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    Team Spirit Quotes: Quotations on Teamwork,Teams, Teamwork, and Team spirit do mean a lot. Now read some motivational team quotes.,Strength lies in differences, not in similarities. - Stephen Covey Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results. -Andrew Carnegie The achievements of an organization are the results of the combined effort of each individual. - Vincent Lombardi Trust men and they will be true to you; treat them greatly, and they will show themselves great. - Ralph Waldo Emerson,Watch the following video clips and answer the some questions.,1. Did Lightening McQueen have a crew chief working with him? 2. Did he think he needed one? 3. What did McQueen think of the Piston Cup? 4. What advice will you give to him?,Clip 1,In Video Clip 2, Strip Weathers gave McQueen some advice. Compare his advice with yours.,What did Strip Weathers think of McQueen? Why did he say McQueen was stupid? What advice did he give McQueen?,Clip 2,Now watch Video Clip 3 and answer the following questions.,Who came and gave McQueen help in the game? Why did he stop at the finishing line? What did he think of the game and his friends now? Do you think he did the right thing?,Clip 3,1 Work in pairs and discuss the following questions.,1 Do you work better on your own or in a group?,Well, this depends, if it is a problem-solving activity or language learning, I feel group work is more effective, because we can look at a matter from different angles and can learn from each other. But I personally feel I would work better on my own when I make a new design or a painting. I cant concentrate and catch my inspiration if others are around.,2 What are the characteristics of a good team player? 3 What makes a group of people work well together?,I assume a good team player should be able to listen to others, understand others points of view while putting forward their own ideas. The person also needs to be aware of their own and others strengths.,They have different skills and roles which complement each other. They have a common purpose. They know how to communicate with each other. They all know how to give and take in a relationship.,4 What might prevent a group from working well?,When people dont communicate when they work together, this may lead to misunderstandings and later problems. If team members have different ideas about their purpose and how to work together, they probably wont work so well.,Listening to natural English: listening to lectures,Good lecturers normally give an outline of what they will talk about at the beginning of the lecture and break their lecture into sections, each dealing with a sub-topic of the overall theme. They often use devices to signal that a new topic is about to be covered eg If we move on to or Next I will look at These signals will help us follow the lecture and organize our notes.,Listening and Understanding,2 Listen to Passage 1, Part 1 and complete the notes on the next page.,Glossary effective: 有效的 synergy: (人们或者企业团结一致产生的)协同作用 context: 情境,背景 phase: (事物发展中的)阶段,时期 productive: 富有成效的,成果丰硕的 orientated: 重视的,以为目的的 conscientious: 认真的,勤勤恳恳的,Group behaviour synergy: performance of _ sum of individuals. 19 _ Elton Mayo discovered “Hawthorne effect”: * Being in a study _ productivity regardless of other _. * Personal _, self-esteem and social context in which group works improve _. 19 _ Tuckman described stages of a _. * 1 _: Individuals _ each other. * 2 Storming: Individuals share _ _. * 3 Norming: Group _ forms. * 4 _: Group works _.,effective groups,30s,improves,factors,identity,performance,60s,get to know,Forming,group,ideas and creative,energy,identity,Performing,together,Vocabulary learning: tell the persons and their stories,productive investigate evaluate perfect performance,producer investigator evaluator perfectionist performer,What will happen when these five persons meet? Work with your partner and make up a story. You should make full use of your imagination and make your story as funny and creative as possible.,Vocabulary learning: productive & productivity,Productive means achieving good results, or making goods and growing things in large numbers. Productivity is the rate at which goods are produced, especially in relation to the time, money and workers needed.,Examples 1. During the most productive time in her career, she wrote five novels. 2. Build a sales force with high productivity.,Vocabulary learning: conscientious & conscious,conscientious adj. 认真的,诚心诚意的,凭良心的 conscience n. 良心,道德心,conscious adj. 有意识的,自觉的,意识到的 consciousness n. 意识,He is a _ student. Americans are time-_ people. In the car accident, he completely lost _. After he had committed the crime, his _ was troubled. I was _ that I made a mistake.,conscientious,conscience,consciousness,conscious,conscious,Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the following words.,efectivecontextorientated conscientiouscontrastsynergy,In extensive reading, you can use the _ clues to guess the meaning of a new word. They all think you are a _ person. Try to _ your students towards the science subjects. In _, some other people think it is good. Your words have no _on him.,effect,contextual,conscientious,orientate,contrast,Look at the roles on the next page. Before you listen to Passage 1, Part 2, try to predict what their respective personalities are.,Then listen to Passage 1, Part 2 and check your prediction.,1 Chairperson _ 2 Company worker _ 3 Shaper _ 4 Plant _ 5 Resource Investigator _ 6 Monitor- evaluator _ 7 Teamworker _ 8 Completer- Finisher _,c,a,e,g,f,d,h,b,(a) conservative and helping organize other people (b) conscientious and tying up loose ends (c) self-confident and encouraging others to contribute (d) calm, serious and making good decisions (e) outgoing, dynamic and motivating others (f) curious and exploring new ideas (g) genius and often working alone (h) sociable, sensitive and promoting team spirit,4 Work in pairs and discuss the questions.,Developing critical thinking,1 How might employers boost their staffs self- esteem?,Employers can show they value staff contributions by praising them (and raising their salaries if possible), and they can provide a positive working environment.,2 What might members of a group do to reach the performing stage as quickly as possible?,Perhaps the best way to reach the performing stage is that each member of a group is given a clear role and responsibilities and group members can help each other in a competitive, but fair and friendly way.,3 Which of the team roles would suit your character best? Why?, I think I would be a resource investigator, because I am very adventurous and keen to explore new ideas. I guess the role of completer-finisher suits me well, because I am very particular about doing things perfectly. I hate loose ends.,5 Share your stories with the class. Choose either one of the two questions and share your experiences with the class. Make sure your story includes answers to all the hint questions.,Example Answers,1 Have you ever volunteered to help others? * When was it? * What prompted you to volunteer? * What did you do? 2. Have you ever donated money to a disaster relief fund? * What was the disaster? * What prompted you to do so? * How much did you donate?,6 Listen to Passage 2 and choose the best answer to the questions.,1-(c) 2-(b) 3-(c) 4-(c) 5-(a),Glossary devastate 严重破坏 Habitat for Humanity livelihood 生计 repayment 偿还 Phuket 普吉岛(泰国) Somwang 桑旺 Jimmy Carter 吉米卡特(前美国总统) Marianne Harper 玛丽安娜哈珀 (人名),7 Listen to Passage 2 again and give a quick response to the questions.,1 How many people died in the tsunami in Phuket? 2 How many new homes were rebuilt in Tha Chat Chai? 3 What is the size of Somwangs plot of land? 4 How much do families need to save to take part in the “Save and Build” scheme?,Over 250 people died.,36 new homes were rebuilt.,It is two square metres.,30 per cent of the cost of the building or rebuilding their home is needed.,Work in pairs with Student A acting as the host(ess) of Voice of Students and the other as a College student from your university. In the program, the host(ess) asks the guest the following questions and the guest gives his/her opinions. You have ten minutes to finish the show and then one or two pairs will be invited to present your performance to the class. In the end, the whole class vote for the best program of the day.,A Talk show,Questions to be asked in the program,1 What do you think volunteers get out of working for Habit for Humanity? 2 Would you volunteer your time to work for Habit for Humanity? Why / Why not? 3 Which charities or organizations do you think need our support most? Why?,Possible Answers,1 I would say volunteers learn to understand peoples suffering when there are natural disasters. They learn to become stronger as a person so that they can face any difficulties in their own life. Some volunteers are from other countries, so they also learn about local cultures. 2 I would, because I know I would learn many things from doing volunteer work, such as practical skills, organization ability, and communicating with people.,3 I would say some charities which help disabled children would need volunteers to give their time to these children. I was once in one of the orphanages. Disabled infants there had no one to talk to them. This is not good for their development. We volunteers can spend some time with these children to stimulate their development mentally and physically.,Language and Culture: Elton Mayo,Elton Mayo (18801949) was an Australian psychologist and sociologist. He studied the effect of groups on individuals at work and concluded that work satisfaction depends to a large extent on the social life of work groups, at least as much as the content of the work and the physical conditions.,Back,Language and Culture: Bruce Tuckman,Bruce Tuckman (1936 ) is an American educational psychologist who in 1965 proposed the four stages of group dynamics, and leadership, relationships and responsibilities emerge during these stages.,In 1977 Tuckman added a fifth stage, “adjourning” , in which the groups task is complete, the group recognizes its achievements, disengages and members move on.,Back,Language and Culture: Meredith Belbin,Meredith Belbin (1923 ), a British researcher and management theorist. His 1981 inventory of eight roles was extended to nine in 1988 by adding the “Specialist”, who brings special knowledge to the team. The theory is that a team works best when there is a balance of roles.,Back,The Hawthorne Effect was named after a factory where Mayo and others researched group behaviour in the 1930s and concluded that people change aspects of their behaviour when they know those aspects are being researched.,Language and Culture: The Hawthorne Effect,Back,Language and Culture: Habitat for Humanity,Habitat for Humanity is an international, non-government, non-profit organization which aims to eliminate poor housing and homelessness and builds simple, decent, affordable housing for people in need.,Back,Jimmy Carter (1924 ) won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002. Since 1984 he has been a key figure in the Habitat for Humanity project.,Language and Culture: Jimmy Carter,Back,


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