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    .宝山区初三英语第一学期期末质量抽查试卷It may be hard to believe that many people eat insects (昆虫)and bugs(虫子).Insects are now very common in all of their processed food (加工食品) . Imaginesitting down at the dinner table and b_86_ served a bowl of worms(软体虫 ).It enoughs to make most Westerners stomachs t_87_.Butin othercountries the same meal makes people mouths water. Eatingbugs has beenaround for thousands of years in some countries . Today it(估计)thatsestimatedmore than half of the people of the world eat different kinds of bugs. Not only dothese insects taste g_88_, but also they are a cheap and nutritious food source.In the US, some people eat bugs for quite a different reason to show their courage. In television showsl_89_ Survivor, contestants(参赛者) eat beetles(甲壳虫) and spiders(蜘蛛 ), and viewers watchthe shows at home, feeling shocked and disgusted(恶心的 ). But many of the viewers don t realize thatthey may have done the same thing but just don t know it! Many American people don t p_90eat bugs, but in the future they may. There are fewer and fewer natural r_91_ and the population isgetting larger and larger. Experts say that insects will be raised as an alternative (可供选择的) form of protein(蛋白质) . If more people did their part to eat bugs and broaden their diets and did not just go out and eat chicken, beef and pork, the planet would be better off ( 境况改善 ) today. Western children are not as n_92_ about bugs as their parents, because they often visit science museums and zoos, and at school they are learning more about the environment and bugs.长宁区初三英语第一学期期末质量抽查试卷“ Just sign here, sir,” the deliveryman said as he handed Oscar Reyna a package.The package consisted of a long, narrow box, c_86_ wrapped(包装 ) in brown paper. Openingthe box, Oscar saw an umbrella insidea very old one with a beautifully carved handle. A_87_ hehad not seen it for more than 20 years, he recognized it immediately.Oscar was 16 when he firstsaw the u_88_ umbrella. He had gone to a concert with hisgrandparents, as they were leaving, he noticed an umbrella on an empty seat.Impressed by its beauty,Oscar felt a strong desire to find its o_89_.With the manager s help, Oscar found it belonged to Mrs. Katie O Brien.Oscar and his grandparents went to Mrs. O Brien s house on their way home. When he rang the bell,the door opened, and an elderly woman appeared.“ May I help you?” she asked.“ I d like to r_90_ it if it s yours,” Oscar said, holding out the umbrella as if presenting a gift thhad long been wished for.“ Why, yes! It s mine,” replied Mrs. O Brien with a wide smile and shining eyes.“ It waby my father years ago. Thank you so much ! May I offer you a reward f_91_ your kindness?“ No, ma am, ” he said,“ My grandmother says a good deed is its own reward.”Years later, Oscar was staring at the finely carved handle of the umbrella as he remembered Mrs.O Brien. It was in perfect condition, considering how old it was. Why had it a_92_ here today?As if in answer,a note fell from the paper. It read: Mrs. O Brien wanted you to accept this umbrellaas a present for a kind, unselfish gesture long ago.崇明县初三英语第一学期期末质量抽查试卷Do you want to be an online student? It is important to remember that online education is not right for everyone.On your timeOne of the b86advantages of online classes is thatyou are able to enteryour classroomwhen it is convenient foryou. Do you work all day? Then you canlog on( 登录 ) toyour class in theevening or at the weekend. Are you an early riser? You can log on to your class in the early morningh87. Your virtual(虚拟的 ) classroom is open around the clock, seven days a week.The teacher s lectureIn an online classroom your teacher s lecture is written rathers than88. There are severaladvantages. The online classroom is completely different from the real one. If you can t remeyour teacher said, all you have to do is to reread his or her lecture. In most cases you will be able to get acopy of the lecture. You will be able to review your teacher lectures w89even getting onlineagain.Students interactionOnline students may find it d90to talk with each other face to face. T91discussionforums ( 论坛 ) and chat rooms provide some ways for student interaction, they do not provide the socialconnection of an on-campus class.We have to say, the disadvantages to be an online stu dent are clear. For example, the teachers can thelp you face to face. They won t praise orallyyour work(口头 ).An advantage is the fact that some students are shy. They are more willing to speak out their ideas onthe discussion forum and are usually more l92to ask their teacher a question by email. They willfeel more comfortable with this online interaction.奉贤区初三英语第一学期期末质量抽查试卷Connect to the worldOver the past 20 years, the Internet has greatly influenced our world and changed our lives. TheInternet makes it much e_86_ for people to search for information. For example, when we write ahistory report, we don havet to go to the library. We can find informationabout worldleaders andhistorical events on different websites. Everything we want to know can be found at the click of a button. The Internet helps us to stay connected to family, friends and the world around us. Not long ago, wewrote letters by h_87_ and waited weeks for a reply. Today, when we use QQ, we send and receivemessages across thousands of miles in a few seconds.The Internet gives us a way to express our opinions in p_88_. We share interesting ideas withother people on QQ, Baidu Tieba, blogs or forums(论坛 ). If we dislike the food at school, we can discussit in the school s forum or in the Tieba of our own class.A_89_ the Internet has made our world better in many ways, in some ways it can be a badinfluence. There is a lot of false information on the Internet. It is important not to believe a_90_we read on the Internet.In addition, many teenagers choose to keep in touch with each other online instead of meeting face-to-face. People w_91_ that this harms their social communication skills.Some teenagers spend too much time playing Internet games. They may lose focus on their studies. There are millions of interesting sites to visit and so many wonderful things to do online. Howcould we live without the Internet nowadays? But remember to use the Internet p_92_ and wisely.Try to let the Internet be your good servant, not your bad master!.虹口区初三英语第一学期期末质量抽查试卷Nike, Adidas, Converse , do you know these world-famous brands(商 )?What do you think ofthem? Do you use their products?Sam: I m a Nike fan. Many of Nike a_86 son TV are fun and its products are great!Joe: In my eyes, top brand means top quality. So I love top brand products a_87_they re veryexpensive.Sally : The logos of famous brands are usually unique(独一无二的)and nice. Itc88s_to ownproducts with those logos.Jackie : Many top brand products are advertised by spokesmen. Spokesmen are my favourite stars. Ilove the stars, so of course I want to use the products they speak f_89_.Susan: I know it s popular for young people to have famous brand products nowadays. But I haveno i_90_ in following the fashion. I only choose the products that suit(适合)me.Adam : As students, we don t earn money ourselves. It s not easy for our parents to support us. So Iuse whatever they choose for me now. When I grow up and become financially i_91_, I may buythe famous brand products I am fond of.Bob : I like playing basketball with my classmates. When we play on the playground, we don twhat you wear as long as ( 只要 ) you can play w_92_.So in my opinion, there is no need to careso much about the brands of what you wear.黄浦区初三英语第一学期期末质量抽查试卷嘉定区初三英语第一学期期末质量抽查试卷.Peggy Cardona parked her blue Nissan at a supermarket one day in February.“ I ll come andthe door for you,” she told her-yearfour-old grandson, Ryan Eshleman, in the back s86.The car moved ahead before Cardona could even closed the door.“ Nana, the car is moving!cried. Cardona jumped into the driver s seat and reachedhanbrakeforthe( 手闸 ), her left leg steppingoutside, trying to s87the car. She couldn findt the brake, and she got out of the car as itmoved down the steep slope(陡坡 ) toward a pond 20 feet way. Ryan was very f88and cried“ Nana! ” as the car fell into the pond and the water began pouring in.“ Help! ” Cardona cried as the car moved from the bank.i “ My89 grandson!” isA supermarket clerk, Clint Fountain, 24, had just stepped outside for a break when he saw a crowd gathering by the pond. He jumped down the slope and dived into the cold water.Reaching the car, Fountain saw Ryan s terrified face just inches above the water.“ Unlock the doFountain shouted. The boy sfumbledfingers (未触到 ) with the lock.Fountain hit on the back window, but the glass wouldnA90 t break.man Dick McClungdived in and handed him a hammer (锤子 ). Grabbing it, Fountain told the boy to move aside, and broke the glass. His hands went through the broken window in the black water and pulled the boy out. At thatmoment the last flash of the blue car d91under the water.“ Climb onto my back,” Fountain said. Ryan did so, but the tired man couldn t swim back. Mstill beside them in the water, picked up Ryan and swam to the bank s92. Later, doctors foundRyan had got only a little hypothermia (体温过低 ).“ They risked their lives to save Ryan,” Cardona said of the men.“ I thank God every day for t金山区初三英语第一学期期末质量抽查试卷Marco PoloIt is difficult to imagine what the world was like in 1254. Europe was living in anage that we call the Medieval Period(中世纪 ). It was a time of many wars.It was in that time thatMarco Polo was born in Venice, Italy. Life in Venice was d86 from life in most of Europe. Venice was a city of beautiful buildings and water canals(运河 ). Many businessmen did business in Venice.Marco Polo s father and uncle werebusinessmen. They had traveled to a far-off country called Cathay. (Cathay is now called China.) Therethey had friends with the great ruler, Kublai Khan (忽必烈 ). He i87them to return to Cathay.When Marco Polo was seventeen years old, he began a journey to China with his father and uncle.They sailed the Indian Ocean and crossed the desert and mountains of Asia on camels. The journey toChina took three years.Kublai Khangreeted the Polos and sent them lots of gifts. He was especially impressed (留印象 )with Marco , who could speak four l88including Chinese and others.Khan sent Marco on many trips t89China. On these trips,Marco saw many amazingthingsthathe hadnever seen in Europe, such as coal used as fuel, paper moneyi90of coins, and papermaking and printing processes.Marco made many notes about life inChina.After almost twenty years in China, the Polos began their journey home to Italy. Kublai Khan gavethem many gifts of ivory, silk, jewels, and jade.When they returned to Venice, they found their city at war. MarcoPolo was put in prison. He spenthis time w91a book about his years in China. The book is calledDescriptions of the World . Itbecame the most p92book in Europe. Because of the book, many people in Europe learnedabout life in China.静安区 (青浦区 )初三英语第一学期期末质量抽查试卷Li Ming has studied in the UK for nearly two years now. But he ll never forget his first few weeks oliving in a different country.The FoodIn China, I ll eat almost anything. But I remember the first food I tasted at school in England. Wehad this soup and it tasted of n86at all. In China, our food is quite salty, but we like it because thesalt m87it taste nice. A friend advised me to try some cheese and biscuits. I thought biscuits werethe same as cookies in America but I was wrong. Again, I felt disappointed at the taste of the biscuitsand the cheese was really sour.IntroductionsIn China when you meet someone for the first time,you sometimes shake hands. I was sos88when myfriend s mother gave me a kiss when I left his house. I feltso embarrassed and I know my face went very red at thatmoment.T89When I want to go anywhere in China, I just take my bicycle. Here in England, I have to get a buseverywhere. It s really confusingb90buses don t stop automatically like they do in Beijing. Youhave to put your hand out, ring the bell or press the signal button.Socialising (社交 )I remember when I went around to a friend s house and I wanted to say“ thank you” to his mChina, we often give people cakes as p91. The boy s mother stared at the cake. She was trying to bepolite but I knew from her face that I had taken something wrong. In England, a cake is moreo92given on someone s birthday.闵行区初三英语第一学期期末质量抽查试卷浦东新区初三英语第一学期期末质量抽查试卷Ifyou thought you could protect yourselfon the web by lying about your personal details, you dbetter think again. In online communication at least, entering untrue details about name or age may nolonger prevent others from working out exactly w86you are.Microsoftis developing a new software that couldaccurately guess your name, your age, your s87and possibly even yourlocation. Manystudies show that there are strongrelationship b88thewebsites that people visitand their personalities. For example, 74%of women try to get someinformation about health and medical information online, while only 58% of men do. The software coulduse a wide series of such details to make a good guess about their ID from a p89browsing history.So far the software can only guess yourage and other informationwith any accuracy, buttheresearch team say they expect to


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