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    九年级英语全册 Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed tochoose their own clothes Section A(1a-2c)导学案(无答案)【学习目标】、知识目标: 扎实掌握be allowed to do sth,have/get sthdone,stop,enough,seem的用法.【预习案】学法指导:1.根据音标拼读单词并牢记,根据图片预测听力内容。 2.阅读理解对话并在文中勾画出生词和短语,完成预习自测题目。 3将预习中不能解决的问题标出来,并填写到后面“我的疑惑”处。4.15分钟独立完成。I预习导学一词汇精粹学习建议 : 仔细阅读听力题,找出重点单词、短语。在听力材料中勾画出单词、短语、句型和交际用语,并结合语境猜测其含义。单词 1,刺穿,刺破_ 2. 执照,许可证_3. 愚蠢的,傻的_ 4.耳环_ 5.代替,而不是_短语1.be allowed to do sth. _ 2.get ones ears pierced _3. wear that silly earring _ 4.work every day _5.have a part-time job_ 6on weekends _7. need time to do homework _ 8sixteen-year-olds _9look clean _ 10serious enough _11. work at night_ 12.my own clothes_13.get sth+done _ 14.go out with sb_15.at that age_ 16. sixteen-year-old children_17.get ones1icense_ 18.go to the mall with sb._19.something nice _ 20.cut ones hair _二、看1a中的图片,猜一猜“Where would they like to go?”_.三、语法聚焦预习Grammar Focus,你能结合1a-2c总结出其中的规律吗?eg:I think students should be allowed to do homework with friendsSixteenyearolds should not be allowed to drive_预习自测一、根据所给的汉语提示完成单词:1Wow! Mary,when did you get your nose_ (刺穿)? 2I often relax at home on _(周末)3Your Chinese teacher isnt _(严肃的)enough4We should_ (允许)to go to school by ourselves51 want to find a_job(兼职工作)6. You cant drive if you have no l_.二、根据汉语完成句子6我认为青少年不应该被允许开车。I _teenagers should be allowed_7他总是不够镇静。 He isnt _all the time我的疑惑:请将预习中不能解决的问题写下来,供课堂解决。_探究案导入新课I洗耳运动1听lb,完成题目(1)Who is going to the mall with John? _ (2)Who just got the drivers license,Anna or John? AJohn BAnna(3)Anna wants to get her ears pierce. (T or F)(4)Anna is allowed to choose her own clothes. (T or F)2听2a,完成下列题目(5)larry needs time to do _ A.housework Bparttime job Chomework(6)What does Larry wear?_A. silly earring BA beautiful hat CA pair of cool glasses角色表演主题:你认为青少年可以做哪些事情?不可以做哪些事情?质疑探究一质疑解疑、合作探究学习建议 :分析所给例句,根据提示总结重难点单词、短语和句型的用法。探究点一:单词和短语探究1allow vt允许;准许 (1)The teacher allow him to play basketball老师允许他去打篮球。 (2)Teenagers arent allowed to smoke青少年不许吸烟(3)We dont allow smoking in public我们不允许在公共场合吸烟。(4)I allow that he is a friendly person.我承认他是个友好的人。思考:你能总结allow的几个结构吗? (1)allow sb to do sth_ (2)sb be allowed to do sth_ (3)allow doing sth_ (4) allow that从句_即时练习:Please be quiet.We arent allowed _much noise in the reading room.A.to make B.make C.making D.to making2.Most of them are sixteen-year-olds.他们多是16岁的青少年。思考:sixteen-year-olds十六岁的青少年,sixteenyearold是合成形容词,后加s,直接用作复合名词_。sixteenyearolds相当于sixteenyear-old kids,其单数形式是a_ kid 。其他的复合名词还有mother-in-law(婆婆;岳母),其复数形式是将中心词mother变为复数,即mothersinlaw。即时练习:(1).Kathy, an_girl from England, is my best friend.A.thirteen-years-old B.thirteen- year- old C.eight-years-old D.eight-year-old3get ones ears pierced打耳眼1.I want to have hair cut.我想理发(让我的头发被剪)。2.Indian women often get their noses pierced.印度妇女常打鼻眼儿。思考:get ones earsnose pierced中,ears,nose与pierce的关系是_,即让耳朵、鼻子被打眼儿。类似的用法还有have sthdone“让某事被做”。即时练习My bike is broken. Ill have it_.(repair)4(1)Sixteenyearolds are not serious enough.十六岁的青少年不够严肃。(2)We need enough people and time.我们需要足够的时间和人。(3)Our success depends on money enough我们的成功取决于足够的资金。思考: enough修饰形容词及名词的位置 enough修饰形容词要_,例如big enough,calm enough。例(2)(3)告诉我们,enough修饰名词_。即时练习:A: I really hope we can see the famous singer. B: Maybe, if we are_.(够幸运)5stop doing sth与stop to do sth(1)Lets stop speaking .The teacher is coming to us我们别说了,老师过来了。(2)They stopped to drink some water他们停下来喝些水。(3)Nothing can stop me from being a singer没什么可以阻挡我当歌手。思考:stop doing sth指_,而stop to do sth指_ , stop sbfrom doing sth的含义是_.即时练习:They stopped _ _ _ _.(他们停止唱歌吃晚饭)6instead of而不是;代替(1)Mr. Green should be allowed to enter instead of waiting outside格林先生应该被允许进来而不是在外面等。(2)1 want to be a singer rather than/ instead of a teacher我想当歌手而不是老师。(3)I11 make a speech instead of Mrs Smith=I11 take the place of Mrs Smith to make a speech我将替史密斯夫人作演讲。思考:instead of是介词短语,后跟_ ,instead of与 _同义。Take the place of意为_ ,但它是动词短语,可以作谓语,条件合适时可与instead of互换。即时练习:If you cant get to sleep, then get up and try to do something_ lying in bed.如果你睡不着,就起来做点事,别在床上躺着。探究点二 重难点句子和语法探究 1I dont think sixteenyear-olds should be allowed to drive我认为16岁的青少年不应该被允许开车。 思考:你知道这个句子中存在的语法现象吗?(1)I think从句式中_前移(2)should be allowed to drive是含有情态动词的被动语态,其结构是 _,此类情态动词还有 _,_,_,_等其一般疑问句是将_提前。.即时练习:1.I think students should be allowed to go shopping on weekends.(改为否定形式)_2More and more trees should_ (plant)to make our school beautiful 课堂小结 本节课学习了含情态动词的被动语态should be done,及重要短语be allowed to do sth,get sthdone,instead of的用法,请大家将探究点中的例句记熟。课后学习指导1复习牢记本单元单词和短语,熟读对话,牢记情态动词的被动语态的表达方式。2整理笔记,巩固所学重点单词、短语和句型的用法。3完成训练案。训练案I根据首字母或汉语提示完成单词1He seems very _but in fact he is very friendly2Swimming is _here and I think you can enjoy yourself 3I dont want to get my nose _but my dancing teacher says I have to4I11 go there_ (代替)you=I will _ _ _ you_ _there.5You must _(停止)smokingIts bad for you单项选择1 _ in America are freer than usThey can do anything by themselves AEighteenyear-old BEighteenyearsolds CEighteenyearolds DEighteenyearsold2Dont _JohnIts impossible for you to succeedAsilly Bbe silly Ccalm Dbe calm3The room is_ for us to stay inLets book(预定)it right now Asmall enough Bbig enough Cquite enough Denough big4 Kids like you shouldnt _drinkAbe allowed to Ballow to Callowing Dallowed to5Liu Ying is _her homework Aserious on Bserious about Cpatient to Dcarefully with根据汉语完成句子1十六岁的青少年应该被允许选择自己的衣服。 _should be allowed _their own clothes2他似乎很生气。 He_ very angry3你需要花更多的时间和朋友相处。You need _time _your friends4这些窗子看上去不干净。These windows dont _.5家长们认为孩子们不应该被允许自己作决定。Parents_ children _ to make the decision for themselves完形填空 A teenage girl couldnt stand her family rules,so she left homeShe wanted to be 1_, but she had poor education and several years later. She had to ask for food on the street for a livingNow her father has diedHer mother is an old womanBut she is still2_ her daughterShe has been to every corner of the city, Everywhere she goes,she 3_ a big.photo of herself on the wallAt the lower part of the photo she writes,“I still love you4_ home!” One day,the daughter saw one of the photosThe face was familiar(熟悉)“Is that my mother?”She moved closer and read the 5_:I still love youShe criedWhen she got home,it was early morningShe 6_ the doorThe door opened itselfShe rushed to her mothers 7_Her mother was sleepingShe woke her mother up,“Its me! Your 8_ is back home!”The mother and daughter held each other,full of 9_ A tears(眼泪)The daughter asked,“Why is the door not locked? A thief could get inThe mother answered10_,“The door has never been locked since you left” The door of parents love for their children will never be closed1Afamous Bpoor Cpretty2A1ooking through B1ooking after C1ooking for3A l00ks at Bputs up Cfinds out4ACome back BGo back CRun back5Aphoto Bwords Cposter6Apulled open Bunlocked Cknocked on7Abathroom Bbedroom Ckitchen8Ason Bdaughter Cgrandchild 。9Ahappy Bmoody Cangry10Apolitely Bexactly Csoftly VThey are no longer childrenThey are not yet adultsThey express themselves through their own music,clothes and languageThere are more than 35 million Americans who are between the ages of 1 3and 19They are the nations teenagersTeenagers have the emotions(情感)of a child in the body of an adultThey want to be free and independent(独立的)Many teenagers disagree with their parents about how much freedom(自由)they should haveSome disobey their parentsThey say their parents do not understand themToday American teenagers spend a lot of money on records,clothes and electronic devices(电子设备)Last year teenagers spent almost l00 thousand million dollarsThe New York Times says that it was more than that their parents spent on those thingsWhere do the American teenagers get all this money? Many of them have parttime jobsSome work as baby-sittersOthers work at fast food placesThey make about 4 dollars an hourThey can spend this allowance in any way they choose


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