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    20162017学年度第一学期七年级英语第一次月考试卷班级 姓名 题号一二三四五六七总分得分一、单项选择.(20分)( )21.It is _ apple. A.a B.an C.the ( )22. -Whats this ? -_.A.This is a pencil B. Fine, thank you C. This is pencil ( )23. This is my friend ,Janny and is Jim.A. it is B. that is C. this ( )24. - is your favourite colour? -Its red.A. How B. How many C. What ( )25. -How are you ? -_.A. Fine , thanks B. No, thanks C. How are you ? ( )26. - hat is that? -Its his hat.A. Whos B. Whose C. Where ( )27. -What are those? - . A. Its a pencil B. They are coatsC. Thats a coat ( )28. -Where is my cat? -There_ is A. My B. You C. it ( )29. -This is _sweater. A. I B. my C. he( )30. -Thank you. - . A. Thank you. B. Sure. C. You are welcome.( )31. How many _do you have ? A. peach B.peachs C. peaches( )32. -Goodbye ! -_ !A. See you later B. See C.See it ( )33.-_do you feel? -I feel happy.A. What B. What colour C.How( )34. -_ is it ? -Its yellow .A.Whats colour B. What colour C .who ( )35. Jim a book. Its in the bag.A. have B. has C. like ( )36.-_would you like ,please? -A hamburger. A.What B.Are C.Do ( ) 37. -May I borrow your pencil case? - A Fine. B. Sure, here you are. C. Yes, it is. ( )38.-What_those? -They are books. A.are B.is C.am( )39.-_is she? -She is 1.4 metres tall. A.How far B. How tall C. How many ( )40.- Would you like some noodles,Jack? -_. A.NO B.OK. C.No,thanks 二、完型填空.(10分)Im a boy, 1 name is Tom. I 2 in Canada. 3 is my school. In 4 school, I have 5 friends, Zhang Li and Ma Lin. Zhang Li 6 a girl and Ma Lin is a 7 . Look, here is my 8 . My teacher is in it. His 9 is Liu Bin. 10 is a nice teacher.( )41. A your B His C Her D My( )42. A. am B live C. is D are( )43. A. He B This C. She D. You( )44. A. the B. a C.I D.( )45. A. one B. two C. three D. four( )46. A. have B. am C. is D. are( )47. A boy B. girl C. cat D. window( )48. A. desk B. pencil case C door D. classroom( )49. A. name B boy C. girl D. cat( )50. A. It B. He C She D. I三、阅读理解.(20分)Im a girl. My name is Zhang Ting. Im fourteen years old. Im in Class 3, Grade 7. Im in No. 8 Middle School. My English teacher is Miss Liu. I dont know her age(年龄). But she is my good friend. 根据短文根据短文内容,判断正确的在括号里写T、错误的写F。 ( )51. Zhang Ting is a girl .( )52. Miss Liu is her English teacher .( )53. Zhang Ting is in Class 1.( )54. Zhang Ting is fifteen years old.( )55. Miss Liu is a boy . (B)Look at this picture. Do you know the boy and girl in the picture? The girl is from Canada .She is eleven. Her name is Jenny. Her favourite colour is yellow .Her eyes are black and white. Her hair is blond. The boy is LiLei. He is twelve. LiLei and Jenny are friends. LiLei is very tall. He has two long legs and two big feet. They live in BeiJing, China. They are very happy.( )56.The girl is from_. A.China B.Canada C.Beijing D.our school( )57.The girl is _. A.Danny B. Jenny C.LiLei D.Lily( )58.Her favourite colour is _. A.yellow B.white C.black D.blond( )59.Now the boy and the girl are_. A.in Canada B.in China C.in the picture D.in the library( )60.How old is LiLei? A.Eleven B.Twelve C.Thirteen D.Fourteen四、英汉互译(10分)1.上课 _ _ 2.visiting students _ _ 3 . 带领.参观_ _ 4. play sports _ _ 5.穿上_ _ 6. Go well with _ _ 7.一双,一对_ _ 8.in black and white _ _ 9感冒_ _ 10.just right _ _ 五、词汇(20分)A、写出下列词的相应形式(共10分,每小题1分)1.foot(复数) _ _ 2.happy(反义词) _ _ 3.hi(同义词)_ _ 4.whats(完全形式)_ 5.this(复数) _ _ 6. we(宾格) _ _7 scarf(复数) _ _ 8. library(复数)_ _9. it is(缩写形式) _ _ 10.they(形容词性的物主代词) _ _B. 用括号里所给词的适当形式填空(共10分,每小题1分)1.I _(be )a teacher.2.He_ (like ) eating eggs .3.What is_ (she) name?4.We have many_ (foot).5.They are_ (hat) .6.Her hair _ (be) blond and long.7.My arm_ (hurt).8.This is_ (he) desk.9.She is short, but Im _ (反义词)10Can you buy a T-shirt for _(I), Mum?六、 句型转换(10分)1.This is a desk.( 改为复数句子) _ _ desks . 2. Li Ming has four books.( 画线部分提问) _ _ Li Ming ? 3. His name is Tom,(划线部分提问) _ _name?4. He wants to go to school.( 改为一般疑问句) _he _ to go to school? 5. How about going shopping? (改为同义句)_ _ going shopping?七.根据汉语提示完成句子。(共10分,每小题1分)1.短裤是我最喜欢的衣服。 my .2.裤子是什么颜色? The pants.3.这是一双鞋子This is .4.是谁的袜子? are they.5.现在轮到你玩猜谜游戏了。Its play a guessing game now.


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