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    课时教案课时I_课题教学目标重点难点学情分析教具课件教法教学程序Unit 9Warming up, listening and Speaking课型NewMaster words, phrases and sentences in this Unit.Master GrammarHow to master the language points in this unitImprove the Ss ability of doing exercisesThe tape recorder and the multimediaPapers, a tape recorder, a projectorThe tape recorder and the multimedia教学内容(引入、例题、练习题、检测题等)二次备课Step 11. Greetings2. Talk about the picturesPresent the students a series of pictures to assure them howserious the pollution isand ask them some questions about these pictures.第1页共22页Q1: What can you see in these pictures? How does it happen?Q2: What causes the problem?Q3: What are the biggest problems facing the earth? Why doyou think so?Q4: Have you ever done something bad to the environment?Q5: Can you give me more examples that happened in peoples daily life and is badfor the environment?Step21. Lead inListeningMore and more people are realizing thedamagethat isbeingdone theenvironmentand learning more andmoreharmthat theenvironmentis doing to ourhuman inhabit.People are celebrating International Earth Day, when varietiesof activities are held so that more people will beinvolved inenvironment protection.第2页共22页2. While-listeningListen to Part 1 and answerthe questions.Why is she giving thisspeech?What does she think themost serious problem is?What does she say that we should do about it?What do you think she will say next?Listen to Part 2 and fill in the blanks with what Ss hear.Argument1:WeshouldArgument2;_._WemustProblem:_._WeshouldSolutions:_._Ifwe_,we_.3. Post-listeningPair work: Infer what the speaker will say next, list like the above one and share the speech with the partner and the class.Group work: Discuss with group members about the measures that we may take to protect air, forest; animals; grassland. Ask Ss to deliver their speech on environment protection.第3页共22页Step3Speaking1. Talking about what Ss can see in the picture.Q1: What is being piled in the picture 1?Q2: What can coal be used for?Q3: What is being giving off from the workshop?Q4: What is being polluted?Every coin has two sides. It is true with coal, which is avaluable resource that can be used to produce energy, but itcan also cause serious pollution.Step42. Group work: A debate Coal is/isn ta valuable resource.prosconsA businessmanAn environmentalistA scientistA local citizenA local leaderThe design of writing on the Bb:预习Preview the contents in the Period2教后 教案 2 Unit 9 型New教学1.Master words, phrases and sentences in this Unit.9目 2.To improve the students reading ability重点.1.To promote the students understanding of the text 点2.To enable the students to master some words and expressions第4页共22页学情分析教具课件教法教学程序Step 1The Ss can finish the task.The tape recorder and the multimediaListening, revision, practice教学内容(引入、例题、练习题、检测题等)二次备课Warming upAsk the students some questions connected with pollutionQ1: Did you use to go swimming in a river when you were young?What about the children today? Why not?Q2: Do you use one-off chopsticks while having fast food?Q3: How do you deal with the plastic bags?Q4: What do you think of the air today?Q5: What do you think of the relationship between economy development andpollution?第5页共22页Step 2Step3Pre-reading1. DiscussionRead the title and discuss in pairs what problems will be discussed at the summit.(As the title states, problems related to the earth will be discussed at the summit, like air, water, forest, desert, grassland, etc)2. PredictionGroup work: Fill in the chart with what Ss predict aboutwhat each part of the text will be about.IntroductionBodyConclusion3. Problem-solvingGo through the whole passage and compare whose guess isthe closest to the content of the passage.4. Find the answers to these two questions.Q1: When and where was the Earth Summit held?(In 2002 in Johannesburg in South Africa.)Q2: Which Chinese officer attended the meeting? What did he say?(Premier Zhu Rongji; Stressed the need for qualityandfairness in the world. )While-reading1. Individual workGet the students to read the text carefully and ask some students to answer the following questions in their own words.第6页共22页ImpactQ1: What was the meeting held in 1972 about ?Q2: Whats the main theme of the Earth Summit?Q3: Do you know the big three ? What are they?Q4: Where do you think usually has the big three? Why?Q5: What does global development mean nowadays? What should developedcountries actually do?Q6: Whats the use of conferences like the Earth Summit?Q7: Whats the key to the future? As a student, what shouldyou do?2. Reading for informationNameThe Earth SummitWhenIn 2002WhereJohannesburg, south AfricaThemeSustainable developmentHowtocontinuedevelopingtheworld withoutdamagingthe environmentContaminateddrinking water;The“big20%three ”Poor sanitation:Airpollution:threemilliondeaths;inruralareasindeveloping countriesGlobalEqualityEachcountrydevelopmentFairnesstakes part inInternationalRichcountiescooperationhelppoorcountries;Prosperityofdevelopingcountries;Possiblesustainabledevelopmenthelp to understand the existingserious problemsthere sstill time to take action change the way we live to save the earthSs are learning “earth issues”a place to find solutions for thefuture第7页共22页第8页共22页Step 4 Post-reading 1. RetellingSuppose you were the Chinese girl who attended the Earth Summit, tell what she heard and saw at the Summit. Begin with“ Hello, everyone. I mthe luckiest girl to attend the 2002 Earth Summit in Johannesburg. Now let me tell you about the summit. ”2.InterviewSs work in pairs, playing the role of a newspaper reporter, attendants from different continents attending the Earth Summit. Finally the teacher invites some pairs to actout their interview2. Design the coming Earth SummitGroup work:Task: Prepare the coming Earth SummitArrangement: S1: organizationS2: Prepare necessities for the SummitS3: Mess mediaS4: Attendants invitedS5: budgetS6: Transportation & accommodationHave Ss present the preparations for the Summit in预习教后 第9页共22页课时教案课时III课Unit 9 Reading Welcome to the Earth Summit课型New题教 1. To get Ss to learn and master the usages of the new words and the useful expressions学 in this unit.目 2. To enable Ss to grasp the grammar: Inversion.标重 How to master the grammar and practice it.点难点学 The Ss can finish the task.情分析教 Papers, a tape recorder, a projector具课件第 10页共 22页教 Listening, practice法教Step 1Warming up二次备课学 1. Greetings程 Play a guessing game: first some items are shown on the screen, and each序 item is the paraphrase of one new word. Divide the class into four groups. Ss are encouraged to guess the word as quickly as possible. This game is to enlarge Ssvocabulary.(1) To make a place or substance dirty and dangerous by adding sth to it.(2) To make a short statement giving only the main information and not the details of a plan, report etc.(3) The situation or experience of being poor.(4) A position or situation in which people have the same rights, advantages.(5) To do sth in order to protect someone or sth from being attacked(6) To do sth that produces an effect or change in someone or sth(7) .Behavior that is intended to hurt other people physically(8).Not right or fair(9).Sth that you can choose to do or use instead of sth else ( Key: possibleanswers:contaminate,summarize,poverty,equality,defend,affect;violence, unfair, alternative )Step 2Word studyComplete the following sentences with the words from the bracket, usingthe correct form.Accordingtothe report,the environmenthas become a major_worldwide.Onein fivechildren before agefivedie fromdiseases causedbyenvironmentalproblems.( kill )2. Internet use has been spreading at a(n) _ speed in China.“ Haveyou surfed the net? has become a more common greeting than thetraditional“ Have you eaten? ( alarm)3. The word“ netizen ” , which means a person who uses the Internet, comesfrom“ net ” and “ _ ” (. city )4. During the interview, the young man asked about the job _as a sales manager.( responsible)5. How many Chinese _ will be sent to the internationalmeeting in Stockholm, Sweden?( represent )6. The people who listened to the report were shocked by the _ ofthe villagers.( suffer )7. It was there people sto work hard and well that impressedme most.( willing )( possible answers: killer, alarming, citizen, responsibility, representatives, suffering, willingness )Step3 language points and useful expressions第 11页共 22页Attend:出席,上(大学等) ,照料?To go to an event such as a meetingeg: Only 7 people attended the meeting.?To go regularly to a school, church etceg: All children between the ages of 5 and 16 must attend school.?To look after someone, especially because they are illeg: The nurse attended the patient daily.attend to sb/sth 处理,照应 eg: I may be late I have got one or two things to attend to.Are you being attended to in a shop?Then do some exercises to enable Ss to distinguish the following words:attend / join / join in / take part in / join sb in sthEx: Fill in the blanks with the expressions given.1. He ll _ an important meeting tomorrow.2. Almost all the teams in our school _ the basketball match.3. My wish is to _ the army after graduation.4. We ll _ social activities during the summer vacation.5. They didn t _ the wedding.6. I _ the party last year.7. Our headmaster will _ us _ the discussion this afternoon.( possible answers: attend, join in, join, take part in, attend, joined, join in )2. take notes: 作笔记,记录take action:采取行动Eg: Do you takes notes of the lectures?He sat quietly in the corner taking notes carefully.They took action to stop him.The police took action to deal with this thing immediately.The medicine will not take action for several hours.开始起作用,见效,生效The pill takes effect as soon as you swallow it.List some phrases related to take+n:?take turns?take measures/steps?take place?take care?take medic ine?take time?take cold?take notice?take sidesEg: You always takes sides with him without even listening to me.3. content:1). n. 内容,目录(常作 s ); 容量,容积Eg: the contents of a book第 12页共 22页a table of contentsLook up the contents at the beginning of the book.a bucket of more than usual content2). Adj. 满足的,满意的be content to do sthbe content with sthcontent oneself with sthEg: He is quite content to watch TV for hours.I m very content with my life at present.As there sbutterno we must content ourselves with dry bread.4. access: 进入,接近Eg: The dead-end street was the only access to her home.Access to the mountain-town is often difficult because of the bad roads.have access to :Eg: Twenty percent of the people on earth do not have access to clean drinking water.have sth that you can useEg: The public don t have access to the site.the right to enter a place5. Not until we know more will we be able to improve the situation. Until 的三种句式I didngo tto bed until my mother came back.( 陈述句) vNot until my mother came back did I go to bed.( 倒装句)It was not until my mother came back that I went to bed.( 强调句)直到她母亲把一切对杰克和盘托出,杰克才明白她为什么跟自己生气。1).Jack didn understand why she was angry with him until her mother told him everything.2).Not until her mother told him everything did Jack understand why she was angry with him.3).It was not until her mother told him everything that Jack understood why she was angry with him.6. A better understanding of the environment is necessary, as is the willingness to act.As 此处的用法与 so 相同。Eg: He is a patriot, as are his bothers.David works hard, as do his classmates.Harry is unusually tall, as are his sisters


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