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    电大 开放英语1 学习辅导Unit 2 Meeting and Greeting.doc

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    电大 开放英语1 学习辅导Unit 2 Meeting and Greeting.doc

    Unit 2 Meeting and Greeting学习重点:一、表达问候的方式(P13)二、表示喜欢与不喜欢(行为动词的肯定与否定式及疑问句)(do not / does not):(P14)三、频度副词:(P17)四、部分介词:(P17)五、动词have的用法:(P19)六、12小时表达法:(P21)七、表达提议及请求:(P24)一、重点语法释析1、表达问候的方式(P13)Hi 熟人之间很随便的问候语。Hello“中性”的问候语, 认识或不认识的人都可用。How are you? 不常见的熟人之间的问候语,回答此问候语的常用语有Fine, thanks. 或者Very well, thank you. 回答:Im fine, thank you. And you?Im pleased to meet you. 一般用于初次见面 回答:Im pleased to meet you too2、 行为动词的否定形式和疑问形式把肯定句改成否定句把肯定句改成否定句分以下情况:1、句中有be动词的,在be动词后加not; 2、句中有情态动词的(can ,should,must ,would),在情态动词后面加not; 3、句中没有be动词和情态动词的,在动词前加dont或doesnt ; 句中动词为原形的,加dont .如: I like apples. I dont like apples. 句中动词为三单式的,加doesnt,并将三单式的动词还原成原形。如:He likes apples. He doesnt like apples.4、肯定句中的some在否定句中应改为anyThere are some students in the classroom. There are not any students in the classroom. 将下列各句改成否定句1、Toms brother is walking in the park._2、His father is driving a bus._3、The students of Class 5 are cleaning the classroom._4、Their dog is playing in the room._5、Tom and Mary are friends._6、These buses are new._7、There are some books in the bookcase._8、There is a banana in the box._9、Im a student._10、She is a farmer._11、Your father can ride a bike._12、Mr. Li can draw pictures._13、They can play football after school._14、I can go to Shanghai Zoo._15、You should climb the tree._16、 We come from China._17、Its time for sports._18、We like the mask._19、He likes the violin._20、Have some bread, Tom._21、Please open your books._22、I like Chinese、Maths、Art and PE._23、Listen to the radio, please._24、Kick the ball to me._25、Peter, drink some juice, please._26、Please watch TV._27、I am a bus driver._28、The dog can jump._29、Today is Monday._30、They are good friends._一般疑问句的构成(P19)1. 概念能用yes / no(或相当于yes / no)回答的问句叫一般疑问句。2. 含系动词be的一般疑问句的构成 具体地说,就是当陈述句中有am /is / are时,可直接将它们提至主语前,但如遇第一人称,最好将其置换成第二人称。如:Im in Class 2, Grade 1. Are you in Class 2, Grade 1? 你是在一年级二班吗?3. 含情态动词的一般疑问句的构成 一般疑问句面前人人平等:情态动词与am / is / are一样,也可直接将它们提至主语前,所以问题迎刃而解了。如:I can spell it. Can you spell it? 你会拼写它吗?4. 含实义动词的一般疑问句的构成含实义动词的一般疑问句的构成稍微有点讲究,要在句首加do;如逢主语为第三人称单数,谓语动词为一般现在时单数第三人称形式"v-(e)s"时,奉does为座上宾并要变回原形(如hashave,likeslike等);有时陈述句中的some还要变作any等。如:She lives in Beijing. Does she live in Beijing? 她住在北京吗?I like English. Do you like English? 你喜欢英语吗?There are some books on my desk.Are there any books on your desk?英语特殊疑问句构成(P20)1、特殊的疑问词。 特殊疑问句要由疑问代词或疑问副词开头,询问的内容不同, 使用的疑问词也不同。我们学过的疑问词有what(询问事物), how much(询问价格), what time (询问时间,尤其是点钟), what kind of(询问种类), why(询问原因),who(询问人), where(询问地点) 等等。如: What is this? 这是什么? Its a key. 这是一把钥匙。 How much is it? 这个多少钱? Its twenty dollars. 二十美元。 What kind of movies do you like? 你喜欢哪一类型的电影? I like action movies. 我喜欢动作片。 2、特殊的语序。 特殊疑问句由疑问词开头,其构成是“疑问词 + 一般疑问句的词序”。如: What time is it? 现在几点钟? Who is your teacher? 谁是你的老师? 3、特殊的答语。 特殊疑问句不能用yes, no来回答,而应根据它所询问的内容直接做出回答才行。如: What time is it, please? 请问几点了? Its 7:30. 七点半了。 Where are they? 他们在哪儿? Theyre in the playground. 他们在操场上。 Whats your favorite subject? 你最喜爱的科目是什么? English. 英语。 4、特殊的语调。 一般情况下,特殊疑问句要用降调()来读。如: Whos that? How old isJack? 603、频度副词(P17)频度副词是指表示动作发生的频率的副词,常见有的never, seldom, sometimes, often, usually, always 等。频度副词通常位于实义动词之前,动词be、助动词、情态动词等之后。如:We often get together. 我们常常聚会。Jane usually goes to work by bike. 简通常骑自行车上班。He sometimes goes there on business. 他有时到那里出差。He can never understand. 他永远也不会明白的。I shall always remember this. 我将永远记住这一点。4、介词at, for, in(P19)at 用于具体时间和地点,如: I work at BTVU. / He comes at 7:00.for 表示“为了”和“作为”,如: He works for IBM. She likes milk for breakfast.in 用于年,月,季节,期间,如: in 1999, in May, in spring, in the morning/afternoon/evening 表示时间的介词(P22)at 表示某点时间 He gets up at nine.for 表示某段时间 He studies English for ten years.fromto表示起点与终点 He works from 8:00 to 12:00.5、动词have的用法 (P19) 6、12小时表达法 (P21)1、整点表达法:钟点数+oclock 译为“几点”e g:1:00 one oclock 10:00 ten oclock2、非整点表达法(1)顺读法:“钟点数+分钟数”译为“几点几分”e g:7:10 seven ten 1:58 one fifty-eight 11:06 eleven-o- six (表零几分时可用O表示)(2)逆读法:(使用介词 past超出、过 to差)A:不超出30分钟:“分钟数+past+钟点数” 译为“几点几分”e g:7:10 ten past seven B:超出30分钟:(60-原分钟数)+ to +(原钟点数+1)译为“差几分就几点”e g:9:48 twelve to ten 差12分就10点 (60-48= 12分, 9+1=10点)1:58two to two 差2分就2点(60-58=2分, 1+1=2点)3、特殊表达法(使用名词 quarter 一刻钟 half 一半)15分钟:a quarter past 4:15 a quarter past four 30分钟:half past 9:30half past nine 45分钟:a quarter to 5:45a quarter to six(to表“差”原钟点数需加1)好了,看完以上的巧记,同学们是否有所收获呢?最后再告诉同学们一个口诀:时间顺读时后分,逆读法分后时。三十以内past连,三十以后to中间。分用六十减放前,时后加一不能欠。 午前:am午后:pm7、表达提议或请求(P24)Could you do? / Would you like? 或Would you like to do?Could you 表示请求,要求 Could you open the door?Would you like 表示建议,询问 Would you like a cup of coffee?二、重点词汇讲解1. pleased adj. 高兴的,满意的 e.g. Im much pleased at the good news. 我听到好消息很高兴。The boss is very pleased with his work. 老板对他的工作很满意。1. enjoy vt. 享受,喜爱,欣赏e.g. They used to enjoy free medical care. 他们过去享受公费医疗。My brother enjoys going to concerts. 我兄弟喜欢去听音乐会。2. at home 在家,在家乡,在本地,在国内e.g. I left the book at home. 我把书忘在家了。 The next match will be held at home. 下次比赛在主场举行。3. by train 乘火车e.g. I am going to Beijing by train. 我要乘火车去北京by bus 乘公共汽车e.g. He usually goes to work by bus. 他通常乘公共汽车去上班。by ship 乘船e.g. They decided to go there by ship. 他们决定乘船去那儿。4. register n.; vt.; vi.; 登记簿;注册;报到e.g. This is a school attendance register. 这是学校点名册。 The car was registered to Jack Smith. 汽车登记注明车主为杰克史密斯。 I have registered for three courses for next term. 下学期我已注册选读3门课。 Tomorrow I will register for the new school year. 明天我要去新学年开学注册。三、练习题1. She _ reading in the park. A. enjoy B. enjoying C. enjoys2. _ you usually at home on Monday? A. Do B. Are C. is3. I _ go to work by car. A. usually dont B. dont usually C. not usually4. Do you finish early on Friday? _.A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I did. C. Yes, I does5. The time is 9:40. Its _. A. forty to nine B. nine to forty C. twenty to ten6. Youd better stay _ home. A. in B. at C. on7. Are you going to Shanghai _ ship? A. by B. in C. at8. _ to meet you. A. Relaxed B. Enjoyed C. Pleased9. Mary was _ late for classes until she lost her watch! A. always B. never C. often10. Is Mike here? No. _ out. A. Hes B. He C. His参考答案:1. C 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. C6. B 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. A


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