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    Unit 2 Office 新职业英语1.ppt

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    Unit 2 Office 新职业英语1.ppt

    ,加语音练习 加活动,Unit 2 Office,Contents,5,Language Lab,LOGO,Objectives,Acquire basic knowledge about office rules;,Master the words and expressions concerning office management;,Master the skills of making arrangements, and writing an agenda.,Warming-up,schedule, agenda, and itinerary,Ascheduleis a list of things to be doneat a certain time. An agenda is a list or program of things to be done. The worditineraryis a list or plan of things to do during a trip.,agenda,First: Opening speech Second: Group discussion about the environment policy Third: Free discussion Fourth: Conclusion of the meeting,itinerary,Day One: Arrival in Guangzhou Day Two: Canton Tower+Huacheng Square Day Three: Baiyun Mountain Day Four: Chen Clan Ancestral Hall,schedule,Breakfast 7-9 AM Main speaker 9-10:30 AM Workshop 11-12 Lunch 12-2 PM,Warm-1,Task Read Mr. Thomsons schedule for Tuesday. Write your schedule for today.,r,My timetable,In-depth Reading,Business etiquette plays a very important role in business communication. Before reading the text, watch the video clip and pay attention to the tips on: How to make a good impression on your business partner? How to dress appropriately on business occasions? How to deal with foreigners and establish successful business relationship?,LOGO,2.1 Global analysis,01,Task 1,02,03,04,A-Task 1,Task 1 Read the conversation and complete the table with the appropriate information.,One of the top 10,Near the top of the list,Top of the list,It breaks others concentration.,Its not how someone would normally speak.,Others have made an Effort to be punctual.,2.2 Language study,Annoying Office Habits,2.2 Language study,Rob is showing Jennifer around the new office building at break time. xxx 在休息时间领着男朋友/女朋友参观武汉船舶职业技术学院。,2.2 Language study,impressive,a. having a strong effect on sb., especially through size, or importance,It is an impressive achievement. 这是一项了不起的的成就。 The films special effects are particularlyimpressive. 那部电影的特技效果尤其令人赞叹。,Leave an impression on,2.2 Language study,impressive,a. having a strong effect on sb., especially through size, or importance,It is an impressive achievement. 这是一项了不起的的成就。 The films special effects are particularlyimpressive. 那部电影的特技效果尤其令人赞叹。,Leave an impression on,2.2 Language study,fantastic,你通过考试了吗?太棒了! You passed your test? Fantastic!,a. marvelous, excellent,2.2 Language study,irritation,n. sth. that keeps troubling or annoying someone,e.g. Dont allow a minor irritation in the workplace to influence your determination.,annoyance,2.2 Language study,Irritate Their attitude irritates me 他们的态度激怒了我。 He is irritated at having to wait for Jane. It irritates me that she never closes the door after she leaves.,2.2 Language study,reveal,Show; indicate; demonstrate,v. to make (facts, etc.) known,e.g. The survey revealed that the house was damp. Her answers revealed her to be innocent.,2.2 Language study,tap,v. to strike (sth.) lightly with sth.,e.g. 谁在敲黑板呢? Whos tapping at the blackboard?,n. (sound of a) quick light blow,e.g. She gave the lid a few gentle taps to loosen it.,An ant _ on the others head with its feelers(触角). A. taps; B. strikes; C. hits; D. beats.,打-hit, tap, strike, beat,hit一般指“(用手或者器皿)击,打”或者“对准来打”,着重敲打或者打击对方的某一点。 He blacked out after they hit him on the head. 他们击打他的头之后,他晕过去了。 tap 通常的含义是“轻轻的拍打”。 I tap my feet and sing along with him. 我轻拍着脚,和他一起唱起来。,strike 一般表示打一下,打若干下等意思,不一定都是有意的。 He offered to strike the boy with his cane. 他威胁要用手杖打那个男孩。 beat一般着重指连续性地击打或者体罚,也指在游戏、竞赛或者战争中的击败对方。 I finally beat her in that match. 我在那场比赛中最后打败了她。,An ant _ on the others head with its feelers(触角). A. taps; B. strikes; C. hits; D. beats.,打-hit, tap, strike, beat,请两个学生表演这几种打,被打的学生请表现出被打的痛感。,2.2 Language study,pet peeve,annoyance,a minor that an individual identifies as particularly annoying to them, to a greater degree than others may find it,e.g. Grammatical mistakes are his pet peeves.,他总是犯语法错误.,2.2 Language study,sympathy,n. sharing the feelings of others (especially feelings of sorrow or pain),e.g. My sympathies are with the jobless in this dispute. I have some sympathy with this point of view. 我比较同意这个观点。,Have sympathy with 同情、理解,2.2 Language study,Think outside the box,2.2 Language study,Think outside the box,to think differently, unconventionally, or from a new perspective. To think outside the box is to look further and to try not thinking of the obvious things, but to try thinking of the things beyond them.,2.2 Language study,a metaphor that means to think differently, unconventionally, or from a new perspective. This phrase often refers to novel or creative thinking. The term is thought to derive from management consultants in the 1970s and 1980s challenging their clients to solve the nine dots puzzle, whose solution requires some lateral thinking.4 This phrase can also be found commonly in dance, as encouragement to move creatively, beyond simple, geometric box steps and their basic variations, to literally step outside the box into more complex patterns of expression.,2.2 Language study,The catchphrase, or clich, has become widely used in business environments, especially by management consultants and executive coaches, and has been referenced in a number of advertising slogans. To think outside the box is to look further and to try not thinking of the obvious things, but to try thinking of the things beyond them.,In-class activity,Cloth,Pistol,Use the pistol to shoot the person. Use the cloth to cover his face. Use your hand to cover his face. Close your eyes.,1.What flower does everyone have? - Tulips. -two lips. 2.Why is the restless man in bed like a lawyer? -Because he lies on one side, then turns around and lies on the other. 3. What weather do mice most dislike? -When its raining cats and dogs. 猫狗从天而降。(倾盆大雨),2.2 Language study,Make an effort,to struggle, to try,e.g. The prisoner made an effort to escape, but he couldnt climb the prison wall.,Try ones best to do Strive to do Spare no effort to do Endeavor to do Take pains to do Struggle for,2.2 Language study,sort out,Sort out a group of things 整理,分类,to find a solution to (a etc.) to separate sth into different classes.,e.g. Roy is an expert so they gave him a free hand to sort out the problem. We mustsort outthe good apples from the bad ones. 我们必须把好的苹果与坏的分开.,解决(问题),理清思路,2.2 Language study,grievances,n. real or imagined cause for complaint or protest,e.g. The manager agreed to settle the workers grievances.,air ones grievances: to complain, to protest,Air Have a breath of fresh air Air conditioner A broadcasting company airs a television or radio programme. Air your opinions.,Mrs. Song, what annoys me most about you is 宋老师,我最烦你的是,I couldnt possibly say. 我不能乱讲。,2.2 Reading B,SWAP Industries Newsletter,Good news was received earlier this month that SWAP Fujian Ltd., a SWAP joint venture in south Chinas Fujian Province, was awarded Excellent Enterprise with Foreign Investment for 2012-2013 by the China Association of Enterprises with Foreign Investment.,本月初传来喜讯,xxx被武汉船舶职业技术学院授予2018-2019年度“三好学生”称号。 Good news was received earlier this month that XXX was awarded Merit Student for 2018-2019 by Wuhan Institute of Shipbuiding Technology.,This is always a good start to the Christmas season socializing with colleagues, families and friends in the delightful surroundings of the Hong Kong Club, gazing out at the Christmas lights, and enjoying a luxurious buffet.,精彩序曲,与交际,交往,宜人的环境,凝视,尽享豪华大餐,B-Task 2-1,Task 2 Fill in the application form and email it to Sara, expressing your hope to attend the Party.,To,sarawongSWAPC,CC,From,wangliliSWAPC,Subject,Application to attend Christmas Party,Dear Sara, As one of the five candidates from SWAP Fujian Ltd., I am writing this application to attend the coming Christmas Party. It will be a great honor for me to represent our company to meet colleagues and friends there. Its also a good reward for my ten years service for SWAP.,Writing,LOGO,Agenda,A written list of topics or matters to be discussed at a meeting,A guide to participants,The format is comparatively fixed.,W-Task 1,Task 1 Read the following agenda. Match the items 1-10 with the details listed on the right by writing the numbers on the lines.,The meeting ends by a vote, or by general consent (同意). Discussing other matters which are not on the agenda. The chairperson calls the meeting to order and opens with a welcome. Dealing with topics arising from the minutes of the last meeting. Deciding on time for the next meeting. The secretary keeps a record of: a)those who are present; b) those who are absent without leave; c)those who sent regrets. Bodya list of the topics that form the main part of the meeting. The secretary reads a record of the last meeting for approval or correction.,10,8,1,4,9,2,5,6,7,3,Task 3,A regular monthly meeting of Ford Trading Co., Ltd. Is going to be held at Room 2206, Swan Hotel, 9:00 a.m., July 2, 2013. Three managers from the marketing department, the sales department and the finance department will make their reports at the meeting. Write an agenda for the meeting by referring to the format in Task 1.,W-Task 2,Task 2,Language Lab,LL-Task 4-1,Task 4 Rewrite the following sentences after the models.,1. Grandma has a gold bracelet. The bracelet was broken into two pieces. Grandma has a gold bracelet broken into two pieces. 2. When I came in, I found a strange girl. The strange girl was seated in the corner. When I came in, I found a strange girl seated in the corner. 3. Jane felt sad for her bad tooth. The bad tooth was pulled out at the dentists.,Jane felt sad for her bad tooth pulled out at the dentists.,LL-Task 4-2,1. Last night I saw an interesting film in the Youth Palace. It was last night that I saw an interesting film in the Youth Palace. 2. The English teacher was able to tell everyones name in our class. It was the English teacher who was able to tell everyones name in our class. 3. I didnt realize she was a famous film star until she took off her sunglasses. It was not until she took off her sunglasses that I realized she was a famous film star.,Emphatic sentence,一、“一种结构” 基本结构:,被强调的成分可以是主语、宾语和状语(adverbials),但不能是谓语(predicate).,It + be + 被强调成分 + that / who + 其他成分,(1)It was in the office that he was killed. (2)It was to you and not anyone else that I lent the money. (3)It is only when you have your own children that you realize the troubles of parenthood.,He met an old friend in the park yesterday.,It was he who/that met an old friend in the park yesterday.,It was an old friend that/who he met in the park yesterday.,It was in the park that he met an old friend yesterday.,It was yesterday that he met an old friend in he park.,强调主语,强调宾语,强调地点状语,强调时间状语,It was at 7 oclock that he came back.,It was 7 oclock when he came back.,It was at the theater _ Lincoln was murdered. It was the theater _ Lincoln was murdered.,that,where,“Where did you find the professor who made the speech yesterday?” - “It was in the hall _ the students often have a meeting.” A. where B. which C. that D. when It was in the hall that I found the professor.,where,LL-Task 5-1,Task 5 Translate the following into English using the given words or phrases.,1.这项计划最烦人的地方就是它很令人困惑。(annoying) The most annoying thing about the scheme is that its confusing. 2.他在这个公司从未表示过对老板的不满。(air) He has never aired his grievance against his boss in this company. 3.讲话前他轻敲了一下扩音器。(tap) He gently tapped at the microphone before speaking. 4.手册里全是如何操作这台机器的术语。(jargon) The manual is full of the jargons of the machine operation.,LL-Task 5-2,5.他已经戒了毒,并且认识到了自己生命的宝贵。 (kick) He has kicked his drug habit and learned that his life is valuable. 6.那些年人们并没有意识到污染的严重性。(be aware) In those years people were not aware of the seriousness of the pollution. 7.你应该努力提高你的阅读理解能力。(make an effort) You should make an effort to improve your reading comprehension. 8.下次会议将着手解决校园暴力问题。(sort out) We will sort out the problem of campus violence at the next meeting.,Useful expressions,日程表 了不起的成就 太棒了! 最让人讨厌的行为 真烦人! 烦恼的事 戒掉这个习惯 意识到 理解,同情,Schedule/timetable/agenda Impressive achievements Its quite impressive./its fantastic. The most annoying behavior Thats annoying. Pet peeves Kick the habit Be aware that Have sympathy with,Useful expressions,说行话 跳出固有的思维模式 我不能乱讲 被激怒 根据调查 尽力,努力 准时 舒缓紧张氛围 表达不满,Talk in jargon Think outside the box I couldnt possibly say Get irritated by According to the survey Make an effort to Be punctual Sort out the tensions Air ones grievances,Sentence dictation,1. Google is one of the greatest examples of online success. 2. Web pages which had the most links to them must be the most popular.,


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