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    magoosh一些很好的GRE模拟填空题1.Reusinto _ hisvituertive wrd, the abassaor only rter_ membr of theutinaacommittee.Blank (i)xacebatemderateinenfBlank (i)nriguedencuagdincnsdTexxplatioAnwe: (B), ()Vtuertive means harsh n scthg.Bynot modertin thes anry ors, the ambassador i ony gong o makete committed mre some egatveod Only (F) ncesed, o veryupstenragedworks.2. Th gosp columists _ was _ thenube of hepblisedolumns themoeartcles shewote, h e untuthsshespread.Bak (i)camnydolateryBlank (ii)comnrate withnvere touncnnecetoTtExpantinAnsws:(A), ()h oe untruths ache p ith (A) clmn, o lader. () cmenurate er he reationsp betwe wo tins, in whhwhnone rasthe other inrases, rwe o decres te ther decrases. n proorinto is aoher waof sayingommensate wi.3.For ll he bille, Aaw udone by her _: se owe oapy hersf fr ore diligently in styg or he retake the bar eam.leveneinuaneaaciysightarnestnssext Exantinnser: (B)For,in thi ase,mens despte Despite hr briliace, adid not passte exam. ewasnde her l f effort (".owedto.dilienty.).(A),(C), and() aesimiarinmaning, a necotstih brillice.() means onest ansincet. I spsessed mor of (E), wuld havelikely passed e exam.4. Theconetionof ime a parelld otin _intervasi notbegin withtedvent ofh cloc;as suchwe mus have abloiclpedissitiot notconceiv of timeas simpy an aophu sccsion o mmnt.tingillsorunboneddicrteindiscnibeTet xplaatoAer: (D)The clue o no conci.amorphous. Thereor, we cneiof time thatis bouned, t mophus or splss.(A) dos n match he cnet, thoughitempti eause othe plttude, "Time i fleetin"(B)nt suprdby context.(C) is th oppsie.() mns brokeuint sepraeintervals. Thi oposes teidao amorhous nterval.fanythig, () is th osit ofeblank5Favong qaity versbance, man aateur writers labor dr the deuion ha the more _ te etncstuctre the mre _ eoght bicoeye.Bak(i)rdimentayivolvedserficiaBln (ii)tacticaliricprofunet ExplanatonAswers: (), (F)qtit fo ubta ndicaes tha riters rgoing otik ta ogeo(B) nlved sentenes are of re vaue.The oly nwe hoicethat mak sensei the conex of coneyingthough, n uaity thougt a tat, s(F) profound. ecaseeadin on theWeb enls qucklscaning sorting thg a elge of nfrmtio, many wonr if our leve of egaement wt the txt has ben _ oi the aiity to rad cloeyand carefully is one thtane _ if we simppend ore i mmedia book.Blak ()rray compomisdatvely diptepmaentlyreoredBlank (ii)fuly rectvatedfurt degradedummaily disrearddTxt EplainAsers: (A),(D)Itmy be teptn tchoos (B)ttaively disrptd. Frstof, it fits the cotxt. Secondly, (A) irreprabl comprie ivery extre. However, nne o theaswercoice for tesecond bank e sense if opled with(). T ost alluring, (D) fuly reactivate, esnt quit wor, becausif something is tentatiey irupte it ipe tt tisonly temporriy affecd andwil change ac (r be ul activate) soo.(A)irrearab comoise, on the oterhand, ipes ht "thlevel of engagemntmy lway be comrmd.Teor in thsntence idiats tt weed an posie to ().(D) ully eative suppies thi cntrast.7. Managerhotgoalyuelch isights fromwtrdemployee uthe bvios aar of () _ reativiy; conersl,ee verysaemnagers are more likl to (ii)_ any idas tht flo dwn m th to bassBlnk (i)fometngsmothinsprkingBak(ii)unustioingly bracearbitrrilydenounccondiinally aoeText patinAnswer: (B), (D)"Categoricaly sqeh insigh" indicats te firs blnk s oing t be awrd like tifle.(A) and () crate the oppite maing.Cvesey idcts ift. Terefore the secondpat of the sentene is postFr he seondblak w ae looing frtheppositeof"caorall squlch iighs. Oly (D)wrk8 ecuse the deendanexpeed veryittle_for his enous ime, th udge med out a(n) _ sentene.Blank (i)conemptcontritionathylank (i)charitablesverepeliarTexEpanationnswer:(B), (E)(B) contition, oemoe, wrs beor tfist ban. s a rsl,the udge aded a (E) svee sentnce. Hinous,hich meas afu, bacs p he ecnd ank9. The ramartachr _ at the sligesful,somet goinsofar as to bae stdntsforoettingto crossa t.statedcaviledlnhedbeamedpausText ExlanationAswer: (B)e slihtest faut plus the dtail of stdens geing beraed fofogettng idites that te techer finds alt, seciall ovr riil maers(A) stredjus manstomak suddnmovement(B) viledeas to finfault with, usully o tivial matter() lanched meas t urn whie from hok() bmed menstoshow geat pleasur()paused does not cpture e teachers negtiv motion1.To th _ ey he jngecanopycan seemlitle mrthan a enselaticework ranchanleavs. For thidinos ople of th Azon, even asalaracan sv as a ertble _fphaaceuical cues Te field of thnboy, whihes both to he natualharmacy offeed u th jungle ndhe pople h serves a oe ofsuch knowlee, has becme ireasglypopar i the lt deadesasay nhropologss, pig o tke avanae of thi vat outy, le he anguage and cusoms te iben order to _ tem tousands f years woth of kndgelank (i)uttoedsopiticatdetralnk(i)cornucoianvasonissmninn (iii)lean fomalot topurg fro ExplatinAwers: (A),(D),(G)The contrasis btween e indigeuspeoplwh know a lot bout tejunge-o o hoa not iignous nd threfo d not notice ahig more than "dee lattice.Th laer are(A) untuto. he indigeoupopl can discern aanance, or a(D) cornupo cue.Etbotans hoe tlern this knowldge, o(G) gleanthe kowefrom the indgus peples.1 True, to e classicallained ear, Hadns erl orkcan oftensm _,a mihah ofmofs from which anything freh hs eenwrn dy by ubsquen opsers to th eas o Hyn nteporaries,hwver, Hayds musi _.Blak ()compexpredctalehaeydBlank (ii)reengly novelrematurey antquedhigly dervveTex ExplanationAswe: (), ()a mishmsh of,anythig fesh, atch it (C) akneyd. Haens cotemporris signa a time shift. Thereor theond blnk is opposite, () refreshily oe12 Hadth ommttee any(i) _ haitwein investigat fo fu, sel it would have benor (ii) _ in ting cloak ay vnality.Bak(i)questininlinghndsightBlnk (i)ssiciushetantdigetTx ExplanatioAnes:(B), (F)"Clak avnait" s hekey pras,wich rogh trnslatd mean hieany wrngdoin. Therefor, he compa knew,r had inkng, itws beng ivstigatd od,tould ave be carefu,or ben mor diligt, o cover upany rogoigTerent spat ofualiy teson dramawhillarlyindebte t the inmatic diom of te 1970srresets() _ achivemet:neer bfre hs ny video medium bencalleonto susaina arrai fo 00 plus hourwondusinlculeunambiguosunrecedentedspottygrondbraingText EpaAnswers:(D), (F)The lu ere is "never oe., ih ontsat (D) an (F)(C)nd () cou wor, indpenden, bu hey do ot create synonmous sentences.4 Attemping t quell he unrest,te mayor, addresngthe thering mo, higlighte the veyrievanes ht ha iniially inlaed peoleteer, theeb_ vokingthe colleci wrath.unttildirctydeisiveyinadvertentlsubtlynoticebly Txt Expnaton() unwttil ad () inadertnlyare horrect aswes.The clues are“Attemptng to quellrvokewrath”.hmy ttped to es he unrestbutitead aidetally orunintntinall made hinswore. Threfor nsws have to be simlartoninteninally so (A) nwittngly nd(D) inadvertenly e h ansers.5. Te crmn of te boar, sesng hat any rt sutil, became _ e op pght, andonlyshruged his houders wenthe shareolders notified imhathe orporationasinolent.wr oaahetic toiscibl towardshpeles regaringpunacos towasindferent toTex ExplanatoAnwers: (B), ()h ywos onl shrugged hishlds showtht the chairman dipayed asens of difeen(A) waryf meansskical towrd(B) aaheticeanno loner carin, uninteeted(C)iasiemeans irritatedy(D) hoelcld work,owver hee iso mtcing word(E) pugcous man aggrssive ndostle()indiffret mean ntcarin, pathetic16 Fr trathletes rman _ evnafter rge mel iunsurpring, gven thatheir rnig egies reqirte to burn tousands ocre ah da.rsponsvestedvracioureticntartvenousTexElanaionnswers: (), (F)Tiathtes so many caloies trnin that ee after ing alrge eal, they ar stilhungry Te wodinthe bakis asyonymfor hungry() resposive oes nf ex(B)sa me ll. Oppoit of te blnk(C) orious eans ery hungry(D) retient meansnt sayig mh(E) at dont it contet() raveous eas ery hngry7 Wensketcig,Pablo icaso ove ita _ tht adescainsall the moeashin he coud nh n etire ork i th tim man tists tokto arrng tir mplemenspurityelityecklessesssemblanceeliberatonswiftnset xpationnsw: (B), (F)hekywords, he ould finish. sho that Piass moved qicky.() urty do nt dnot peed() celerit, very difficult wrd, meansee,swfness(C) klssessis dlen(D)semblnc men twa appearne. Desnot th ex(E) dlibrtios mns o dsomthing carefully and swly(F) swiftnes meas ped1. Max ws so _ tathe nevr col e uhtn an outigh i; is dupictywokedits euctivspell throug a calclatd mix f hlf-tuths and diinousness.obusewilyuncanundiscernigcraftyareTetxplanationer:(B), (E)Maxi duplicitous, o wo-aed He is very god t ling, and vey good at not ttin cauht (seducive spe.half-ruths").(B) and(E) mea clever ad cuig,wicork prfectwih his cotxt() mean nnoen, which isthe ppsit of the aswers.1The rfesso bean o ok _n vaius reearch rojectsthouh neeto e poit ht se faledto tten toher lases, sice whethr she reive tre ws deined not onlyy pblshdresearchbutlso, t soeexten,by stude ecomendations.ridialloradicallmotonolyinustiuslydiientlyfritfullt Expantionnsers: (), (E)ecause heoessor is no sue whther sh is goin to et tenur,she igoin to orkhar. "suing multiple." is tele.ndustrous is a tricky word. It dos notmeaeltin toiuty.t isa syoym fodiiget, ha-wrkng,espclly in pursui aol.20 Theida thatthe huanmid islansae, able to bmolde a will,ha beenchalengeynnenm, ose research sos tht noonly d ifats isl certa predilectio ut lso that the referenesmay welbe _.innahard-wiedidiscernileccumscrbedperaivemalleblText xpaationswrs:(A), ()Thereis asift in te sentenceHseen chalend sows th th wrdin the bank iteopposite of a lnk ste/omething olble.(A) inate eans inborn.Thusi canno bechaned() ard-r is the sae as e(C) indiscernile des notficn() ircmscrbe, ich means ouned,wors. Tre is, hwver, n matchingword.(E)pevasive, wich man wiesrea, de not work(F) if sothing is maleable i is oldable, he pite ofth swer三空题:1 Whthr pressio hsome ro the curh orfrom a totitarin stae, sieceas alaysbeenimperile endeavor,but o claimthat it will only flourish n tim of ertarin rl is no (n) _ onclusion A(n)_governmet is not tesame s one tat civeytean interet infunding science and he lter ay ll e, in so resects, _.Blan (i)speriialnetaetentaieBn (i)espoicaloofpeissvean (iii)crutinoattocrtic Whenresarchers flow the ientifimto,the aece o _pro by mean gsts a theory lacality Indeed, no eory i_ and can alays be subec to fthertesing an scrutiny,d threfore reains, by definiion,_.Blank(i)ineffabsufiintrefualeBlnk (ii)hershdorousnassaiableBank (ii)eqocalspctrovisionalet xplaationnsers: (C), (F), (I)A od w toaprach thi txtcompleion i wrking wit e secon lak frst. A ory caalwaysb. Tu no thor i() uasiabe. Ca always be sbt aso infms thtr blak.Therefore,evy teory s () proiiona, meanig existing ih pesen butaeto be cgedat some point n thefture. Finally, hishlp it the frst ank. Te aene ()irrefable rof, a prfec roof, i nt a roblem, asatheycanalwaybetested further.3 Fo chriiepratngnthe dvepng d, when nble impulss(i) _ in mere(ii) _,ap slogn ear hi heasandwwtesa futher eterioain in t verystuat suchighmiddness ha initially sought to(ii) _.


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