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    Unit 5Open DayTasks in this unitTalking about future events; planning events; sequencing activities; writing invitations; reading captions; writing a description of events.Period OneLanguage focus:Using the simple future tense to talk about future events e.g., Your parents will arrive at two oclock. Usin g adverbs of timee.g., What will they do first?Language skills:ListeningRecognize the difference in the use of intonation in questions, statements (including approval) and commands, and respond appropriatelySpeakingUse appropriate intonation and stress to convey intended meanings and feelingsReadingRead written language in meaningful chunksWritingDevelop written texts by expressing own ideasMaterials:1. Students Book 6A page 322. Workbook 6A pages 28 and 29 来源 学科网 3. Cassette 6A4. Cassette playerPre-task preparationAsk the students: What do we do on Open Day? What do parents do? Write a list on the board as the students mention activities.Play the cassette for Look and learn. The students repeat.While-task procedure1. Give the students time to read Look and read silently.2. Play the cassette. The students follow in their books.3. In groups of six, students practise the dialogue. Select groups to read the dialogue.4.In pairs, students complete theprogramme with the correct time.5. Ask questions about the programme: e.g., What time will the parents arrive? What will they do first/next/then/after that/ finally? When?6. Select other groups to read the dialogue. 来源 学科网 ZXXK7. Ask further questions: e.g., Where will they meet their parents? What willthey look at in the classroom and Arts and Crafts room> What will they do in the hall? What will they look at in the library? What will they have in the Music room?8.Consolidation:Workbook 6a page 2 8-29来源 学科网 Period TwoLanguage focus:Using the simple future tense to talk about future events e.g., Ill be in classroom 6ALanguage skills:ListeningListen for specific informationSpeakingMaintain an interaction by agreeingReadingRead written language in meani ngful chunksMaterials:1. Students B ook 6A page 332. Workbook 6A pages 313. Cassette 6A4. Cassette playerPre-task preparationReview: ground/ first/second/third/ floor. Ask: Where is the library/hall/ Arts andCrafts room? To elicit: e.g., Its on the first floor.While-task procedure1. Give the students time to look at the floor plan of the school. Ask individualstudents to read the names of the rooms. Ask: Where is the Arts and Crafts room? Toelicit: It s on the third floor.2. Play the cassette for Look and Listen. The students listen. Ask: Where will kitty be? To elicit: Shell be in the Arts and Crafts room.3. Select students to be Kitty, Peter, Alice and Jill. Ask: Where will you be, Kitty? To elicit: I ll be on the third floor.4. In pairs, students practise Ask and answer.5. Workbook 6A page 31a. Give the students time to look at the pictures.b. Play the cassette. The students listen and match.ConsolidationWorkbook 6A page 32Period ThreeLanguage focus:Using the simple future tense to talk about fut ure events e.g., What will our parents do first?Using formulaic expressions to begin and end a letter e.g., Dear ; YoursLanguage skills:ListeningIdentify details that support a main ideaSpeakingMaintain an interaction by replyingReadingRecognize format and language features when reading non-narrative textsWritingDevelop written texts by using appropriate format, conventions and language features来源 学科网 ZXXKMaterials:1. Students Book 6A page 342. Workbook 6A pages 32, 343. Cassette 6A4. Cassette playerPre-task preparationTalk about invitations. Ask: When do you send invitations? To elicit: e.g., for a birthday party. Try to get the students to mention other occasions.While-task procedure1. Read the outline of the dialogue in Plan and speak.Ask the students to suggest a list of five activities. Write them on the board.2. In pairs, students decide on the activities and complete the programme. They then practice the dialogue.3. Ask individual students about their programme using the questions in Plan and speak. q5 The students complete Read an write. Ask one or two students to read their completed reports.4.Give students time to read Read, think and write. In groups, students discuss how to complete the invitation. Ask a representative from each group to rea their invitation.5. The students write the invitation to their parents. Ask individual students to read their invitations.ConsolidationWorkbook 6A pages 32, 34Period FourLanguage focus:Using the simple past tense to talk about past activitiese.g., The parents arrived at Rose Garden Schoo l at two o clock.Language skills:ListeningListen for specific informationSpeakingMaintain an interaction by replyingReadingIdentify details that support a main ideaWritingD evelop written texts by presenting main and supporting ideasMaterials:来源 :学+科+网 Z+X+X+K1. Students Book 6A page 352. Cassette 6A3. Cassette playerPre-task preparationIntroduce the past forms of the verbs on this page. Write the verbs on the board; arrive- arrived; visit- visited; look-looked; listen- listened; have- had.Ask: What time didyou arrive at school? To elicit: e.g., I arrived at school at eightoclock. Continue with: When did you visit your grandparents? When did you look at the noticeboard? What time did you have your breakfast?While-task procedure1 Give the students time to look at the pictures in Read and Match.2 Play the cassette. The students listen. Play the cassette again. The students repeat.3. In pairs, students match the pictures and sentences. Ask individual students to read a sentence in the correct order.ConsolidationCopy the new wordsRecite the passage.


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