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    高二英语教学案( 7)M7 Unit 3The world onlineWelcome to the UnitReading & Word powerDesigned by Liu jianjunTeaching aims:Talk about topics related to the Internet and its positive and negative uses to students.Encourage the Ss to improve reading ability while focusing on language points.Teaching important & difficult points:Make the Ss talk about topics related to the Internet and its uses to students.The use of some useful words and expressions .The first period ( Welcome )Language points (Learn and use)1. Search for information on a variety of topics. (P33)a variety ofn1) C a different type of sth.:The article was about the different varieties of Spanish spoken in South America.This variety of rose is especially hardy and drought-resistant.a variety of2) S many different types of things or people:She does a variety of fitness activities.The equipment could be used for a variety of educational purposes.2. Keep in touch with family members wherever you are in the world. (P33)wherever1) adv./ conj. to or in any or every place: We can go wherever you like.Wherever I go I always seem to bump into him.All across Europe, wherever you look, marriage is in decline and divorce rates are soaring.2) adverbused instead of where to add emphasis to a phrase, usually expressing surprise:Wherever did you find that hat!Wherever did you get that idea!Wherever does he get the money from to go on all these exotic journeys?高考链接In peace,too ,the Red Cross is expected to send help _ there is human suffering.( 2006江西)A.whoeverB. howeverC. whateverD. whereverHomework第 1页共 7页1.Preview Reading in the second part on page 34-35 ( including Part A )2.Finish off C1The second period( Reading 1 )3. That is to say, I believe that the Internet has positive effects on our lives.(P34)1)that is to say也就是 (说 ), 言之,亦即常用来 一步解 前面 的事情。 是个固定短 ,在句中作插入 。 My boss has asked me to attend a lecture about the use of the Internet three days fromnow ,that is to say , on Friday John is a Londoner, that is to say, he lives in London 2)have an effect on 对 有影响; 起作用 As we know some terrible websites on the Internet have a very bad effect on people,especially children He is helpless and even punishment has very little effect on him The present system of payment will remain in effect until the end of the rental agreement. When do the new driving laws come into effect?4. The first is its value for people who are looking for information. (P34) value n.1) S or UThey are known to place/put/set a high value on good presentation.2) U how useful or important sth. is:The photos are of immense historical value.His contribution was of little or no practical value.3) the amount of money which can be received for sth.:She had already sold everything of value that she possessed.What is the value of the prize?This watch is good value for your money vt.估 某物的价 , 某物估价;重 、珍 某物某人eg:Do you value her as a good friend?They valued the land at three million dollars高考 接To make members of a team perform better, the trainer first of all has to know their_ and weaknesses. ( 2006 湖北)A.strengthsB. benefitsC. techniquesD. values5. acquirev gain or obtain sth / be given sth 得,取得,收到 (某事物 )eg:Weve just acquired a dog 我 得到一条狗。Mr Brown acquired a fortune in the oil businessShe acquired a knowledge of French by careful study 注意:其名 acquirement 指 得,学到;得到的 西eg:I appreciate your acquirements 6. Internet users can communicate with experts on all sorts of topics, and read articleswritten by people who are leaders of their fieldsall sorts of 各种各 的;一切种 的形容 短 ,在句中作前置定 ,修 可数名第 2页共 7页 的复数,偶 也跟不可数名 。 The travel agency provides a11 sorts of services The shop is well stocked with all sorts of goods All kinds of people are needed to do all sorts of work in the societysortv.将 分 sort out :整理 He was sorting his foreign stamps into piles He sorted out the good apples from the bad ones HomeworkFinish off C2 , D , E & FThe third period( Reading 2 )7. They say children spend too much time chatting and playing games instead offocusing on their school work focus( )on/upon(1)把(思想等 )集中于 (某事物 );以 (某事物 ) 重点中心。 focus 在此可及物也可不及物,但整个短 却 是及物的。focus 的 可 : one s attention(注意力 ), thoughts( 思 ), mind( 心思 ),efforts( 努力 ), energies(精力 )等,一般不是具体的 西。 些短 都可有被 。 Many Chinese firms are focusing on expanding their market overseas He finds it hard to focus his thoughts on one thing for longer than five minutes When the kitchen is finished Im going to focus my attention on the gardenand get that sorted out.(2)使(光 等 )聚集于If you focus bright sunlight on dry wood with a piece of glass, it will start burning 拓展 :concentrate()onupon 集中精力,把 “集中于”centre( )on upon 集中于;以 中心fix on upon Our society ought to concentrate more efforts on helping the poor and the disabled Everyones attention was centred on the speaker. The people who are to be happy fix their attention mind on the convenience of things 8. advance vt. 推 ,促 ,增加,提高 Chemical fertilizers advance the growth of crops. It is a great force to advance all kinds of work.n. 前 ; 展The army has made an advance.This invention is a great advance.in advance:ahead of time; beforehand 提前; 先If you want to get the book, you must pay for it in advance. in advance of: in front of; ahead of 在前面;在 之前 He walked in advance of his wife.9. One of the greatest benefits of Internet friendships is that they are based on common interests, rather than appearance , age or popularity (P34)第 3页共 7页common 共同的;普通的,常 的;commonly adv common interestsshare a common aim purposethe common cold 感冒the common sense 常 have sth (much a lot/ nothing) in common(with sb)common, ordinary, normal, usual, regular, popular, general1)common 用于物, 指不稀奇, 很普通, 无异常的特征; 用于人, 指很平凡, 没有 位,不高 。2)ordinary 指日常生活中随 碰到的、平凡的、平常的。3)normal 指正常的、通常的。4)usual 指通常的,用以表示自然界中符合 律的事物,也可表示符合社会 俗或个人 的事物。含有一 如此,并不新奇的意思。5)regular 指符合常 ,有 律的;暗示没有意外 生的或不 定的情况。6)popular 指被广泛地接受或在普通人中 广 流行的、通俗的、大众化的。7)general 含 ,指同 中的近乎全部、 大部分或 大多数,含几乎没有例外之意。as a general rule, generally,The book describes the way of life that the ordinary people of the European countries 本 描述了欧洲国家普通人的生活方式。 The average temperature this winter is below normal今冬平均气温比正常偏低。 Following the usual method ,he heated the metal and found that it expanded他采用通常的方法,把金属加 并 它膨 了。 Mr Goodman is a regular customer of ours 古得曼先生是我 的常客。 Jogging is a popular form of exercise 慢跑是一种十分普及的 方式。 The general opinion is in favor 0f them 是支持他 的。 用 接: As you know , whether the person will be elected president is a matter of _interestA. generalB. commonC. ordinaryD mostly It is _ sense to carry an umbrella in case of rain A. usualB. normalC. commonD. popularrather than:which is better than; instead of倒不如 ;是 而不He is a writer rather than a teacher 1)接名 You, rather than she, are my guest.2)接代 The color seems green rather than blue.3)接形容 Id prefer to read in the library rather than at home.4)接介 短 Rather than regretting for the failure, why not try again?5)接 +ing高考 接It is what you do rather than what you say _ matters(2005 天津 )A thatB whatCwhichD this第 4页共 7页10. address(1) n住址,地址,通 eg:Tell me if you change your address Please write down your business address (2) v 法解决, 理; 付; 作演 ;称呼eg:We must address ourselves to the problem of traffic pollutionThe chairman will now address the meeting Dont address me as Manager , Im only an assistant 11.advantage(1)n 越的或成功的条件或 境; ,有利因素eg:He has the advantage of a steady job This school has many advantagesThere is little advantage in buying a dictionary if you cant read注意下列短 的含 :gain (have, win)an advantage over , 于have the advantage of ,占 ;take advantage of sb 欺 (或捉弄 )某人;take advantage of sth 趁机利用某事。eg:John wins an advantage over me in high jump You have the advantage of me there We couldnt take advantage of anyone He took advantage of my computer when I was out yesterday(2) v be beneficial to sb ;profit 有益于 (某人 );有利于eg:Doing morning exercise will advantage you a lot (3)disadvantagen不利条件,不利因素,劣 eg:The other candidates main disadvantage is her age The lack of decent public transport is a great disadvantage 12. These problems of inaccuracy do not occur as often when people use traditional ways to find information. (P35)occur:verb-rr-to happen:An accident involving over ten vehicles has occurred in the east-bound lane.adverb or preposition(-rr-) to exist or be present in, among,Violence of some sort seems to occur in every society.occur to sb.If a thought or idea occurs to you, it comes into your mind:+ thatIt never even occurred to us that he hadnt been invited.occur, happen , take place ,break out , come about1)某事作主 ,表示事情偶然 生 ,occur, happen 和 come about 同 ,都可用。有 可以以it 形式主 ,后面跟主 从句。2)某事作主 ,表示事情不是偶然 生的,而是按意 、 划 行的,用take place 。它 可引申 “ 行、 行 ”的意思。3)当主 是 争、疾病、火灾等激烈事件 ,用break out ,意思是 “爆 ,突然 生”。4)表示 “在 海中出 某种想法” ,用 occur 。5)表示 “碰巧做某事 ” ,用 happen ,后接不定式。6)come about 生,造成第 5页共 7页 When John woke up in the hospital , he didnt know how that had come about How did it come about that you didnt report this to us in good time?实用链接 : The plague _ in London that autumn , and hundreds of people died The sports meeting will_ in the stadium next week It _to me that Mr Li knew him very well At that time he _to be walking his dog in the street高考链接 :Ialong the street looking for a place to park when the accident( 2006 安徽)A. went; was occurringB. went; occurredC. was going; occurredD. was going; had occurred13 As the Internet has gained popularity, there has been a change in the way people spendtheir time gain:得到;获得;赢得(尤指想或所需的事物);增加; (钟表 ) 走快 I have gained some experience in marketing and sales , which I hope I canshare with you I have gained a lot of friends since I arrived here He had gained weight and looked much better The clock gains(by)three minutes a day gain/ obtain / acquire / win / earn1)gain 指凭借相当大的努力在竞争或斗争中获得报酬、胜利、名誉、知识、权力、进步等。2)obtain 指通过较大努力或经过相当一段时间后才获得早已希望得到的东西。3)acquire 指通过不断的努力,逐渐地获得智力、技术和能力等。也指经过努力获得某种实物。4)win 指凭借奋斗在比赛或竞争中取胜或取得优势。也指努力获得他人的爱、尊敬或好感等。5)earn 表示获得报酬,也可指得到坏的报应。6)get 最普通用语。几乎可同其他名词互换使用。实用链接 : I am new in the job but I am already _ experience. Please _ me a glass of water His perseverance _ him many friends and a gold medal He _ up to$50,000 a year by writing stories After six yearsstudy, he has _ a good knowledge of English 14. destroy , damage 与 ruin(1)destroy v 破坏,毁灭,毁掉,表示严重毁坏某物,使之不复存在或无法修复,指在强力或暴力下摧毁,或表示毁掉某人的一生,使其对未来毫无希望。eg:The old building was completely destroyed by fire last weekAll their hopes were destroyed by her letter of refusal(2)damage v损害,毁坏主要指对价值和功能的损坏,多指车辆、房屋、庄稼等无生命的物体受损伤 ,但可修复,也表示损伤身体部位或某人有不好的影响;也作名词。eg:第 6页共 7页They managed to repair the houses that had been damaged The accident did a lot of damage to the car (3)ruin v 指 “使 一 , 坏 ”,一般指 物体或生命 底的破坏,但往往是非暴力的,往往不是一次性打 的 果,常指 美好的或希望中的事物的破坏。eg:Heavy smoking ruined his health Youll ruin the chance of the job if you wear that shirt to the interview(1)Tangshan city was completely_ by the earthquake in 1976 (2)That old castle was in _ one thousandyears ago(3)The bridge was badly _ by the flood.15. be/get/ become /grow accustomed to 于 , to 后面跟名 或 名 .eg:I am accustomed to working at night He was accustomed to smoking in the past Homework1. Exercises on page 118 &1212. Preview Word powerThe fourth period( Word power )Exercises1.Read Part A and B2.Finish off Part C and Part D第 7页共 7页


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