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    仁爱英语七下U7T2SC ppt.ppt

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    仁爱英语七下U7T2SC ppt.ppt

    Unit 7 The Birthday Party,Topic 2 Can you dance or draw?,Section C,Sing this song,造句比赛,看谁又快句子又完整准确!,.can., but cant.,can cant Ben play basketball play soccer Bill ride a bike drive a car Joan dance to disco perform ballet Jenny speak English speak Japanese Bob sing an English song sing a Chinese song .,距离结束还有,秒,30,29,28,27,26,25,24,23,22,21,20,19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0,0% 25% 50% 75% 100%,造句比赛计时系统,can cant Ben play basketball play soccer Bill ride a bike drive a car Joan dance the disco perform ballet Jenny speak English speak Japanese Bob sing an English song sing a Chinese song .,时间到!,单击即开始,Work alone,1. Maria and her friends will go to _ tomorrow moring. the party the park the zoo 2. What can Kangkang do? He can fly a kite. He can take photos. He can draw pictures. 3. Can Michael draw pictures very well? Yes, he can. No, he cant. We dont know. 4. Who can play the guitar? Michael. Kangkang. Jane.,Listen and check () the correct answers.,3,Look at the pictures and complete the sentences after the example.,Example: They can sing English songs now, but they couldnt sing any English songs two years ago.,two years ago,now,2,Zhang Jun_ _ _ 2. I _ _ _ 3.The baby _ _,when I was five - now,can ride a,bike this year, but he couldnt do it last year.,can swim now, but I couldnt do it when I was five.,couldnt walk a month ago, but now he can,last year - this year,a month ago- now,Zhang Jun can ride a bike this year, but he couldnt do it last year.,They can sing English songs now, but they couldnt sing any English songs two years ago.,I can swim now, but I couldnt do it when I was five.,The baby couldnt walk a month ago, but now he can.,Read and understand,Read the passage and circle the activities.,1a,Its time for outdoor activities. Look ! Jane is flying a kite. She can fly kites very well now. But one year ago, she couldnt do it at all.,Maria is performing ballet. She can perform ballet very well now. But when she was five, she could dance just a little.,Michael and Kangkang are playing pingpong. They could do it before, but not very well. They both like playing ball games. Kangkang is good at playing soccer, while Michael does well in basketball. Now the children are all having a good time.,Read 1a fast and answer the following questions.,1. whats Jane doing? she is flying a kite. 2. whats Maria doing? He is performing ballet 3. what are Michael and Kangkang doing? They are playing table tennis.,4. Could Jane fly a kite one year ago ? No , she couldnt. 5. Could Maria perform ballet very well one year ago? No , she couldnt. 6. Could Michael and Kangkang play table tennis before? Yes , they could , but not very well.,Complete the table.,Perform ballet,could just a little,very well,play ping-pong,not very well,play ping-pong,not very well,1b,Work alone,be good at=do well in,擅于做.,Yao Ming is good at basketball.,Yao Ming does well in basketball.,Yao Ming is good at playing basketball.,Yao Ming does well in playing basketball.,名词、V-ing,It is _ _ outdoor activities.,time,for,看图填空,The baby _ walk a month ago,but now he _ .,couldnt,can,看图填空,Kangkang _ _ _ playing soccer.,is,good,at,看图填空,Michael _ _ _ basketball. Now they are all _ _ _ _.,does,well,in,having,a,good,time,Group Work,“文艺、体育之星”选拨赛,全班分为4组,各小组成员在一分钟内轮流用can, but, couldnt造句子(可适当添加表程度的 not at all, just a little, very well 及ago, whenwas+年龄,now等表时间的词),造得最多的一组获胜。,can, butcouldnt can, butcould couldnt, butcan,be good at =do well in have a good time,conclusion,very well,just a little,at all,We can use,We can say,Homework,用can, but .couldnt根据自己的情况造句,至少5句。 熟读并复述1a。,Find the key words and retell.,Jane, fly a kite, can, but 1 year ago, couldnt. at all.,Maria, perform ballet, can, but when she was five, could. a little.,Kangkang Michael,play ping-pong, could.before, not very well,Kangkang be good at play soccer Michael do well in basketball,


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