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    SWOT system is very important for the hospitality industry. It can help Bellevue hotel for accurate planning objectives. SWOT is divided into four parts: S W O T.S means strengths, which can develop that market, and the present size, structure, image, reputation and expertise of management. In Bellevue hotel, the strengths is two conference suites each with a capacity of 20, Bellevue regularly undertakes functions for business and private individuals and have a s pace for 50 vehicles for the part of conference. for the bedroom, there are 20 bedrooms and two suites, with total bed space for 50 guests, Jack and Jill are both have extensive experience in the hotel industry and Jack was a GM with Grand State Hotels where have 200 bed room for the bedroom.W means weakness, which they may include. For example, any of the following: where are the present deficiencies in expertise, skills, resources, and funding? For the part of conference, the room too small for the number, conference room too large, was like being in a barn and no air conditioning is the weaknesses. For the bedroom, the room has a bit dull, lack of natural daylight and find something inaccessibility in the room is the weaknesses in the Bellevue.O means opportunities, which is any favorable situation, arising from changes that directly influence both the hospitality industry, and the organization. I think it is the most important part in the SWOT system. In Bellevue, the part of conference, the hotel regularly undertakes functions for business and private individuals, road and rail links are excellent and both major Scottish airports serve the hotel. And in the part of bedroom, there are 150 rooms within a five-mile radius. Of these establishments, two are privately owned and two are company units and the new hotel facilities are being built.T means threats, which are the opposite of opportunities, which can be created by changes in the fortunes of the economy or by environmental issues. In conference, the number of business and private individuals being restricted only by the space available and Bellevue only have two conference rooms so reservations are taken four weeks in advance for busy evenings. And in bedroom, the laundry facilities are breakdown on a regular basis and Isa is a best employee, but she is too old and she is considering looking for a less taxing situation.A PEST analysis is an analysis of the external macro-environment that affects all firms. P. E. S. T.is an acronym for the Political, Economic, Social and Technological factors of the external macro-environment. In practice, the firm must prioritize and monitor those factors that influence its industry. I find some aspect will be influenced in Bellevue according the PEST analysis.The political analysis: political stabilityThe economic analysis: type of economic system in countries of operationThe social analysis: demographics or class structureThe technological analysis: recent technological developmentsThe strengths can improve the profit of a hotel and attracting more and more customers, and the weakness can show why the number of guests is sustained downward. The opportunities canchange the current situation and attract capitals. The threats can let management team take actions immediately to meet the income target. Stability political can keep the number of the customer.The different type of economic country could affect the foreign tourist when they choose the hotels. The social of culture can attract different customers to visit this country and feel it in Bellevue and along with the technological development, more and more high- tech equipment can used in Bellevue hotel.According SWOT system and PEST system, I make a planning of the conference and bedroom in Bellevue. So I divide eight step to making this plan.Step 1: SWOT system analysisWe usually first analyze SWOT system in program.Step 2: Set objectivesConference: Complete the equipment and system of conferenceBedroom: Add the number of bedroom and adjust the rooms patternStep 3: Develop a range of plans and have optionsConference: Let the engineer department complete the office system and pay some money to buy some equipment.Bedroom: Let the sales department and operation management to find some investment and then let the engineer department decorate available rooms.Step 4: The additional informationConference: Bellevue is equidistant from both Glasgow and Edinburgh, and is on the periphery ofa major retail park development. I think it is strength can help Bellevue to take more business conference order.Bedroom: Two national Motorway Services operators have lodged local planning consent applications, which, may effectively double the available bed spaces. This is a good news that can keep this plan doing and attract more and more customers come into Bellevue.Step 5: costs and profitConference: although the cost of the system and equipment are not cheap, but Bellevue can accept the higher class business conference.Bedroom: Because the good surrounding environment and potential business investment. Bellevue is likely to spend less money to execute this plan.Step 6:Conference: Human resource manager should select professional employee to take conference training, the engineer department should check the status of the equipment and system weekly. Bedroom: Relevant department to find business investment and some cooperation opportunities.Step 7: Does the policies are conforming to objectives or not.Step 8: Check the condition of the conference and bedroom department regularly, the relevantoperational units take action quickly if it has some abnormal appear.Decision-makingNo 1: Human resource manager should select professional employee and engineer department check the status of the equipment and system weekly.No 2: Let the sales department and operation management to find some investment and let the engineer department decorate available rooms.


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