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    UNIT 11 HURRICANELesson 41Teaching objectives and demands:1. Words and useful expressions: hurricane, Good heavens, be anxious abut, expect, fortunately, warning, be likely to, painful2. Daily expressions in communication: The expressions of expressing anxiety.Key points:1.The words and expressions: see above.2. Structure of expressing anxiety. Teaching procedure:Step 1. Revision(1) Check the homework exercises.(2) Revise the expressions about the weather. Ask the students for as many expressions as possible.Step 2. PresentationSB Page 61, Part 1. Get the ss to tell you what they can see in the picture; what do they think is happening? Read the introduction to the dialogue aloud.Step 3. Listening第1页共11页Play the tape of Speech Cassette Lesson 41 for students to follow. After that go through the dialogue and explain the remaining new words.Step 4. ReadingGet the students to read the dialogue and then go through the grammatical points and structures.(1) In the hills.(2) Have been waiting for(3) There is no need to be worried.(4) Structure: Is likely to(5) Grammar: about inversion: There you are.Step 5. PracticeSB Page 61, Part 2. teach the new word painful. Explain that the ss must match the phrases on the left with the replies on the right. Do the first one with the whole class, then let the ss work though the exercise in pairs. Check the answers with the class. Get the ss to practice the phrases: the first student with the book open, the second ss with the book closed. Explain to the ss that these are all phrases for expressing anxiety, or for enquiring what the matter is.第2页共11页Step 6. WorkbookWorkbook Lesson 41, Exx. 1-3. Ex.1 is compiled to consolidate the dialogue. Get the students to discuss the answers in pairs. Get the students to do Ex.2 orally and then check the answers with the students. Ex.3 can be assigned to students as there.Homework(1) Finish off the exercises of Lesson 41 in the Foundational Exercise Book.(2) Ex.3 in Workbook.Evaluation of teaching:Lesson 4243The Hurricane (III)Teaching aims and demands:1.Words and useful expressions:Normal, strike, midnight, per, push over, path, block,第3页共11页pole, bring down, branch, bath, lamp, awake, cottage, plastic, blanket, call in altogether, take the place of, surprisingly, weatherman, broadcast, clear away, pipe, or so2. Develop reading skills3. Grammar: the past participle as predicative.4. Structure: have + object + ppKey points :1. Words2. Grammar: see above.3. Develop reading skills.Teaching methods: Reading practiceTeaching procedure:Step 1. Revision(1) Check the homework exercises(2) . Revise the key points of Lesson 41.Step 2. PresentationTalk about the picture and ask the four questions at the head of the text.第4页共11页i. What happens in a hurricane?ii. Why are hurricanes dangerous?iii. Which parts of China have hurricanes?iv. Have you ever been in a hurricane?Step 3. SkimmingRead the two passages quickly and answer the following two questions:(1) Why did the hurricane cause so much damage?(2) Who helped to get things back to normal after the hurricane?Step 4. Summary of the three textsGet the students to read the two texts and tell the main idea of the texts. Generalization: This text can be divided into 5 parts as follows:Part 1(Para. 13) General introduction of the hurricane.Part 2(Para. 4) Some lucky escapes.Part 3(Para. 5) Help of the army and workers.Part 4(Para. 68) Damage caused by the hurricane.Part 5(Para. 9) The reason for the hurricane.第5页共11页Step 5. Language points of the texts(1) About the hurricane: If it is happens in the Pacific, it is called typhoon; if it is happens in the Atlantic, it is called hurricane ; if it is happens in the Indian Ocean, it is calledcyclone.(2) Strike: usually we use hit or strike when we say something unhappy happens.(3) Lose their lives: die. Similarly we learned lose their sight(4) :Ifhad happened , there would have been. This structureis used to express the subjunctive mood.(5) Strong winds, high winds and rushing winds are used to express the similar meaning(6) Had lucky escapes: had narrow escapes.(7) Repair the damage: repair the damaged things.(8) On its way: comingStep 6.PracticeSB P63, Part 3. Tell the students to tell your partner, and he or she must guess which one you are talking about.Step 7. Practice第6页共11页SB P63, Part 4. Fill in the gaps with suitable prepositions. Get the students to do the work individually and then check the work with the class. Answer: See SB P63.Step 8. Language studyNow get the students to study the structure: have + object +pp. Tell the students to find out the sentences which contains the structure.Step 9. PracticeSB P64, Part 3. Tell the students to rewrite the sentences using have + object + pp. Do orally with the class.Step 10. PracticeSB P65, Part 46, Practice the structure with the class. Get the students to do it individually and then check the answers with the class.Step 11. WorkbookWorkbook Lesson 4243, Go through the exercises with the class and assign them as their homework.第7页共11页Homework(1) Finish off the exercises of Lesson 4243 in the Foundational Ex. Book.(2) Finish off the workbook exercises.Evaluation of teaching:These two lessons were taught in two teaching periods. In Period 1, we end up with Step 5, and in Period 2, we finished the rest steps. In teaching the structure, we taught some supplementary structures which related to “ have. ”1.have + somebody + do something( similar to let somebodydo something )2. have + somebody + doing something3. gave + something + doing4. get + somebody +to do something5. have + object + PP.Lesson 44Teaching aims and demands第8页共11页1. Words and useful expressions:be anxious about, push over, bring down, call in, take the place of, clear away, or2. Listening practice3. Grammar: the past participle as predicative and attributive.Key points: Useful expressions and grammarTeaching methods: Listening practiceTeaching procedure:Step 1. Revision(1) Check the homework exercises.(2) Revise the key points of Lesson 4243.Step 2. Listening(1) Tell the students turn to Page 155 and read the instructions to get a gist of the listening passage.(2) Play the tape for the students to answer the questions.(3) Check the answers with the students.(4) Post listening activity: get the students to talk about the listening passage.第9页共11页Step 3. CheckpointGo through Checkpoint 11 with students. Tell the students to make up sentences using the phrases in this checkpoint.Step 4. Oral practiceSB P66, Part 2. Read the instructions and get students to have the oral practice as told.Step 5. WritingSB P66, Part 3. First tell the students to look at picture in the work book and then develop a passage. Assign this writing work to the students as their homework.Step 7. WorkbookWorkbook Lesson 44, Ex. 13. Get the students to do the two exercises and then check the answers with the students. Exercise 2 has already been assigned to the students as their homework.Answers: See Workbook P126.Homework第 10页共 11页(1) Finish off the exercises of Lesson 36 in the Foundational Ex.Book.(2) Revise the key points of this unit.Evaluation of teaching:第 11页共 11页


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