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    江苏省涟水四中九年级英语上册Unit 4 Vocabulary导学案(无答案) 牛津版一、学习目标1. 掌握并能运用词汇部分的重点单词、短语和句型。2. 了解几种类型的电视节目。 二、自主练习I. 翻译下列短语:1. 对自然了解很多 2. 赢得一个大奖3. 如此有趣的故事 4. 坐在电视机前5. 谈论他们的生活 6. 我最喜爱的电视节目II.单项选择。( )1. Tom knew nothing about it _ his sister told him.A. since B. if C. until D. after( )2. Do you know how far it is _ Nanjing _ Yangzhou? A. from; to B. from; and C. between; to D. both; and( )3. Can you find the reply _ the question _ the book ? A. of , in B. to , on C. to , in D. of , on ( )4. Beijing Music Awards will be a good show _the fans _. A. to, watch B. for, to watch C. for, watching D. to, watching( )5. “Would you mind my opening the window?” “ .”A. Of course, open it B. Certainly, do please C. No, dont do it D. Not at all( )6. The picture shows us _ in the past. A. what Nanjing was like B. what was Nanjing like C. how Nanjing was like D. how was Nanjing like( )7. “Is Jim at home by himself?” “No, There is another boy with him.”A. playing B. playC. playsD. to playIII. 翻译下列句子。1. 你最喜欢什么类型的电视节目? _ TV programmes do you like _?2. 我希望有一天能参加其中一个游戏节目,并且回答对所有的问题得大奖. I hope one day I can _ one of the game shows, answer all the questions and _.3. 在这些节目中总是有知名人士在谈论他们的生活. There_ famous people on these shows _.三、交流展示四、释疑解难五、课堂检测I. 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。1. I dont get scared _(easy), so I like horror films.2. While _ (watch) the program, you can write down your answers.3. This comedy made many people _(laugh) happily. 4. The students are talking about different types of TV _(programme).5. We are all _(amaze) at the _(amaze) photography. 6. Something up-to-date includes the _(late) information.7. There are some students _ (play) basketball on the playground.8. I dont have enough time _ (complete) so much homework.9. Its _ (danger) to play football in the street.10. The key is one of the _ (direct) over there.11. Can you think of other ways _(help) deaf people?12. We often hear Mary _(sing) in her bedroom.II.阅读短文,根据其内容完成句子。Do you wonder why your classmates always get higher marks than you? If you think it is because theyre cleverer than you, youre wrong, according to American authors Wood Smethurst and William Luckie. In their book, "Study Power", they say that successful students are not cleverer than others, they just know the best ways to study for exams. The best way to study, say the authors, is to study actively. To study actively, you must ask yourself questions as you work. If you are studying Mao Zedong, for example, you could ask yourself to write down everything good that he did for China. Asking yourself questions like that will help you think better and faster. Itll also help you remember information during exams. The authors say students should think of questions like “fishing hooks (鱼钩)”. Questions "hook" on your memory and help you do better in exams. To study better you also need to make the best use of your time. When you study, the authors say, only do so for 20 minutes at a time. If you study for longer, you will start thinking about other things and not learn anything. The authors also tell students to listen to everything their teachers say in class and write down. The authors say that everyone can get top marks if they learn actively and follow their tips. Try them today and find out!29. The book "Study power" is written by two authors _from_.30. To study better, say the authors, you need to _ and _.31._ like that will help you think better and faster, itll also help you _during exams.32. The authors suggest that we can only _.33. The writer asks the readers to find out whether _ if they learn actively and follow these tips.


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