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    高 考 复 习英语秘典第 二 册 (上)第 1页共 8页第 1 单元(1) It is obvious (to sb) that:( 某人 )明白 ,是 而易 见 的/ 明 的be curious about/as to: 好奇 within/in/inside +时间 / 地点:在 内 graduate from: 从(大学/中学) ( graduate: 大学/中学 生) work on (sth): 继续 工作,致力于, 抓 做go by: ( 时间 ) 去,走 过(pass/pass by/go on/speed by)dream of/about:梦想,梦到(dream a dream:做了个梦 )match sth:和相配 / 相称( = go with )use up:用完 /光be satisfied with: 意be patient with sb/sth:对 有耐心 /容忍 / 忍耐take measures to do:采取措施做什 么make a (big) difference:有 (大)作用 / 影响/ 作 There is little/no point in doing sth.做什么没有必要 / 意 。talk sb into sth/doing : 服某人做什么go into:从事, 入,投入, 明, 底 第 2页共 8页with the development /invention of:随着的 展/ 明come true:实现 come into being: 生,开始存在come into power:执政,上台on earth:在地球上( = in the world)究竟,到底( =in the world在疑 后表示 。) leave (sw) for sw:离开(某地)去某地be/get engaged to sb:与某人 婚 engage/employ/hire sb:雇佣engage sb to do : 雇佣某人做什 么engage sb as :雇佣某人当什么engage/order (a room/seat): 定book (a seat/ticket/table/band): 定,预约 order sth: 点菜, 订购 , 制place/make an order (for ): 订购 take ones order: 接受 ,接受点菜 engage in: 从事,参加turn to:翻到, 向,求助于turn back:倒翻,往回去turn up:开大,露面,卷起turn down:开小,拒 turn on/off: 开 / 关turn over:翻 来,翻耕 /身turn in:上交,交 turn out: 明, 果,生 , turn into : 把 成What s up? Whats the matter?第 3页共 8页How is that?你 才 什么呢?(2) a promising : 一个有希望 / 前途的carry out/do some research into/in/on:做 研究research into/in/on:研究seek to do : / 企 做什么(sought)seek for/after: 找take/have a look (at):看experiment on/with:用做实验be on fire for:对 有激情 / 趣(be on fire:着火)build a theory: 立一理论set a goal:确定目标make/obey a rule:制定 /遵守 矩find sth:找到/ ( 失的人 / 西)find out: (经调查 / 研究/ 努力) 找到the Big Bang:大爆炸宇宙 学black holes:黑洞on (the) campus:在学校in the/ones age:在此 代/ 世 ,在某人的那 个 代take sides:支持一方an end to : 什么的 束/ 终 止apply sth to sth:把什么 用于什么(3) the other way around/round:【相反地, 从相反方向,用相反方式】I was accused of stealing money from her, but in fact it was the other第 4页共 8页way around.We should draw the line the other way around.The earth moves around the sun, not the other way around.(4 ) disable sb:使某人残 /丧 失能力Sb be disabled:the disabled:残疾人a disabled一残 的(5 )boundary:分界线(the boundary between)border:国界, 境, 界(the border between/with )frontier: 界(the frontierbetween/with )(6) find/think/feel/consider/make it +形容 + to do(7) turn out:结果是, 证明是,原 来是,生 产,制造, 关上/ 关掉(电灯/ 火),It turned out that.turn out (to be) +形容词/ 名 (8) What if +陈述句?如果什 么将怎么 ?要是又 怎 ?What for? 什么?Whats more.而且,更重要的是So what?那又是怎么 呢?那有什么了不起呢?(表不感 趣或 不重要。 )(9 )I do not like the way / in which/that/ you treat your parents.I will write a novel in a way/ that/which the farmers can understand.第 5页共 8页(10) only 限制状 (从句) 在句首 , 句子要倒装 : Only in this way can we find the lost soldier. Only yesterday did she play computer games. Only after the war is over will we go home. Only by working hard can you reach your goal.Only ten trees did he plant last spring.( )Only Kate has already finished the housework.(主 )(11) It appears(to sb ) that : ( 某人 来) 好像,看来It appears as if/as though : 看来,好像It appears so/not.看来 / 好像是 (不是这样 )。Sb appears(seams) to do/be/have done : 某人好像Sb appears +形容词/ 名 :某人好像It seems (that/as if) :Sb seems+形容 :某人好像 It seems not.看来/ 好像不是这样 .So it seems/appears.看 子像。(12) that/this /so +形容 词/副 词【that: 如此,那么。 this: 如此, 么。 so: 么,那么,如此。】(13) only to do/be: 结 果( 没有 料到的 结 果。常含有 “惊 ,失望,放心 ”之味。)only doing :必然的或预 料到的 果。They came home only to find the room broken into.第 6页共 8页He made a long speech only to show his ignorance of the world.Last Saturday we hurried to the port, only to find that the ship had left.This afternoon they ran to the airport, only to be told that theplane had taken off.He went to ask the boss for his pay, only getting 10 dollars.Yesterday morning I got up late. I hurried to the railway station,only finding that the train had gone.(14) 不定式作定 语:The doctor said that she had only six months to live. We will have lots of things to do next week.Today I have nothing/something to say at the conference. I need a pen/pencil to write with.They only have one bed to sleep on. You should find a room to live in. Kate will buy a chair to sit on/in.He is a good person to work with.She is always the first (girl) to come to school.(15) 不定式作主 语:To ignore his advice would be a mistake. To act like that is foolish.To complete the dam in 11 years was a great achievement. It is good not to depend on the others.第 7页共 8页It is an easy thing to keep up with your wife.It seems a pity to refuse his offer.It has been decided to bring up the matter at the next meeting.It made us very angry to hear him talk like that.It is a great honour for us to be invited to the wedding.It is unwise of you to turn down the proposal.(16) 不定式作表语: duty, work, job, task, wish, hope, thing, goal,problem,question, happiness, what, advice,第 8页共 8页


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