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    Unit1 Our earth 视听说Book4.ppt

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    Unit1 Our earth 视听说Book4.ppt

    main,Unit 1 Our Earth Unit 2 Technology Today Unit 3 Newspapers and the News Unit 4 The World of Work Unit 5 Big Business Unit 6 Wealth Unit 7 Social Issues Unit 8 Honestly Speaking,视听说教程(3rd Edition)电子教案,unit,An English Video Course 4 视听说教程(3rd Edition)电子教案 4,Unit 1 Our Earth,In the neighborhood,Vocabulary Link,LA_VL_A1,1. cave / cavern,2. desert,3. coastline,4. harbor,5. hot springs,6. mountain range,7. cliff,8. volcano,9. waterfall,Natural wonders,Pair work. Look at these pictures. Have you ever visited or seen places like these? Check () the boxes and tell a partner if you know the places.,Lesson B The man-made world,Lesson A The natural world,Vocabulary Link,LA_VL_A1,Match the adjectives below with the places in A that they describe. (Some adjectives can be matched to more than one place.),1. cave / cavern,2. desert,3. coastline,4. harbor,5. hot springs,6. mountain range,7. cliff,8. volcano,9. waterfall,8,_,c. dark,f. high,i. steep,2,_,1,_,4,_,1, 4, 5,_,6, 7, 8, 9,_,1, 3, 6, 7,_,1, 4, 5,_,6, 7,_,Lesson B The man-made world,Lesson A The natural world,a. active,b. arid,d. busy,e. deep,g. long,h. natural,Vocabulary Link,LA_VL_A1,Pair work. Tell your partner what you know about the places in A. You may use the model talks for help.,1. Ive visited a few caves in Guilin. The rocks in the caves are in different shapes and colors. If you use your imagination, the rocks can resemble many different things. It looks like a whole other world.,1. Ive visited a few _ in Guilin. The _ in the caves are in different _ and _. If you use your _, the rocks can _ many different _. It looks like a whole other world.,1. Ive _ caves in Guilin. The rocks _ caves _ shapes and colors. If _ imagination, the rocks _ resemble _ things. It looks like _.,1. Ive _ _ _ caves in Guilin. The rocks in the caves are in different shapes and colors. If you use your imagination, the rocks can resemble many different things. It _ _ a whole other world.,Model Conversation,2. I went to the desert in Gansu once. As I stood in the middle of the desert. I faced endless sand and felt very small. By day the desert was extremely hot, by night it got very cold. I experienced summer and winter in the same day.,2. I went to the _in Gansu once. As I stood in the middle of the _. I faced endless _ and felt very small. By day the desert was extremely _, by night it got very _. I experienced summer and winter in the same day.,_ in Guilin _. As I _ desert, I _ _ sand and _. By day _ hot, by night _ cold. I _ in the same day.,2. I _ _ the desert in Gansu once. As I stood _ _ _ _ the desert. I _ endless sand and felt very small. _ _ the desert was extremely hot, _ _ it got very cold. I _ summer and winter _ _ _ _.,Model Conversation,Lesson B The man-made world,Lesson A The natural world,Vocabulary Link,LA_VL_A1,3. To my knowledge, California has beautiful coastlines. People love them and thousands of volunteers often give up part of their weekends to keep the sandy Californian beaches clean.,3. To my knowledge, _ has beautiful _. People love them and thousands of _ often give up part of their weekends to keep the sandy Californian _ clean.,3. To _, California _ coastlines. People _ _ volunteers often _ to keep _ _ beaches _.,3. To my knowledge, _ has beautiful _. People love them and thousands of _ often give up part of their weekends to keep the sandy Californian _ clean.,Model Conversation,4. The Port of Shanghai is located at the mouth of the Yangtze Rive. It handles many millions of shipping containers each year. In fact it might even be the busiest container port in the world.,4. The Port of _ is located at the mouth of the _ _. It handles many millions of _ _ each year. In fact it might even be the busiest _ _ in the world.,4. _ Shanghai _ the Yangtze Rive. It _ shipping containers _. In fact _ the busiest container port _.,4. The Port of Shanghai is _ _ _ _ _ the Yangtze Rive. It _ _ _ _ shipping containers each _. In _ _ _ _ _ the busiest container port _ _ _.,Model Conversation,Lesson B The man-made world,Lesson A The natural world,Pair work. Tell your partner what you know about the places in A. You may use the model talks for help.,LA_VL_A1,Proper names Blake Canada 加拿大 Denmark 丹麦 Greenland 格陵兰 Mary the Arctic Circle 北极圈 New words due a. 到期 harbor n. 港口,港湾 harsh a. 严酷的,恶劣的 hiking n. 远足 settler n. 开拓者 thaw v. 融化,解冻 whale n. 鲸鱼 way up north 遥远的北方,Language Notes,Activity 1 While we are away, could you ?,Listening,Lesson B The man-made world,Lesson A The natural world,Her paper is about Greenlands plants and trees.,Vocabulary Link,LA_VL_A1,Listen to a conversation between Mary and Blake. Then answer the questions.,Activity 1 A report about Greenland,II,What is Marys paper mainly about? What do we learn about Blakes knowledge of geography? 3. How did Greenland get its name?,_,His knowledge of geography is not very good. He doesnt know which country Greenland belongs to.,_ _,The first settlers of Greenland gave it the name to attract others.,_,Lesson B The man-made world,Lesson A The natural world,Listen again. Circle True or False.,LA_VL_B1,Marys paper is due next week. Greenland is near Canada. Greenland is part of Canada. Greenland is in the north. Building in Greenland is challenging. There arent any animals in Greenland. You can do outdoor sports in Greenland.,II,Listening,Activity 1 A report about Greenland,True False True False True False True False True False True False True False,Lesson B The man-made world,Lesson A The natural world,Proper names Elise the hindenburg 兴登堡飞艇 The Titanic 泰坦尼克号 New words accommodate a. 搭乘,容纳 crew n. 乘务组 feat n. 壮举,功绩 zeppelin n. 齐柏林飞艇 back then 当时 I guess 我想 It doesnt look anything like. 看起来一点也不像 Thats true. 没错。,Listening,LA_L_1,Activity 2 A flying disaster,Language Notes,Lesson B The man-made world,Lesson A The natural world,Listening,LA_L_1,Activity 2 A flying disaster,Listen to Jay and Elise talking about an accident. Complete the sentences with information you hear and then check ( ) the correct picture.,The Hindenburg was called (1) . It was a (2) that could accommodate no more than (3) . It was speedy and could fly from (4) to (5) in (6) days. It crashed in 1934 when (7) and (8) people died.,“the Titanic of the Sky”,_,zeppelin,_,40 passengers and crew,_,Germany,_,the US,_,two and a half,_,it was landing,_,35,_,II,Lesson B The man-made world,Lesson A The natural world,Listening,Listen again. How was the zeppelin described? Check () your answers.,LA_L1_A1,Activity 2 A flying disaster,1. 2. 3. 4.,a flying hotel a great engineering feat better than an airplane dangerous,5. 6. 7.,mans greatest achievement in flight not so fast The Titanic of the Sky,II,Lesson B The man-made world,Lesson A The natural world,Listening,Listen to the conversation and check () the correct picture.,LA_L1_A1,Activity 3 A bigger car?,II,Lesson B The man-made world,Lesson A The natural world,Proper names Jack Kayla New words consume v. 消耗 SUV (Sport Utility Vehicle) 运动型多用途车,Language Notes,Listening,Listen again and write K for Kayla or J for Jack beside each opinion.,LA_L1_A1,Activity 3 A bigger car?,They consume more oil. They are safer. They look cool. They are more fun to drive. They are expensive.,K,II,J,K, J,J,K,Lesson B The man-made world,Lesson A The natural world,Proper names Jack Kayla New words consume v. 消耗 SUV (Sport Utlity Vehicle) 运动型多用途车,Language Notes,_,_,_,_,_,Listening,Listen again and answer the questions.,LA_L1_A1,Activity 3 A bigger car?,Proper names Jack Kayla New words consume v. 消耗 SUV (Sport Utlity Vehicle) 运动型多用途车,Language Notes,1. Who most wants a bigger car, Kayla or Jack? 2. What does Jack suggest to help resolve the difference of opinion?,Jack seems to want a bigger car more than Kayla.,Jack suggests they get more information about several kinds of cars.,II,Lesson B The man-made world,Lesson A The natural world,_,_,Listening,LA_L1_A1,Activity 4 Modern buildings: We love them, we hate them,Proper names Hiroshi Hara (日本建筑师)原广司 I. M. Pel 贝聿铭 Kyoto, Japan 日本京都 Louvre Museum 卢浮宫 Malaysian 马来西亚的 the Petronas Towers (位于马来西亚首都吉隆坡的)双子塔 New words ancient a. 古老的 arcade n. 拱廊,拱形建筑物 concrete n. 混凝土 controversy n. 争议 entrance n. 入口,进口 pyramid n. 金字塔 striking a. 惹人注目的 ugly a. 丑陋的,Language Notes,Lesson B The man-made world,Lesson A The natural world,Listening,LA_L1_A1,Activity 4 Modern buildings: We love them, we hate them,Listen to someone talking about some famous buildings in his country and fill in the blanks with information you hear.,My country has two (1) called the Petronas Towers. The buildings are (2) . They were (3) by an American architect, but he used a Malaysian (4) . They were finished in (5) , and they were the tallest buildings in the world at that time. Each tower has 88 floors, and is (6) . I really like the Petronas Towers. They show both the (7) .,very famous buildings,_,made of glass, steel, and concrete,_,designed,_,style,_,1998,_,452 meters high,_,modern and the traditional side of my country,_,II,Lesson B The man-made world,Lesson A The natural world,1. Louvre is a , located in , which is almost years old. There were about visitors every year from all over the world. 2. Kyoto is Japans . Its railway station was not for the visitors every year. The new station would also be a huge .,Listening,Listen to a talk on controversies about modern buildings. Then fill in the blanks to complete the sentences.,LA_L1_B,world-famous museum,Activity 4 Modern buildings: We love them, we hate them,_,Paris,_,500,_,six million,_,II,ancient capital,_,big enough,_,millions of,_,shopping center,_,Lesson B The man-made world,Lesson A The natural world,Listening,LA_L1_B,Activity 4 Modern buildings: We love them, we hate them,Now listen to the talk again and complete the chart with the information you hear.,Louvre Museum,Kyoto, Japan,1989,Hiroshi Hara,to cope with the millions of visitors,an ugly, modern mistake,brings new life into the city center,II,Lesson B The man-made world,Lesson A The natural world,Listening,LA_L2,* Activity 5 Building down,New words doubt v. 怀疑 mall n. 购物中心 metropolitan a. 大都市的 overcrowding n. 过度拥挤 robot n. 机器人 parking lot 停车场 give up 放弃 make sense 有道理,行得通 plenty of 许多,充足的 What Im saying is 我想说的是,Language Notes,Lesson B The man-made world,Lesson A The natural world,Listening,LA_L2,Listen to the interview with Erika Van Beek, an engineer. Answer the questions.,II,What does “building down” mean? What did Erika say to support her view that building down is the solution to overcrowding in cities?,* Activity 5 Building down,It means building underground.,_,First, there is plenty of space underground. Second, with new technology, building costs are not as high as in the past. Third, its safer than building skyscrapers.,_ _,Lesson B The man-made world,Lesson A The natural world,Listening,LA_L2,Listen again. Check ( ) the statements you think Erika would agree with.,II,* Activity 5 Building down,1. We should focus on building more skyscrapers. 2. Building underground is a practical solution to overcrowding. 3. We should not consider using robots underground. 4. There are too many people in our urban centers. 5. We should limit underground projects to subways and shopping malls. 6. Robots are a cheap and safe alternative to using people underground. 7. New technology can make building underground more affordable.,Lesson B The man-made world,Lesson A The natural world,Pronunciation,LA_L2_A,Listen to these phrases. Notice the stress in the underlined syllables.,II,Similar stress patterns,deep cave 3. long mountain range arid desert 4. active volcano,Lesson B The man-made world,Lesson A The natural world,Pronunciation,LA_L2_A,Now listen to these phrases. Underline the stressed syllables. Then match each one to a phrase with the same stress pattern in A.,II,Similar stress patterns,narrow harbor long, sunny beach busy vacation high cliffs,2,_,3,_,4,_,1,_,Lesson B The man-made world,Lesson A The natural world,Speaking worth being remembered d. a place used for storing supplies and preparing to climb a mountain,Before You Watch,b,_,c,_,a,_,d,_,Lesson B The man-made world,Lesson A The natural world,Global Viewpoints Natural wonders,LB_GV_WYW_A,While You Watch,Proper names Everest (Qomolangma) Base Camp 珠峰大本营 Mount Fuji (日本)富士山 Niagara Falls 尼亚加拉大瀑布 Switzerland 瑞士 the Matterhorn (瑞士阿尔卑斯山之)马特洪恩峰 New words glacier n. 冰川,冰河 all of a sudden 霎时,猛然 from far away 从远处 in person 亲自 look up 仰视,Language Notes,Lesson B The man-made world,Lesson A The natural world,Global Viewpoints Natural wonders,Watch the interviews and circle True or False. Correct the false sentences.,LB_GV_WYW_B,While You Watch,Alejandra was impressed by the glaciers in the south of Argentina. Nick and his dad climbed all the way to the top of the Matterborn. Catherine once climbed up to the base camp at Mount Qomolangma. Kumiko says that Mount Fuji is really beautiful close up. Natalie went to Niagara Falls for a family reunion.,True False True False True False True False True False,half way,from far away,Lesson B The man-made world,Lesson A The natural world,Global Viewpoints Natural wonders,


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