句的回答一般疑问句往往采用简短回答,共由三部分(三个单词)组成,对这三部分(三个单词)的确定可以概括例下:1.第一个词:不是Yes 就是 No。(有时根据语气的不同,Yes 可由 Sure, Certainly, Ofcourse,no 可用 never,not at all 等代替)eg: (1)Can you help me?你能帮个忙吗? Certainly.当然。(2)Have you been there? 你到过那里吗? Never.从来没有。2.第二个词:问谁答谁。即答语中的主语须与问句的主语一致(但必须用主格代词)。eg: Does she clean her room every day? Yes, she does.Is Anna s father a doctor?,Nohe isn t.如果主语是this that,回答时用it 代替,如果问句中主语these, those,回答时用they代替。3.第三个词:用什么问,用什么答。即沿用问句中的引导词。Can Jim play soccer?Yes, he can.Does Mr Bean speak English? Yes, he does.需要注意问题:用may 引导的问句,肯定回答用may,否定回答用can或t mustnt,用must 引导的问句,肯定回答用must,否定回答用 needn t.eg: May I go to the park now? Yes, you may. /No, you mustn t.Must I wash my clothes now? Yes, you must. /No, you needn t.4用 No 开头作否定回答时 ,结尾要加上not。因为回答必须是三部分,所以否定回答必须缩写,而肯定回答不能缩写。eg:Did Thomas come here yesterday?Yes, he did./ No ,he didn t.Is Lin Lin in Class 3?Yes, she is. / No, she isn 或( No,shet. s )not.【难点】一、陈述句变一般疑问句应注意的事项陈述句变成一般疑问句除了遵循上述规则以外,还应注意下列几点:1. 如果陈述句中有第一人称,则变问句时最好要变为第二人称。eg: I usually have lunch at school. Do you usually have lunch at school?My father is playing soccer. Is your father playing soccer?2. 如果陈述句中有 some, 则变问句时往往要变成 any 。Eg: There is some water on the playground. Is there any water on the playground?3. 复合句变一般疑问句通常只变主句,从句不变。eg: I know he comes from Canada. Do you know he comes from Canada?4如果句中含有实义动词 have 且表示 “有 ”时,除借 do 外,也可将其直接提到句首。 Eg:I have some friends in America. Have you any friends in America?/Do you have any friends in America?二、一般疑问句的否定式( 1)一般疑问句的否定式,一般结构为系动词 /助动词 /情态动词 +not+主语;也可为系动词 /助动词 /情态动词 +主语 +not,Do you not/Don t you believe me?你不相信我?Is it not / Isn t it a lovely天气day?难道不好吗?Are you not / Aren t you coming?你不来吗?Will you not /Won t you sit down?你不坐会儿吗?.Is he not / Isn t he a doctor?他不是医生吗?Does Helen not /Doesn t Helenchocolate?like 海伦不喜欢巧克力吗 ?Will he not /Won t he go with you?他不和你一块儿去吗?( 2)否定疑问句并不单纯表示提问,它常常带有感情色彩。否定疑问句的完全式比简略式所表达的语气更强烈些。1)否定疑问句常常带有惊异、赞叹或责难等语气,如:Haven t you read the newspaper?你没读过这份报纸呀?Won t he come?他不来了?2)否定疑问句有时暗示提问者期待着肯定的回答,如:Shouldn wet start now? 我们现在是不是该动身了?Wasn t it an interesting film? 那部电影是不是很有趣?3)否定疑问句有时用来表示邀请或建议,如:Wouldn t you like to go with me? 你不想和我一块儿去吗?Won t you have a cup of coffee? 你不喝杯咖啡吗?( 3)否定的一般疑问句的答语中, yes 的含义为 “不 ”, no 的含义为 “是”,但在回答这类句子时,应该注意 yes 后接肯定结构, no 后接否定结构,这和汉语习惯不同,如: Are you not Mr Smith ? 你不是史密斯先生吗?Yes,I am.不,我是。 / No, I am not .是的,我不是。 Haven t you read this book before?你从前没有读过这本书吗?Yes,I have.不,我读过。 /No,I haven 是t的.,我没有。 Dontyou play chess?你不下棋吗?Yes ,I do.不,我下棋。 / No, I don是t.的,我不下棋。教你一招:在这样的答语中,只要根据实际情况来判断,如果事实上是,就要用yes;如果事实上不是,就要用no。A: Don tyou come from England?B: _.I come from America.A. No, I doB. Yes, I doC. Yes, I dontD. No, I don t.【实战演练】1. His father is an English teacher.2. These cats are crying.3. They can swim.4. I like to read English.5. I go to school on foot.6. His father goes to work by bus.7. His birthday is on the twentieth of November.8. Mrs. Li and Kitty are in a big shop.9. Kitty is wearing her new uniform.10. I want to have a model car.11. She wants a cup of coffee.12. Mrs. Li and Kitty watch television at night.13. I do my homework after school.【强化练习】陈述句变一般疑问句1. Everybody is in the classroom._ ?2. The boy does some housework(家庭作业)at home._ ?.3. The children had a good time in the park(公园) ._ ?4. Jim has some story-books. 故(事书 )_ ?5. The old man does morning exercises(早操) every morning._ ?6. We are from China._ ?7. He often goes to the library(图书馆)on Sundays._ ?8. They have a class meeting every week._ ?9. She does smoke._ ?10. He often watches TV._ ?11. There is no problem about it. _ ?12. My father likes play Ping-Pong._?13. There are 5 students in the classroom._ ?14. He has some brothers.?15. They have Chinese map._ ?16. Tom has few apples._ ?17. My parents can play tennis_ ?18. He is watering the flowers in the park._?19. This is my mother._ ?20. These are my grandparents._ ?家长签字:教师评语:.


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