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    班级:姓名:学号:英语周测(满分: 100 分时间: 40 分钟)一、单项选择。(30 分)1.Ito go to the school now.A wantB wantsC to wantD am wanting2.My friends oftenTV in the evening.A watchB seeC watchingD look at3. Lets go and _ the basketball.A. findingB. is findingC. findD. finds4.It s 9oclock. Bobdinner at home.Ais havingB.haveC. hasD. having5. Bob, are you listening or writing?A. Yes, I am B .Im listening C. No, I am not writing D .I m listening and writing6. -Hello, this is Wendy. Can I speak to Mike?-Yes, _.A. My name is Mike B. Mike, pleaseC. Mike is me D. this is Mike speaking7. -Nancy, I buy you a new bike.-Thank you, dad. Its _ what I want.A. justB. stillC. only D. almost8. - Ben, would you like to play soccer with us?-_, but I have to wash my clothes first.A. No, I can tB. I don t want toC. Yes, pleaseD. I d love to9. We have two foreign teachers here. One is from England, and _ is from America.A. anotherB. the otherC. the othersD. other10. The Chinese ping-pong players will join in the match. Lets _ them to win.A. wishB. to wishC. hope D. to hope11.What about the red sweater?-It is too small. Could you please show me _ one?A. anyB. any otherC. otherD. another12. At _, we eat rice dumplings and have a boat race.A. the Mid-Autumn FestivalB. the Spring Festival出题人:宋长泽C. the Dragon Boat FestivalD. Halloween13. Tony can _ the guitar. Now he _ the guitar.A. play; playsB. playing; playingC. plays; is playingD. play; is playing14.Cindy likes music and she wishesa musician.A.beB.being C.to be D.to being15.Mike,does the chicken taste good? Yes,it s reallyA.delicious B.terrible C.healthyD.old二完形填空。(20 分)Today I go to see my friend Sally. Her house is _1_ Center Street. And its near the _2_ station. So I take the bus there. When I _3_ her house, I see Sally playing games with her sister. Her father _4_ a newspaper in the room. Her mother is _5_ dinner in the kitchen. Her grandmother is talking with her aunt _6_ the phone. Her brother is doing _7_ homework. Her grandfather is _8_ on the bed.Sallys uncle is watch- ing TV in the room. They are all very happy to see me. Sallys father stops reading the newspaper. He takes us to the _9_ near his house. We see many kinds of animals and we have a great time with three girls from _10_ in it.()1.A onBatCforD /()2.A.busBpoolCclothesDfruit()3.A.get upBgo outCgo backD get to()4.A.watchesBseeCis readingD is looking()5.A.waitingBdoingCmakingD teaching()6.A.inBonCatD with()7.A.myBherChisD your()8.A.sleepingBcookingCplayingD taking()9.A.libraryBzooChotelD supermarket()10.A.EnglishBAmericanCAfricaDChinese三、阅读理解。(20 分)AOn Saturday morning, Roy and Jackson went fishing. Roy took Bingo with himon the river. When the dog saw a butterfly, he wanted to run after it and tried to catch it.班级:姓名:学号:出题人:宋长泽"All the fish are afraid and swim away!" said Jackson. "Be quiet! Bingo." Roy shouted at the dog. But Bingo didnt listen to him."I think we have to go home now, Jackson. Next time, I will not bring him here again." "Wait!" said Jackson, "A fish is biting(咬) my line." "Look out!" shouted Roy. But it was too late. Jackson fell into the water. "Help! Help!" shouted Jackson. But Roy couldnt swim. Just then, Bingo came out. Bingo jumped into the water and pulled (拉) Jackson onto the bank and saved his life.1.Bingo isnt a dog, is it ?A. Yes, it is,B, No, it isnt.C.Yes, it isnt.D, No, it is.2.What was Roy doing with Jackson on Saturday morning?A. He was swimming. B,He was fishing.C. He was jumping. D, He was shouting.3.What does “Look out! ” mean ?A. Look outside!B. Listen !C.Stop!D.Be careful!4.Who saved Jackson at last?A. RoyB. BingoC. No oneD. Jackson himself5.How do you feel about Bingo ?A. He is lazy.B. He feels afraid.C. He is smart and brave.D. He likes butterflies.BIts 9: 00 p.m.Mom comes home.She finds there are pencils,crayons(蜡笔 ) and paper on the floor.Mom is angry.“Clean the floor now,Amy ,” she says.Amy doesnt say a word and takes these things to her room.“ Dont be angry,” Dad says“.She is just a kid.Come and have dinner”.“ Im tired.I dont want to eat,” Mom says.“ Amy doesnt eat yet.She is waiting for you,” Dad says.“ OK,” Mom says.“ Time for dinner,Amy ,” Dad says.Amy comes out of her room with a small cakeand a picture in her hands“. Happy Birthday,Mom ,” Amy says.“ The gifts are foryou.”“Its OK,Mom ,” says Amy.“ Lets have dinner now”. “Great!”6.Amys mother sees pencils and paper.A.on the sofaB.on the deskC.on the floorD.in Amys room7.Amys mother doesnt want to have dinner because.A.she is too tiredB.she is not hungryC.she doesnt like the food D.she is busy with her work8.What gifts does Amy give her mother?a booka small cakea picturea CDA.B.C.D.9.What can we know from the passage?A.Amys mother often gets home late.B.Amys father is good at cooking.C.There are two people in the picture.D.Amy forgives( 原谅 ) her mother at last.四、词汇运用( 15 分)A.根据汉语提示完成句子1 What are you doing, Tom?Im _(使用 ) my computer.2 Look! My father is helping my mother _(洗) clothes.3 It _(刚好 ) takes me ten minutes to clean the room.4 The _(汤) tastes so good.5 China Daily is a popular(受欢迎的 ) _(报纸 ) in China.五、书面表达( 15 分)假设你是 Peter,现在是周六晚上八点钟, 你们一家人正在家里做各自最喜欢的事情。请根据下面表格中的内容,以“ Our Favorite Things”为题写一篇英语短文。要求:内容必须包括提示内容,可适当发挥; 60 词左右 (文章开头已经给出,不计入总词数 )。WhoWhatWhyMom forgets her birthday.She looks at the cake and the picture.In the picture,a family is in the park and all the three people are very happy.Petersfather喝茶看报轻松“ Thank you, my dear,” Mom says.“And Im sorry.”Peters网 上 购 物 (doonline想 买 喜 欢 的班级:姓名:学号:出题人:宋长泽mothershopping)衣服Peter清洗餐具想 帮 父 母 做事情Our Favorite Things_


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