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    七年级下册用所给词的适当形式填空。用所给词的适当形式填空。Uni 11. I can ake (friend) online2. He usmah. e is a .(ah)3. We wan som (u) frthe scool so.4. lea ome and shw (w) yo hots.5. Sals busy (do) her homwrk.6. m muic teaheI (hep) (teac)usic .7. The uc i (tere) and (rlax).8. Mny (peoe) wrie_(tor)bou rbots9. m ero at _(lay)occr .10. Iwat _(oi)the _(sim)clu.Unit21. He _ (get)_(drss)quickly every morni2. ony_(do )hi homortr_(take) a wak every eening .3. Ether my ther o my sister _ (clan )teoomeve morning 4. He goesto schol fter eat beakfast _(quck).5. My ganpaents hve a _(hlth) life .6. iy brushshe _(oot) afte he get up evry orning.7. The caketaste_ (el).I wnt oeat anoher piee8. fath has lots f_ (wrk ) d tody.9. Itink al thepeoplele i_ (life)10. My fteroftenoes _(exercis)to kheath.ni1. Its difcult for a manfro te oth_ (i) a horsewel.2. Soldies ust go on the ropeay _ (ros) therie3. Ty hav to_(tak) the plane get on the ityfar away.4. All he _ (village) wantto have a nic brdge.5. It usuly takes hmhalfan hor_ (finis)eir omerk aer cool. 6. The litle girl_(ge) to shool bike very ay7. We aeoing to be aefort move. Pleae b _(quick).8. here ae ive _(hundred) tuet n oursol.9. I ned ten minuts _(get) hom from schoo.10. The bde _ (tke) abo 3 mues. Unit 41. Aieha to_ (learn)_(pa) thepao aft oo.2. _(ot et) i the hallways.3. Cane _(ake)he boks outside th lary?4. vyn mt_ (be) on imeforthe meetng.5. _(put)y hnds p if younowteanswer.6. Moll liks ing te _(is)frhr mother aftermls.7. Doe L Hon_(ave) t go there bie?8. At shool,stdets cant be_ (nois)or et in class9. h scho maes lots of rules_(hep)us witour studi.10. Lyftenpactices _(rite)at sixon ay.11. Plese emember_ (do) yur homwok first.12. There _(be) ay rulesolow in my home.13. O school _(ng), sden he ogo to bedby ;0.14. tsbet _(visi)Sigapoeintn. U 51. Thr ae my_(kind) of nimls inthe zo2. Why oes hele_(ge)?Because he thnshe arevery_(interst).3. Telittle boy os ito the foralone and gt_(os).4. Dont foet _(ler) ouroom after yoget up. 5. Todaylots f nials ae at _(ners). Wemusdo smethingt save th.6. To prtect elhats, w musn buy anytng_(ma) f ivry or thigs loo like vory.7. memeringplaeswih fooandwte c_(e) hm live8. There ae any _(raf)i thezo.9. Jm is nefmgood _(fri).10. hdon u _(hl)our mothr d te dshes?n 61. Al the _(child)are _(Aeria).2. The _(man) in te _(li) ro are _(drin)tea ow.3. M other _(mae) soupin te kitchen no.4. Whats hedoing?She_(w) her cloes.5. Look!Yor athr _(ra)a wspapron t fa.6. Do yu want _(oin)me fo the lnh?7. Ps be qite. he stuen _(have)a ea.8. Itssix oock. The Gen fm _(wac) TV at home9. This photoisnt like n ther _(po).10. May_(exercse) onSunday wi her g.11. M younger brtherwies _(b)a supr tar.12. y moher is_(sho)in the suerarke.Unit7 My fvorit _(act) sSun . She is beautifl.2.T_(hig)f the uildigis but 00metrs.3. They _(go) t Shanghai b tain extwee.4. is avoite _(sin) i iuHn.5 I a to an_(art) wn I rowup.y frd, Ti _(look) lie my sserverymuch.7 ffreneopl thikabout t _(diferen) .8. he strane manwears_(ass)and _(jean) very dy.9. Te policetrythir bst to find heete_(crim)lives10 He has sraighthar.Hes _(ra)adsomUni 8 Ther _(e) baandtwo prks in he city.2. Thhospital is _(cros) romte p offce.3. Ks enjo _(ply) on tsteet.4. lve in _(nise)street.5. DntworYucnfi the ouse_(easy).6. _ (ge) to t bank, I nedoak.2 b.7. a is dt _(pay) ess8. Isen half an our _ (exercis) ih orig9. Te poie_ (be)lookingo th ostboy.0. Itseaxing _(play) basktbal fter scool.11._(ake) bus from SithAne ango own Bridge Stret.12. usualy d _ () owortseven.3 Pleas tun right atte seco _(cros).14. My rdarens lie to atc me_(ly) the piano .15. ftngo_(sp) with my mtherUnt91Howsth eatrin Sangha ?Its_(sun)Thee ar manynimls i the _(ontain). Caou help m arry the heay ox?Sory,I_(wash) my clothe.4. ua Yua_ (make) soup igt now 5.Judyis inCanw, u she is a _ (Rusia).Culd you _(t) tm_(do)oewrk at hom?Sue ,noroble7Asala ine ofmyavote _(counry).8. The boysae angu _ (swim)in t rier.9. am very happ_ (have) e chance togo aboad.0. y mher _ (i) n e chair ith aren.Unit 10 1. Id li_ (drin) om icede Jst mment, plese.2. Thnumer of e udns in our s_ (be) ove 2,00.3 Ca t realbrng good _ (lucky) o us?4.Two owls f sou _ (be) noug for m.5 ts eting puar_(eat) Wetern food i Chna.6.I ike o et _(oato),butI dot l o et_(potato). The _(mutton) ou _(aste) god8. atinme _ (vegetble) and _(fruit) igood fr our health.9 w _(fly) are flyig herend tere.10.Thy have difent _(ind) of eaUnit 111. _ (uc), e idnthurt ba ccdent yeterday.2. Caol s_ in mkigmovs cauethreare o many _ higs init.(inteest)3. _ (re)a hore wit hs ftheresry morni4. h littlegirl_(feed) esee inthe ydadenw out.5. They _ (k) ny hooin the mounains ysterday6. Tna is a _ (le) girl nd he lves to el ohe.7. Ient to he _ nd larne a lo aou _fromthe_.(arm)8. The stdnts _ (shp) t ve hreswhenteclasswas oe9. Shppgonlne(在线) s ver ppularowCol you how me ho _(shop) onlne?10. Tere _ (be)many seep, cows and her anials on t armlasteek.nit 121 The ar man _ (sheep) and _(mouse) here in tefield.2 Al myfamily _ (fly) kis o thsquarelt eekn3 Mot_(visit) enjoy th _(ature) cnery4 This is a_(us)lesn fo him.5 h _ (go) _(cam)n the monain th ays ago.6 Mo _ (wke) mep t sx his monng.7 Theseve sor mn s Snow hit _(sleep)onheir bed.8 Her jobist okafter_(baby).9 I was vy_when I sathe _moie.(care)10 here are eatful_ (beach) y the sea.11 lot o _ (utterfly) ndbdsar flyin in the rde.12 od _ (live) habits areiportat t ulivs.


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