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    1名词性从句 一宾语从句.pdf

    网络课程 内部讲义 名词性从句名词性从句 一(宾语从句)一(宾语从句) 教 师:李永梅 爱护环境,从我做起,提倡使用电子讲义爱护环境,从我做起,提倡使用电子讲义 www.J“在线名师” 资料室 免费资料免费资料任你下载 第 1 页 在线学习网址:www.J 客服热线:400-650-7766(9:0021:00 everyday) 版权所有 北京天地精华教育科技有限公司 名词性从句名词性从句 一(宾语从句)一(宾语从句) I 请找出下列句子的宾语请找出下列句子的宾语 1. He never forgives others for their mistakes. 1 _ 2. He often helps me. 2 _ 3. He likes to sleep in the open air. 3 _ 4. The Americans enjoyed living in China. 4 _ 5. I believe that they can finish the work in time. 5 _ 6. We brought them some food. 6 _ 7. I arrived in Beijing at 8:00 yesterday morning. 7 _ 8. I know John. 8 _ 9. She kept the floor dirty. 9 _ 10. I will teach John Chinese. 10_ 11. This matter interests the rich and the poor. 11_ 12. He wants to go to the college. 12_ 13. He is fond of swimming in the morning. 13_ 14. I am sure that you will succeed. 14_ 15. I asked where he had been. 15_ 16. I dont know what to do. 16_ 17. I dont care where to eat dinner. 17_ 18. I want to know why he didnt do his homework. 18_ 19. Is he afraid that he will be defeated? 19_ 20. I wonder what he wants. 20_ II 宾语从句训练宾语从句训练 1. The boy believes it. He will travel through space to other planets. _ 2. I think It is not right for him to treat you like that. _ 3. I noticed, for the first time, Our teacher was wearing his fine green coat. _ 4. I cant tell him. His mother died. _ say, think, insist, wish, hope, demand, imagine, wonder, know, suppose, see, believe, agree, admit, deny, expect, explain, order, command, feel, dream, suggest, hear, mean, notice, prefer, request, require, propose, declare, report www.J“在线名师” 答疑室 随时随地随时随地提问互动 第 2 页 在线学习网址:www.J 客服热线:400-650-7766(9:0021:00 everyday) 版权所有 北京天地精华教育科技有限公司 5. We discussed we will have a sports meeting next week _ 6. Can you tell me? Whom are you waiting for? _ 7. None of us knows Where can these new part be brought? _ 8. I dont know What are they looking for? _ 9. The headmaster hopes Everything goes well. _ 10. She was sorry She hasnt finished her work on time. _ 11. The teacher told his class Light travels faster than sound. _ 12. I told him He is wrong. _ III 考一考考一考 1. My friend wanted to know _ with his new car. A. what wrong is B. what is wrong C. what wrong was D. what was wrong 2. I dont know _they could pass the exam or not. A. why B. when C. that D. whether 3. -Have you decided _the children in the poor area? -By sending them books and schoolbags. A. how you will help B. what you will give C. when will you call D. how much will you send 4. Excuse me .but may I ask you _? A. what business are you in B. what business youre in C. in what business are you D. are you in what business 5. The shop assistant said he knew _ A. where does the manager live B. where the manager lives C. where did the manager live D. where the manager lived 6. He is an unpleasant man. I dont understand _ she married him. A. whether B. if C. why D. how 7. -Do you think _ he should go to the music club or not? -Sorry, I have no idea. A. that B. what C. when D. whether 8. -Alice, I hear there is a new library in your city. Could you tell me _? -Sure. A. how far is it B. how I can get there C. where is it D. which bus should I take www.J“在线名师” 资料室 免费资料免费资料任你下载 第 3 页 在线学习网址:www.J 客服热线:400-650-7766(9:0021:00 everyday) 版权所有 北京天地精华教育科技有限公司 9. -Guess_ I did yesterday! -I think you went to a party. A. where B. when C. what D. which 10. Im new here. Could you please tell me _? A. what is the building used for B. when does the first class begin C. where is the dining hall D. how many classes our school has 11. He told me that he _ a cold for three days. A. has B. had caught C. had had D. has had 12. I knew that the sun _ in the east when I was very young. A. will rise B. rose C. rise D. rises 13. -Do you know _he could pass the exam? -Sorry, Ive no idea. A. that B. whether C. what D. which 14. Id like to know_. A. whether or not will he come B. whether or not he will come C. if or not he will come D. if or not will he come 15. They asked me _during the May Day holidays. A. where had I gone B. where I had gone C. where had I been D. where I had been 16. -We can use MSN to talk with each other on the I Internet. -Really? Will you please show me_? A. how can I use B. how I can use C how can I use it D. how I can use it 17. -Can you guess _ the MP5 player yesterday? -Sorry, Ive no idea about it. A. how much did he pay for B. how can he get C. how much he paid for D. how he has got 18. Bob, can you tell us _by saying that? A. what do you mean B. what you mean C. you mean what D. what did you mean 19. I wanted to know _ A. what is the matter with him B. what the matter is with him C. what was the matter with him D. what the matter was with him 20. The boy asked his mother _he could buy another pair of shoes. A. if B. what C. who D. that 21. I dont know _ he will come tomorrow. _ he comes, Ill tell you. A. if; Whether B. whether; Whether C. if; That D. if; If 22. I dont know _ the day after tomorrow. A. when does he come B. how will he come C. if he comes D. whether hell come 23. Could you tell me _ the nearest hospital is? A. what B. how C. whether D. where www.J“在线名师” 答疑室 随时随地随时随地提问互动 第 4 页 在线学习网址:www.J 客服热线:400-650-7766(9:0021:00 everyday) 版权所有 北京天地精华教育科技有限公司 24. Could you tell me _ the radio without any help? A. how did he mend B. what did he mend C. how he mended D. what he mended 25. I want to know _. A. whom is she looking after B. whom she is looking C. whom is she looking D. whom she is looking after 26. Do you know where _ now? A. he lives B. does he live C. he lived D. did he live 27. Do you know what time _? A. the train leave B. does the train leave C. will the train leave D. the train leaves 28. I dont know _. Can you tell me, please? A. how the two players are old B. how old are the two players C. the two players are how old D. how old the two players are 29. The small children dont know _. A. what is their stockings in B. what is in their stockings C. where is their stockings in D. what in their stockings 30. I cant understand _. A. what does Christmas mean B. what Christmas does mean C. what mean Christmas does D. what Christmas means 中考综合训练中考综合训练 词汇和语法词汇和语法 V. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案) : (共 26 分) ( ) 31. The famous actor often plays_ his children in the park. A) about B) in C) at D) with ( ) 32. The volunteers love _ students in that small village in the west of China. A) they B) them C) their D) themselves ( ) 33. You can get much _ about the World Expo on the Internet. A) map B) picture C) ticket D) information ( ) 34. New Zealand has two islands. One is North Island and _is South Island. A) another B) the other C) other D) the others ( ) 35. Listening is just as _as speaking in language learning. A) important B) more important C) most important D) the most important ( ) 36. Is this a photo of your daughter? She looks _ in the pink dress! A) lovely B) quietly C) politely D) happily ( ) 37. We will have no water to drink _we dont protect the earth. A) until B) before C) though D) if www.J“在线名师” 资料室 免费资料免费资料任你下载 第 5 页 在线学习网址:www.J 客服热线:400-650-7766(9:0021:00 everyday) 版权所有 北京天地精华教育科技有限公司 ( ) 38. Money is important. _it cant buy everything. A) for B)but C)or D) so ( ) 39. Today is Fathers Day. My mother _ a special dinner for my grandpa now. A) prepare B) prepared C) is preparing D) will prepare ( ) 40. Tina and her parents _to England for sightseeing last summer. A) go B)went C) will go D)have gone ( ) 41. The Harry Potter books_ pretty popular since they were published. A) become B) will become C) have become D) are becoming ( ) 42. A Disneyland Park (迪斯尼乐园) in Shanghai Pudong New Area in the near future. A) builds B) has built C) will build D) will be built ( ) 43. Richard turned off the computer after he had finished _ the email. A) write B) to write C) writing D) wrote ( ) 44. Before going to the History Museum, our teacher told us _ the public rules. A) obey B) to obey C) obeying D) obeyed ( ) 45. Everyone _go through the security check (安检) when entering the World Expo Park. A) can B) may C)must D) ought ( ) 46. _ is it from here to the railway station? About ten kilometres. A) How far B) How fast C) How soon D) How often ( ) 47._ exciting sport it is to climb the mountains! A) How B)What C) What a D) What an ( ) 48. I want to know_. A) when we should arrive at the airport B) when should we arrive at the airport C) when the airport we should arrive at D) when the airport should we arrive at ( ) 49. My dog is gentle and never bites, so you neednt be_. A) excited B) frightened C) satisfied D) interested ( ) 50. Your homework is well done. Just_ some small mistakes in it. A) create B) connect C) correct D) control ( ) 51. The customers are pleased with the_ _of the restaurant. A) balance B) experience C) surface D) service ( ) 52. The bus is coming. Be careful when you _ the bus. A) get on B) get off C) get up D) get to ( ) 53. Angel is keen on all kinds of pop music. The underlined part means _ . A) is surprised at B) is famous for C) is fond of D) is worried about ( ) 54. The bridge enables people to get to the island in less than an hour. The underlined part means _. A) makes it safe for B) makes it possible for C) makes it necessary for D) makes it enjoyable for www.J“在线名师” 答疑室 随时随地随时随地提问互动 第 6 页 在线学习网址:www.J 客服热线:400-650-7766(9:0021:00 everyday) 版权所有 北京天地精华教育科技有限公司 ( ) 55. Im really sorry to have broken your coffee cup. _. A) Good idea. B)Thats all right. C) I dont think so. D) You are welcome. ( ) 56. Sharon, remember to lock the door before leaving the house. _. A) OK. I will. B) Yes. please. C) Its hard to say. D) It doesnt matter. VI. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完 成下列句子。每空格限填一词): (共 8 分) 57. Joanna received many _ when graduating from middle school. (gift) 58. Alex is _years old and is taken good care of in the kindergarten. (fourth) 59. Whose school uniform is that on the chair, yours or_? (my) 60. It was _ for human beings to predict weather in the past. (difficulty) 61. There is a beautiful _on the wall in each room of my house. (paint) 62. You need to explain your opinions quite _when having a debate. (clear) 63. Lets hope that all our troubles will_ soon. (appear) 64. The local people are _ that the whole nation are helping them rebuild the town. (thank) VII. Rewrite the following sentences as required (根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填一词): (共 12 分) 65. Peter helps in the house at the weekend.(改为一般疑问句) _ Peter often _ in the house at the weekend? 66. We used to stay in a hotel by the sea on family holidays. (对划线部分提问) _ _ you use to stay on family holidays? 67. Your mother has never tried shopping on the Internet. (改为反意疑问句) Your mother has never tried shopping on the Internet, _ _? 68. James spent ten years making this amazing film. (保持句意不变) _ _ James ten years to make this amazing film. 69. Chris has gone to South Africa to enjoy the 2010 World Cup. Karen has gone to South Africa to enjoy the 2010 World Cup, too. (合并为一句) _Chris_ Karen have gone to South Africa to enjoy the 2010 World Cup. 70. Visitors love this city because it has historical sights and delicious food. (改为简单句) Visitors love this city_ _ its historical sights and delicious food. www.J“在线名师” 资料室 免费资料免费资料任你下载 第 7 页 在线学习网址:www.J 客服热线:400-650-7766(9:0021:00 everyday) 版权所有 北京天地精华教育科技有限公司 Reading and Writing (读写读写) VIII. Reading comprehension (阅读理解) : (共 56 分) A. True or False(判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示) : (7 分) Three men from the Bennett family talk about how life has changed over three generations. George, the grandfather, 65 years old When I see my son staying with his son, I think they have a good relationship (关系) it wasnt like that in my day. My father was very strict, and we had to obey him all the time. When I was a boy. I had to walk six kilometres to school. There was no other way of getting there. At home we didnt have a television, so we had to make our own entertainment(娱乐).I spent all my free time outside playing football. But we couldnt play football on Sundays because we had to go to church. I left school when I was fourteen and went to work in a bakery. Martin, the son, 44 years old When I was growing up. my father was always at work. When he came home, we couldnt disturb him because he was tired. Because my father left school very early and felt sorry for it later, he wanted me to do well at school. I had to show him my homework every night and I could only watch television at the weekend. When I was eighteen. I got a place at university. My parents didnt have to pay for my study because the government did. I didnt go home very often, even during the holidays. I preferred to spend time travelling around. Brian, t


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