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    Lesson 39 and Lesson 40一根据句意以及所给的单词首字母填词(10 分)1.What is Penny going to do wthat vase?2.Can you see a housea room in the picture? A.3.You must be c. Please dont drop the glass.4.The teacher is standing in fof the blackboard.5.Don t put it here. Put it ton this shelf.6.Those flowers are l.7.He is going to ssome flowers to his grandmother.8.The girl is going to sthe picture to her mother.9.I m going to wfor a bus at the bus stop.10. Take oyour hat. Don t put it on.二用所给词的适当形式填空(10 分)1.Be(care). Don t drop it.2.It s a(love) vase.3. (that) flowers are nice.4.Give these(child) the ice creams.5.This bookcase is not for(he).6.Pink is her(favour) colour.7.The man is standing between two(policeman).8.Take(she) those flowers.9.Some of(they) are going into the park.10. I m washing the(dish).三用所给动词的适当形式填空(10 分)1.Penny is(go) to put the vase on the table.2.not(send) George that letter.3.Look! George(work) hard.4.George(paint) the bookcase pink now.5.the boy(swim) across the river? Yes, he is.6.What are you going to do with it?Im going(put) it.7.Must I(give) Mrs. Jones these books?8.What are they doing? They(go) into the park.9.The children(cry). They aren t playing.10. There(be) some clouds in the sky.四选择填空(10 分)()1. There are two catsthe tree.A. onB. inC. forD. of()2.can you see a kite? On the wall.A. WhereB. WhatC. WhoseD. Which()3. What are you going to dothat vase?A. forB. onC. withD. of()4. There is a pencil on the floor. Whoit up?A. pickB. is pickingC. picksD. is goingto pick()5.do that. Give it to me.A. notB. Don tC. NoD. Benot()6. Be. Dont drop the vase.A. carefulB. funnyC. lovelyD.careless()7. What s theman going todo withthesuit?He is goingto.A.puton itB.putitonC.takeoff itD.take off()8. Please give itMiss Gao.A.toB.atC.forD.of()9. It s too hot. Pleaseyour coat.A. put onB. take offC. put downD. takedown()10. Tomin the river tomorrow.A. is swimming B. is going to swimC. swimsD.swimming五 根据汉语提示完成句子(10 分)1. 你打算怎么处置那个花瓶?are you going to dothat vase.2. 别那么做。 do that.3. Sam 打算把花瓶放在窗前。Sam isto put the vase inof the window.4. 请小心,别摔了它。Be. Don tit.5. 那些花是可爱的。Thoseare.6. 请把它关掉。Pleaseit.7. 我打算给我的祖父寄信。I m going toa letter to my.8. 请把这些花带给我女儿。Pleasethese flowers to my.9. 她正在把那些画给我看。She isthat picture.10. George 正在使劲干活。George is.六 句型转换( 10 分)1.He is going to wait for a bus at the bus stop. (就划线部分提问 )is heto wait for a bus?2.Penny is going to put the vase on this table. (就划线部分提问 )is penny going to dothe vase?3.Sam is careful. (就划线部分提问 )is Sam?4.Those flowers are lovely. (变为同义句 )are lovely.5.Send George a letter. (变为同义句 )a letterGeorge.6.Do this. (变为反义句 )do.7.They are going to listen to the stereo. (就划线部分提问 )are they going to?8.Pink is her favourite colour. (变为同义句 )Shepink colour.9.She is washing the dishes. (就划线部分提问 )is she?10. He is putting it in front of the window. (将此句变为 be going to句子 )He isit in front of the window.七 补全对话(10 分)blouse , shirt, yellow , nice , clothes, green , too ,right, all , whoseA: What a1blouse it is! Is it yours?B: No.A: 2 is this?B: It s Mary s.A: It s a3 blouse. But she likes a white one.B: She has two4 .A: You have a new blouse,5 . What colour is it?B: It s6. But I don t like the dark yellow.A: And your trousers are black.B: Yes , my trousers are7black. It s good for me.A: I like the light colours. Look, all my8 are light.B: Your 9and trousers are white.A: You re10 .B: I m not in any light clothes,I m fat. You know.八 完形填空( 10 分)Here isa picture1apark.Theremanypeopleinthe picture.Many ofarestudents.They4games.They re playinghide-and-seek.Oneof themup the tree. No one canhim. He s very happythestudentslookinghimhere and there.Atlast, Jim9him, but hecan t get down. Mr. Wang comes up and helps him10 down from the tree.() 1. A. toB. atC. ofD. with() 2. A. isB. areC. haveD. be() 3. A. themB. theC. theirD. theirs()4.A. playB.playingC.toplayD.areplaying() 5. A. goB. goesC. goingD. to go() 6. A. looks forB. look forC. findsD. find() 7. A. seeB. to seeC. seeingD. with() 8. A. atB. afterC. forD. out of() 9. A. looks forB. look forC. findsD. find()10.A. getB.getsC.gettingD.isgetting九阅读理解(10 分)My name isZhao Gang. I m inClassTwo, Grade One. My classroomisniceand big.Ithas fourwindows, two doorsand some lights.Thereis a map ofChinaon thewall.There are twenty-threedesksinit.One ofthem istheteacher s.I m Number Two,inRow Three.I sit behind LiLei.On my desk therearesome books and a pencil-box.My English is not good. Jim helps me with my English. I thank him very much.A 根据短文内容填空,每空一词。1.In Zhao Gang s classroom there arestudents.2.There are twoand fourin Li Lei s classroom.3.Li Lei sits inZhao Gang.4.a pencil-box and some books on Zhao Gang s desk.5.Zhao GangJim very much for his help.B 分析下列句子成分6. ( My) name is Zhao Gang.7. ( My) classroom is nice and big.8. It has (four) windows.9. I sit behind Li Lei.10. I thank him very much.十 书面表达( 10 分)Penny打算把花瓶放在这张桌子上,但是 Sam不让她那么做。 他要 Penny 把花瓶给他。 Sam打算把它放在窗前。但 Sam不小心,他差点摔了花瓶。Penny 让他别把花瓶放在那儿,他应该把它放在桌子上。Penny is1to2 the vase on this table. But Sam3want her to do4. He wants Pennyto5 itto him. Sam is goingtoputit in6ofthe window.But Sam isn t7 .He almost8thevase.Penny doesn t want him to 9itthere.He 10putit on the table.


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