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    b6m6r3课件 D-Day+2.ppt

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    b6m6r3课件 D-Day+2.ppt

    Tao Wei from No. 1 Senior High School of Wulian, Rizhao,Before class,Form a group of four and select a group organizer. Mark the paragraphs of the passage. Use the microphone when answering questions.,Pre-reading Try to get as much information as possible.,D-Day,It was just two days after we had received our confidential orders to join the D-Day landing troops .,secret,D-Day + 2,Skimming,Word list,helmet n. 头盔 chin n. 下巴 wax n. 腊 razor n. 剔须刀 drawer n. 抽屉 sharpener n. 磨具,scissors n. 剪子 comb n. 梳子 constitution n. 宪法 vinegar n. 醋 stockings n. 长袜 perfume n. 香水,What type is the passage? A. Argumentation (议论文 ) B. Narration (记叙文) C. Exposition (说明文),Skimming,What basic elements are usually included when you are writing a story?,While-reading,Elements of narration,Who When Where Why What,While-reading,1.Who are the main characters and whats the relationship between them? 2.When did the story happen? 3. Why did Kowalski and the writer enter the village? 4.How many places are mainly mentioned in the story?,While-reading,Scanning,1.Who are the main characters and whats the relationship between them?,Kowalski and I,the writer-an American soldier,They are companions(战友).,Scanning,On the late afternoon of D-Day + 2,2.When did the story happen?,3. Why did Kowalski and the writer enter the village?,They were told to advance and check the village by their lieutenant.,4.How many places are mainly mentioned in the passage?,Four- outside the village; the main street; in the barbershop; in the middle of the street.,Read and find out what happened outside and inside the village.,Para._- Para._,Outside the village,Inside the village,Para._- Para._,Para. 3 As we entered the main street,Para. 4 In a barbershop.,Para 5 Para. 6 In the middle of the street.,1,3,6,2,What happened outside and inside the village?,Emotional development of the writer,outside a peaceful village first in the main street in a barbershop in the middle of the street,astonished,frightened,relaxed,excited,friendly,shamed,When the writer was_,he felt _.,It was late afternoon, and the sun was setting on a perfect country scene of farm buildings, a main street, a few shops, a garage and a church. (Para 2),Appreciation,Read and imagine what scene it is.,I was too ashamed to admit that I was too young to have a girlfriend. (Para 6) But the villagers treated us like heroes, and for a brief moment , I felt that all the fear and danger had been worthwhile. (Para 6) But I also remembered my friends who had died earlier that day, and wondered if they would have agreed. (Para 6),Read and feel what the writer was thinking about.,After-reading,Sixty years later, the writer , his lieutenant, Kowalski and his companion reunited, and they talked a lot about the experiences in the village, their present life and their hope for peace.,Discussion,There has never been a good war or a bad peace. -Benjamin Franklin,Homework,Write a diary to describe the reunion. who /when /where/ why/ what Email: ,Thank you,Learning-aims:,注意前后联系 前后课件之间的关系,一定要解释生词 制作卡片,Put the following sentences in the correct order.,A.Together with Private Kowalski the writer entered the village. B. The writer gave gifts to women and they gave him in return. C. He went into a barbershop to have his face shaved and his hair cut. D. Two days after the D-Day the writer found himself outside a peaceful village in France. E. The soldiers and the French people drank to celebrate the victory. F. The two of them were warmly welcomed by some Frenchmen.,D A F C E B,Group work,二战二十多年过去了.文章中的 “我”老兵通过邮件约老战友故地重游, 朋友见面情景,回忆当年那天发生的情景,谈论现在的生活,以及对未来的美好和平生活展望. (图片老兵们) (过去,现在, 将来),What is the passage mainly about?,


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