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    1.Had I got there five minutes earlier, I could () her.A.meetB.meetingC.have metD.to meet错误,正确答案是"C"2.Excuse me, could you tell me where I could make a call? Sorry, Im a stranger here.().A.Thanks a lotB.Thats a pityC.Thanks anywayD.Im sorry to hear that错误,正确答案是"C"3. (), but I seem to have misplaced your scarf. Oh, thats all right.A.I am fine.B.I am sorry.C.Its nice of you.D.I am OK.错误,正确答案是"B"4.The expert made an impersonal comment () the incident.A.withB.toC.inD.on错误,正确答案是"D"5.Despite () attempts to diet, her weight soared.A.numerousB.numerableC.muchD.continuous错误,正确答案是"A"6.Could you tell me () we are going to meet?A.thatB.whetherC.whoD.what错误,正确答案是"C"7.Though he had often made his little sister (), today he was made () by his little sister.A.cry; to cryB.crying; cryingC.cry; cryD.to cry; cry错误,正确答案是"A"8.The child is spoiled by the () love from the grandparents.A.sufficientB.moderateC.adequateD.excessive错误,正确答案是"D"9.By the time you arrive in London, we () in Europe for two weeks.A.shall stayB.will have stayedC.have stayedD.have been staying错误,正确答案是"B"10.How do you pay?()A.By credit cardB.moneyC.creditD.card错误,正确答案是"A"11.The commission is made up of five people, () two women.A.includingB.involvingC.includedD.involved错误,正确答案是"A"12.People often try to make too many changes (), then find it too difficult.A.at leastB.at onceC.at mostD.at all错误,正确答案是"B"13.Under no () should we be reckless of consequence and make hasty decisions.A.instanceB.circumstanceC.situationD.environment错误,正确答案是"B"14.Could you tell us () gate we have to go to?A.thatB.whetherC.whereD.which错误,正确答案是"D"15.Little () about his own health though he was very ill.A.he caredB.does he careC.did he careD.he cares错误,正确答案是"C"16.The aim is neither to judge nor to force forgiveness, but rather to () understanding.A.fosterB.harvestC.brightenD.activate错误,正确答案是"A"17. Can I help you? What would you like? I dont know. Would you like something to eat? How about some cakes? (). I think Id like some bread.A.Yes, pleaseB.Thats itC.No, thanksD.It doesnt matter错误,正确答案是"C"18.I am tired. Would you like to fetch a chair () me?A.inB.forC.atD.of错误,正确答案是"B"19.Patients with the condition are () a higher risk of a number of complications.A.inB.onC.atD.with错误,正确答案是"C"20.(), I have never seen a more capable man than John.A.As long as I have traveledB.As I travel so muchC.Now that I have traveledD.Much as I have traveled错误,正确答案是"D"21. Thanks for your help. ().A.My pleasure.B.Quite right.C.Never mind.D.Dont thank me.错误,正确答案是"A"22.Would you please come over?().A.Sure.B.Right.C.Yes, please do.D.Well.错误,正确答案是"A"23.Food is to men () oil is to machine.A.whatB.thatC.whichD.in which错误,正确答案是"A"24. (). Yes, where is ladies room please?A.I can help you.B.Let me help you.C.May I help you?D.What can I do for you?错误,正确答案是"C"25.No sooner () asleep than she heard a knock at the door.A.she had fallenB.She had fellC.had she fallenD.had she fell错误,正确答案是"C"26.The manager discussed the plan that they would like to see () the next year.A.carry outB.carrying outC.carried outD.to carry out错误,正确答案是"C"27.A loving family environment gives children that sense of stability and () which they need.A.exclusionB.reflectionC.propertyD.permanence错误,正确答案是"D"28.Excuse me, Sir, is the swimming pool open all day?(). Only from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm.A.Thats rightB.Yes, of courseC.Sorry, I am not sureD.Sorry, Im afraid not错误,正确答案是"D"29.She is continually () her position/authority by getting other people to do things for her.A.abusingB.teasingC.usingD.tempting错误,正确答案是"A"30. I dont think that its true. Hes always telling strange stories. ().A.Why not!B.I am of the same opinion. I think his story is true this time.C.I know. But this time I cant decide if he is right or not.D.I cannot share your view. It must be a false story.错误,正确答案是"C"31.This is not the correct way to () the audience.A.talkB.addressC.sayD.chat错误,正确答案是"B"32. May I help you? (). I want to visit the Summer Palace and the Tsinghua University.A.YesB.Of courseC.NoD.Never mind错误,正确答案是"A"33.The room was designed () a study.A.beingB.beenC.to beD.to have been错误,正确答案是"C"34.He got up () early () he caught the first bus.A.so; as toB.so; thatC.as; asD.such; that错误,正确答案是"B"35.How often do you eat out? (), but usually once a week.A.Have no ideaB.It dependsC.As usualD.Generally speaking错误,正确答案是"B"36. Pass the dictionary, will you? ().A.By all means.B.Pleasure.C.None.D.Thanks.错误,正确答案是"A"37.() I respect him, I cant agree to his proposal. A.AsB.ProvidedC.BecauseD.Much as错误,正确答案是"D"38.() from the hill, our school looks more beautiful.A.SeeingB.SeenC.Being seenD.Saw错误,正确答案是"B"39.While I was working for that company, I had to () consumer affairs. A.deal onB.deal inC.deal withD.deal for错误,正确答案是"C"40.My watch () at nine oclock, but now it ().A.went; stoppedB.went; is stoppingC.was going; stoppedD.was going; has stopped错误,正确答案是"D"41.()I accept that hes not perfect in many respects, I do actually quite like the man.A.whyB.howC.whoD.while错误,正确答案是"D"42.I dont enjoy () activities.A.feasibleB.physicalC.sensitiveD.critical错误,正确答案是"C"43.I wonder if I could possibly use your car for tonight?(). Im not using it anyhow.A.Sure, go aheadB.I dont knowC.Yes, indeedD.I dont care错误,正确答案是"A"44. Thank you so much for your lovely gift. ().A.Never mind.B.Please dont say so.C.Im glad you like it.D.No, its not so good.错误,正确答案是"C"45.Are you satisfied with what she has done?(). It couldnt be any better.A.Not a littleB.Not at allC.Im sorryD.Thank you错误,正确答案是"A"46.After () on the trousers, he found they were 2 inches too long.A.puttingB.putC.to putD.being put错误,正确答案是"A"47.If you have a () diet, you are getting all the vitamins you need.A.balancedB.bankruptC.biasedD.boring错误,正确答案是"A"48. Its been a wonderful evening. Thank you very much.A.Just so-so.B.No, thanks.C.My pleasure.D.Its OK.错误,正确答案是"C"49.The new system will be () with existing equipment.A.capableB.controllableC.compatibleD.considerable错误,正确答案是"C"50.So difficult () it to live in a foreign country that I decided t leave.A.I have feltB.I did feelC.have I feltD.Did I feel错误,正确答案是"D"1.If you have a () diet, you are getting all the vitamins you need.A.balancedB.bankruptC.biasedD.boring错误,正确答案是"A"2. Thanks for your help. ().A.My pleasure.B.Quite right.C.Never mind.D.Dont thank me.错误,正确答案是"A"3.How do you pay?()A.By credit cardB.moneyC.creditD.card错误,正确答案是"A"4.This is not the correct way to () the audience.A.talkB.addressC.sayD.chat错误,正确答案是"B"5.() at the meeting are some experienced teachers.A.PresentedB.Having been presentC.Being presentedD.Present错误,正确答案是"D"6.I first met Simon three years ago. She () at a university at that time.A.has workedB.was workingC.has been workingD.had worked错误,正确答案是"B"7. Thank you for your invitation.A.It doesnt matter.B.Its a pleasure.C.Ill appreciate it.D.Its a small thing.错误,正确答案是"B"8.The winners will be selected at () from the correct answers received.A.formalB.casualC.idleD.random错误,正确答案是"D"9.After () on the trousers, he found they were 2 inches too long.A.puttingB.putC.to putD.being put错误,正确答案是"A"10.() there is no rain, farming is difficult or impossible.A.AsB.ThoughC.WhereD.When错误,正确答案是"C"11. Pass the dictionary, will you? ().A.By all means.B.Pleasure.C.None.D.Thanks.错误,正确答案是"A"12.() I respect him, I cant agree to his proposal. A.AsB.ProvidedC.BecauseD.Much as错误,正确答案是"D"13. Thank you for calling.A.Dont mention it.B.Nice talking to you.C.Thats fine.D.Call back again.错误,正确答案是"B"14. (). Yes, where is ladies room please?A.I can help you.B.Let me help you.C.May I help you?D.What can I do for you?错误,正确答案是"C"15.Despite () attempts to diet, her weight soared.A.numerousB.numerableC.muchD.continuous错误,正确答案是"A"16.Oxygen is often stored as a liquid, although it is used () as a gas.A.primarilyB.seldomC.rarelyD.sometimes错误,正确答案是"A"17. I dont think that its true. Hes always telling strange stories. ().A.Why not!B.I am of the same opinion. I think his story is true this time.C.I know. But this time I cant decide if he is right or not.D.I cannot share your view. It must be a false story.错误,正确答案是"C"18.Could you tell me () we are going to meet?A.thatB.whetherC.whoD.what错误,正确答案是"C"19.I dont enjoy () activities.A.feasibleB.physicalC.sensitiveD.critical错误,正确答案是"C"20.Dont think in Chinese when youre speaking English. ().A.You are quite right. I just think in Chinese.B.Im sorry, but I think in English.C.You can say that again.D.Its nonsense.错误,正确答案是"C"21.You can make progress () you are modest.A.only ifB.if onlyC.because ofD.on that错误,正确答案是"A"22.Food is to men () oil is to machine.A.whatB.thatC.whichD.in which错误,正确答案是"A"23.Please enter your () when you pay.A.stateB.PINC.welfareD.address错误,正确答案是"B"24.() from the hill, our school looks more beautiful.A.SeeingB.SeenC.Being seenD.Saw错误,正确答案是"B"25. Im very sorry for the mistake Ive made. Its OK. ().A.That can happen to the rest of us.B.Whats the matter with you?C.Why are you so careless?D.You should be responsible for it.错误,正确答案是"A"26.Under no () should we be reckless of consequence and make hasty decisions.A.instanceB.circumstanceC.situationD.environment错误,正确答案是"B"27.The expert made an impersonal comment () the incident.A.withB.toC.inD.on错误,正确答案是"D"28.Obsessive () can be very irritating.A.perfectionismB.awarenessC.personD.critic错误,正确答案是"A"29.And that is really the problem, irrespective () what this site turns out to be. A.toB.ofC.inD.with错误,正确答案是"B"30.Could you stay a little longer? ().A.No, Im afraid I cant.B.Yes, thank you.C.No, thank you.D.You are welcome.错误,正确答案是"A"31.Youll never guess the answer. Do you ()?A.give upB.get offC.give awayD.get down错误,正确答案是"A"32.How often do you eat out? (), but usually once a week.A.Have no ideaB.It dependsC.As usualD.Generally speaking错误,正确答案是"B"33.Could you tell me () shall we meet again?A.whenB.thatC.howD.what错误,正确答案是"A"34.He grew () in a small village in North China.A.outB.downC.upD.on错误,正确答案是"C"35.A loving family environment gives children that sense of stability and () which they need.A.exclusionB.reflectionC.propertyD.permanence错误,正确答案是"D"36. Thank you so much for your lovely gift. ().A.Never mind.B.Please dont say so.C.Im glad you like it.D.No, its not so good.错误,正确答案是"C"37.The room was designed () a study.A.beingB.beenC.to beD.to have been错误,正确答案是"C"38. Is this raincoat yours?A.is hangingB.hangsC.has hungD.hung错误,正确答案是"A"39.Mrs. White became a teacher in 1985. She () for twenty years by next summer.A.will teachB.has been teachingC.would have taughtD.will have been teaching错误,正确答案是"D"40.People often try to make too many changes (), then find it too difficult.A.at leastB.at onceC.at mostD.at all错误,正确答案是"B"41.When () remains undecided.A.to start the programB.to be starting the programC.starting the programD.have started the program错误,正确答案是"A"42.()I accept that hes not perfect in many respects, I do actually quite like the man.A.whyB.howC.whoD.while错误,正确答案是"D"43.Could you tell us () gate we have to go to?A.thatB.whetherC.whereD.which错误,正确答案是"D"44.The commission is made up of five people, () two women.A.includingB.involvingC.includedD.involved错误,正确答案是"A"45.This national fund pays for () benefits such as unemployment and sickness pay.A.fareB.fairC.welfareD.satire错误,正确答案是"C"46.My watch () at nine oclock, but now it ().A.went; stoppedB.went; is stoppingC.was going; stoppedD.was going; has stopped错误,正确答案是"D"47. I wonder if I could use your bike? ().A.No.B.None.C.Thanks.D.Im sorry, but Im using it right now.错误,正确答案是"D"48.Would you please come over?().A.Sure.B.Right.C.Yes, please do.D.Well.错误,正确答案是"A"49. I must apologize for having delayed the job. ().A.Pleased to meet you.B.No, thats not your fault.C.I dont know.D.Thanks a lot.错误,正确答案是"B"50.The child is spoiled by the () love from the grandparents.A.sufficientB.moderateC.adequateD.excessive错误,正确答案是"D"1. May I help you? ().A.Yes, you canB.SorryC.Yes, pleaseD.No, you cant错误,正确答案是"C"2.They would not allow him () across the enemy line.A.to risk goingB.risking to goC.for risk to goD.risk going错误,正确答案是"A"3.She has that reserve and slight coldness of manner which is () English.A.typicallyB.physicallyC.economicallyD.permanently错误,正确答案是"A"4.Lets see () we can find out some information about that city.A.thatB.whetherC.whenD.what错误,正确答案是"B"5.Obsessive () can be very irritating.A.perfectionismB.awarenessC.personD.critic错误,正确答案是"A"6. I must apologize for having delayed the job. ().A.Pleased to meet you.B.No, thats not your fault.C.I dont know.D.Thanks a lot.错误,正确答案是"B"7.Most offices require secretaries ().A.have specified trainingB.having specified trainingC.to have specified trainingD.to have been specified training错误,正确答案是"C"8.The child is spoiled by the () love from the grandparents.A.sufficientB.moderateC.adequateD.excessive错误,正确答案是"D"9.By the time you arrive in London, we () in Europe for two weeks.A.shall stayB.will have stayedC.have stayedD.have been staying错误,正确答案是"B"10.All the windows () have been repaired.A.breakingB.being brokenC.brokenD.broke错误,正确答案是"C"11.Could you tell me () shall we meet again?A.whenB.thatC.howD.what错误,正确答案是"A"12. I dont think that its true. Hes always telling strange stories. ().A.Why not!B.I am of the same opinion. I thi


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