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    Teaching Plan for Unit14 Freedom FightersThe Passive VoiceTeaching Aims:1. Revise some important phrases2. Further understanding of the whole text3. Review the Passive Voice.Teaching important and difficult Points:1. Review and learn the different forms of the Passive Voice. Teaching Methods:1. Practice (get the students to master what theyve learnt).2. Practice (make students work in class). Teaching Aids:1. the multimedia Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Revision1 Translate the following phrases ( dictation)1. 表演 2.向 3.把 看成 4.被法律所禁止5.为 而 , 而 斗6.为 立榜 7. 得 学金8.种族歧 9. 目 10.把 与 分开11.使某人受到全国的注意12. 得 和平 2. Answer some questions and fill in blanks to further understand the whole textMartin Luther King was born in _ . At that time in _, blacks were not_as _._were_bylaw.Therewere_ sections for blacks. They even had no rights _ . ButKing thought that blacksshould not be _ but should be treated with _ as whites. In 1944, winning a_ gave King the chance to go to a college. And King believed that he could achieve hisgoal by_, notby _. In 1955, King led a _ of a bus companysuccessfully which gave himnation_. He even led many non-violent_against_and theVietnam War. In 1963, King gave a speech which_people of all _ to fightfor _. The following year,Kingreceived_andanew_was passedandin1965,anew_ became law. But to our sadness , he was _ in 1968.Step 2 Lead-in and practice1. Get the students to answer the questions of text, using the Passive Voice.(on the P30)2. Practice (Ex.2)Step 3 Review grammar rules of the Passive Voice1. Review different forms of the Passive Voice.( different tenses) Step 4 Practice1. Do some exercises. (try to find out some special forms of the Passive voice)(主 表被 )1. The books _ well A. were soldB. sellC. have soldD. are being sold第 1页共 4页2.The soup _ niceA. has tastedB. was tastedC. tastesD. is tasted3.The shop _ at 6 p.m. every day.A. closedB. closeC. is closingD. closes4. The dress needs _.( wash )5. The book is worth _.( read )6. We find it easy _ (learn)7. The article is difficult_ ( understand ).8. Black people had no right _( vote )9. I have a lot of homework _( do ) 10. There are many jobs _(do)2. Do some quizQuiz 11. The steel _ coldA. is feltB. was feelingC. feelsD. is being felt2. His plan _ goodA. has soundedB. is sound inC. is soundedD. soundsQuiz 21 The shop _ at 6 am. every day A. opensB. openedC. is openedD. is opening2 Work _ at 7 p.m. every day A. endsB. endedC. was endedD. had endedQuiz 31 The pen _ smoothly A. was wroteB. writesC. has writingD. is written2 This coat _ easilyA. has washedB. was washedC. washesD. is washedQuiz 41 Your jacket needs _(wash)Quiz 51. The fish is not fit _(eat) Quiz 62. The house requires _(repair) 2. We find English is difficult _ (learn) 1 I have much homework _(do) 2 I ll give the boy some books _(read)Quiz 71.There are many things _(do) 2.The boy is _(blame) for what he hasdone 2. Correct the mistake(s) in each sentence if any: 1)Two boys hurt while playing a ball 2)The singer lived in London until he was sending to university3)How long do you think the meeting will be lasted?4)A fire was broken out last night 5)He had to travel by bus as his car was damaged in an accident a few days before 6)The large building that is now built will be a hospital7)Class is begun at 7:30 every day第 2页共 4页8)His plan is sounded good 9)Your coat needs being washedStep 5 Multiple choice1.An exhibition of paintings _ at the museum next weekA are to be heldB. is to be heldC. are holdingD will hold2. Every possible means _, but none _ successful (2000 年上海春招 )A. has tried; has provedB tried; provesC. has been tried; provesD. is being tried; is proved3 The question he asked is hard _ A. for answerB. to answerCto be answeredD. answering4 By the end of last year, another new gymnasium _ in Beijing.(2003年上海春招 )A. would be completedB. was being completedC. has been completeD. had been completed5 More than a dozen students in that schoolabroad to study medicine last year.(2005 年上海高考 )A. sentB. were sentC. had sentD. had been sent6. Why did you leave that position?I a better position at IBM.(2005 年北京高考 )A. offerB. offeredC. am offeredD. was offered7. More patientsin hospital this year than last year.(2004 年江 高考 )A. treatedB. have treatedC. had been treatedD. have been treated8. Sarah, hurry up. I m afraid you wouldnthavebeforetimetheto party.(2004 年全国高考卷)A. get changedB. get changeC. get changingD. get to change9. Rainforests and burned at such a speed that they will disappear from the earth in the future.(2002 年上海春招 )A. cutB. are cutC. are being cutD. had been cut10. After a fire broke out in the lab, a lot of equipment .(2005 年北京春招 )A. is damagedB. had damagedC. damagedD. was damaged11.The mayor of Beijing says that all construction work for the Beijing Olympics by 2006.(2004 年北京卷 )A. has been completedB. has completedC. will have been completedD. will have completed12. I feel it is your husband who _ for the spoiled child. (2002年上海高考 )A. is to blameB. is doing to blameC. is to be blameD. should blame13.Great changes _in the city ,and a lot of factories_.( 2003NMET)A. have been taken place have been set upB. have taken placehave been set upC. have taken placehave set upD. were taken place were set up14. Do you like the material? Yes, it_ very soft. (NMET)A. is feelingB. feltC. feelsD. is felt15. The Olympic Games, _in 776 BC ,did not include women players until 1912.(NMET)第 3页共 4页A.first playingB. to be first playedC. first playedD. to be first playingAnswers: 1-5BCBDB6-10: DDACB11-15: CABCCHomework1. Finish off the workbook exercises about the Passive Voice.2. preview the integrating skills.一被动语态特例(用主动形式表被动义)小结:(一 )用谓语动词主动形式表示被动含义1. 动词 (表示主语的属性特征 ) + 副词 (well /badly /easily /smoothly), 用主动式表被动义。 (read, write, sell, wash, clean, wear, open, eat, lock. )The pen writes smoothly2 . 表示状态特征的连系动词+adj./n., 用主动式表被动义。(look ,sound ,feel ,smell ,taste, prove ,make,.)The steel feels cold3. 表示 “开始、结束、运动 ”的动词用主动式表被动义。(begin ,open ,start ,stop ,end , finish ,shut , move ,run. ) The shop opens at 6 am. every day (二 ) 用非谓语动词的主动形式表示被动1 want/need/require作 “需要 ”讲时后接动名词作宾语时,用主动式表被动义;当然也可接不定式的被动式作宾语。Your jacket needs washing/ to be washed2. be worth 后常接动名词,用主动表示被动义The book is worth reading.3. 不定式在某些形容词后作状语 ,且和句子的主语 (或宾语 )构成动宾关系时 , 用主动式表被动义。 (difficult, easy, hard, fit, pleasant ,good, light, comfortable, safe)The book is difficult to understand4. 不定式作后置定语 ,与被修饰的名词构成动宾关系 ,又和该句主语 (或宾语 )构成主谓关系时 ,用主动式表被动义。I will give him something to drink5. 不定式 to blame, 表示 “应受批评 ,责备 ”, to let 表示“出租”时用主动式表被动义。The boy is to blame for what he has done6. 在 There be 句型中修饰主语的不定式用主动形式或被动形式There are many things to do/ to be done.二 不用被动语态的情况:1不及物动词或不及物动词短语,如appear, die , end( vi.结束) , fail, happen,lielast(持续 ),remain,sit,spread,stand,break out,come true,fallasleep,keepsilence, lose heart, take place等没有被动语态。(错) Please seat.(对) Pleasebe seated.第 4页共 4页


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