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    TEACHINGPLANTitle:DR ABC(Unit 8 First Aid, Senior Book 2A)Lessen Type:ReadingKnowledge Aims1. Enable the students to realize the great importance of time in emergency.2. Let the students know more about first aid.3. Help the students to master some useful words and expressions.Ability Aims1.Improve the students reading ability.2. Enable the students to use the reading skills such as skimming and scanning to grasp the main idear of each paragraph and the details.Moral Aims1. Make the students learn to care for others and be helpful.2. Train the students ability of co-operation.Teaching Important Points1. Improve the students reading ability.2. Get the students to master the useful expressions of the text.Teaching Difficult Point1. How to improve the students reading ability.2. How to give first aid.Analyzing&Anticipating the Students1.The students mustwant to knowmore about the methords togivingfirstaid.Teacher should give them more knowledge about it.2.Thoughstudentsare able to read the text, it is difficult forthem tousedifferentreading skills to read thetext. Teacher should givethestudentsspecific statementsabout the tworeading skills and make surethey canmaster the skills.3. Because the students performed the two short plays themselves, when they watched the video, they may be too excited. So teacher should pay attention to control the atmosphere of the class.Teaching & Learning Methods:1. Videows to raise the students interest in first aid.2. Ask-and-answer method to help the students understand the text better.3. Free talk and discussion to improve the students speaking ability.4. Students-centered activities.Teaching Aid:Multimedia第 1页共 5页Teaching ProceduresStep1 GreetingsGreet the whole class as usualStep2 Lead in1.Show a video (which is a bicycle accident ) to the students and ask them a question.“How do you help the injured student if you meet such a situation?”2.Ask 2-3 students to answer the question.3.Accrding to the their answers, give them the meaning of“first aid ”on a flash card.Step3 Skimming1. Tell the students we will learn the text about how to give others first aid.2. Teach the students what skimming is and how they skim a passage.(Type the skill on the screen: Skimming is one of the reading skills.Youshould read quickly, noting only the main points.)3. Ask the students skim the passage and show them the main idea of each paragraph. After they finished skimming they should match them.Para.1The importance of staying calmPara.2What we should do when we have checked DR ABCPara.3 &4What we should do when we have given first aidPara.5The importance of first aidPara.6The meaning of DR ABC4. Ask 6 students to match the main ideas with the properparagraphs.Step 4. ScanningAsk the students to scan the important paragraphs.第 2页共 5页1. Teach the students what scanning is and how they scanning a passage. (Type the skill on the screen: Scanning is another reading skill.You should Read quickly but not very thoroughly.)2. Before the students read the passage, give them 3 questions.1. What do the letters DR ABC stand for ?2. What should we do when we have checked the DR ABC ?3. What should we do when we have given first aid ?3. Scan Paragraph 3-4, answer the first question. Then match the maining of the letters.D -Danger R -Response A -AirwayB -Breathing C -Circulation1.Make sure to cover the wound and press on the wound to stop the bleeding.2.Make sure the accident scene issafe.3.Make sure the person can breathe; otherwise,start his or her breathing at once.4.Make sure the airway is open and it s easy to breathe.5.Makesurethewoundedisconscious and can breathe.4. Scan Paragraph 5 and answer the second question.5. Scan Paragraph 6 and answer the third question.Step 5 Learning a method to put an injured person in the recovery position1. Show the following pictures to the students. and let the students to tell2. Help the students to tell the the class how to put an injured person in the recovery position step by step according the peictures.Step 6 Listening and answering the T or F questions1. Books closed and listen to the tape.2. At the same time do the T or F questions on the screen.True or False questions. If the question is false,please find out the mistake.1. We can do nothing but call an ambulance or the police when someone is hurt.2. If you don t know about first aid, never tryto revive the wounded person.第 3页共 5页3.We can check blood circulating only by looking for eye movement.4. If the person is not breathing , we must start his or her breathing in ten minutes.5. The most important thing to do when dealing with an emergency is to stay calm.3. After listening, ask group of students to answer the questions one by one.Step7 Working in pairs(Give the students some key words or useful expressions on the screen and the following flashes.)1. Ask the stuents to tell their partners how to give first aid according to the passage.( having a discussion)2. Have some students to give the class their ideas and ask them to write their methods on the blackboard.Step 8 Discussion1. Continue the video which is played at the beginning of the class.2.Ask the students to find out the mistakes in the video which is about two students gave the first aid to the injured boy.3. According to the methods which were written on the blackboard by the students justnow, have a discussion about “How do you deal with it in the situation after learning DR ABC?”4. Have some students tell the class their idea.Step 9 Summary1.Summarise that first aid is knowledge2. Give the students two address on the internet where they can find more information about first aid.http:/www.healthy.net/clinic/first aid/http:/kids health.org/parent/first aid_safe/Step 10 Homework1. Write down the Situational-retelling task.It is titled with“ How to give first aid to a drowning person”第 4页共 5页Self teaching examinationGenerally speaking, the lesson is successful. I taught it inthe school steachingandscientific researchingmeeting. Unlike theusual open-lesson, it wasvery practical. Thestudents can not only learn the knowledge of first aid but also they can learn the reading skills.After the lesson, the students really can master some methods to give others first aidand they can understand the whole passage well. I taugh the lesson in theMultimediaclassroom,so the studentscouldunderstoodthe methods,positionsand situationsinintuitionistic way through pictures, videos and flashes. And the contant is much richer thanusual lessons. Because the actors in the video are from students themselves, when thestudentswatchedthe video, theywerevery excited.So the atmospherewas free andactive in class.But I think if I had communicated with the students more, the lesson would have beenbetter. After each step, I should summarise the studentssuccess and failure.As a goodteacher, I should try my best to find out the studentsstrongpoints to encourage them.第 5页共 5页


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