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    考研英 法基 一、 句和并列句1. 句的五种形式:(1)主 +谓语 (不及物 );(2)主 + (及物 ) + ;(3)主 +谓语 +宾语 + ;(4)主 +谓语 + 接 +直接 ;(5)主 +系 +表 。两 系 : be ;一些 用作系 :feel, taste, smell等;2. 并列句:一个句子当中包含两个或更多互不相依存的主 构,中 用一些 接 接起来的句子。并列句不能只用逗号隔开,而要用 接 接。 接 :(1)并列关系句型: 接 有 and, as well as, eitheror, neithernor,not onlybut also eg: Last year I met Kate and we became friends.Either my uncle can do it, or my aunt can do it.(2) 折概念并列句型: 折 有buteg: It has no mouth, but it can talk.(3) 比关系的并列句型:eg: He liked sports, while I would rather collect stamps. : 2009 年 6 月 Cerling s team collected tap water samples from 600 cities and constructed a mop of the regional differences.( 句)Most hydrogen and oxygen atoms in water are stable, but traces of both elements are also present as heavier isotopes. (并列句) 句和并列句是复合句的基 。二、句子成分句子六大成分:主 、定状表。主 、 和表 :通常由代 或者名 构成,定 :修 名 ;状 :修 形容 或者 ;表 :接在系 后面;(一) .代 :人称代 、物主代 、反身代 、指示代 、不定代 。1 人称代 :第一、二、三人称,主格、 格、所有格;I,you ,he,she, it,me, you, him, her, it, my, your, his, her, its.2 物主代 形容 性物主代 :my, your, his, her, our, their,后面加名 ;名 性物主代 : mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs,后面不能加名 。eg: May I borrow your pen?Mine is missing.3 反身代 :通 反身代 指代主 ,使 作 出者把 作在形式上反射到 出者本人。 人称 。eg:I myself took Mary to the airport.I cooked it myself.4. 指示代 : this, that, these, those.5. 不定代 : some,someone,something,any,anyone,anything,no,no one,nothing,all ,both,neither, either, each, every, everybody, everyone, everything.一些比 重要的不定代 之 的区 :(1) all, each, every: all 和 every 可以指代三个或三个以上的人或物; all 可以表示所有 西的 和,是一个不可分割的整体; each只能表示两个或两个以上的人, 重个体; all 和 every 重整体, each 重个体;eg:Every staff of the university contributed to the fund.Two girls came, and I gave an apple to each.(2)everyone every oneeveryone 等同于 everybody,all people ,指的是所有的人;eg: Everyone thinks they have the right to be here.every one 既可以指人,也可以指物, 一个个体,通常用 every one of ;eg: Every one of us has faults and shortcomings.Every one of the films we have shown this year has been a succes.(3)no onenoneno one 只能指人, none 既可以指人,也可以指物, none 后面 可以接 of;eg:No one failed the examination.None of the students failed the examination.6. it 的用法(1)指代人,通常用于口 中;(2) 面 : it 用来指代 、距离、温度、天气等eg: Its three years since I saw him. it 用来前指或者后指eg: Ive lost my book. Where is it?There is no doubt about it that he was a fine teacher. it 做形式主 eg: Is it possible to learn typewriting very quickly ? it 做形式 ,通常放在 和 足 (形容 )之 ,真正的 放在 之后常 有: feel, consider, find, believe, make, take, imagine, think, suppose, regard eg: She thinks it no use telling me.He has made it clear that he wouldnt agree to the plan. it 用于 句,构成句型 Itsthat/who如何区分 句中的it 和形式主 中的it ?eg: Its clear that they have won.如果 Its 和 that 去掉后,剩下的部分依然能构成完整的句子,就是 句;否 ,即 形式主 。(二)名 1. 可数名 有 复数之分,若名 数,通常前面要加冠 a/an、the 行限定;若名 复数,可以加上the,或者直接用复数名 ,或者加上数 来 行限定。名 的复数形式可以直接加s/es,以 y 尾的, y 为 i ,再加 es, 有一些特殊形式的。有些 数名 的形式,是集合名 ,可以用作复数,如police, cattle, people,mankind 等;eg:Several hundreds police were on duty at the demonstration yesterday.Cattle are allowed to graze on the village common.不可数名 :通常是物 名 或者抽象名 ;.2.不可数名词:通常是物质名词或者抽象名词,其前可以不加任何东西,若有特指,可以加the.前面可以加上单位词,进行分类:常见单位词:a piece of +advice/bread/cloth/fortune/information/music/musea bit of、 an item of、an article of3.名词在翻译中遇到的问题:(1)不可数名词和可数名词间的转换形式:eg:water waters(水域、海洋), sand sands(沙滩), wood woods(树林),goods(商品),ash和 ashes(废墟)(2)名词表示特指时,可以加冠词不定冠词: a/an,通常表示一,但是不强调数目,翻译时注意;eg:Germany is a European country.定冠词:表示特定或特指eg:Is this the book that you are looking for?定冠词还可以使用于一些比较独特的语言现象:如指代地球或宇宙这种独一无二的事物the+名词:表示全部或者整体eg:Do you know who invented the computer?用于乐器或专有名词前,如play the piano、 the Thames(三)数词数词分为基数词和序数词1. 表示大约的词汇: about, approximately,around,roughly, some,more or less, or so; eg:About 200 people were killed in the crash.The town is 5 Miles or so from here.2. 表示多于的词汇: above,more than, over3. 表示少于,不到的词汇: almost,below,less than, undereg:Its 2:57, and its almost 3 oclock4. 一些可以直接表示数字的单词:dozen、 score、 decade、 hundred、thousand、 million这些词前面出现基数词,表示确切的数时,不能加复数;若不能表明确切数字,只是说大约有多少的时候,以上这些词不可以加确切的基数词,但是可以将其变为复数,后加 of;eg:There are millions of kinds of matter in the world.(四)形容词和副词1. 定语用来修饰名词,通常是形容词;若是单个形容词,一般放在修饰名词前;若为词组,一般放在修饰名词之后;形容词词组的两种情况:(1)成对的形容词;eg: She has many pencils, blue and red.(2)形容词短语:eg: I think he is a man suitable for the job.形容词还可以做表语,放在be 动词之后;英语中有一些词语作表语和作定语时,含义会有所不同:(1)certain:作定语时,表示特定的 :;.eg:A certain Mr. Wang just came here to look for you.作表 ,表示当然的,一定,相当于be sure;(2)complete:作定 ,表示完全的 :作表 ,表示完成的或完美的;(3)ill :作定 ,表示坏的;作表 ,表示有病的;(4)late: 作定 ,表示已故的;作表 ,表示晚的、 到的;(5)ready:作定 ,表示 成的;作表 ,表示准 好的、愿意做;(6)present:作定 ,表示目前的,相当于 current;作表 ,表示出席,参加;the+形容 :表示一 人;eg: the old, the poor, the blind, the rich, the young, the wounded2. 状 :通常由副 构成,副 可以修 ,形容 ,乃至整个句子;副 通常是褒 的, 有部分是有否定含 的, 常 否定含 副 有 seldom,hardly,rarely,scarcely;其它副 通常是表示肯定的概念;3. 形容 和副 的比 :(1)一些没有比 的形容 和副 : 本身的含 是表示比年 、比 秀、比 等 ,没有比 概念;如 supreme, inferior, junior ,senior, prior at ,后面搭配的介 一般是 to,而不用 than. 有些 本身的含 即是最,独一无二,没有比 概念;如 absolute,entire, excellent, favorite,final.(2)同 比 和异 比 :同 比 : as as/ times as异 比 :(倍数或修 ,表示多或少) +比 +than常 的修 比 的 有: much、still ,even,by far,a bit,a little, a good deal或者倍数;eg:The photography of Mars taken by satellite are much clearer than those taken from earth.比 特殊用法 :morethan:eg: He is more clever than honest.the+比 :越来越eg: The harder you work, the more you will learn.三、 和 一般 行完形 在 去将来(一)时态1. 一般 在 (1)表示 常性、 性的 作;eg: I get up at 7 o clock in the morning.I leave school for home at 6 every evening.( 2)客 真理,客 存在,科学事 ;eg: The teacher told us: the earth moves around the sun.Shanghai lies in the east of China.2. 一般 去 两种 化形式:在 后加ed 或不 化的 ;;.在确定的 去 里所 生的 作或存在的状 :常用 状 有: yesterday, last week, an hour ago, the other day, in 1982等;eg: Did you go to Shanghai last week? 充: used to/be used to( 1) used to + do: " 去常常 ",表示 去 性的 作或状 ,但如今已不存在;eg:Mike used to take a walk.( 2) be used to + doing: 已感到 ,或 " 于 ",to 是介 ,后需加名 或 名 ;eg:Mike is used to taking a walk.He is used to taking a shower with cold water.( 3) be used to do:被用来做eg:Leaves are used to fight enemies in Kong fu movies as the weapons.典型例 - Your phone number again? I _ quite catch it.- Its 69568442.A. didntB. couldntC. dontD. cant答案 A. 本句 没有明确的 状 , 但从 意上看出, 在听的 候没有听懂 个 作 生在 去,因此 用 去 。一般 去式和 去完成 的 比:( 1) 去完成 : 去的 去;eg: Before I came to Beijing, I had stayed in Shanghai. 一个句子里有两个 ,一个 生在前,一个 生在后, 生在前的用一般 去 , 生在后的用 去完成 ;eg: When the police arrived, the thieves had run away. 表示意向的 ,如 hope, wish, expect, think, intend, mean, suppose等,用 去完成 表示 "原本,却未能 "eg: We had hoped that you would come, but you didnt.We had thought that he would take part in the competition,but he didnt. 虚 气:若虚 的 象与 去事 相反, 用 去完成 ;eg: If you had come to my birthday party, you would have seen Yaoming.虚 气中可以用had+ 去分 ,表示 去事 的虚 ;3. 一般将来 ( 1) shall/will,shall 用于第一人称,常被will所代替 ;eg:Which paragraph shall I read first?( 2) be going to +不定式,表示将来;表示要 生的事情有了 先的 划、准 或有迹象表明要 生;eg:What are you going to do tomorrow?What will you do this afternoon?will 表示 粹的将来;(3) be +不定式:表将来,按 划或正式安排将 生的事;eg:We are to/will discuss the report next Saturday.( 4) be about to +不定式:意 上做某事,后面不可以接 状 ;eg:He is about to leave for Beijing.注意:( 1)一般 在 有 也可表将来;eg: The train leaves at six tomorrow morning.;. 向性 come, go, arrive, leave, start, begin, return的一般 在 表将来,主要用来表示在 上已确定或安排好的事情。eg: When does the bus star? It stars in ten minutes. 在 或条件句中,用一般 在 表将来;eg: Ill write to you as soon as I arrive in Beijing.(2) 在 行 也可表将来:通常用于口 ,翻 打算;come, go, start, arrive, leave, stay等 可以用 行 表将来;4. 在完成 在完成 用来表示之前已 生或完成的 作或状 ,其 果 在造成影响。(1) 去 生的 作 生到 在, 完成;(2)从 去 生的 作, 生到 在, 告一段落,但是后面会 生;eg:I have just finished my homework.It has rained for 3 days. 去 与 在完成 的区 :( 1) 去 表示 去某 生的 作或 叙述 去的事情, 作; 在完成 去 生的, 去的事情 在的影响, 的是影响。eg: I came to Beijing in 1995.I have stayed in Beijing since 1995.( 2) 去 常与具体的 状 用,而 在完成 通常与段的 状 用,或无 状 ;一般 去 常用 状 : yesterday, last week, ago, in1980, in October(具体 ) 在完成 常用 状 :for, since, so far( 期的段 )eg: He had dinner with me yesterday.I have played basketball for 3 hours.(3) 在完成 可表示持 到 在的 作或状 , 一般是延 性的, 如 live, teach, learn, work, study,know; 去 常用的非持 性 有 come, go, leave, start, die, finish, become, get married等;eg: He got married two years ago.I have lived in Beijing for 10 years.用于 在完成 的句型(1) It is the first / second time . that 构中的从句部分,用 在完成 。It is the first time that I have visited the city.It was the third time that the boy had been late.(2) This is the that 构, that 从句要用 在完成 .This is the best film that Ive (ever) seen. 是我看 的最好的 影。This is the first time (that) Ive heard him sing. 是我第一次听他唱歌。典型例 -Have you _ been to our town before?-No, its the first time I _ here.A. even, comeB. even, have comeC. ever, comeD. ever, have come答案 D. ever 意 曾 或无 何 ,反意 never,此两 常用于完成 。This is the largest fishI have ever seen. It is / was the first time +that-clause的句型中,从句要用完成 。since 和 for 的用法:since 用来 明 作起始 , for 用来 明 作延 度 ; eg: I have lived here for more than twenty years.I have lived here since I was born.for 后面多接一段 ,而since 后面 接一个 点,若since 后面也出 段, 在 段后;.加 ago;eg: I have lived here since twenty years ago.错句: I have worked here since many years.since 句型:It is +一段时间 + since 从句, since 从句要用一般过去时;eg: It is two years since I became a postgraduate student.It is three years since I joined the army.5. 进行时态:一般进行时,过去进行时,将来进行时;6. 现在完成进行时: have/has+been+doing现在完成进行时和现在完成时的区别:eg: It has rained for 3 days.It has been raining for 3 days.现在完成时不强调某一动作在某段时间内持续发生, 现在完成进行时表示某一时间段内某动作持续发生。eg: I have been learning English for 5 years.I have been learned English for 5 years.(二)语态一般进行完成现在am/is/are+过去分词am/is/are+being+过去分词have/has+been+过去分词过去was/were+过去分词was/were+being+过去分词had+been+过去分词将来will+be+ 过去分词被动语态基本形式: be+动词过去分词;eg:Forest have been cleared.They were given a warm send off.Their wedding will be held in the church.不强调施动者,而只强调受动者;eg: The book was written 20 years ago.四、真题举例:1. 真题 2009 年 12 月:Despite the hardship he encountered, Mark never放(弃对知识的追求 ).放弃: give up, abandon, quit追求: pursuitgive up/abandon/quit the pursuit of knowledgegave up/abandoned/quit the pursuit of knowledge2. 真题 2009 年 6 月:The study shows that the poor functioning of the human body is _(与缺乏锻炼密切相关 )is+doing/形容词:be closely related to:the lack of exercises:缺乏锻炼;is closely related to the lack of exercises3. 真题 2008 年 12 月:Throughtheproject,manypeoplehavereceivedtrainingand(决定自己创业 )have received:现在完成时;decided to:决定;;. : launch their own enterprisedecided to launch their own enterprise4. 真 2008 年 6 月:I cant boot my computer now. Something must (一定出了毛病) with its operating system. 出了毛病: out of controlSomething must be out of control/wrong with五、定 从句:eg: I know the girl.The girl comes from Beijing.I know the girl who comes from Beijing.步 :1.找到两个句子中相同的名 ;2.将两个名 中的一个 行替 ,若是人,用 who 替 ;若是物,用 which 替 ; that 既可以指人,又可以指物;3. 将 who 或 which 引 的句子放在相同名 之后;eg: I like reading books.The books were written by O Henry.I like reading books which were written by O Henry.eg: I planted a tree.The tree is taller than the house.The tree which I planted is taller than the house.1. who/that/which 所引 的句子必 放在相同名 之后;eg: The teacher prized the boy.The boy is my neighbor.The boy who the teacher prized is my neighbor.eg:This is the book.You are looking for the book.This is the book which you are looking for.eg: This is the book.You are interested in the book.This is the book which you are interested in.2. ( 构)和后面的介 有两种关系:关系 密关系疏 ;关系 密: 构和介 合成在一起, 系 密,不可分割,一旦分割意思就会 生改 ;eg: look for, be interested in , look after, look at定 从句中如果 构和介 关系 密, 介 必 保留在 构的后面,不能做任何位置的改 ;如果 构和介 关系疏 ,介 一般提到 which/who/that 的前面;eg: This is the book which you are looking for.This is the book which you are interested in.This is the book in which you are interested.This is the book which you asked for.3. 关系代 和关系副 :eg: Beijing is the place.I was born in the place.Beijing is the place which I was born in.Beijing is the place in which I was born.;.定语从句中,如果介词 +which 表示地点,则可以用 where 替换; Beijing is the place where I was born.eg:I cant forget the day.I join the army on the day.I cant forget the day which I join the army on.I cant forget the day on which I join the army.I cant forget the day when I join the army.判断: This is the mountain village where I visited last year.This is the mountain village in which I visited last year.This is the mountain village which I visited in last year.正确: This is the mountain village which/that I visited last year.4. 判断关系代词和关系副词的方法:(1)不管是关系代词还是关系副词,都取决于从句中的谓语动词;若该谓语动词为及物动词,则一定使用关系代词;若该谓语动词为不及物动词,且其后没有介词,则一定使用关系副词;eg: I will never forget the days when I worked together with you.I will never forget the days when I spent in the countryside.I will never forget the days which I spent in the countryside.(2)通过判断先行词在定语从句中的成分eg:Is this the museum (that ) you visited a few days ago?the museum:充当 visit 的宾语Is this the museum ( in which/where ) the exhibition was held?关系代词:前面句子里的先行词也要在后面的句子里充当主语或者宾语的成分;介词 +which,恰好表示时间和地点,可以替换成when, where 这样的关系副词;5 限定性定语从句和非限定性定语从句(1) 非限定性定语从句:先行词(即名词)后有一个逗号;eg: In our school, there were 8 foreign teachers who come from Australia(.限定性定语从句)In our school, there were 8 foreign teachers, who come from Australia.(非限定性定语从句)限定性定语从句:定语从句和关系词关系非常紧密,删掉定语从句后,整个句子意思会改变;非限定性定语从句:定语从句和关系词关系不是很紧密,删掉定语从句后,整个句子意思不会改变,定语从句只起到补充说明的意义;eg:This is the house which we bought last month.(2)非限定性定语从句:先行词是前面的整句话;eg: He won the first place in the competition, which is ou


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