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    应用文写作 - 倡议书1 假设你是遂宁某中学高三学生, 你校正开展读书月活动, 请你就读书的好处写一篇倡议书,号召同学积极阅读, 内容包括 :1. 阅读开阔视野、开启智慧 ;2. 阅读能帮助提升个人魅力 ;3. 阅读能培养知识和技能。注意 :1. 词数 :100 词左右 ;2. 可适当增加细节 , 使行文连贯。Hello,everyone,As we all know, books are the lamps lighting the road ahead._2、近年来 , 随着网络的普及, 学生的汉字书写能力下降。为了保护传统民族文化汉字, 校学生会提出倡议。 请你根据以下内容提示, 以学生会的名义为你校的同学们写一封英文倡议书。1. 少上网 , 多读书 ;2. 养成练书写和写日记的习惯 ;3. 自拟一项其他方面的倡议内容 ( 比如 : 背诵国学经典 )注意 : 短文词数不少于100( 开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数 )参考词汇 : 汉字 Chinese characters国学经典 national cultural classicsDear friends,In recent years, many of us have spent a lot of time on the Internet with its popularity.第1页共10页_Student s Union3、假设你是李明 , 最近你校的一份英语报纸正在校园出现的“涂鸦”现象开展讨论。请你根据以下要点写一篇倡议书。主要内容包括 :(1) “涂鸦”丑陋难看。(2) 公共建筑物不是表达观点、感情的地方。(3) 禁止“涂鸦”。参考词汇 :graffitin.涂鸦 ,( 在墙上的 ) 乱涂乱写vandalismn.对公共财物的有意破坏Dear Editor,Recently graffiti has become more noticeable in my school._Yours,Li Ming第2页共10页4、目前 , 电子产品已经成为我们日常生活的一部分, 从而导致学生的汉字书写能力降低。为了保护传统民族文化汉字, 校学生会提出倡议。 请你根据以下内容提示, 以学生会的名义为你校的同学们写一封英文倡议书。内容要点 :1.多读书 , 勤记笔记 ;2.养成练书写和写日记的习惯;3. 自拟一项其他方面的倡议内容。注意 : 词数 100 左右。参考词汇 : 汉字 Chinese character_5、假如你叫李华 , 是校学生会主席。 最近 , 你校学生会发起了一个名为”杜绝校园浪费 , 倡导低碳生活”的主题活动 , 要求同学们在日常生活中减少浪费 , 实现低碳生活。请你代表学生会写一个倡议书 , 内容包括 :1. 列举校园存在的浪费现象 ;2. 低碳生活的必要性 :3. 提出倡议。注意 : 词数 100 左右。_第3页共10页6、为弘扬雷锋精神, 你所在的某外国语学校决定开展一系列志愿服务活动。假如你是该校学生会主席。请用英语在校报上写一封倡议书, 号召同学们加入你校的志愿者俱乐部。内容包括 :1. 当志愿者的好处 ;2. 给出具体的几点倡议。注意 :1. 词数 80 左右 ;2. 开头已给出 , 但不计人总词数 ;3. 可以适当增加细节 , 以使行文连贯。Dear fellow students,In order to carry forward Lei Feng spirit, we are ready to carry out a seriesof voluntary activities._7、目前 , 中国已经进入汽车社会, 越来越多的汽车正走进寻常百姓家. 但是有些驾驶员的素质令人担忧 , 他们的所作所为严重危害了自己和他人的安全. 这种现象与社会的发展极不协调.请你以李华的身份, 结合下列几点写一封倡议书, 倡议所有驾驶员做" 中国好司机 " 。主要内容包括 :简单描述以上现象;2. 你的建议 : 1) 严格遵守交通规则 ; 2) 不隔窗抛物 ; 3) 礼让他人 , 不闯红灯 .注意 :词数 100 左右2. 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;第4页共10页3. 开头和结尾已给出 , 不计入总词数 .参考词汇 : 规则 regulations让路 give way to;闯红灯 run thered lightDear drivers,Atpresent,moreand more cars have enteredthe homes of ordinarypeople._Yours sincerely,Li Hua8、建设平安校园是我们每个人的责任与义务。作为一名学生, 我们更应该珍惜自己的生命,注意自己的人身安全。假如你是李华, 并担任校学生会主席, 请你就安全问题, 向全校学生发出倡议 , 写一封安全倡议书。内容提示 :(1) 不带管制刀具到学校;(2) 不私自下河洗澡 ;(3) 不打架 ;(4) 上学放学的途中应该注意安全 ;(5) 遇紧急情况 , 立即报告警察或老师。参考词汇 : 管制刀具 :restricted knives or things;洗澡 :have a bath;打架 :fight;紧急情况:emergency;交通安全 :pay attention to the traffic safety。写作要求 :(1) 用词恰当 , 要点全面 , 层次清晰 , 书写规范(2) 可适当发挥 ,100 词左右。Dear students,As we know, safety is the most important thing in our lives.第5页共10页_YoursLiHua答案1 答案: Hello,everyone,As we all know, books are the lamps lighting the road ahead. Books are also the bridges connecting the lands apart.In deed , reading is really of great importance for us.Firstof all,readingcan broaden our vision,making us a fullman and a wiseman. Just as an old saying goes, books are the ever-burning lamps of accumulatedwisdom. Besides, reading can cultivate our taste and improve our personalcharm.Whats more, through reading we can also learn some skills and reading canhelp us get a good job. In a word, reading is to our mind what food is to our body.Action speaks louder than words. Now lets begin to read!2 答案:Dear friends,In recent years, many of us spend a lot of time on the Internet with itspopularity. As a result, we dont write as well as we did in the past. In order toprotect our Chinese characters and improve our handwriting, wed like to offer some suggestions:第6页共10页We shouldspend lesstime onlineso thatwe can have more timeto read books.Wed better form the habit if keeping diaries every day to practice handwriting.Besides, it is better to write letters to our relatives and friends by hand ratherthan sente-mails.Beautifuland neat handwritingisbeneficialto us students.Soplease pay more attention to our handwriting in the future.Lets take action now!Student s Union3 答案:Dear Editor,Recently graffiti has become more noticeable in my school. I feel quite annoyed at them, especially when some of my classmates praise them as a kind ofso- calledart.Confrontedwiththisimpolitephenomenon, I canthelp askingmyself:what is wrong with todays teenagers?In my opinion,graffitiisa form of vandalism.They are a mess and are uglyto lookat. Meanwhile, walls are public places, and they should not be used to expresspersonal views and feelings.Ireallythinkvandalismshouldbe stopped,and those who refuseto stop thisbad practice should be punished. We should clear away these ugly expressions anddrawings so that our school may return to its true self-a clean, quiet place for both learning and teaching.Yours,Li Ming4 答案:Dear friends,Inrecentyears,withthe popularityof digitaldevices,studentspay littleattention to their handwriting. As a result, their handwriting is not so good asitwas in the past.In orderto protectour Chinese charactersand writeboth nicelyand neatly, wed like to offer some suggestions.第7页共10页Firstly, spend less time online so that we can have more time to read andtake notes. Moreover,wed better form the habit of practicing handwriting andkeepingdiariesevery day. Besides,itis betterto writeto our relativesand friendsrather than send e-mails. As the saying goes,“The style is the man.” Beautifuland neat handwritingis beneficialto us students.So pleaseattachgreatimportanceto our handwriting in future.Let s take action now!Students Council5 答案:Dear fellow students,As everybody can see, some resources are being wasted in our school. Thelights are on during the day in some classrooms. Water taps are left running afterwashing. Inthe canteen, some students throw away he food just becausethey don tlike it.I think it is high time that we should stop wasting and live a low-carbonlifebecausemany peoplego hungryandenergycrisisisgettingworsein theworld.So Imake thefollowingsuggestions:First, letsturnoffthelightsand thewatertapswhen we dont use them. Second,wed bettereatup thefood we buy.Last butnot least, we should form the habit of recycling waste.Dearfriends,itwe take actionnow, we can make a bigdifferencetothewholeworld.Students Union6 答案:高分范文Dear fellow students,Inorderto carryforwardLei Feng spirit,we are ready to carryout a seriesof voluntary activities. Volunteering has a positive effect on our community. It can bring measurable benefits to the individuals, groups, organizations, and第8页共10页communitiesat large.Firstly,volunteeringcan helpus understandsocietybetter.Secondly, teering can provide us with a good chance to school.I sincerely hope that more and more students will join the volunteer clubof our school. Lets shoulder the responsibilities as volunteers for the old anddisabled people around us.Remember, we can make a difference to society if we are willing to lend a helping hand, so lets take action.Students, Union标准范文Dear fellow students,Inorderto carryforwardLei Feng spirit,we are ready to carryout a seriesof voluntary activities. Volunteering has a positive effect on our community. Itcan benefit us in several ways. First of all, volunteering can help us learn moreabout societyand gainvaluableexperience.Secondly,volunteeringprovidesus witha good opportunityto putwhat we have learnedto good use.FinallyI hope more andmore students will join the volunteer club of our school.Lets express concern for the old and disabled people around us and offera helping hand. Lets clean the parks near our home. Lets go to nursing homesto bring love to those in need.Let s take action.Students Union(91 words)7 答案: Dear drivers,At present,more and more cars have entered the homes of ordinarypeople.But what worries us a lot is some driversbad quality.(高分句型一 ) Theirbehavior harms the safety of others and themselves.Thisphenomenon is against the development of our society.Then,I haveome ideas for youto be good drivers.(简单的介绍了现今社会中存在的司机不文明的现象并提出文明驾车)第9页共10页First,allof us must obey the trafficregulations.Second,youshouldntthrowthings out of the car window.Some cleaners are hit bythe passing cars and die peryear while they are picking up the thingsthatyou have thrown away( 高分句型二 ).Next,giveway topassers-bypolitelyat thecross-roadsand you mustntrun the redlight.Lastbut not least,alwaysremember:yourfamilies are waiting foryou at home.(讲述了为什么要文明驾车)I reallyhope allthe driverscan take actionfrom now on and trytobe goodChinese drivers.(自己的陈述 )Yours sincerely,Li Hua8 答案:Dear students,As we know, safetyis the most important thing in ourlives. So, we should try our best to make sure we are safe. We mustnt bringrestricted knives or things to our school because these things may cause seriousproblems. Do not have a bath in rivers or ponds by ourselves without our parents permission. And, we should be friendly to others so fighting is strongly banned.Make sure that we should always pay attention to the traffic safety on our way to school or home


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