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    Module 1 Lost and found 第3课时 Unit 2 Are they yours一、学习目标:1. 能够熟练运用失物招领方面的词汇短语。2. 能够熟练掌握名词性物质代词。3. 能写出简单的失物招领启事。二、学习重点:1、名词所有格;2、名词性物主代词的用法三、学习难点:1、名词所有格;2、名词性物主代词的用法课前预习一、使用说明与学法指导:1、试读单词表中本单元的单词,不会读的在单词下用红笔划上横线2、使用快读和细读两种阅读的方法里查找文章的信息二、预习自测:、 重点词汇拓展1. 机场;航空港 _ 2. 百 _ 3. 千 _ 4. 几百;成百上千_ _5. 飞机_ 6. 奇怪的_7. 寻找_ 8. 香肠_、 用所给词的正确形式填空1. Mike often _(play) football.2. _ you _(like) Chinese food or Western food?3. My English_(teach) is an old American.4. I feel very bored.What about _(see) a film at the cinema?5. Jerry _(not do) his homework at noon6. There _(be) a pen and two boos on the desk.三、我的疑惑:_课内探究Step 1 Warming-up1. Show some pictures to review the words of school things. 2. Review the text of Unit 1. 3. Read the words after the teacher.4. Introduce the new words.Step 2 Complete the sentences. 1. Ask the students to read the words in the box in Activity 1.camera computer mobile phone2. Look at pictures in Activity 1 carefully.3. Read through the sentences. A man is talking to a woman at the lost and found office. Hes looking for his _. A man is getting on the bus. His _ is lost.4. Complete the sentences with the correct words and expression from the box5. Ask the students to check with a partner.6. Check the answers: Step 3 Reading.1. Play the recording.2. Ask the students to read through the passage.3. Read the passage and answer the questions.1) When do people often lose things?2) Why are there lost and found offices at airports and stations?3) What do people do at the lost and found office?4) What strange things are there at the New York City Lost and Found Office?4. Check with a partner.5. Call back the answers from the whole class.6. Read the text together.7. Learning to learn. Reading passages with interesting facts can help you understand and remember English. Try to find passages with facts to read. Step 4 Do exercises.1. Ask the students to the words in the box in Activity 3.airport hundreds of large lose sausage station strange2. Ask the students to read through the passage in Activity 3.People in a hurry often (1)_ things, and there are (2)_ things at lost and found offices at (3)_ and (4)_. At the New York City Lost and Found Office, there are also some very (5)_ things. There are fifteen kilos of (6)_ are they yours? And how do you lose a (7)_ boat on a train?3. Complete the passage with the correct from of the words and expression from the box.4. Check with a partner.5. Call back the answers from the whole class.6. Read the passage together.Step 5 Guessing game.1. Show some pictures.2. According to the information given and ask the students to guess what it is.3. Show the pictures to check the answers.Step 6 Writing.4. Read the lost and found notes. Write notes for two more things.Found Is this your bag?Call Betty at 23690390.LostMy gloves.Theyre blue.Call Tony at 85749326. 2. Check with a partner.3. Call back the answers from the whole class.当堂检测:、 完成句子1. 当人们旅行时经常丢东西。People often _ things when theyre traveling.2. 大明很匆忙地区上学。Daming goes to school _ _ _.3. 成百上千的人们来到这里。_ _ people come here. 4. 你正在寻找你的手机吗?。Are you _ _ your mobile phone?5. 图书馆就在邮局的旁边。The library is _ _ the post office.6. 这就是我努力工作的原因 _ _ I work so hard. 填写适当的单词,补全对话1. A: _ you see my watch? B: No, I dont. Isnt it on your table? A: Oh, _, here it is.2. A: Can you come to my party? B: _ party? A: Jims birthday party. B: _ _ is it? A: At 7:00 in the evening.3. A: I _ find my phone, can you help me? B: Yes, _ a moment. A: OK.教学反思:课后训练根据提示写寻物启事和招领启事1. John Smith 丢了一个黑色钱包,他的电话是3725683。Lost:2. Helen Green 拾到了一个手机,她的电话是6452355Found:


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