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    高一入学考试 英语试题.doc

    高一入学考试 英语试题01届高一新生入学考试英语试题第I卷 (共65分)I 单项选择(共20小题,计20分)本题共有2个小题,请从每个小题的四个选项中,选出一个答案。1. Tm i _ hest boy bease e never tel is. B.an . / Dthe. There re tal trees _ de f the streA. both . er either either3.Afer a longwak in the sn, they wae di_A. cld smetin . smhngod . nythino D.cold anhig4.eill have a_ hola afterte a.A. tw nth .twmnth C. two months D. twomonths5. Doam the child _ eionen. . At all B. Iall C. Aftr all . or all6. he ressis ealy beautifu, tis o sall orme o . bu C. so D. and7.I runalg the radeery moning _ h weathe sbdA while B. afe C. if .uless8 The _ fuit yueat, th _ you ar.A any;heayB. more;heatier C. much;helhier D. most; healthest.Goo words catouch ot onl orhrtbu als . A. I .m C ylf .mine10. oud s aysmkes us _A. wt ance B to wnt dnce C watt danc Doan o dace11. Studentsnenohslepoare ght Soey huldnt _o lae.se u B. cheer up C. gep . syup2 ust inish my hmework? No,youeednt Bt yo_fsht tomrow. can B. ut C. ma D.will13. hes urfaher? _Beijin. H wntb backntilnet eek. wnt B. sben C. has gone to .iging to ThIernet _ wiely in ourday ieYu ca do mny thingsn it.A. ue B. used is usd D. was ued15 _ wil you fater ome back hoe? I treedays.Hwng .owma . How oftn . ow soon16. What kid o eso you li?Ilie the movies _ ar abo Chiese histoy. who B. hom C. wse D. th17. m going rasmercam n Qingdonet monh. _!A. Wha a pty Not talC.Dot wry D.Have a godme18 -VolntersfromLatian Saving ea have vedman taeles n the ntn. - How geat a man B. Hw great me C. What ageatan D. What gret n1.I did accept is hl Iaet y it myself A. becaue B. thoh C unil D. ls 0. onteafrdf new wods. You a _ in tedctionarA.lok it up B. loorthem C ook hem p D. lok i oveII完形填空(共0小题,计20分)(A) 根据文章大意,结合语法知识,然后从各小题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案, 使短文连贯完整。A csoeashving hi lnci a restarn slowl He uddenlyskd a ater wh was sandng a the cornet coe hee. e aier quickly 21_ r and askedhim, “Can l ou?” Tecumer skd, “Wat wil teweate b lik tow?”Te wier smiled athim and swered ful of cerainy, “_22 _ wll b wathI ik.” The ustomer elt vy zled _2 _ the wate answere hisquesion at once. _24 he ame time, tstomer ecaealitle angry H d, “You _ 25_ be listeng t my worscarefully. Ho ca u wilb h ee you le? Yu ntkow what tweatherwl be lke omorow?” _ 2 _th waiter as ngy exlaind istouhs tothe customer pientl H sai, “I fnd ht t sroundings analays o wt 27 _mid. a only _ 28 _ ordinary person I not sopoefl th I an hange th urrondings. SoI arn_ 29 everythig that Imet joyfully.Thn the weather omorow must be h oe that enoy.” he custerled at t youwaier _ 30_ W aclever yugmn! 21 A.waks is walkin C. walked D.wa walkin 22. A Tere B. This C.ere D. It 2 A aloug B f C. becaue D.uness 24. A.On B.At C In . From25 A. cant B. ustnt . nedt D shouldnt 26. A n B. o C Or D But 27. A. m B m C.myself D 8. A. a . an C. th D. / 2. A. face B fing C.t ae Daced30.A happ B.happiy C. angr D.ngriy (B)阅读下面一篇短文,理解大意,然后从各小题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案, 使短文连贯完整。On dy durin a Spingtival,I as takin a walk ea my ose when ddnly threce vice,“xcseme, si” I turned arond and aw nold bgga(乞丐).“Hae you 31 ome mony,aout fify ua,arod hre? I lott just now.” H lokd at an 3 my rel. “Sorry, I hvent,”I nwerH et aw sayingina low o, “ere is it? 3 ShouldIdno? I eall ed the ney.”I oul ense hat hewas 34 . he I go a ia Itook ouafft-yuan ne(纸币) and dopedi onthe groun. “He!Here se moey!”picke it up and 35 to him. Th I wlked toards my hose.A we later, n nowftrnoon, I eard oeone kncking at edoor.twas the ld beg withahvy bag o hi oulder. He u wn the bag36 dsa “Thank yu s uch.I kne yua meown37 tat day, te money I lostwas in hange(零钱)。ut mywfeas38 ,n I realy needtto buy smmeicin or her. didn rer t to ou.” H addd,“havenothing o pay for your, hrs smerie I go ro do tdoor fo our9 hidren. shesying gs, ld who sfed by my famiiesrows strongr. I illleaed40 you liket” Hearig his ords, my wie and wer s moved at tear randwnr faces.31. . made B lent C. see D.dped2.A.lok fo Bai for C. letr D.aited fr3. How B Wich C.Wht D. Why34.A oried B. bred C. interestd D relxed35. Apushed B. pssd C.le D. trew6. A.carefly B. as C. celessly D. hrdly3.A food B. ik C.loth Dmoe38 A.el B. sick C.bu .fre3.A. tees B. illnes C.kinss D.anss4. A bfoe B. wether . hough D.iI. 阅读理解(共小题,计5分)第一节:阅读下面一篇短文,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用“A”表示,不符合的用 “B”表示。(共小题,计5分) A ot of elear cazy dingshopng hroug te Intereow Wy is i ppar? here a some easons rst, meandmre people hav their owncmputrs ad their compuers can beined withth Inenet. Soit s possibefr many o hm o do shoin though thenternt. Secon, shpping hough thItenet anae themso mey a lot ime. Tird, tey dotneedo gtesop themsev ecaus of thse odfact, few po esei O the oer had,som people on like thsne way of ping. Tey are oed abotthesety f soppinonline. ustmrs(顾客) a onl see he ictre f podcti(商品) on e Itert. And tey cant joythe lase of buing thngs inlaresupermrketor some wonderfutors. Thse ar the reaons why they d dot ike it Bt I think mreandore eople willlike thi new kin of hpping inthefuure.( )41. May eplre ineresed i shoppinonine.( )4 Shppin o lin only saveony( )43. Al te prdtos on the Interne aegood()4Some op diske hopingonibcause they do hvether wn cputrs.( )4.Te wrt ofte asag upos(支持) shopg n in.第二节:阅读下面B、C两篇短文,从各小题所给的四个选项中选出能回答问题所提问或完成所给句子的一个最佳答案。(共1小题,计20分) Welcome to Town LibraryTown Library is open to everyone every day and the library card is free. You can keep five books, one CD and as many videos as you want at a timethree weeks for books, one week for CDs and videos.BOOKS picture books for children books in 36 languages stories of all kindsYou can enjoy newspapers and magazines in the reading room. You cant take them out of the library. VIDEO all kinds of video films TV plays Music videos You cantwatch videos here. You can borrow a video for a week for $1AUDIO music (rock, pop, jazz) language(语言) tapes (42 main languages in the world)You can enjoy listening in the special rooms here. All the CDs can be borrowedFree! 46.I yo wt t eta ibrrcard, ou _. A have topy oedollar fo i B. need to brw five booksfirst C. don have o pyfor i. ne o maa card47.How lo cn ou ep te vs romte lby? A Oeweek B.To wek C. Three k s log a ou an 48.h ibary has _. A books in 4 aguages. no languge taesC. no speial ros for stening D. all kidsof vdeofil4.ow muc huldou pay fyoeeptwo ieofor a week? A.To dllar B. Three dolls C. Ondllr D. re0. Whr an w ed the poster? A. n our school irary . Tow Lirary C In supermarke DIn a tn pk(B) C ocr ad er (抢劫犯) One night abut ie clock, Dr E, a srgeon (外科医生), a a oncallfrom Dr. Haydon t the hspitain Clese Falls.Te sureon as sed to theet nce t oerteo a very sic b wh sot himselfwhile lain ith a gu. Thedoctoras sonons wayt nsFals. It as60 mls away. An it was snowig healy ithecty. The sureon thout h culdgt ther before 1olock A few minute later, hedoor was sopd by mn nan ol black ct. Gun n had, th mn oered the docor to t. Then eman dove th car wn he rad,evinthedoto n the falig now. It as afteto clock ithe morninwh dotorried the hosptal i Clense Falls. D. ydn toldhi that e boyhad died n hour befoe. The w tswake bythe doorof the spital wating. Theres teman in theldbck coatwth hisead i ians. "M. Cunng,ad Dr Hyon tote mn, "Tis sDr. Elyck. He is th sgeon wocame allthe wy rom Alny o ve your bo51Wo sh obber?. Eyc B Hayon C. e oyfater D. We otkn2. Dr Haydonasked Dr Elycko ce to ense Fals bcas_. A the boywune byashot wasr. Elc patin B th boy eded hs e C Dr. aydn wa not srgen D. Dr. Elc as s assisnt3. Te surgeonwas at case_ A wa tpedby a kiappr . te weatherws raer terbl . Clnse Fls as fr away from Albn DHis car wa takn way54. Cho te right order oftevents give in the sory.a Dr. Elyck a askd tocme hhospil in Clese Falls. Dr. Elyck arived athe opital. c.hboysot ielf d. Th bo di. e. Teman in an old coat reachd h hospital.f. r.Elcas obbed (抢劫) ofhiscarA , , , d B. a, c, f, d, b, e C c, a, f, , d, D. a, c, f, , ,b55 o idte bos fater flt lst?. ble angy C.orrie D proud第II卷 (共55分)IV. 完成句子:根据所给汉语意思,用单词或短语完成下列英文句子。(共5小题,计10分)56.平衡的饮食能使你保持健康。aig nddiet can ake y _.57. 她病的十分严重,但幸运的是,她现在已经脱离了生命危险. he wasveryil, but_ sh i nowut of danger.58.聚会结束时我唱了一首歌。I at the endo he pty.59.众所周知,一年有四个季节。 wel-ko ttthere ae_ in year. 没有知识,你成功的可能性就会小一些。Whout , you may have ttle chace to achiveucces.V短文填空:用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整正确。(每个单词限用一次。每空只填一个单词。)(共1小题,计0分)hurt, both, named, who, dangerous, owned, director, dream, killed, him, about, taughttve rwin was on 196 in Australa. He asa rptile(爬行动物)exertazo direr nQuenlnd, Ausrla Seve w bo t ynIria Bob rwin,howre 1 .anima loves. Steve pans 2 arepte ark, wher Ste gwuaround rep. WhenSev was sxeas old,hfathe av him sna 3. it red. teve s father taght hm alaout wildlifeof strla andtoo hi on field tststdyabout it.Finlly,Stevebcame the 6 .f the Autaia Zoo. 65 .nlfe as toeducate eopl 6 nimals, eachingtm to treat een dangeou anis with pet(尊重)Stve neve 67 ais. In fact,e sav many animals there in nge. Stve a snaxpert, and alwas ward tes that piking u a sna is vey 6 .Somtims even Steve got hurt!Seve arred a mericn 69 on vited hiso. He ns Terr Sadly, Ste dd in200 while akingpt in th productio of th ocumntry lmOceans Deadliet. When e wa workg underwater, e a 7 by a stnga, aindngeruish.VI. 任务型阅读:阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,完成下列各题。(共5小题,计10分)Staford sa wrl famous iversity the westst of the .S. . It asbuilt by Stafordd iswife in mmoy oftheir olyson who did ofasrnge iseae.Turstsar ofn surpieattbeautof Stanford. Ang th greenees, buildngs wthyello als ad rtos make up abeautiul ictue. Mny uits wonder yllow and rer chsen. Thatsbecus ey we he faves f Mrs. Stford.T big chuch s h ost portn buildin i Stanfrd. stans at te cente It was ult y s.tnfod tremebr herhuban oevod(贡献) himself to the universiyThere, sdets an tehers ancommuica ith od anhold greaactvt, sch a concert ad celebrtons.heallest uildin in tafod is Hoverower, ch is h lan mak of the uverity mannamd ooverad oelot for the university. The thinhe oce ed can e seen o the firt flo. nthe t f thetoer, ourists can have agood lo t thholcampus(校园).Ason ofth wor p niersties, Stanfordha ma subjects thatsa ag he top onesi the woldAn compter sciene h been te firstforman yearsI uwan tstudycout n uiersi abra, maye i isour best choe.71. Wy did Mr. Stafrd uild the universit? ecaue he waned to emmber .


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