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    九年级新目标英语中考英语基础选择专项复习题2刘永茂 整理 2006-12-121What delicious cakes!They would taste with butter.AgoodBbetterCbadDworse2You look so happy!Jack says I am pretty. has ever told me that before.ASomebodyBAnybodyCEverybodyDNobody3 Shopping with me?Sorry. I have a lot of clothes .Ato washBwashedCwashDto be washed4Are you sure you have to ?Its been very late.I dont know I can do it if not now.AwhereBwhyCwhenDhow5Its a long story ,but you can hardly find new words in it .Good! it will be too hard for children.ASoBAnd CButDOr6 ! Or we wont catch the last bus.Im too tired to go any further.A. Dont worry B. Hurry upC. Sorry D. Quickly7 Could I have your name please, sir?.Oh, no You are polite You can call me John Its my pleasure( )8, is your telephone number?8652738.How B. WhatC. How many D. How much( )9。Thank you for helping me with the heavy desk. A. Its my pleasure B. Im pleased C. No, thank you D. No problem( )10. Mum, the Chinese medicine tastes so .I dont want to take it. But, dear, it is good for you. A. good B. terribly C. terrible D. well( )11Hello, this is Lily speaking. Can I speak to Mr. Fox?Sorry. He the Long Lake.A. has been to B. went toC. has gone to D. will go to( )12 Have you given Mr. Li the message?Not yet. I will give it to him as soon as he .A. is coming back B. will come back C. comes back D. came back( )13. Excuse me, have you got any ink?Yes, but only . A, a little B. a few C. little D. few( )14 you dive into the water, you breathe.Deeper harderThe deeper . the harderC. The deep the hardD. Deep hard( )15。Could you tell me last night?Er, I was watching Euro 2004 at home.what you were doingB. what were you doingwhat you are doingD. what are you doing( )16。 chickens were killed because of bird flu (禽流感).A large number of B. The number ofC. Much D. Thousand of( )17.What do you think of the story written by Mark Twain?It is . I like it.A. boring B. boredC. interested D. interesting( )18. Which sweater do you like better?.A. Good idea B. I cant decideC, Yes, its nice D. Yes, please( )19My daughter ate a lot of ice cream in school.Yes, .A. So did she B. So she didC. She did so D. So was she( )20.Which subject do you like better, English or Chinese? , I like maths.A. Both B. Neither C. Either D. Any( )21.How long may I your bike?For a week. But you mustntit to others.A. borrow, lend B. keep, lendC. lend, borrow D. keep, borrow( )22. Im sorry to trouble you, Miss Gao?.A. The same to you B. Fine, thanksC. Thats all right D. It doesnt matter23. What_the number of the girls in your class?About twenty, A. is B. am C. are D. be24. Is this your sweater, Joy?No, Its not_ sweater. _is yellow. A. my, My B. my, Mine C mine, Mine D. mine, My25, Can you answer the telephone? Im busy_ the internet. OK, Ill get it. A. search B. to search C. searching D. searched26, How long have you_the motorbike?For about two weeks. A. bought B. had C. borrowed D. lent27. Who jumped the_of all in the high jump?Liu Ming did. A. longest B. farthest C. highest D. fastest28. Does the teacher know everybody_ planted the trees?Yes, he does. A. which B. whose C. where D. who29. Many people like to read the book Business the Speed of Thought. That s right. There s_ in it. A. something interesting B. interesting somethingC. nothing interesting D. interesting nothing30. _?Hold on, please. A. Are you Bruce, please B. Who are youC. Are you at home, Bruce D. May I speak to Bruce, please31. Could you tell me how to get to Peterson Building, please?A. Dont ask me B. Sure. You can take the No. 3 busC. Youre welcome D. Thank you all the same32.Oh, what a nice picture! You draw very well. A. Yes , its very bad B. Yours is good C. Of course not D. Thank you33. Whats wrong with you?A. Ive got a headache B. Shell take some medicineC. Ive got a new bike D. Im a doctor34. Happy New Year!A. You are happy B. The same to you C. Happy birthday D. Yes, Im happy, too35. Whats the weather like?A. I like the weather B. Its sunny C. I dont like the weather D. Its rain36. _?Its Saturday. A. Whats the date B. What time is it C. What day is it today D. How much is it37. Would you like to come to my house for supper?A. Id love to. But Im afraid I cant B. Yes, I cant C. No, I would D. Yes, I wouldnt38. What can I do for you, madam? -_.A. I can help myself B. No, I dont needC. Yes, please help me D. I d like to buy a pair of shoes for my daughter39. Ive passed the exam. -_A. Congratulations! B. Bad luck!C. Thank you for telling me. D. It s nothing. 40._are you going to have your birthday party? . You know, my birthday is on June 23. On that day, of course. A. When B. Where C. Who D. How41. Mum, I want to learn how to swim. Who can help me?You can_ yourself. A. enjoy B. teach C. come D. look42.Where are the_?They are playing_football on the playground. A. boys students; the B. boy students; the C. boy student; / D. boy students 43.Tom, dont drive too fast, you_hit the others cars. OK, I wont. Mum. A. must B. need C. may D. have to44. Do you know when the teacher_back tomorrow;Sorry, I dont know. If he_ back, I will tell you at once. A. comes; comes B. comes;will comeC. will come; comes D. will come; will come45. Would you like_?Tnank you. Im not thirsty. A. some bread B. some juice Cany bread D. any juice246 Do you always spend a lot of time_computer?No, but I spend much time_doing my homework. A. on; in B. in;on C. on; on D. in; in47. Youd better_food to the tigers. Sorry, I wont do it again. A. throw B. not to throw C. throwing D. not throw48. How long may I the dictionary? For half a year. A. take B. keep C. borrow D. lend49. Do you enjoy travelling by plane? No. It s _expensive, A. much more B. more much C. too much D. much too50.Your sweater is very beautiful, Joan!A. Thank you all the same B. Not at allC. Just so-so D. Thank you51. Are you going to buy this pair of shoes? No, not before I_. A. take them off B have them on C. put them on D. try them on 52. What kind of job would you like in this company?_except being a doorkeeper. A. Some B NoneC. Any D. All)53.There _ a lot of meat on the plate. Would you like some?Just a little, please. A. isB. are C. am D. be)54What is Mum doing now?She _ some clothes. A. washes B. is washing C. washedD. has washed()55Why are you walking to school?Because my _ is broken. A. radio B. watch C. bikeD. bag)56Where is Mrs. Smith?She isnt here. She _ to England . A. has gone B. has been C. wentD. goes()57Dad, must I finish my homework today?No, you _ . You may do it tomorrow. A. neednt B. mustntC. dontD. wont()58Shall we leave now?Dont hurry. We still have _ time left. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few()59Guess _ I did yesterday!I think you went to a party. A. whereB. whenC. whatD. which( ) 60. -Your dress is very beautiful. - _ I bought it yesterday. Oh, no. B. Oh, really? C. Thank you. D. Just so-so, I think.( ) 61. What will you say when you are in danger? -_. Im afraid B. Help C. Bad luck D. Thank you( )62. Whats your mother? -_. She is a worker B. She is nice C. She is cooking supper D. She works in a shop63Would you like to have some tea or coffee?_. Thank you. Ive just had enough tea. A. Neither B. Either C. Some D. Both 64 . Hello. May I speak to Mrs Zhang?Whos calling, please?A. Im Zhang B. Zhang is hereC. This is Zhang speaking D. Zhang is calling 65. Look, this digital camera is really cheap! Its only five hundred yuan. The_, the better. Im short _ money, you know. A. cheaper, of B. cheap, forC. expensive, of D. more expensive, for66. When can we discuss the picnic problem?_ when we can, we must prepare for it right now. A. Even since B. No matterC. Even though D. So that67. Your new sweater looks beautiful. Is it_ pure wool?Yes, and its_Inner Mongolia. A. made by, made for B. made of, made by C. made of, made in D. made by, made from68. Can you come and study the violin with me?_. I have to make a kite for my nephew first. I hope so B. Im afraid not C. Excuse me D. Its a pleasure69. _ of the twins has seen the film "Heroes", so they know nothing about it. A. Both a Neither C. Either70. How beautifully you sang Celine Dions "My Heart Will Go On"! I dont think so. Really?Thank you. 71. Im going to work for the "Hope Project"(希望工程 )during the summer holidays. Me too. But 1 hear Li Lis mother is ill, she wont go, _?A. wont she B. will she C. dont I72. Mum, may I play computer games for three hours? No, you_. Its bad for your eyes. A. can t B. may not C. neednt73. You speak Chinese so well, Mr More. Thanks. I_China for 3 years and I _ for another 2 years. have been in; will stayhave been to; have stayedhave come to; stayed74. Excuse me, I want to know _. I parked it behind this building. where did you park my car B. where you parked my car C. how you parked my car75. Today or tomorrow? ( ) What are you talking about?We are talking about_ to give a talk on Internet. A. how B. where C. when D. what76 Have you finished your homework? ( ) Not yet. I think itll take_ ten minutes. A. other B. others C. more D. another77 Mr Wang _ be in the office. The light is still on. ( ) No, he _be. Because he phoned me from the farm just now. A. may, mustnt B. mustnt, mustnt C. can, cant D. must, cant78 Do you like the music the Moonlight Sonata"? ( ) Yes, it_ really beautiful. A. feels B. sounds C. listens D. hears79 Can you understand me? ( ) Sorry. I can_ catch what you said. Could you say it again?A. almost B. nearly C. really D. hardly80 If you want to plant a tree, first you must_. ( ) 81. Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the bus station? ( ) Go straight and take the second turning on the right. Youll see it. Which map is right?82. May I put my bike here? ( ) Sorry, you mustnt. Please look at the sign. It says, "_" . A. NO PHOTOS B. DANGER C. SLOW DOWN D. NO PARKING83 Time is money. ( ) But I think time is_ money. A. as important as B. so important asC. more important than D. the same as84 Why did you come back so late today? ( ) Because it_ heavily when the meeting was over. We had to wait until it stopped. A. was raining B. is raining C. rained D. has rained85. What would you like, tea of coffee? ( ) Tea, please. I prefer tea_ coffee. A. to B. for C. with D. than86. You can speak English very well. . ( ) A. Thank you B. I dont think you should say soC. No, my English is bad D. I know87.I feel tired and weak. ( )Why not stop_. A. to work B. to have a restC. having a rest D. to go on with your work88. Jane looks so_ today because she has done well in her English test. ( )A. happy B. worried C. angry D. exciting189 I hear well have a new P. E teacher this term. ( ) Really? Do you know_?90. You seem_. Whats wrong?My son hurt his leg this morning. A. worried B. happy C. glad D. fineIs this your handbag?No, its not_. My handbag is red. A. yours B. his C. hers D. mineCan you come to have dinner with me this evening?Im afraid not. I_take care of my grandmother. She is ill. A. cant B. have to C. may D. couldYou are really beautiful in that blue dress. Is it new? No. I_it for a year. A. have bought B. have had C. bought D. hadWhats Tim doing at the moment? I think he_a report. A. gives B. was giving C. is giving D. has given36- enjoyable it is to travel by air!A. How, so is it B. How, so it is C. What, so is it D. What, so it isEmma has been ill for a week. Is she all right now?_. The teacher says she can come to school tomorrow. A. I hope not B. I dont think so C. Im afraid not D. I think soIm free tomorrow. Im planning to play football. Will you go with me?Id love to, _I have to finish my rep


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