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    Lesson 55 and Lesson 56一 根据句意填空(10 分)1. The Sawyers live _ 87, King Street.2. In the morning, Mr. Sawyer _ to work.3. Mr. Sawyer takes his _ to school every day.4. We are Finnish. We come from _.5. Mrs. Sawyer stays at home every day and _ the housework.6. Mrs. Sawyer and her friends usually drink _ in the afternoon.7. The children come home from _ in the evening.8. She usually washes the _ after supper.9. Mr. Sawyer is a very busy man. He usually comes home _ from work in the evening.10. Mr. Sawyer usuallyreads hisnewspaper at night,but _ he and his wifewatchtelevision.二 英汉互译下列短语(10 分)1. The Greens _2. go to work _3. stay at home _4. at noon _5. see her friends _6. 放学回家 _7. 晚到家 _8. 做他们的家庭作业 _9. 去睡觉 _10. 听收音机 _三 用所给动词的适当形式填空(10 分)1. The Sawyers _ at 87 King Street. (live)2. Mr. Sawyer _ to work in the morning. (go)3. We are from Germany, but Dimitri _ from Greece. (come)4. The father _ his children to school now. (take)5. Mrs. Smith _ at home every day. (stay)6. The girl can _ the vase on this table. (put)7. Mr. Sawyer usually _ his newspaper at night. (read)8. We are going _ the flowers to the teacher. (send)9. I can t go now. I must _ my homework. (do)10. Look, they _ (work) hard.四 选择填空( 20 分)() 1. We go to school _ every day.A. in five o clockB. at five o() 2. The Sawyers live _ 87 King Street.A. inB. atC. on clockC. on five o clock() 3. The childrens father takes _ to school every day.A. theirB. theyC. them() 4. Mrs. Sawyer often _ the housework at night.A. doB. doingC. does() 5. I usually see my friends in the afternoon. We often drink tea _.A. togetherB. with usC. to them() 6. In the evening, the children come _ from school.A. to homeB. at homeC. home() 7. _ they arrive home early or late?A. DoesB. AreC. Do() 8. One of _ looking out of the window.A. the boys isB. boys isC. the boys are()9.Mr. Sawyer usually reads his newspaper, but _ he and his wife watchtelevision.A. alwaysB. oftenC. sometimes() 10. What are the children doing? They _ to bed.A. goB. goingC. are going() 11. What _ today?A. does she put onB. is she wearingC. do she wear() 12. Do you have a pen like this? No, but I m going to buy _.A. itB. thisC. one() 13. I think the shop is _.A. openingB. openedC. open() 14. Does your brother have a bike?Yes, _.A. he have oneB. he has oneC. he does() 15. Lets _ today.A. go to the schoolsB. go to the schoolC. go to school() 16.I _ up but do not _ any flowers.A. look, seeB. see, lookC. look, look() 17.My sister Kate _ like flying kites _ throwing a frisky.A.dont,orB.doesn t,andC.doesn t,or() 18.Where is my bike? I can t _ it.A. findB. lookC. look for() 19.That pen is mine, please give _.A. me itB. it meC. it to me() 20.My mother _ in a shop, but she _ there these days.A. works, isn t workingB. is working, worksC. is work,doesn t work五 句型转换( 10 分)1. The Sawyers live at 87 King Street. (就划线部分提问)_ _ the Sawyers live?2. Mrs. Sawyer stays at home every day.(变为否定句)Mrs. Sawyer _ _ at home every day.3. She usually sees her friends in the afternoon.(就划线部分提问)What _ she usually _ in the afternoon?4. It s very cold in winter. (变为一般疑问句)_ it very cold in winter?5. Jim likes summer best. (就划线部分提问)Which _ _ Jim _ best?6. They often drink tea together. (就划线部分提问)_ _ they often drink tea?7. The boy is swimming across the river. (就划线部分提问)What _ the boy _?8. George is going to paint the bookcase pink. (就划线部分提问)What _ _ George going to _ the bookcase?9. There is some milk in the bottle. (变为一般疑问句)_ there _ _ in the bottle?10. She can cook a meal for her mother. (就划线部分提问)What _ she _ for her mother?六 补全对话( 10 分)Mum: Jim! Where are you?Jim: I m _1_ my bedroom, mum.Mum: What are you _2_?Jim: I m _3_ a book.Mum: Could you help me, please?Jim: _4_! I m _5_ now. Mum!What are you making?Mum: I m _6_ some cakes. Look, Jim. Your bedroom is untidy. Put your clothes_7_.Jim: Put them away. _8_?Mum: _9_ that wardrobe.Jim: All right, Mum.Mum: Good. Now _10_ a cake.1. _6. _2. _7. _3. _8. _4. _9. _5. _10. _七 完形填空( 10 分)Li Bin and Wang Fei are in _1_ same school. They are in the same _2_, too. Li Bin has English classes _3_ morning, but Wang Fei has English classesin the afternoon. They are _4_. After classes, they play games. _5_ friends play _6_. Some play basketball. Some play football. Some fly _7_ and someride _8_. They _9_ jump, swim and sing, too. They _10_ good students.They like going to school.() 1. A. aB. anC. theD. /() 2. A. classB. gradeC. schoolD. row() 3. A. in aB. on aC. in theD. on the() 4. A. friendB. friendsC. friend sD.friends() 5. A. TheyB. TheirC. TheirsD. The() 6. A. different gameB. different gamesC. same gameD. samegames() 7. A. kitesB. bikesC. planeD. bird() 8. A. planesB. birdsC. kitesD. bikes()9. A. can tB.aren tC.canD.don t() 10. A. haveB. likeC. loveD. are八 阅读理解( 20 分)Jim s dayOn weekdays, I get up at 6:30.I have breakfastat 7:00,and then I go to school.I usually goto school by bike. I arriveat school at 7:30 everyday. Idont liketo be late. Our classes begin at 8:00.I have lunch at noon. In the afternoon, classes are over at 3:30, and I arrivehome at 4:00. But sometimes I don t come home early because I play basketball atschool. Then I come home at 5:40. I have dinner at 6:00 in the evening.I do my homework in the evening. I often watch TV, but sometimes I like to dosome reading. I go to bed at 10:00.根据短文内容,选择填空() 1. Jim gets up at _ on weekdays.A. 7:30B. 6:30C. 8:30D.5:30) 2. Jim has _ at 7:00.A. breakfastB. lunchC. a mealD. dinner) 3. Jim _ school at 7:30 every day.A. arrive atB. comes back from C. is late forD. leaves) 4. Jim doesn t like to be _.A. earlyB. lateC. in a hurryD. at school) 5. Jim doesn t come home early because _.A. he plays footballB. he stays in school with his teacherC. he plays basketballD. he plays games根据短文要求每空填一词Jim _1_ up at 6:30 on _2_. He _3_ breakfast at 7:30, and then hegoes to school. He doesn t go to school on _4_ but by bike. He _5_ to school at 7:30 every day. He _6_ like to be late. He has his _7_ at 8:00.Jim _8_ lunch at noon. In the afternoon, his classes _9_over at 3:30.He _10_ home at 4:00. But sometimes he comes home _11_ from school becausehe _12_ basketball.Then he gets_13_ at 5:40.He has supper at 6:00 in the_14_. He often _15_ TV at night. He goes to bed at 10:00.1. _6. _11. _2. _3. _4. _7. _8. _9. _12. _13. _5. _10. _14. _15. _


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