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    Lesson 37 and Lesson 38一 根据所 提示填空( 10 分)1.George is working. (努力地 )2.Give me aplease. ( 子 )3.George is going tothe bookcase. (上漆 )4.I m going to paint it. (粉 色 )5.Pink is mycolor. (最喜 的 )6.We are doing our. (家庭作 )7.This bookcase is for my. (女儿 )8.The housewife isthe dishes. (洗 )9.The man is walkingthe two policemen. (在之 )10. We re going to listen to the. (立体声响 )二 用所 的适当形式填空(10 分)1.What are you doing? I(make) a bookcase.2.(give) me that hammer, please.3.George is(go) to paint the bookcase pink.4.The doctor is open. Sam is going(shut) it.5.Now we(listen) to the stereo.6.Look , Tom(wait) for a bus at the bus stop.7.the cats(run) along the wall?8.Somechildrenare coming out of the building. Someof them(go)intothe park.9.the housewife(wash) the dishes? No, she isn t.10. Whatthechildren(do)? Theyare jumping offthe tree.三用所 的适当形式填空(10 分)1.This is not her dress.(she) is blue.2.My pen is not black. The red pen is(I).3.This is(we) classroom.4.Where are(they) clothes?5. (he) bike is new.6.Please take(they) to the classroom.7.This shirt is your(father).8.There are three(room) in our house.9.I like those(colour).10. They are on the(teacher) desk.四 填空( 10 分)()1. Youhard,George. What are you doing?A. workB. are workingC. worksD.working()2.me that hammer, please.A. To giveB. GivingC. GiveD.Gives()3.hammer do you want? This one?A. WhoseB.WhatsC.WhichD.Who s()4. What are you going to do? Iit.A. am paintingB.am going topaintC.paintD.paints()5.are you going to paint it? I m going to paint it pink.A. WhatB.What colorC.WhichD.Where()6. This bookcase ismy daughter.A. toB.onC.ofD.for()7. Susan likes pink very much. Pink is hercolor.A. likingB.favouriteC. lovelyD. heavy()8. WhereMr. Greens?A. are , shoesB. is, shoesC. are, shoeD. is,trousers() 9.room is this?A. WhoB. Who sC. What sD. Whose()10. Is this watch new or old? It s.A. a newB. an old watchC. newD. an old五 句型转换( 10 分)1. George is working hard. (就划线部分提问)George?2. George is making a bookcase. (就划线部分提问)George?3. Sam is giving George the big hammer. (就划线部分提问)is Sam giving George?4. Give him that hammer. (变为同义句 )that hammerhim.5. George is going to paint the bookcase. (就划线部分提问)is George going to?6. George is going to paint the bookcase pink. (就划线部分提问)is George going to paint the bookcase?7. He is waiting for a bus at the bus stop. (就划线部分提问)he waiting for a bus?8. We are going to listen to the stereo. (变为一般疑问句)youto listen to the stereo?9. This bookcase is for me. (变否定句 )This bookcasefor me.10. They are doing their homework. (就划线部分提问)are they?六 根据汉语提示完成下列句子(10 分)1. 乔治正努力工作。George is.2. 乔治正在制作一个书柜。George isa.3. 请给我那把大锤子。Pleaseme that big.4. 打算做什么?What are youto?5. 他打算把书柜漆成粉红色。He istothe bookcase.6. 这个书柜是给我女儿的。This bookcase ismy.7. 你打算在哪等公共汽车 /are you going toa bus?8. 他们现在正在听录音机。They areto the stereo.9. 粉色是她最喜欢的颜色。is hercolor.10. 那架飞机正飞过大桥。That aeroplane isthe bridge.七 补全对话(10 分)Li Ming:12, Wu Dong. Whose black dog is this? Is it yours?Wu Dong: Letme have a look. Oh,no, its not 3 .I thinkit is LiLei s.My dog is brown.Li Ming: Li Lei, look4 the dog behind the tree. Is it5 ?Li Lei: Sorry, it isn t mine. My dog is black and white. I think it looks6Ma Lin sLi Ming:7Ma Lin?Li Lei:He ismy friend.Look! He s89 .Let s go and ask him.Let s go and ask him.Li Ming: Hi , Ma Lin! Is that dog yours?Ma Lin: Oh, yes , it s mine.Li Lei: It s a lovely dog. Dont lose10 .Ma Lin: Yes , thank you.八 完形填空(10 分)Sally: Excuse me ,what s the1, please?Lucy:2. My watch is3home. But I think its44:30.Sally: Oh, it s time to go and see my teacher.Lucy:5is your teacher?Sally: Look, the woman in6hat is.Lucy: Is the7behind her your teacher, too?Sally: No,8isn t. He s9teacher. Let s go and sayhello to10 .() 1.A. colorB. nameC. timeD. grade() 2.A. YesB. SorryC. Let me seeD. No() 3.A. atB. notC. goD. in() 4.A. notB. aboutC. atD. in() 5.A. WhoseB. WhoC. WhenD. What() 6.A. sheB. haveC. theD. a() 7.A. manB. oneC. thatD. this() 8.A. thatB. theyC. heD. he s()9.A.TomB.Tom sC.TomsD.the Tom() 10.A. theirB. theyC. themD. it九阅读理解(10 分)Lookatthe pictureon theblackboard.We can see a house init.Behind the housethere is a hill with many trees. Near the hill we can see a river. There are threeboats on the river. One is blue, the other two are yellow. There are some YoungPioneersinthoseboats. Near the house we can see a bigtree.Under the treethereis a small bu. It s a white bus.根据短文内容填空。1. There is aon the.2. Can you see a housea room in the picture? A.3.is the hill? It sthe house.4.Arethereany treeson thehill?, therearetreeson it.5.can you see near the hill? We can see a.6. Therethreeon the river.7. One is, the other two are.8. Who are in the boats?Someare.9. Is there a small bus in the picture?, there.10. Where is it? It sthe big.十书面表达(10 分)Dan来到 George 家。 George正在努力干活。他正在做一个书柜。George 要 Dan 把那把大锤子给他。 他打算把书柜刷成粉红色。这个书柜不是给George 的。是给他女儿 Susan 的。粉色是她最喜欢的颜色。Dan1to Georges house. George is working2. He is3a bookcase. George4 Dan to give him the big5. He is6to7thebookcase pink. Thisbookcaseisn t8George.It s for his9 Susan. Pinks her10colour.


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