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    13八下Unit 1~Unit.ppt

    天骄出品 必属精品,Unit 1Unit 2,八下 Module 1中考必考词汇、句型讲解,illness,serious,peace,organize,teenager,pain,courage,express,lonely,hurt,accept,meaning,communication,bored,gesture,appearance,cross,impression,hold,shake,in need,teach sb. to do sth.,suffer from,spend time with sb.,raise ones spirits,continue doing sth.,in order to,have difficulty doing sth.,offer to do sth.,bring them joy and peace,a few moments later,walk over to,take place,instead of,remind sb. about sth.,give sb. a chance to do,make a good impression on sb.,decide to do,sit up straight,do a part-time job,1. Three teenagers offered to do some voluntary work during the school holidays. (1) offerv. 主动提出; 给予 She offered to help me with my maths. 她主动提出帮助我学习数学。 My parents often offers me some good advice. 我父母亲经常给我些好建议。 (2) 常用短语: offer to do sth. 主动提出做某事 offer sth. to sb. = offer sb. sth. 向某人提供某物,(3) 辨析 provide sb. with sth. = provide sth. for sb. (强调做好准备的提供,供给) supply sb. with sth. = supply sth. to sb. (指定期的供应,侧重指后期的补充所需物品) (4) voluntary adj.自愿的; 志愿的 voluntarily adv. Annie often does voluntary work in her spare time. Annie经常在业余时间做义工。 He would never leave his team voluntarily.他永远不会自愿离开他的团队。,【同根词】volunteern.志愿者v.自愿 She used to work in a village school as a volunteer. 2. The children there all suffer from serious illness. (1)suffer from 遭受; 遭遇 Her mother works hard, so she sometimes suffers from headache. 她母亲工作辛苦,所以有时会头疼。,(2)illnessn. 疾病; 某种病 illadj.生病的 =sick Simon didnt attend the meeting because he was ill (=because of his illness). Simon没去参加会议是因为生病了。,3. My mother and I will continue to visit Vivien. continuev.继续 【辨析】continue to do继续做另一件事情 continue doing继续做刚刚做过的事情 After drinking a bottle of water, I continued to do my homework. 喝完一瓶水之后,我继续做作业。 After resting a while, we continued climbing the mountain. 休息一会儿后,我们接着爬山。(接着做休息前做的事情),4. We need to help children like Tim and raise their spirits. (1) sb. need to do sth. 某人需要做某事 Doing too much homework, I needed to have a break.做了太多的作业,我需要休息下。 (2) sth. need to be done/doing某物需要被做 The broken desk needs to be repaired/repairing. 那张坏了的桌子需要修理。 (3) raiseraisedraisedraisingv.举起; 筹款; 饲养; 增加,If you have any question, please raise your hand. 如果你有问题,请举手。 The teacher raised his voice to make everyone hear clearly. 老师提高声音为了让每个人都听清楚。 The activity is to raise much money to help the disabled. 这活动是为了筹到许多钱去帮助残疾人。,5. She is holding her head up. hold=make sth. happen, remain unchanged 举行; 保持v. heldheld My parents will hold a New Years party this weekend. 我父母亲将在这个周末举行新年聚会。 Hold our hands in front of our eyes.把双手举在眼睛前。 【同义词】have/give 举行 catch/take 抓住 【词组】hold on坚持; 不挂电话 hold up举起 hold off保持距离,hold a sports meeting举行运动会 hold ones breath屏住呼吸 6. Simon decided to improve his body language. (1)decide决定v. decide to do sth. 决定做某事 I decided to study harder than before. 【同根词】decision n. 决定 (2) improve v. 改善; 提高=make sth. better I hope that I can improve my spoken English.我希望能够改善自己的英语口语。,7. Mr. Young came over at once and said, “You made a good impression on her, Simon.” (1) at once 立刻; 马上 Come here at once.马上到这来。 【同义词】in no time/right away/immediately/very soon (2) make a good impression on sb. = give sb. a good impression The little girl made a good impression on her teacher at school. 那小女孩在学校给老师留下了好印象。 【拓展】impressv.给留下印象,8. She wanted to remind me that tomorrow is her birthday. remind v. 使某人想起; 提醒 =make sb. remember sth. remind sb. of sth. = warn sb. of sth. 使某人想起某事/提醒某人某事 The old photo reminds me of my childhood. 这张旧照片使我想起了童年。 remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事 My mother reminded me to clean my bedroom. 母亲提醒我要打扫卧室。,remind that+从句 My classmate reminded me that our class meeting would be put off. 我的同学提醒我班会将推迟。,感谢使用本课件!,深圳天骄文化传播有限公司,请访问获取更多资源,


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