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    八年级英语语法专项练习 人教版英语八年级.doc

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    八年级英语语法专项练习 人教版英语八年级.doc

    八年级英语语法专项练习 人教版英语八年级八年级英语语法专项练习 (人教版英语八年级)( )1. _oesaca cst n Cna? t costs about 250,000 u. man B. Howmuh C. w ofen How old( ) 2. Pas mthe glasss,ny,I can_ ath TV. hardy . realy . rter D.lerly() 3.m is _ reful, ardly maks mistesA. sually. ve .away . sometimes( )4. Thi is h key _the door,on ltit!A. of . wth Daut() 5._ hey are brothers, tey dot look ie each otr.A. Becu though C.When Ds( ) 6. I ually come to school _. y a bus on oot .by fooD on bus( ) .Its _ weather_ wal. /i Bafor.f /for() 8.He ant s _ sun,s h s blindA.B an C. th ./( ) 9. H _ comey bus.A. oe tmes B. ometimsC. soe tmeD. smet( )0. Lok, hre are sme pples _ tetees.A.o.iof D. at( ) 1.Th lite hid kno_ Eglih, but he ca say _sme words.nsoe B cha few C. a lifw . littlea fe( )12. res lt fom_to _.A shhe,.hshi hmher D.her( ) 13. Ask m, he _know the answersA.may B. can C. ae. ma be( )14. cant rid th bike oschoo,I cn _A. lo B.too C. eithD. nier( ) 15, he wa or _t nigh ofJuly 21s,1990.A. on in . at D.t() 16,its _ for ur eyes toadi b.A. good B.well C.bdy D. d( ) 17 Im full, Int _ to atA. smhing B anythng evrything D.noing( ) 18 has the mtterwih m _, I n aranyhing. ees. ars C moth D.() 19 I dintwant to lern _ IardtheryaboutGZhenoAbecusB ntil ifD. sinc( )2. what og? I iredand I hav ots _A a sore backB. hedache .a bd cod D. sor thrat( ) -I cchabdcold -_.A.hope o B. Isoryher tha . Im afradnot( )22 Becas you hav_ yig.A.muc to . toomh C. to manD. o mny( )23 -Can you m and plawith m? -_, e muh woktdo.Excuse me B. I hp s CIm arat D Its lese( ) 4. Do yo nw _?A e game illsa B. isthe game statB. the game sar D hl e sarttgame( )25. When theNew Yar coes, wel hv_olida. threedays B hredas. thre day D. theedys( ) 26.Our teawlcomebckrom Greec _ two ays. on B. in C. after D. fo( ) 27. sw _ ejoy_ te pak.A. herher B. tthemC shhesef D. thethemseles( ) 28. Lucy an Lily aetwins, Liy les plyin ams,_ Lucy doenA. ad B but C. o D. as( ) 9. i gisauent, _. Tom is so B Tm oes so C. So is Tom. So s om( )30Ihavea chair o it _,but nobody olk _.A. n B wih C. o/D. /to( ) 31We nt to ve o _ or dier, so we dd to cac _ now.Afisha B.ihsmuc C. ishmuch D. fisemay( ) 32Huryup, tere is _ ti left.A. little B.fw C.a lttle D. a fw( ) 3. _ e picte o gave me!. ow B What C. Whata D. How a( )3. Se _ fat, because se ea_met A. to muh,o mch . muh , to muchCmuch too, uch too( ) 35. _me cefully, C you _A. earitn B.herher . listen oher D.listn tolisten () 36. The musiC. oightSona _rely beautifu.A. looksB.smels . fels D.snds( ) 7.Chiais_ Great Wall.A. onB.famous . faosor D.faus as(). _ e is a chD. _e know mch about thecompuA. ThoughtBAlthoughbtC Becausso D./but( ) 39.Coldyou ell me_ seis loig fr?. that B. whose Cwho D. which( ) 0.-H son will he retrn? -_.A.Every ek . Fo 5 dys C In eekD.5mter() 41,-w long wll he a here?-_.veyek B. Fo a C. In wek D. meers( ) , Thistoymust _ more intesg thaha one isB. ll C. beD. quie() 4 ChinA. _ eery tuent wlk to chool.A. dnt B. doesnt C. aret D. int( ) 44 W _ pla on te roaits danous.A. may not B not . mstt cat( )45 Plese_ h light when ou lev th rom.A.close . penC. tun nD. urn off()4The pos ofice is abut1 kilomete _.A. far . wy C. r way D lon( )4. e ften _ou teche_hep.Akto B. asksfor C askfor . anto() . inse drink ta with _.A. cup andlateB. a up anapate . cup and pe( )9.-Dont yu frget your homewo? -_.Ys, I ont B. No, I do . s,I m . o,I dt( ) .-Is M blac eall il?-_,Hs in osptaA I hopsoB No, eisnt C. I afrad o D. e is( ) 51.Mab I wnt cm ck_six lock Dont wai. awy. if C. ntil D when( )5. The_ is vry hrD I an swe tA problm B ustion C.mate D.thg( ) 5.He ddnt ealunch. Ididnt,_.A. toB. also C.ierD. so


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