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    课题: Lesson 41 !【学习目标】1.掌握本课出现的新词汇。2.通过观察体会计算机联网知识。激情投入,朗读课文,了解如何使用电脑,如何将电脑与因特网连接,以及电脑的发展。【学习重点、难点】1. 单词: connect , monitor, key-board, key, enter, mouse, screen,Internet,button,fail, succeed ,fantastic, shout, menu ,forward, search ,space, bar,shift,connectto,turn on. 2. .句子1)Do you hanve a computer?If not,where do you use the Internet? 2)Id be glad to help you.3)We forgot to connect the computer to the phone line.4)“What does failed mean?” asks Wang Mei.【使用说明及学法指导】通过使用导学案,我们老师们发现同学们没有很好的利用它,珍惜它。请牢记:扎实预习,带着问题听课,课下再做好复习,你一定会成功。-【预习案】-一、【知识链接】:课前练习 1.Wang Mei(所有格)_ 2.send(反义词)_3.fail(反义词)_4.fun (形容词)_5.glad(同义词)_6.push(反义词)_7.be glad to do sth._8.turn on the computer._9.make a noise _10.whats wrong _11.forget to do sth._ 12.welcome to the internet _二、【预习自测)1.看课文中电脑图认识电脑的部件,牢记英语名称2. How do you connect your computer to the Internet ?l Connect the computer to the _(电话线).l _(打开) the computer.l The computer _ _ _ .(发出噪音)l You see _ _ _ (一幅图) the world.l Under the world ,they see the word “_ ”(因特网)l _ (选择) the world .Then the screen says “Connecting . Please _(等待)我的疑惑(请将预习中未能解决的问题和疑惑写下来,准备在课堂上与老师和同学探究解决)-【探究案】-一、【自主学习】探究点1。) look 看,侧重于 看的动作 词组:look at 看= have a look at see , “看见,看到”,侧重于看的结果。 如:We are looking at the blackboard now , we can see some English words on it .【资料积累卡】 Look 常用词组 look up 在词典,书 中查找单词、 电话号码 Look out ! 小心 = Be careful ! = Take care ! look out of 向外看 look for 寻找 look after 照看 = take care of look like 看起来像 look the same 看起来一样 look over 快速查找,也指医生给病人检查身体 look through 浏览 look forward to doing 渴/盼望做某事.探究点2)connect to / connect to 把 连接到 探究点3:be glad to do sth. 高兴/ 乐意去做某事。 glad = happy 高兴的 探究点4:)turn on 打开(灯,电脑,收音机,电视机) 反义词组 turn off 关掉 turn up 调大、高(音量) turn down 调小,低(音量)turn over 翻转 探究点5:)fail v.失败 I failed this English exam. 词组: fail to do sth. 失败做 failure n. 失败 Failure is the mother of success. succeed v. 成功 When something fails, it doesnt succeed. succeed in doing sth. 成功做某事。I have succeeded in turning on the computer. success n. 成功 successful adj. 成功的 successfully adv. 成功地 二、【合作探究、展示点评】Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the words.1.When something fails , it doesnt_ (success)2. .I succeeded in _(get) the job.3. I failed _ (reach) him by phone.4. _(fail) is the mother of _(succeed)5.Someone made a_ noise and he cried _ (sudden)6.How do you _(connect) the computer to the Internet? 9.He never fails_(write) to his mother every month.三、【拓展提升】: 熟读课文,了解文章大意,组内复述课文。-【训练案】-一、【当堂检测】:用以下单词或词组造句: 1.computer _2.connectto _ 3. turn on _4. fail to do sth_5. succeed in doing sth. _6. be glad to do sth. _二、【课后练习】完成以下各题1.句型转换Whats wrong with your bike ? = Whats _ _with your bike? = Whats _ _with your bike? The boy failed the Chinese exam last week.=The boy _ _ the Chinese exam last week.2.填空:3、We are _ _ (看) the blackboard now , we can _(看见)some English words on it .4、We can _ TV _ the computer. We can _ the compute _ the phone line, too.(连接) 5 _ (失败) is the mother of success.三、【补充材料】1.Whats wrong with ? = What s the matter with = Whats the trouble with? 怎么了 / 啦? 2. shout 大声喊 shout at 冲 大声喊 Dont shout at your mother. 课题: Lesson 42 It only takes a Moment【学习目标】1.掌握本课的重点单词及短语 2.了解用英语的方式发送电子邮件的步骤【学习重点、难点】1.不定代词的用法;2. receive与accept【使用说明及学法指导】通过使用导学案,我们老师们发现同学们没有很好的利用它,珍惜它。请牢记:扎实预习,带着问题听课,课下再做好复习,你一定会成功。-【预习案】-一、【自主学习】英汉互译 1.发送邮件_ 2.接收邮件_ 3.收到某人的来信_ 4.编造对话_5.怎么应用电脑_ 6.around the world_ 7.connect to the Internet_ 8.e-mail “menu”_ 9.what you want to say_ 10.a list of messages_二、【讨论展示】 1. E-mail lets you send and receive messages around the world in seconds! 电子邮件使你在几秒钟之内就可完成向世界各地发送或接收信息!本句中的短语有_ _ _2.Do you want to receive e-mail somebody has sent you? 你想收到某人寄给你的电子邮件吗 【巧解句构】somebody has sent you为定语从句,在复合句中修饰e-mail。【要点剖析】receive为动词意为“收到接收”同义词是get, accept反义词是send。 receive/get a letter from sb.=hear from 收到某人的来信/邮件例如She received warm welcome._ _ She received a letter from her friend._ _Receive 与accept的区别receive指客观上“收到”accept指主观上愿意“接受”客观上receive主观上不一定accept He received a gift ,but he didnt accept it.他收到了一份礼物但是他没有接受。3.Its always nice to hear from Wu Hong! 【巧解句构】句中it作形式主语真正的主语是to hear from Wu Hong。 形式主语的结构是_ 4.somebody,某人有人Somebody is waiting for you on the bridge.桥上有人爱等你讨论 somebody 是 词,类似的词还有 使用时应该注意几点:1)2)3)5. you wont see it any more! Notanymore 意为不再也可以表达为no more 强调次数或程度上的不再增加,多于短暂性动词连用。如They dont talk about that any more.=They will no more Talk about that.他们将不再谈论那件事了。no longer 与not any longer 也可以表示不再,多指时间上不再延续常与表示状态的词或延续性动词连用。例如Tom behave yourself. Youre not a child any longer. =Youre no longer a child. Tom 勇敢一点你已经不再是小孩子了。 三、【检测小结】 根据汉语提示完成句子1.You should read the _(说明)before you take the medicine. 2.Have you _(收到)a letter from your friend? 3.Put this letter into that _(信封). 4.Do you want to send e-mail to _(某人)?5.Sorry, I forgot the _(地址)of the hospital. 6.When you have finished _(看)the book, please turn off the light.四、【课后作业】 单项选择1. Have you finished _ that letter? A. reading B. read C. readed D. to read 2. If you send an e-mail to a friend of yours, he will receive it in _.A. seconds B. second C. minute D. minutes 3. Please dont forget _ to me, will you? A. to write B. writing C. write D. writes 4. These books _ out of the reading room. You have to read them here.A. must be taken B. cant take C. can take D. mustnt be taken 5. The door will _ in ten minutes by the shop owner. A. be open B. be closed C. open D. close 6.“The World Without Thieves” is a very moving film. I _ it twice already. A will see B. have seen C. saw D. see五、【课后反思】 lesson 43 Books or Computers?【学习目标】:理解记住本课出现的新单词和短语receive ,message ,somebody machine and so on.一、【自主预习】I. (翻译并默写下列单词)1接受,接到 _2消息,信息_3发咔哒声_4有人,某人_5组成,创作_6写信给_7印刷机_8段落_9机器,机械_10现代的,新式的_11哪一个_12手工的_ 二、【预习自测】句子翻译Before the printing press, somebody write every book by hand with a pen. _by hand手工That old book was written by hand._I like to eat dumplings made by hand. _The printing press is a machine that can make lots of books in a short time. _machine机器 如:washing machine洗衣机 printing machine(=printing press)印刷机in a short time在很短的时间内,in在以后 “in+时间段”通常用于将来时。如:My father will be back from Beijing in a week._拓展:“after+时间”也可以用于将来时,但after之后加时间点。例如:Hell come back after seven oclock.他将在7点钟回来。三、【重、难点点拨】(知识拓展)1. Hes lying on the floor. 他正躺在地板上。 lying是lie的动词的ing形式,在此句中的意思是:躺【辨析】:lie, lay, lain与lying(1)lie vi. 躺,平放 过去式lay,过去分词lain,现在分词lying He was lying in the shade of the tree. 他正躺在树荫下。 He lay down on her bad. 他躺在床上。(2)lie vi. 说谎 过去式lied过去分词lied,现在分词lying Im sorry I lied to you. 我很抱歉想你撒了谎。 He is always telling a lie. 他总是说谎。(3)lay vt, vi 放,置 过去式laid,过去分词laid,现在分词laying Lay it on the table. 把它放在桌上2:.Imagine you are a journalist and your partner is a witness to an accident. 假设你是一名记者,你的同伴是一起事故的见证人。witness n. 律证人,目击者,证据,证明,证词a witness of the accident事件的见证人【拓展】:witness vt. 亲眼看见,目睹He witnessed the accident. 他亲眼看见那个意外事故。None could witness what he was present. 没有人能证明他在场。3: Mr. Jones, Brian and Jenny arrive at the hospital. 琼斯先生,布莱恩和詹尼来到了医院。arrive vi. 到达,抵达,后接地点名词时常与介词in或at连用,arrive in后常常跟比较大的地点名词,而arrive at后跟表示比较小的地方的地点名词。arrive at the station到达车站arrive in New York到达纽约【辨析】:reach, get与arrive三者的区别是: (1)reach及物动词,后面直接跟地点名词(2)get是不及物动词,后跟名词时要加介词(3)arrive是不及物动词,后跟名词时要加介词in或at They reached London. 他们到达了伦敦。 Can we get to the station in time? 我们能够及时赶到车站吗? At what time did you arrive at the station? 你是几点钟到达火车站的?4.But there is something wrong with my arm. 我的胳膊有毛病了。Theres something wrong with 此句型意为出问题了/出故障了/有毛病了There is something wrong with the car. 小汽车出故障了。四、【当堂检测】Fill in the blanks with proper phrases(选恰当短语填空)by hand know about look up lots of in a short time 1)The Internet can help us do_ things.2)The pyramids was made _.3)I want to this thing_ from beginning to end.4)The computer can solve the problem_.5)If you dont know the new word ,you can_ it_ in the dictionary.五、课后反思Lesson 44 Everybody! Hear This!一、【学习目标】1. 牢记本课黑体词汇: everybody tool 2. 熟读课文,把握其意;3. 背诵重点句子1-5,并灵活运用相关知识点。二、【预习案】 教师寄语:No pains, no gains!没有付出就没有收获。 I.New words translate the words and finish the blanks. (能力立意)通过自学单词,能熟练拼读单词并借助音标,构词法等记忆单词。 每个人,人人 pron._ 2.工具,用具 n. _ .New phrases translate the phrases and finish the blanks. (能力立意)通过梳理重点短语,学会在具体语境中归纳短语,试着翻译短语。 英汉互译。1. 在屏幕上 _ 2. 搜寻互联网 _3. 在世界上 _ 4. type the words _5. as many facts as possible _6. take you to the far south _ 7. 片刻之后 _8. 把你自己与互联网联系起来 _9. 错过航班 _10. 你想去多远的地方?_11. 发送邮件 _三、【探究案】 教师寄语: Many hands make light work.重点难点详解1. Everybody ! Hear this ! Heres a lesson you wont to miss ! 各位!请注意!这是一节你不想错过的课!(1)句子的时态是一般现在时,而且是个 here开头的完全倒装句. here和there开头的倒装句,用完全倒装形式,这类倒装句的主语是名词,谓语通常是动词be/come/go。以上倒装句中的谓语动词come和go不能用进行时态,即不能说:Here is coming the bus若主语为代词,则半倒装。如: Here it comes它来了。(2)生词:everybody pron. 意为“每个人,人人”。在句中作主语时,后面的谓语动词用单数形式。可以与everybody互换。不能和of连用。The police questioned everybody in the room . 警察询问了室内所有的人。Its impossible to remember everybodys name . 把每个人的名字都记住是不可能的。可以与everybody互换。Everyone / Everybody who is late for school should be punished. 每一个上学迟到的人都应受到惩罚。小试牛刀Everyone _ here yesterday , but Jim wasnt .A. are B. is C. was D. were _ of us likes to listen to this song .A. Every B. Everyone C. Each D. Both (3)在这里miss vt.“错过”的意思,其用法如下:miss + n. / pron. 意为“未赶上,错过”。短语:miss doing sth.“错过做某事”。I dont want to miss seeing that singer on television tonight . 我不想错过今晚那个歌星在电视上的表演。Its a pity you missed the sports meeting last week . 很可惜,你错过了上周的运动会。miss + n./pron. /doing sth. 意为“思念,怀念,想念”。I miss living in the country . 我们怀念在农村的生活。The two girls miss their mother very much . 那两个女孩非常想念她们的母亲。vt. 意为“丢失”I missed my wallet after I left the crowded bus . 离开拥挤的公共汽车后,我发现钱包丢了。missing adj. 意为“丢失的;不见的”,作表语或定语。同义词为gone,但gone只作表语。A word seems to be missing here . 这儿好像丢了一个单词。(作表语)Ive found the missing book . 我找到原来丢失的书了。(作定语)My watch was gone/ missing . 我的手表不见了。小试牛刀Ive found my_( miss) bike . Be quiet,or youll _(错过) the last bus.语法:you wont to miss 为定语从句,修饰先行词lesson。This is the most beautiful flower that I have ever seen. 这是我见到的最漂亮的花。She is the only person that I like in this class . 她是这个班我唯一最喜欢的人。2.Your computer is the tool . 你的电脑就是工具。生词:tool n. 意为“工具,器具;用具,刀具,器械,机床”The computer is now an important tool in many . 目前电脑是很多公司里的很重要的工具。There are some farm tools in the room. 房间里有一些农具。Computer and English are only tools for us. 对我们来说,电脑和英语仅仅是工具而已。小试牛刀There are some farm _ in the room. 房间里有一些农具.3.Press send and you will see.In a minute or two you may receive An answer on the screen 按“发送”键,你就会看见,一两分钟内你可以收到,屏幕上的回复。短语:a minute or two为固定短语,意为“一两分钟”,也可用one or two minutes 来表达,此时须用基数词,不能用a(n) 代替one。an hour or two (one or two hours) 一两个小时a year or two (one or two years ) 一两年 知识拓展:an / one hour 一小时 half an hour 半小时 an hour and a half 一个半小时one and a half hours 一个半小时(此时名词用复数)two days and a half 两天半小试牛刀We can finish doing our work in _. 我们能在一两小时内干完活。4. Distance does not matter When you search the Internet . 当你上网时,距离不是问题。短语:search the Internet 为固定短语,意为“上网查询,网上搜索,上网”。相当于“surf the Internet .”You should not spend a lot of time searching / surfing the Internet . 你不应该花很多时间上网。Do you often search the Internet in your free time ? 在空闲时间你经常上网吗?小试牛刀He often_ ( search) the Internet in his free time . matter vi. 意为“有关系,要紧”,常用于疑问句、否定句和条件句中。It doesnt matter much whether he will come or not . 他来不来没有多大的关系。知识拓展:matter 的用法matter n. 意为“物质,问题,麻烦事”We have a lot of matters to talk about . 我们有很多事情要做。Whats the matter with you today ? 你今天怎么了?as a matter of fact 意为“事实上,其实”相当于in fact.As a matter of fact , she should be responsible for the accident . 实际上,她应该对这次事故负责。小试牛刀Whatt _ with you?A.the trouble B. the matter C.the matter D.matter 5. The Internet can even take you to the far south! 因特网甚至能把你带到遥远的南方(南极)!语法:even 为副词,意为“甚至,即使”,通常被置于被修饰词之前。He didnt even look at it .他连看都不看它一眼。Even a child can read it . 就连小孩也能读它。even作副词还可放在比较级之前,以加强比较程度,意为“更加,愈加”。A healthy body is even more important than money . 健康的身体比金钱更加重要。小试牛刀 Sally drives fast , but Olive drives_ faster.A.very B.ever C.too D.quite6. Re


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