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    1. succeeded because I willed it ; I never hesitated . (Bonaparte Napoleon, French emperor ) 我成功是因为我有决心,从不踌躇 。 (法国皇帝 拿破仑. B .),2.If you wish to succeed , you should use persistence as your good friend , experience as your reference , prudence as your brother and hope as your sentry. (Thomas Edison , American inventor ) 如果你希望成功,当以恒心为良友、以经验为参谋、以谨慎为兄弟、以希望为哨兵。 (美国发明家 爱迪生. T.),Inspirational motto 励志格言,3.Success covers a multitude of blunders .(George Bernard Shaw , British Dramatist) 成功由大量的失望铸就。( 英国剧作家 肖伯纳. G.,4.You have to believe in yourself . Thats the secret of success .(Charles Chaplin , American actor ) 人必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀。 (美国演员 卓别林. C.),5.Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly ever acquire the skill to do difficult things easily . (Friedrich Schiller , German Dramatist and poet). 只有有耐心圆满完成简单工作的人,才能够轻而易举地完成困难的事。(德国剧作家、诗人 席勒. F.),Tips,Inspirational books 励志书籍,1. Who Moved My Cheese 谁动了我的奶酪 2. Volume in sheeps clothing 羊皮卷 3. What you Succeed 你凭什么成功,4. Successful 35-year-old before the 12 golden rules 35岁以前成功的12条黄金法则 5. How to Make Steel 钢铁是怎样炼成的 6.I am the key 我很重要 7. With some success 与成功有约,Inspirational movie 励志电影,1.Slumdom Millionaire 贫民窟的百万富翁,The story of Jamal Malik, an 18 year-old orphan from the slums of Mumbai, who is about to experience the biggest day of his life. With the whole nation watching, he is just one question away from winning a staggering 20 million rupees on Indias Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? But when the show breaks for the night, police arrest him on suspicion of cheating; how could a street kid know so much?,2.The pianist 钢琴师,3.The Shawshank Redemption 肖申克的救赎 “There are things in this world not carved out of gray stone. That theres a small place inside of us they can never lock away, and that place is called hope.” Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free.,4.风雨哈佛路目标与意志,Im smart. I know I can succeed. I just need a chance. A chance to climb out of this place Ive born in. Everyone I know are angry and tired. Theyre trying to survive. But I know that there is a world out there that is better, thats better developed. And I want to live in it.,5.Forrest Gump 阿甘正传,“You are no different than anybody else is. “Liife is like a box of chocolates.you never know what youre gonna get.” “The world will never be the same once youve seen it through the eyes of Forrest Gump,Lincoln The way to white house 林肯 白宫之路,In 1809, was born in the wilderness on the quiet of a simple hut 1816, 7 years old, the family was out of place of resisdence, he must work to raise them 1818, 9 years old, as young as 34-year-old mother of the unfortunate death of 1827, 18 years old, produced his own before a ferry 1831, 22 years old, business failure 1832, 23 years old, state election, but lost in the elections into the Law School would like to study law, but no access to, lost his job 1833, 24 years old, a friend to borrow money to do business, at the end of bankruptcy. Spent the next 16 years, repaid the money before 1834, 25 years old, once again run for state legislator, was elected 1809年,出生在寂静的荒野上的一座简陋的小屋 1816年,7岁,全家被赶出居住地,他必须工作以抚养他们 1818年,9岁,年仅34岁的母亲不幸去世 1827年,18岁,自己制作了一艘摆渡船 1831年,22岁,经商失败 1832年,23岁,竞选州议员,但落选了,想进法学院学法律,但进不去,工作也丢了 1833年,24岁,向朋友借钱经商,年底破产.接下来花了16年,才把这笔钱还清 1834年,25岁,再次竞选州议员,当选,1836, 27 years old, the spirit of complete breakdown, ill for 6 months 1838, 29 years old, striving to become the states spokesman, did not succeed In 1840, 31 years old, to become candidates, elected 1843, 34 years old, take part in parliamentary elections and lost in the elections 1846, 37 years old, once again take part in parliamentary elections, the elected! To Washington, DC, the performance of a subtle 1848, 39 years old, members of Congress seeking re-election, the failure of the 1835年,26岁,订婚后即将结婚时,未婚妻病逝,因此他的心也碎了 1836年,27岁,精神完全崩溃,卧病在床6个月 1838年,29岁,努力争取成为州议员的发言人,没有成功 1840年,31岁,争取成为被选举人,落选了 1843年,34岁,参加国会大选,又落选了 1846年,37岁,再次参加国会大选,这次当选了!前往华盛顿特区,表 现可圈可点,Lincoln,1849, 40 years old, want to state in their own land as the Secretary has been rejected 1854, 45 years old, the Senate campaign, lost in the elections 1856, 47 years old, at the Republican partys National Peoples Congress on the nomination of Vice President for less than 100 votes 1858, 49 years old, re-elected senators, once again lost 1860, 51 years old, was elected President of the United States 1864, 55 years old, re-elected President of the United States, won the North Army 1849年,40岁,想在自己州内担任土地局长,被拒绝了 1854年,45岁,竞选参议员,落选了 1856年,47岁,在共和party的全国代表大会上争取副总统的提名得票不到100张 1858年,49岁,再度参选参议员,再度落选 1860年,51岁,当选美国总统 1864年,55岁,连任美国总统,北方军取得胜利,Thank you,By 王亚文,


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