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    高一 Project Creating an illustrated time chartThe project in this unit is designed to help you learn and use English through doing a project. The reading material about the activities of the Romans and the Chinese from 753 BC until AD 589 is a sample used to show us how to create an illustrated time chart. The time chart can help you gain a clear understanding of the development of a certain historical period. The purpose of this section is to encourage you to use what you have learnt to complete a project. In the course of doing the project, you will compare what events and changes are happening at the same time in the two different places and make a clear and correct time chart. Please cooperate and complete each part of the work together.Reading1. I ll divide you into four groups. Each group should only focus on one paragraph in Part A. Then one member of each group should report the main idea of each paragraph to the whole class. Paragraph 1 Main events in Rome and China between 753 BC and 479 BCParagraph 2Similarities between China and Rome during the Han DynastyParagraph 3Both Rome and China influenced other areas between 212 BC and 100 BC.Paragraph 4Rome and China had a difficult time in the following hundred years.2. Those in other groups may ask as many questions about the content of each paragraph as possible. Give more attention to the facts and historical information.3. Now read the time chart carefully. And the following questions may help you to understandthe article better:What happened in both China and Rome in the year 509 BC? (China suffered from fighting and many groups ruled China. Rome became a republic.)What about the year 27 BC? (Rome became an empire and controlled many parts of Europe. China also influenced other countries.)When was Confucius born? (In 551 BC.)When was the Han Dynasty created? And when did it fall? (It was created in 206 BC and fell in AD 220.)4. Do Parts B1 and B2 on page 107 in your Workbook as your homework. It will help you have a better understanding of the usage of words and phrases learnt in this section.Creating an illustrated time chart PlanningWork in small groups. First you will discuss and research time periods in history you are interested in. Then decide which group members will be responsible for finishing each task. You are to finish this project before next Monday.PreparingSort the information you have got from various sources. Then meet, discuss and decide what toinclude in the time chart. One of the students in the group should write an outline. You may referto Steps 1 and 2 for instructions. When finished, the outline should be approved by all the groupmembers.ProducingEach group should design the time chart based on the outline. Then you should proofread it at least once, correct any mistakes and add more new ideas. Those who are responsible for presenting the time chart should review the information on the outline and practise in front of the other group members.第 1页共 3页PresentingEach group presents your time chart to the whole class by displaying your time chart and answering any questions other students have about the time period on the chart.ResourcesThe Silk RoadThe Silk Road is considered one of the worlds oldest and most historically important trade routes. It started from Changan in the East, an ancient capital of China (Xian today), to the east bank of the Mediterranean in the West. The Silk Road greatly influenced the cultures of China, Central Asia and the West. However, today there are only a few scenic and historical sites left on this road. You can search for more information on the following websites:http:/www. ess.uci. edu/oliver/silk.htmlhttp:/www. humboldt.edu/geog309i/ideas/raysilk.htmlhttp: /www. travelchinaguide. com/silkroad/The Han DynastyThe Han Dynasty was divided into two major periods: the Western or Former Han (206 BC -AD 9) and the Eastern or Later Han (AD 25-AD 220). The Han Dynasty was another unified empire following the Qin Dynasty. This ended the Warring States era. Liu Bang, founder of the Western Han Dynasty, moved the capital to Changan. Liu Xiu established the Eastern Han with Luoyangas the capital. For more information, you may check the following websites: http:/www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/hand/hd_hand.htm http:/worldclass.net/China/han.htmThe Sui DynastyThe Sui Dynasty (AD 581 -AD 618) had only two emperors, Sui Wendi and his son Sui Yangdi. Emperor Sui Wendi reunited the north, centralized the government, reformed the taxation policies, conquered the south, established building projects, was a great economist, and chose Buddhism as the state religion. His son fought a war against Korea, which along with natural disasters bankrupted the economy, which led to revolt and the overthrow of the Sui Dynasty. For more information, you may check the following website:http:/www.historyforkids.org/learn/china/history/sui.htmConfuciusBorn in 551 BC, Confucius was a great scholar and a very intelligent person. He spent his life writing about human nature and society, and some of his ideas, still influence people even today. He believed that rulers should govern their countries fairly, and that people should always try and do what they believe is right. He also encouraged people to learn about new things, and always try to consider other people around them. Confucius and the system of ideas and beliefs he created have had an immense influence on Chinese culture. More information is available on the following websites:http:/plato.stanford.edu/entries/confucius/http:/www.crystalinks.com/confucius.htmlThe Roman Empire第 2页共 3页The Roman Empire lasted from about 27 BC to AD 500. At its zenith, the empire covered most of Europe, northern Africa, and the Middle East. Rome had many famous emperors including Augustus, Caligula, and Nero. It made great contributions to history through its military campaigns, architecture, and government. More information is available on the following websites:http:/www.fact -index. com/r/ro/roman_empire.htmlhttp:/www. 42explore2.com/rome.htm第 3页共 3页


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