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    六、Unit1 教案上册.doc

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    六、Unit1 教案上册.doc

    霍城县三宫乡中心学校六年级英语教学设计课 题Lesson 1课时安排一课时教学目标知识与技能(1) Understand and speak out the words : go to school , morning , at , AM .(2) Understand and speak out the sentences : I get up at 7:30 in the morning .(3) Study e-mails format .(4) Can write the words and sentences .过程与方法(1) Can make sentences with the words .(2) Can apply the sentences to the real situation .情感态度与价值观(1) To promote the Ss cooperation .(4) To foster the Ss good habit (5) To know the west cultures .教学重点Apply the sentences to the real situation .教学难点Pay attention the Ss pronunciation and tones .教学方法1 Direct teaching method2 Listening and speaking教学准备recorder , picture card,ppt备课时间2015.8.29授课时间主备人摆玲授课人摆玲教研组长签字时间教学过程教 学 内 容 与 学 生 活 动Step 1 Warming-up Revision (1) GreetingStep 2 Presentation (1) T : Guess, where does they come from ?( Show the picture.)(2) Listen and answer some questions : Where does Lucy come from ? Whats the e-mail about ? (3) Talk about your daily life .(4) Read the e-mail .Step 3 Practice 1.Listen and repeat.2.Talk about your daily life to partners .3.Read the words and sentences to your group leader .Step 4HomeworkA:Recite the text.B:Read the text fluently.教学札记板书设计Lesson 1Lucy daily life :Get up : Go to school:Have classes : Go home :Watch TV : Go to bed :教学反思霍城县三宫乡中心学校六年级英语教学设计课 题Lesson 2课时安排一课时教学目标知识与技能(1) Understand and speak out the words : have breakfast ,have lunch , have dunner ,go to school , have classes , go home , watch TV , go to bed , 7:00 AM , 12:00 , 6 :00 PM .(2) Understand and speak out the sentences : I go to school at 7 :00 in the morning . I go to bed at 9 :oo in the evening .(3) Can dictation the words and the sentences .(4) Lets read and chant .过程与方法(1) Can introduce my daily life to others .(2) Can make notes .(3) Develop the Ss imagination .情感态度与价值观(1) Have a nice habit .(2) To promote the Ss cooperation .教学重点Apply the sentences to the real situation .教学难点Can dictation the main words and sentence .教学方法1 Direct Teaching Method2 Listening and Speaking教学准备picture card , recorder备课时间2015.8.29授课时间主备人摆玲授课人摆玲教研组长签字时间教学过程教 学 内 容 与 学 生 活 动Step 1 Warming-up Revision (1)Ask and answerStep 2 Practice (1) T: We usually go to school .What time do you usually go to school ? (Show the clock . )(2) Introduce your daily life .(3) Listen to the tape and repeat .Step 3 Practice Make the sentences with words .Make your daily life note in your group .Let read and chant .Step 4 HomeworkA:Write words and sentence one line.B: Write words and sentence two line.教学札记板书设计 Lesson 2I have breakfast at_ I have lunch at _ I have dinner at _I go to school at 7:00 in the morning 教学反思霍城县三宫乡中心学校六年级英语教学设计课 题Lesson3课时安排一课时教学目标知识与技能(1) Understand and speak out the words : get up , get home , take a long walk ,water the flowers ,play with his pet dog ,best wishes .(2) Understand and speak out the text .过程与方法(1) Make the sentence with the words .(2) Can introduce about others daily life .情感态度与价值观(1) To promote the Ss conffidence and interest .(2) To teach the Ss have a good habit in daily life .教学重点Can understand and speak out the text .教学难点Can speak in right tones .教学方法1 Direct Teaching Method2 Listening and Speaking教学准备recorder tape , picture card备课时间2015.8.29授课时间主备人摆玲授课人摆玲教研组长签字时间教学过程教 学 内 容 与 学 生 活 动Step 1 Warming-up Revision Dutyreport :Let me tell you something about my family .Step 2 Presentation (1) T: You have a happy family . And whom do you love best your family ? Why ? (2) Listen to the tape . Try to answer the questions : What is Lucy talking ? How does Lucy grandpa daily life ? (3) Read text together .(4) Teach the words .Step 3 Practice (1) Read the text one by one in you group .(2)Have a race :Ask and answer some questions . What time does her grandpa get up ?What does he do from 6:15 to 7:00 ?What does he usually do in the afternoon ?Does he go out in the evening ?What time does he go to bed?Step 4 HomeworkA:Recite the text.B:Read the text fluently.教学札记板书设计 Lesson 3My grandpa daily lifeHe gets up at 6:00 every morning .He take a long walk from 6:15 to 7:00 in the morning .He reads the newspapers in the morning .He usually waters the flowers in his garden or plays with his pet dog in the afternoon .He dont go out in the evening .He goes to bed at about 9:30 in the evening .教学反思霍城县三宫乡中心学校六年级英语教学设计课 题Lesson 4课时安排一课时教学目标知识与技能(1) Understand and speak out the words :cook breakfast , teach English, read stories, take a walk ,in the evening , doesnt , dont (2) understand and speak out the sentences : I get up at 7:00 in the morning . He gets up at 6:00 in the morning .(3) Talk about others daily life .(4) Lets read and chant .过程与方法(1) Can make sentences with the words .(2) Can introduce others daily life .情感态度与价值观1) To promote the Ss interest and cofidence .(2) To foster the Ss cooperation .(3) To foster the Ss good habit .教学重点(1) Apply the sentences to the real situation .(2) Pay attention the Ss pronunciation and tones .教学难点(1) Can introduce others daily life .教学方法1 Direct TeachingMethod2 Listening and Speaking教学准备picture card , recorder-tape备课时间2015.8.29授课时间主备人摆玲授课人 摆玲教研组长签字时间教学过程教 学 内 容 与 学 生 活 动Step 1 Warming-up Revision (1) Listen and do .(2) Read the cards .Step 2 Presentation (1) Duty report :Talk about my daily life .(2) Make sentences with the words . (3) Listen to the tape and repeat .(4) T :Look at the picture . This is my mother . She usually goes to work by bike .And look at my father . He usually goes to the cinema .How about your mother or your father ? How about your friend ?Step 3 Practice (1) Bring a few photos of your family or friends and talk about them in group .(2) Lets read and chant .Step 4 HomeworkA:Write words and sentence one line.B: Write words and sentence two line.教学札记板书设计 Lesson 4I get up at 7:00 in the morning .She gets up at 6:00 in the morning .教学反思霍城县三宫乡中心学校六年级英语教学设计课 题Lesson 5课时安排一课时教学目标知识与技能(1) Understand and speak out the wouds : see a film, practise, usually , office , afternoon , in the afternoon ( PM ) .(2) Understand and speak out the text .过程与方法(1) Can act the dialogue .(2) Can make the sentences with the words .情感态度与价值观(1) To teach the Ss get information from others .(2) To promote the Ss interest and confidence .教学重点(1) Can ask others and get some informations .(2) Can understand and act out the dialogue .教学难点(1)Pay attention the Ss pronunciation and tones .教学方法1 Direct Teaching Method2 Listening and Speaking教学准备picture card , recorder-tape备课时间2015.8.29授课时间主备人 摆玲授课人摆玲教研组长签字时间教学过程教 学 内 容 与 学 生 活 动Step 1 Warming-up Revision Ask and answer about others daily life .Step 2 Presentation (1) Teach the words :scientist , office , work , usually .T :Who is in the picture ? (Show the scientist photos.)This is famous scientist Mr -. Can you tell me some things about his daily life ? How does he usually wouk ?(2) Listen to tape and try to answer some questions .(3) Can you speak out the scintist daily life ? Do you like him ? Why ?(4) Read The dialogu .Step 3 Practice Reaed dialogue in your group and act it .Step 4 Homework1A:Make sentences with the words : always , usually , often , sometimes .seldom , never .2 B: Read the text to your groupler .教学札记板书设计Lesson 5What do you do on Saturdays?I usually have piano classes.教学反思霍城县三宫乡中心学校六年级英语教学设计课 题Lesson 6课时安排一课时教学目标知识与技能(1) Can understand the words and sentences .(2) Can speak out in right tone .(3) Apply the sentences and words in the real situation .(4) Lets read and chant .过程与方法(1) Can make the sentence with the words .(2) Can go on a field trip interview .情感态度与价值观(1)To promote the Ss cooperation .(2) To foster the Ss confidence and interest .教学重点(1) Apply the sentences to the real situation .(2) Pay attention the Ss pronunciation and tones .教学难点(3) Write and dictate the sentences and words 教学方法1 Situational Teaching Method2 Listening and Speaking教学准备picture card , recorder-tape备课时间2015.8.29授课时间主备人摆玲授课人摆玲教研组长签字时间教学过程Step 1 Warming-up Revision Duty-report : The person I like best .Read the chant .Step 2 Presentation (1) Have a race : What does Mr Li always usually often sometimes seldom never do ? (Show the picture .)(2) Listen to the tape and repeat .(3) Ask and answer in pairs.Step 3 Practice (1) Lets go on a field trip .(2) Group work .(4) Let read and chant .Step 4 HomeworkA:Write words and sentence one line.B: Write words and sentence two line.教学札记板书设计Lesson 6What do you do on Saturdays?I often _What does he/she do on Saturdays?He She _教学反思霍城县三宫乡中心学校六年级英语教学设计课 题Revision课时安排一课时教学目标知识与技能(1) Consolidate the main words and sentences in the Unit1.(1) Can speak out in right tone .过程与方法(1) Can apply the words and sentences to the real situation .(2) Can act the story .情感态度与价值观(1) To promote the Ss confidence and interest .(2) To foster the Ss cooperation .(3) To teach the Ss to hard work .教学重点(1) Apply the sentences and words in the Unit 2 to the real situation .(2) Pay attention the Ss pronunciation and tones .教学难点(3) Can advise good suggestion to others .教学方法1 Situational Teaching Method2 Listening and Speaking3 Group work教学准备picture card , recorder-tape备课时间2015.8.29授课时间主备人摆玲授课人摆玲教研组长签字时间教学过程教 学 内 容 与 学 生 活 动Step 1 Warming-up Revision (1) Review Unit1 important words and sentences.(2) Ask and answer.Do you like singing?What are you interest in?Step 2 Presentation (1) Observe the pictures in the story . Talk about the picture .(2) Listen to tape and answer some questions : 1. What is she interested in?2. When does she start to dance every day?3. What do Micky and Mimi do?4. Do they often dance with dancing cat?5. Why does dancing cat dance very well?(3) Talk about suggestion in your group .Step 3 Practice Act the story .Step 4 HomeworkRead the story to you groupleader .教学札记板书设计Unit 1 RevisionWho is a good dancer ?Because :_教学反思


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