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    汇报课教案 古丽Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note教学目标1. 知识目标Enable Students to understand the story and be able to answer the question referring to the details of the text.2. 能力目标Enable students to be able to sort out useful information in a passage.3. 情感目标Have students to understand that Money is NOT everything and there are lots of things that we cannot buy with money.教具A projector, a computer and copies of questions to be hand out to students.教学过程Warming up1) To have students to look at two pictures: Chinese play(京剧) and western play(西方戏剧), and explain to students what is a play.(1min)2) To ask students if they know anything about the author of this play, Mark Twain?Students to answer the question.(2min)Then to show the birth date, birth place and famous books of Mark Twain on the screen.Scanning1) Students to watch the video of act I, scene 3 “get the letter” (5mins)2) Students to scan the text to find out the four elements of this play:time, place, people and event.(2mins) 3) Students to fill out the form and 2 student to come up to the blackboard to write down their answer.(3mins)Skimming1) Students to read the text again carefully.(4-5mins)2) The whole class is divided into 11 groups, with each group having four students. Each group has one question. They need to work together and fine out the answer of the questions. The three questions that left out will be done by the whole class together.(10-12mins)Questions:1. what is the bet between the two brothers? A. If they can earn one million pound in a month.B. If they can spend one million in a month.C. If a man could survive in London with one million for a month.2. Who is Henry Adams? A. A penniless American who was lost in London.B. A friend of the two brothers.C. A guest whove come to the two brothers house.3. who is asked to step inside?A. OliverB. Henry AdamsC. Roderick4. "Good morning, sir. Would you please come in?" Who is the sir?A. James, the servantB. A strangerC. Henry5. Where is Henrys hometown?A. ParisB. LondonC. San Francisco6. Is he familiar with London?A. Yes, he always goes on business trip to LondonB. No. This is his first time in LondonC. Yes. he was in London before.7. Why did Henry come to London?A. To find a jobB. He came by accidentC. he was on business trip8. What happened to him before coming to London?A. He sailed with a boat and was carried away by a strong wind and was lost, after which he was picked up by a ship and was brought to London.B. He flew to LondonC. He sailed to London with his boat.9. Why did Henry looked so poor?A. He lost his money in a bet.B. He lost his money in the accident and he worked as an unpaid hand in the ship which saved him.C. He was too lazy to work and earn money.10. Why would the brothers say it is an advantage(优势) for Henry to be penniless?A. They can give him money and check to see who would win in the bet.B. They are just making fun of Henry.C. They think Henry deserves(活该)it.11. What Henry needs?A. some money for him to buy foodB. An honest job to earn some money.C A place to stay.12. "What Luck! Brother, what luck!" In this sentence, luck refers to?A. Henry is luck as he will have a million pound.B. The brothers are lucky as they can complete their bet.C. Henry is lucky as he can go back to America.13. What did Henry get from the brothers?A. A letter with money in it.B. A check for one million.C. some money.14. What was the request on having the letter?A. to spend it in a monthB. To open the letter on two OclockC. return it in a monthSumming-up1) Teacher to show the form of summary on the screen and students to think about the questions for a few minuets.2) Students to answer the questions together. (3mins)Discussion1) To ask students if they got one million, what would they buy.(1min)2) To ask students if money can buy everything. If not, what money cannot buy.(2mins)3) T show students the screen where it is written what cannot be bought by money and ask students to read it together. Money can buy a house, but not a home. Money can buy a bed, but not sleep. Money can buy a clock, but not time. Money can buy a book, but not knowledge. Money can buy you a position, but not respect. Money can buy you medicine, but not health. Money can buy a friend, but not love. Money can buy you blood, but not life.


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