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    综合英语(1) 地方作业一.doc

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    综合英语(1) 地方作业一.doc

    一、Directions: (Vocabulary) (选择题,每题1分, 共20分)Beneath each of the following sentences,there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.(10points)Example: The old at last_ in finding a flat to rentA managed B did C finished D succeededThe sentence should read, “The old couple succeeded at last in finding a flat to rent.”Therefore you should choose D1.一Have you seen_ pen? I left it here this morning.一Is it _black one? I think I saw it somewhere,A, a; the B, the; theC, the; a D. a; a2. I agree with most of what you said, but I dont agree with _.A. everything B. anythingC. something D, nothing3. She is going to give me a call tonight, _?A wont she B. isnt sheC hasnt she D. doesnt she4. _statistics,more than 90% of nurses are women.A. According with B. According toC. In for D. With about5. I cant_ why I havent heard anything from them yet. Theyve been there for two hours.A. figure out B. work atC. get out D. put up6. He had a little _ with math last year, but its a lot easier for him now.A. difficult B. troubleC. issue D. hard7.一Do you know who this is?一He_ familiar, but Im not sure who he is.A. tastes B. feelsC. smells D. looks8. Could you tell me how soon_ available?A the new machine will be B. will the new machine beC. is the new machine D. the new machine is9. We might go dancing,but well_ go see the James Bond movie thats playing at the State.A. necessarily B. properlyC. probably D. seriously10, If you are so _to find out,why dont you call them and ask if theyve made a decision yet? A. ambitious B. patientC. peculiar D. anxious11. He said that he would prefer to read_. A. rather than sit idle B. rather than to sit idleC. more than to sit idle D. more than sit idle12. The room was empty, but Tom felt that _ was watching him.A. anybody B. somebodyC. nobody D. everybody13. You know I have trouble _ all their names.A. remember B. to remember C. remembering D. remembered14.She speaks very fast. _ is difficult to understand what she is saying.A. That B. This C. It D. She15. She is said _ English in a school for thirty years.A. to have taught B. to be taughtC. teaching D. having taught16. She_his number in the phone book to make sure that she had got it rightA. looked up B. looked forC, picked out D, picked up17. We havent_ our minds yet,maybe to a restaurant,maybe to a movie first.A. made for B. made upC. set in D. set up18. The historical parts were very _ but frankly, I was a little_ the ending.A. excited; disappointed in B. exciting; disappointing inC. excited; disappointed D. exciting; disappointed in19. I _a radio talk on Shakespeare when my uncle came home and started shouting at the top of his voice. A, was hearing B. heardC. listened to D. was listening to20. W e are _ our next visit to the city.A. looking after B. looking backC looking around D. looking forward to二Directions (structure)(选择题,每题1分,共10分)Choose A, B or C to complete each conversation, using the sentences below. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. Example: Oh, look. Joni Mitchell is in town. _.一What? Shes one of the greatest folk singers in the world!A. Whos that? Ive never heard of her.B. Sure, Im in town.C. Yes, Im glad shes coming.Answer A is correct because the conversation should read,“一Oh, look. Joni Mitchell is in town.一Whos that? Ive never heard of her.一What? Shes one of the greatest folk singers in the world!21.一I hear youve got a new job.一_.A. Yes, I just started.B. Yes, I just got back.C. Yes, I just saw it last night.22.一Northwestern Airlines. May I help you? 一_.A. Yes, Id like some information about morning flights from Beijing to Detroit.B. Can I have two pints of beer, please.C. Well, theres flight at 11;00 A. M. Its a nonstop flight.23.一I borrowed these books from Jane. Could you give them back to her? 一_.A. You are welcome.B. Its very nice of you.C. No problem.24.一Are these the keys you were looking for? 一 .A. Where were you this morning?B. Its a difficult question to answer.C. Oh, you found them! Thanks.25.一How long has Bill been in Bangkok?一_.A. Hes been gone for eight days, and will probably be back in four days.B. Sorry, I cant go to Bangkok with you this weekend.C. You know, I ve always wanted to go there with Bill.26. 一Its such a beautiful day. Why dont we take a walk?一_.A. Susan always walks much faster than Richard.B. Do you know where the nearest post office is?C. Sorry, Ive got to pick up my little sister at the school.27. 一I need to have this prescription filled.一 _.A. OK. Ill describe to you later when I finish this.B. I will have it ready for you in half an hour.C. I heard on the radio that it is going to be almost 40 degrees Centigrade.28一Excuse me , could you tell me how to get to Oxford Circus, please?一_.A. Yes, certainly . Walk down to the end of this street and turn right.B. You are going to see the circus? The ticket is 10 pounds.C. Do you know how long they are going to be in town.29.一what happened to the letters I left here on the table?一_.A. I didnt write any letter to John yet.B. Sorry, I didnt read anything.C. I mailed them for you this morning.30.一Are there any good movies on TV?一Well, Somewhere in the Past is on channel 5.一Ive never heard of it. Is it any good?一_.A. That sounds great. Lets watch something else.B. Its supposed to be.C. Really? Ive heard its not that great.三Dialogue( 对话填空,每题3分,共15分)Choose the best answer to complete the dialogue. (15points)A: 一Laura!B: 一Oh, hi, Roger.A: 一_31_.B: 一Fine. _32_. A: 一Yes. I just got back yesterday.B: 一_33_.A: 一Really nice. It was good being back home and just relaxing. My brother Mark was there, too. _34_.B: 一Sure. I met him when he was here in Chicago last year. _35_Still playing the guitar?A: 一Yes. As a matter of fact, he just started his own band.Answers:A. Did you have a nice visit?B. I hear you went back to Seattle for a few days.C. How have you been?D. Whats he up to these days?E. You ve met Mark, havent you ?四Cloze (完型填空 每题1分,共10分)Careful and careless are _36_ as fire and water . But it is strange that _37_ scientists have both these qualities.(品质). They _38_ careful and careless. Newton , the famous English scientist, was _39_ person. Once Newton invited a friend to dinner at home. When they _40_ to eat, Newton left to get a bottle of wine. But after his friend _41_ for a long time , Newton didnt come back._42_ his friend found Newton in his lab. When Newton was going to get the bottle of wine, he suddenly had a new idea for his experiment. So he quite forgot his friend and the dinner. _43_ Newton was leading a horse up a mountain, and held the rein(缰绳)in his hand. While_44_ , he kept _45_ problems. When he got to the top of the mountain, he found that the rein was not in his hand and that the horse was gone.36.A.as different B. so different C. too different D. as differently37.A.quite a few B. few C. quite few D. quite a few 38.A.both B. are both C. all D. all are39.A. such B. such a C. so D. so a 40. were ready B. ready to C. were D. were ready to41. has waited B. had waited C. was waiting D. has been waiting 42.A.At the end B. Final C. At last D. In end43.Once a time B. At a time C. For a time D. Anther time44.he walking B. he walked C. walked D. walking45. A. think about B. to think about C. thinking about D. thinking over五Direction(阅读理解 每题2分, 共30 分)Each of the passages below is followed by some questions, For each question there are four answers anarked A. B. C and D. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each of the questions. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET, Questions 46一50 are based on the following passage.A Harry Marsh was a driving examiner who had to test people who wanted to be drivers . One day he came out of his office as usual and saw a car at the side of the road, with a young man in it. He got into the car beside the driver and told him to check the lights , then the brakes (刹车), and then all the other usual things. The driver did everything quickly and correctly , without saying a word. Then Harry told the driver to start his engine and drive forward. Then he told him to turn right into a side road, stop , go back into another side road and then drive to the office again. On the way , the driver told Harry politely : “Could you please tell me why we are doing all these things? I was passing through this town and only stopped to look at my map.46. Harry Marshs job was_.A. examining drivers B. finding out who was a driverC. testing people wanting to be drivers. D. to be a good driver47. Probably, he usually came out of his office and_.A. got straight into a car outside B. looked for the person he would testC. asked who was the person to be tested D. drove home himself48.which of the following did the write not mention?A. The young man drove the car very well.B. Harry was a driving examinerC. Harry tested the young man strictly.D. Harry was not satisfied with what the young man had done.49. On the way _, the young man told Harry that he didnt come to have a driving test.A. home B. to another side road C. back to the office D. out of this town 50. According to the passage, Harry _.A. wasnt a careful man B. didnt like the young man C. was always ready to help others D. was very serious.BBoth the Chinese family and the American family are smaller than they used to be. Most young Chinese parents have only one child while young Americans also prefer to have fewer children than their parents. However, unlike the Chinese family, many young American couples think it is not easy to get along with their parents .They will leave their parents and have their own home once they get married. Many of them would almost never live with their parents again. It is a sand thing indeed. Things are different in Chinese. Both the young and the old admit the problems between them , but they will try to understand each other. Besides, sons and daughters in China still feel that they must take care of their old parents while old people cannot help wanting to do something for their busy children . So , it is still very common in todays China to see married sons and daughters living with their parents. However . China no longer has the socalled four generations living under the same roof.Write T for True and F for False.( )51. The Chinese family is getting larger and larger.( )52. Most young American parents have only one child.( )53. Many young Chinese couples think it is easy to get along with their parents.( )54. Many young American couples will leave their patents once they get married.( )55.Things are quite the same in America and in Chi CIn America, all children from six to sixteen go to school. They spend six years in elementary school and four or six years in secondary or high school. School education is free.At the end of every school year, the child takes a test. If he does well,he goes into the next class (grade). If he doesnt do well, he has to repeat the grade.Most schools have modern teaching equipment,like computers and closed circuit television, but there are also small country schools, with just one classroom.At the end of their time at school,most students get a high school diploma. If they want to go on to college,they take college admission tests.In Britain, all children from five to sixteen go to school. They spend six years in primary school,and then go on to secondary school.In Britain there are state schools, which are free,and private schools for which parents pay. Many British private schools are boarding schools. The children stay at school all the time, and only come home in the holidays. They usually wear uniforms(制服)Teaching in both countries is usually quite informal. Students often work together in groups and go to the teacher only when they need help.56. In America, school education is _.A. very cheap B. freeC. at most 9 years D. expensive57. If the child fails in a test _.A. he is also allowed to go into the next gradeB. he has to repeat the testC. he has to repeat the gradeD. he has to go to another school58. In Britain, schools _.A. are free for childrenB. charge a feeC. require students to come home only in holidaysD. include state schools and private schools59. Students in both America and Britain_.A. listen to the teacher all the time in classB. seldom talk in classC. often have group discussions in classD. never ask any questions in class60. A more suitable title for the passage might be _.A. Foreign StudentsB. Schools in America and BritainC. Education AbroadD. Different Teaching Methods六Writing (书面表达,15 points)你是李明, 你结识的网友John要到你家来看你。你得了感冒, 感觉身体不舒服。 你不能去火车站接他。 给他写封电子邮件,告诉他让他自己来你家。 信的开头已经写出。 其余部分应包括以下的内容:l 不能接站的原因;l 来你家的方便点该搭坐的公交车;l 你的家庭地址(例如:No.6, Wenhua Road)和联系电话;(你的信的长度在50个词左右, 不足40个或超出70个都扣分。)Dear John,Im sorry to tell you that I cant meet you at the Railway StationLooking forward to seeing


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