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    .富阳市实验小学英语教案课 题Unit1 How can I get there?班级教学内容Part A Lets try &Lets talk 时间课时Period 1教学目标1. 能听懂、会说,会读:Where is the science museum? Its. 能替换关键词造新句并在实际情景中自如运用。2. 能听说认读表示地点的名词和短语如science museum, post office, museum shop, bookstore 等, 方位介词 next to, near, behind 以及动词短语 turn right, turn left, go straight。3.能听懂,会说,会表演Lets talk内容,并在真实场景中运用所学语言进行交流和运用。教学重点学生能表演Lets talk的交际用语,根据实际情况用英语问路和指路教学难点 用英语准确询问并回答地点方位,如Where is the science museum? Its next to the museum.教具准备Pictures, word cards, CD, tape 教程过程主 要 教 学 内 容随 笔Step1Step2Warm-up 1. Greetings2.Look and say the namesPresent the pictures and tell whats that?Present the words in talk: science museum, post office, museum shop, bookstore3.Listen and chantMuseum, museum, where is the museum? Bookstore, bookstore, where is the bookstore?Lets go, go, go.Hospital, hospital, where is the hospital?Shop, shop, where is the shop?Lets go, go, go.Lets try1. Listen to the tape and tick the right answers.2.Check the answers.精品. Step3 . Step4.Step5Step6Lets talk 1. Listen to the tape and answer the questions.Where is the museum shop?Where is the post office?2.Listen and repeat. 3.Read together.4.Practice the dialogue.Role play (Wu Yifan, Robin, Man.)(1)Play in groups(2)Ask 3Ss to role play(3) Practice the dialogue with a group of 3 Ss3. Show timeAsk Ss to come to the front to act the dialogue out.ExtensionTalk about the places in your city/town/village.Is there a .?Where is it?Its near/next to/behind.AssessmentDo the Exercises in Workbook备注精品.富阳市实验小学英语教案课 题Unit1 How can I get there?班级教学内容PartA Lets learn &Make a map and talk 时间课时Period 2教学目标1. 能听懂、会说朗读:There is a . Where is the cinema? Its next to the bookstore. 能询问某个地方在哪里,并作出相应回答的相关问路和指路的交际用语。2. 能正确听说认读表示地点的名词和短语如science museum, post office, cinema, bookstore, hospital, pet hospital, park 等, 方位介词 next to, near, behind 3.能听在真实场景中运用所学语言进行交流和运用。教学重点学生能运用问路和指路的交际用语,根据实际情况用英语问路和指路教学难点 用英语准确询问并回答地点方位,如Where is the cinema? Its next to the bookstore.教具准备Pictures, word cards, CD, tape 教程过程主 要 教 学 内 容随 笔Step1Step2Warm-up and revision1. Greetings2.Sing a songWhere is the hospital?3.Review Lets talkPresentation1. T: Look at the pictures and say the names.S: .2. Present the word cards.Listen and repeat.Read and spell the words.3. Practice:Where is the cinema? Its next to the bookstore.4.Talk with partner.A: Where is the .?B: Its next to the .Use the new words to ask and answer.精品. Step3 . Step4.science museum, post office, cinema, bookstore, hospital, pet hospital, parkMake a map and talk1. T shows the picture and talk with a studentLets lookT:There is a pet hospital in my city. Where is it?S: Its near the park.T: Where is the .?S: Its next to./near/behind/2. Make a map and talk with partner3. Show the map and talk4. Ask two ss to show the map and talkAssessmentDo the Exercises in Workbook备注精品.富阳市实验小学英语教案课 题Unit1 How can I get there?班级教学内容Part B Lets try &Lets talk 时间课时Period 3教学目标1. 能通过情境回答理解表示地点和指路时用到的单词,词组和句子含义,并运用在实际问路和指路交际当中。2. 能听说认读单词restaurant, Italian, pizza, get, street, interesting,和短语turn right, turn left, 运用How can I get there? Where is? 等句型进行交流。3.能听懂,会说,会表演Lets talk内容,并在真实场景中运用所学语言进行交流和运用。教学重点学生能运用运用How can I get there? Where is?询问某地在哪里,用所学的指路短语和句型给别人指路。教学难点 用英语How can I get there?,turn left, turn right 等句型进行正确流利的问答 教具准备Pictures, word cards, CD, tape 教程过程主 要 教 学 内 容随 笔Step1Warm-up 1. Greetings2.Lets chantWhere, where, where is the hospital? Its next to the school. Where, where, where is the school? Its near the restaurant.How, how, how can we get there? Turn left, turn right.3.Free talk.T: Im hungry. Where do we go?S: Restaurant.T: Good idea! Lets go to a restaurant to eat some delicious food, ok? S: Ok!T: Where is the restaurant?How can I get there?(show a map to the Ss)精品.Step2Step3 . Step4.Step5T: Turn left at the bookstore.Lets try1. Wu Yifan is calling Mike. Where do they want to go? Listen and tick or cross.2. Check the answers.Lets talk 1. Listen to the tape and answer the questions.Where does Wu Yifan want to go?Where is the restaurant?How can he get there?2. Listen and repeat. 3. Read together.4. Practice the dialogue.Role play (Wu Yifan, Mike, Robin.)(1)Play in groups(2)Ask 3Ss to role play(3) Practice the dialogue with a group of 3 Ss3. Show timeAsk Ss to come to the front to act the dialogue out.ExtensionTalk about a cinema or restaurant you like. How can you get there?I likeHow can I get to the ?Turn left/right atIts near/next to/behind.AssessmentDo the Exercises in Workbook精品.备注精品.富阳市实验小学英语教案课 题Unit1 How can I get there?班级教学内容Part A Lets learn &be a tour guide 时间课时Period 4教学目标1. 能正确听说认读turn left, turn right, go straight, crossing 和How can I get there? Where is ? 句型并进行交流。2. 在上节课学习的基础上继续进行问路和指路的交流 3.能听在真实场景中运用所学语言进行交流和运用。教学重点学生能运用How can I get there? Where is ?询问某地在哪里,并能用turn left, turn right, go straight等短语和句型给别人指路。教学难点 用英语准确询问并回答地点方位,如How can I get there? turn left, turn right, go straight 等词句。教具准备Pictures, word cards, CD, tape 教程过程主 要 教 学 内 容随 笔Step1 Step2 Warm-up and revision1. Greetings2. Review Lets talk3.Lets chantWhere, where, where is the hospital? Its next to the park.Where, where, where is the hospital? Its near the park.How, how, how can we get there? Turn left, turn right, and go straight.Presentation1. Present the word cards.Listen and repeat.Read and spell the words.3. SentencesMike:Where is the Italian restaurant?精品.Step3Step4Step5 . .Robin: No, turn left.Be a tour guideChen Jie is trying to be a tour guide for Oliver in Beijing. Can you help her?ConsolidationOne student to be a foreigner, the other one to be a guide.Make a dialogue. A: Where is the ?B: Go straight, turn right and you can see theAssessmentDo the Exercises in Workbook备注精品.富阳市实验小学英语教案课 题Unit1 How can I get there?班级教学内容Part B Read and write 时间课时Period 5教学目标1. 能够在图片、实物等媒体的帮组下听说认读单词map, compass, GPS, stars, feature, far, tell, gave, follow.能理解会用表示方位的介词和介词短语behind, beside, in front of 等表达某物在某处。2. 能听说认读和复述等系列活动掌握询问某处在哪里并做出反应3.培养学生运用英语交流和用英语解决实际问题的能力。教学重点学生能正确朗读并复述课文Robin has GPS!进一步掌握问路与指路的问答语;能正确书写map, compass等与导航相关的单词教学难点 用英语准确询问并回答地点方位教具准备Pictures, word cards, CD, tape 教程过程主 要 教 学 内 容随 笔Step1 Step2Warm-up and revision1. Greetings2. Brain stormReview Lets learnShow word cards and review the words:turn left, turn right, go straight, crossing3.DictationPresentation1. Present the word cards.If you are in a car, which of these can help you find a place?Present the new words compass, map, stars, GPSListen and repeat.Read and spell the words.3. Listen and answer精品.Step3Step4Step5 . .1. What is Robins new feature?2. How many places did they pass by?3. which word under the fourth picture means奏效?Fill in the blanks1.Read the text again and fill in the blanks2. Check the answers.3. Retell the short passageRead the text1.Listen and repeat2. Read the text together3. Role play4. Retell the passageWu Yifan and his friends want to eat some pizza in an Italian restaurant. They _and _. They _and then turn right again.AssessmentDo the Exercises in Workbook精品.备注富阳市实验小学英语教案课 题Unit1 How can I get there?班级教学内容Part B Lets check& Lets wrap it up&Tips for pronunciation Part C Storytime时间课时Period 6教学目标1. 能够在图片、实物等媒体的帮组下听说认读单词map, compass, GPS, stars, feature, far, tell, gave, follow.能理解会用表示方位的介词和介词短语behind, beside, in front of 等表达某物在某处。2. 能听说认读和复述等系列活动掌握询问某处在哪里并做出反应3.培养学生运用英语交流和用英语解决实际问题的能力。教学重点学生能正确朗读并复述课文Robin has GPS!进一步掌握问路与指路的问答语;能正确书写map, compass等与导航相关的单词教学难点 用英语准确询问并回答地点方位教具准备Pictures, word cards, CD, tape 教程过程主 要 教 学 内 容随 笔Step1Step2Step3Warm-up and revision1. Greetings2.Reviewmap, compass, GPS, stars, feature, far, tell, gave, followbehind, beside, in front ofTips for pronunciation 1. Present the 4 sentences.2. Listen and repeat3. Ask Ss to read the sentencesLets check1. Listen and tick the places you hear. Write the words under the pictures.精品.Step4Step5Step5 . .2. Check the answers3. Listen again and answer the two questions on page 10.Lets wrap it up1. Try to write more words.2. Make sentences with these wordsLets watch our classroom carefully, and make sentences with these words.Story time1. Watch the video2. Answer two questionsWhere can I buy the tasty things?Is the Thames far from here?What does Zoom want to eat?AssessmentDo the Exercises in Workbook精品.备注如有侵权请联系告知删除,感谢你们的配合!精品


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