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    译林版五年级英语上单元练习译林版五年级上册第一单元练习 姓名_听力部分(0分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或短语。(0分)( ). A. baby B.bar bir( )2. Ahoe .ha C.ouse( )3. A.r Boom .igt( ). Afnd .ft C.frest( )5 besde B.behid Cbetween( )6 A.hr B hm Chi( )7. Asup B. t .fa( )8 Ariver Brell Cubr( )9. A. thy tere C. he( )10. A.apple . ight C.afaid二、听录音,判断正误。正确的用“T”表示,错误的用“F”表示。(5分) ( ). Theris a use n thefrst. ( )2. The bed s to rd foth grl. ( )3 Thrare som cake i thekitche. ( )4. Wt can obb find? ( )5We r thre bears? Thy are beide the bd.三、听录音,选出正确的答句。(5分)( ). AHe in the frest. B. Ye,sh is . C. Shes inthe room( )2 A. No,it nt. B Its too hd. C. ll rgh( )3. . He fishis cakes. B. H i boy. COk( ). s, itis B. Y,hey are C. Ys, d.( ) A , amno. B. Y,Iam . N, don四、听录音,将对话补充完整。(10分)1. Golilocks inte _.Tere are tee _n frontof _. h is vry _.2ere is anew bed n my_ It very _. Iike it ver mu.Theareoe beautiful _beside _ 4. I dont my schobag. h, thy ae htwo chairs 笔试部分(分)一、找出下列单词中不同类的一项。(5分)( )1.A.hme . hous C. reay D.rom( )2. wher B what C. there D.wo( )3.A.in .bewen C.fores .besd( )4. A.e B. him C. Dthe( )5. A dog B. bar Cthen D.tie二、英汉到译(10分)1.在房子前面 2一张柔软的床 3.在森林里 4在桌子上的一些汤 5又饿又累 6看见一些蛋糕 7.在两个窗户之间 .thee bears in t room tre birds sid he wdow 10.utiht 三、单项选择题。(15分) ( )1、Thee ajui int rid. A. e B.s C.int( )2、heebeas a wous. A. ave B. is C has ( )、Mike and I in thefest. A a B. is C. ar( )、m Hes a cae or yu. A. hirsy B.hungr C. co( )5、Wts the ter h ? Ses thisty. A. she he hr ( )6、 loely doll! . o B.What C. wy ( )7、Thee are sm ig trees y hou. . f . between . ehid ( )8、hre some bread n the tale A. s Bare C.ave( )、hi oup is us .Icn haeit. A. ht B.cod C righ ( )10、Liu sits Mik and Yang Ling. A. n B.i C. etween ( )11、herre cak inthe ride. A. ome .n C. a ( )12、here treebok ad peni my pcil case. A.are .is .am ( )1、How many are there ou huse? Arom a ro C.rooms ( )、Helen is bind me. I am He. A.betwen B.i frot f C.besd ( )5、Tere_smeppjuicenteglass. Anthre_aeddtwoairnBettysrom. .s, are B.are,is C.i, is四、从右栏中找出与左栏想对应的句子,将其序号填在题前括号里。(10分) ( )、Wo eyou? . ehave ree ( )2、Who is she? .Tere r treaples ( )、o anyapples do yo ? Thank you. ( )4、Whats on te bl? D It i e ( )5、What the matter? E. Theyre tenty yuan ( )6、heis Bobby? F. She i my cousin. ( )7、Whr ae the cas, Tina? G Imr Bar. ( )8、ere oua. H. Te are in the fridg ( )9、Homch are the? I. Iungy. ( )10、Whohose is it? J Hes inthe oom.五、找出句中的错误,并加以改正。(分) ( )1、Thrare a tiger and thee bersnhe pak A B C( )2、Ther aent soe gres in the bg. A B C( )3、Tr ar tw glasss f ksonthe tale. A B C ( )4、he teaer ce ad say“Helo”. A B C ( )5、eln ad im indsthir cas. A B 六、连词成句。(1分) .re ome in there oom boks m (.) _ 2lowers see side I t som hoe (.) _ 3.e yo fid ca ro your (?) _ 4.o man you bes how se (?) _ 5.y te nt akes fridge n thre() _七、根据中文完成句子。(10分, 每空分)1、 森林里有一棵苹果树。 an ppletre frest.2、 餐桌上有一些汤。Ter up on thele3、 冰淇淋太冷了。The ce crea o .4、 沙发太硬了。he sofa is too .5、 在她面前有一棵大树。here is g tree ront of .八、阅读理解,根据短文内容判断对(T)或错()。(分) hs is Mys rom Ibgand brgh(明亮的)e ne o kies on thfront ll (前墙)the backwal (后墙),hees clck. Lo, fur fity now ! e an see a desk nd bed herro.Th des ibesde te winow. Whre areer ba nd pencil box ?y hedes. Ws on th bed ? We can see i(条)of eans. Mary les tm, but theyrooshort. Maryan ernd Kate ike tis oom ery much. Tey ke to ply hee. ( ) 1. We anse a l n the frnt ll.( ) t five fory now. ( )3. e cns a esk and a bd n r o( )4. hejeans r to st( )5.isis Kates oom译林版五年级上册第一单元试卷听力材料和答案一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或短语。 1bea .hse 3.rigt 4. foes .bie 6.her .oft 8rell 9.e 10afaid二、听录音,判断正误。正确的用“”表示,错误的用“”表示。 1.he i a housein fn of th frst. 2The bed s jtigh for the g .here ar so caks i th fridg. .What c obby see? 5. Wherearetreeers?Theyare in th edo. 三、听录音,选出正确的答句。 1.Wheres t oiocks? 2hatabt the new bed? 3Wat a Wng Big fin? 4.Are hree easin font o odilocks? .Do yu find yoousin?四、听录音,将对话补充完整。1. Golilcks is in th _fores. There rete_bears_ n frnt o_her_.he is y_afraid_.2.here is new edin my _om_. Its ver _sot_Ik t ry uch.here are somebatiful _flowers_sie my _hose_. 4 nt in myshoolag.O, hey are betente to hirs. 听力答案一、1.B C 3C 4.C .A 6.A .B .B 9.B 0C二、FFTF三、1.C 2.B .A .B .C四、1.fst,beas, he,aid; .om,sot; 3.lors, hue; 4.find, between;书面答案一、找出下列单词中不同类的一项.C 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.C二、英汉到译.in front ofheouse .a oft bed n the froet 4.meoup th table .hugyad tired 6seesome akes .ewen two windows评8.在房间里的三只熊 9窗户旁的三只鸟 10正好三、单项选择题。 1.C 2A 3.C 4.B 5C 6. 7C 8. 9. 10.C 1.B 1.A 13.C 14.B 15.C四、从右栏中找出与左栏想对应的句子,将其序号填在题前括号里。 1.G .F 3.A 4 5. 6.J 7. 8.C 9.E 10.五、找出句中的错误,并加以改正。 1.A, e; 2.B, an; 3.,ilk; 4.,ys; , ind;六、连词成句1.Teear ombookin y rom. 2.I se so flers eside the hous. 3Cn yuind yor newom?4.Howny bars do yu se? here arntamy cke in the frdge.七、根据中文完成句子。 1. Tere is,i; . sm; 3.is;cold; 4. had; 5 ;er;八、阅读理解 1F 2.F 3.T 4.T .F


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