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    第一讲 冠词一。定义:用于名词前表示特指或泛指的词。二。分类:1。不定冠词a /an 2。定冠词the 3。零冠词:即不用冠词。三。用法:一)。不定冠词a /an的用法:a用于辅音音素开头的可数名词单数前,an用于元音音素开头的可 数名词单数前。如:a university, a boy, an hour, an apple, an interesting book, an honest boy。1。一 I have a cat, but he has two.2。每一 We usually have three meals a day.3。某一 A Mr. Smith is asking for you downstairs.4。第一次提到的人、事物。 He has a lovely dog. The dog is four years old.5。一类中的任一个 A spider has eight legs. 蜘蛛有八条腿。6。固定词组中。a few, a little, in a way, have a rest/ break, have a look, take a bath, once upon a time, not a bit, a bit, have a bad cold, a lot of, a good many, a great deal of, a couple of几个, a pair of, a piece of, a kilo and a half, one and a half kilos, in a hurry, go for a walk, many a time许多次, come to an end结束, keep an eye on注意着, make a living谋生, take a walk, as a rule通常,at a loss不知所措,a kind of, a number of, in a way, make a mess, make a face, make a mistake, live/lead a happy life, in a word简言之,总之,put sth to an end结束某事,as a result (作为)结果,have a population of 有人口,二)。定冠词the的用法1。再次提到的人事物前。 (见不定冠词用法4)2。世上独一无二的事物前。 the sun, the moon, the universe, the world, the sky/the air 天空3。序数词前。Jerry won the first place in the competition.4。形容词最高级前。This is the most interesting movie that I have ever seen.5。单数可数名词前表示类别。The tiger is an animal.6。乐器名词前。 play the violin/ drum/ piano/ guitar7。姓氏复数前表示一家人或夫妇二人。 The Blacks are shopping now.8。计量单位名词前。 She gets paid by the hour.9。方位、方向名词前。 The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. on the left/right10。the形容词,表示一类人。 11。普通名词构成的专有名词前。the Peoples Republic of China, the United Nations12。发明物前。 Who invented the telephone?13。the 形容词比较级,表示两者中“更的”。He is the taller of the two boys.14。固定词组中in the morning/ afternoon/ evening/ night, in the end, by the end of, at the end/ beginning of, in the open air, in the middle of , in the center of, on the top, on the earth, all the same, at the age of, all the time, at the moment, by the way, in the way, on the way to, in the south, on the right, out of the question不可能, the morethe more 越越,the day after tomorrow, the day before yesterday, all the best一切顺利,万事如意, on/ over the radio通过收音机,Whats the population of 有多少人口?Whats the price of?的价格是多少?the number of 的数目三)。零冠词的用法1。专有名词。 China is the largest developing country.2。抽象名词、物质名词表示泛指。 Clean water and air are necessary for human beings.3。可数名词复数表示类别。Lions are large animals.4。头衔称谓前。We made him president.5。三餐。 Becky never has breakfast. at/for/ after/before lunch/supper/dinner/breakfast/ tea6。颜色、感官名词。Red is my favorite color. Sight is one of the five senses.7。节日、假日、星期、月份、季节前。at Christmas, on holiday, on Wednesday, in February, in spring/ summer/ autumn/ winter/ fall8。球类、棋类、牌类、游戏。 play basketball, play chess, play cards, play games9。两个相对词并用时。They are husband and wife. 10。固定词组中go to school, go to bed, go to hospital, go to class, go to church, go to work, go to market, go to college/university, on duty, on time按时,准时, in time及时, at times有时候, from time to time有时候, in danger处于危险状态, out of danger脱险, in trouble, in need, put sb. into prison把某人投入监狱, at night, at noon, at home, at work, at school, in fact, in return, on fire, in debt欠债, by chance偶然地, by air, by land, by sea, by water, by car/ bike/ bus/ train/ plane/ spacecraft/ subway/ ship/ boat, on foot, at sea, in public, in surprise吃惊地,惊讶地, in peace安静地,宁静地, in order按顺序, in other words换句话说, in common共同,共有, in all总之, in front of, in need of需要, 缺少, after class, in class, after school, all kinds of各种各样的, catch/get/take hold of抓住,day by day一天天地(强调变化), day after day日复一日(强调重复不变), face to face面对面, side by side肩并肩地,并排, arm in arm胳膊挽胳膊, hand in hand手拉手, by day日间,在白天,day and night日日夜夜, all day and all night 整日整夜,out of order运转不正常,出毛病,out of breath上气不接下气,out of work失业,pay attention to注意,no doubt无疑地,on show展出,在上演(上映),of course当然,one after another一个接一个,have fun with sth/ (in) doing sth 玩得高兴


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