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    1. Look at the pictures and write the missing letters. _ras_ _ pencil-c_se r_ler b_g b_ _k b_t v_n h_ _se c_ _ d_ck penc_l r_bb_t fr_g t_ _tle liz_ _d p_n ch_ck_n2. Simple choice._(1) -Hello, your name, please? -_.A. I am Sam B. Hello C. Nice to see you_(2) This _ my new book. A. is B. are C. am_(3) -Good morning, Sam! -_.A. Good afternoon B. Good morning C. Good evening_(4) -Hi, this is my friend, Bill. -_.A. I am here B. Thats great C. Nice to see you_(5) -Hello, this is our new friend. His name is Alex. -_. A. Hes nice B. Thats fine C. Nice to see you_(6) My friends _ your friends. A. is B. are C. am_(7) _ friends are her friends. A. Hes B. His C. He_(8) Our friends are _ friends. A. their B. there C. theyre_(9) -Whats this Mr. Li? -_ a goat. A. Its B. Is C. It_(10) -Who wants to try? - _.A. Let me try B. Lets go C. Its a cat3. Listen, number and match.Cow duck cat chicken dog lizard fish goat sheep 剑桥一级上 第3, 4单元测试1. Look at the pictures and write the missing letters. b_n_n_ p_ _r or_nge pine_ waterm_l_n gr_pes m_ng_ p_ _ch l_m_n cl_ _k t_ _tle er_ser b_g liz_ _ d c_ _ h_ t d_g b_ _ d4. Simple choice._(11) What would you_, sir? -I want some bananas.A. like B. want C. buy_(12) -What would you like, Miss? -I want some _.A. coconut B. coconuts C. grapefruit_(13) _ apple a day keeps the doctor away.A. An B. A C. The_(14) How many _ would you like? - Id like one, please.A. apple B. apples C. pineapple_(15) I like to eat _ and _. A. apple, banana B. apples, bananas _(16) -Would you like _ orange?-Yes, please. A. an B. a C. /_(17) Whats your favourite fruit?-I like _. A. banana B. bananas _(18) I dont like bananas, but I like _. A. peach B. peachs C. peaches_(19) -Whats in my hat? -Two _ and three _. A. car, pen B. cars, pens_(20) Whats in my hand? - Its _ eraser.A. an B. a C. /5. Listen and tick. Which one sounds different? 6. Listen and write.This is a big _. You can _ many toys in it. You can find a toy _ in this big box. You can find four toy _ in it too. Look, this is a _. How lovely it is!剑桥一级上 5-6单元练习1. Look and write. I _ _m l_ gs n _ se h _ _ d _ _r _ y_ h_ _r f_ _t g_ _ aff_ b_ _ _l_ph_nt f_ _g K_ng_r_ _ l_ _n m_ _se t_g_ _2. Simple choice.1) -Who _ to try? -Let me try.A. wants B. want C. wanted2) Ive _ a big nose.A. get B. got C. have3) Hes got three _.A. hand B. eye C. eyes 4) This is _ eye .A. an B. a C. the5) We can see _ our eyes.A. in B. with C. and6) We _ the ball when we play football.A. catch B. touch C. kick7) We hop and jump when we play_.A. hopscotch B. hide and seek C. basketball8) -What is it? -Its _.A. book B. a book C. books9) -Where is Sam? -He must _ in the lemon house.A. is B. bee C. be10) -What do you do with the beanbag? -We _.A. throw and catch B. smell and taste C. hide and seek D. hop and jump11) -What do you do with the shuttlecock?- I _it.A. draw B. kick C. bounce12) -What do you do with the basketball?- I _it.A. draw B. kick C. bounce13) Its time to sleep. Lets turn _ the light.A. off B. of C. for14) We say _ when we go to bed.A. good morning B. goodnight C. good evening15) Pick an apple and _ it under the chair.A. eat B. put C. tick3. Put these sentences in order._ _ _ _ _ _A. Thank you.B. Here you are.C. How many?D. Id like one please.E. I want some apples.F. What would you like, sir?4. Read and fill in the blanks.We each have two_, two _ and one _. But some monsters have many eyes or ears. They have three_ or four _. 5. Read and fill in the blanks.Many _ come to play in a fruit park because the houses are fruit-shaped. Soon Zhangnan is in the _ house. Linda is in the _ house. Wanghua is in the _ house. Lily is in the _ house. Li Ming is in the _ house and Sam is in the _ house. Oh, where is Peter? Ah, he must be in the _ house. Lets go and find him!剑桥一级上 7-8单元练习1. Look and write. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _16) Lets _ a fruit and vegetable party.A. have B. has C. had17) First, lets _ Miss Pear.A. hello B. hi C. welcome18) _ is Miss Pear? Go away.A. What B. When C. Which19) The arms can _ up and down.A. go B. went C. goes20) Which one _ you like? A. do B. did C. done21) I like _.A. orange B. oranges C. apple22) This _ a new street.A. are B. is C. at23) Please give me all the ping-pong _.A. ball B. balls C. bat24) A lot of people _ here. A. living B. lives C. live25) -Please wait!-_!A. Hurry up B. No C. Thank you26) Ive _ two ping-pong ball.A. have B. got C. get27) My arms can _ up and down.A. going B. goes C. go28) Lets go _ have a look.A. and B. or C. with29) Two little red _ on the tree.A. apples are B. apple is C. apple are30) I look at them and they look at _.A. I B. me C. my31) The windows _ blue and the door _ red.A. is, is B. is, are C. are, is32) Red is the colour for an apple _.A. to eat B. eat C. eating33) Ten children want _ them again.A. to count B. count C. counting2. Look, read and write.(in, under, on, between, behind, next to, in front of )Example: The snake is in the tree.1) The cat is _ the tree.2) The rabbit is _ the house.3) The dog is _ the house.4) The toy bus is _ the table.5) The toy jeep is _ the house.6) The toy car is _ the box.7) The bag is _ the two chairs.8) The girl is _ the table.9) The table is _ the chairs. 10) The pencil-case is _ the chair.11) The football is _ the chair.12) The bird is flying _ the sky. 13) The sheep is _ the tree.剑桥一级上 9-10单元练习2. Look and write. b_ ke c_ _ b_ s b _ _ t sh _ p pl _ ne tr_ _n j_ _ p m_torb_ke b_tw_ _n _n _nder _n n_xt to b_h_nd2. Simple choice.34) Sam, _ is my toy car? It is under the cap.A. where B. how C. what35) _ ice cream do you want? Lots please.A. How many B. How much C. How old36) Which needs wings ?The _ needs wings.A. sheep B. car C. bird37) What needs wheels?The _ needs wheels.A. train B. bird C. duck38) Which needs legs?A. ship B. cow C. bus39) Have you got a toy car? Yes, I _.A. am B. do C. have40) Please take away five _.A. oranges B. apple C. orange41) Please give me all the ping-pong _.A. ball B. balls C. bat42) One plus two is _. A. three B. six C. seven43) Four plus _ is seven.A. three B. two C. four44) _ plus two is five.A. Six B. Three C. Seven45) We are _ the train.A. of B. at C. on46) Getting off the train we are _Beijing.A. in B. for C. between47) Getting off the bus we are _ school.A. of B. at C. on48) Ive _ two balls.A. gets B. get C. got49) _ numbers is fun.A. Counting B. Count C. Counts50) Seven _ names are called Steven.A. boys B. boys C. boys51) Ten children want _ them again.A. to count B. count C. counting3. Look, read and write.(in, under, on, behind, between, next to, in front of )Example: The snake is in the tree.14) The cat is _ the tree.15) The rabbit is _ the house.16) The dog is _ the house.17) The toy bus is _ the table.18) The toy jeep is _ the house.19) The toy car is _ the box.20) The bag is _ the two chairs.21) The girl is _ the table.22) The table is _ the chairs.23) The pencil-case is _ the chair.24) The football is _ the chair.剑桥一级 第11-12单元测试1. Look and write. _ _ _ _ f_mily ph_t_ s_st_r br_th_r sh_ _p _ _irt _ _oes _ _ op _ _ort_ _ _oulder _ _ower sh_ _f _ing a kite go _ _king with fr_ _nds _ing to music r_ller-sk_ting _bing the tr_ _ _ing a p_ct_re go _ing go _ing2. Look and match. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _The girl is playing Taiji. The man is eating noodles.The boy is holding a cake. My uncle is watching TV.The cat is eating fish. The cows reading newspaper.My cousin is reading a book. My sister is drinking tea.My aunt is watering the flower.3. Read and fill in the blanks.1) -Whats _ (you) hobby? -I like bike-riding.2) I like _ (go) shopping.3) I like _(wear) a red dress.4) I like _ (talk) with friends.5) I like _ (swim). Swimming is good.6) I like _ (draw) pictures.7) I like _ (listen) to music.8) I like _ (fly) a kite.9) I like roller-_ (skate).10) I like _ (climb) the tree.11) I like _ (help) Mum.12) I like _ (drink) juice.13) I like _ (eat) apples and bananas.14) I like _ (eat) lemons and coconuts.4. Read and choose._1) Mum and Dad. Ive _ a friend here.A. got B. get C. gets_2) -_ your grandma? -Yes.A. That is B. Is that C. That _3) Shes _ the flowers now.A. waters B. water C. watering_4) My grandpa is _ a newspaper.A. reading B. read C. reads_5) Hello. Make _ at home.A. you B. yourself C. yours_6) Ill _ down in a minute.A. am B. bee C. be_7) We _ one big family.A. are B. is C. am_8) My niece is _ a doll.A. holds B. holding C. held_9) We often _ TV together.A. watches B. watching C. watch_10) We often play computer _together.A. games B. game C. give_11) The _we get together the _well be.A. more, happy B. more, happier _12) We often _ music together. A. hear B. listen C. listen to_13) Your friends _my friends and my friends _ your friends.A. are, are B. is, are C. are , is_14) Friends can _good and friends can _coolA. are, is B. be, be C. is, are_15) We often play _ together.A. the soccer B. the football C. football_16) Friends can be happy and friends can be _.A. helpful B. help C. helps剑桥一级 第13-14单元测试5. Look and write. _ _ _ _ b_throom cl_th _ str_ _t _ an_m_ls sh_p z_ _ f_ _d fr_ _ts ch_ _ _ _ _ick ch_c_l_te Ch_ld ch_ss ch_ _se T-_ dr_ss Sk_ _t j_ck_t h_t s_ck_ gl_ss_s tr_ _s_ _s sh_ _ts v_st sh_ _s c_p6. Look and match. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _cleaning the kitchen cleaning the windowtelling a story combing hairmaking tea feeding the dogwashing the tomatoes scrubbing the floorsweeping the floor mopping the floorfeeding the bird tidying the books7. Read and choose._1) Please come and show _ your paper clothes.A. us B. we C. our_2) This _my T-shirtA. am B. is C. are_3) This is _ dress.A. I B. me C. my_4) These _my shorts.A. are B. is C. am _5) This _my hat.A. am B. is C. are_6) _ is my skirt.A. They B. These C. This_7) This _ my jacket.A. is B. am C. are_8) -Is that _? -Yes, this is _.A. you, me B. yours, mine C. your, my_9) Is that _ dress? Its beautiful.A. yours B. you C. your_10) No, it _. Lilys.A. hers B. her C. shes_11) These are the _ we often wear.A. thing B. things C. think_12) Would you like _to my story?A. listens B. listen C. to listen_13) Would you like a cup _ tea?A. of B. for C. off _14) Ill _ the kitchen. A. cleaning B. clean C. cleans_15) The bike is fast. I cant _ the street.A. across B. crossing C. cross_16) The car _ very fast.A. is B. am C. are_17) Grandpa, let _ help you.A. we B. us C. our_18) Thats very kind _ you.A. off B. for C. of_19) -Thank you very much. -_.A. Youre welcome B. Bye-bye C. OK_20) Grandma and grandma take me _ school.A. off B. to C. of_21) Grandpa and grandma often _.A. hard-working B. hard work


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