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    Unit 7 Films习题1一、选择填空1.Last weekend, I went to see a film _Gong Li with my parents.A. starsB. starredC. starringD. is starring2.Paul didn t listen as _ as Jimmy in class, so he made more mistakes inexercisesh.A. more carefulB. more carefullyC. carefullyD. careful3.The film, Tales of Old Beijing, shows us _ Beijing looked like many years ago.A. whatB. howC. thatD. which4.Chen Kuns first album(唱片) will _ in November.A. get outB. give outC. put outD. come out5.To our surprise, the thief is a _ boy.A. 12 year oldB. 12-year-oldC. 12 years oldD. 12-years-old6.My father said he _ for Shanghai the next day.A. was going to leaveB. is going to leaveC. leftD. had left7.I found him _, for he found the answer to the question_.A. cleverlyeasily.B. clever . easyC. clever .easilyD. clever . easy8.What he said made me _.A. to feel excitedB. feel excitingC. feel excitedD. felt excited9.Do you know _?A. who is he talkingB. who was he talkingC. who he is talkingD. who he is talking to10. The film _ for half an hour when I got to the cinema yesterday.A. has begunB. has been onC. had begunD. had been on11. I don t like _ very much. I her d rat a doctor.A. teach, to beB. to teach, beC. teaching, beD. teaching, being12. - Don t pick flowers in the second garden next time, Bill.- _A. Don t worry.B. Sorry, I wonCt. Is that so?D. I have no idea.13.They never knew what _ to the world in a hundred years.A. will happenB. would happenC. had happenedD. have happened14.That old man died _ the age of eighty.A. onB. inC. withD. at15.The number of the workers in the factory _ about two hundred.A. isB. amC. areD. be二、完型填空Have you ever seen any films starring Zhang Ziyi? Though some people don t like her acting,she is well- known now not only in China, but also in the West. Zhang Ziyi_36_ in ansfirst_American movie was Rush Hour 2(2001), but as she_37_ speak English, Jackie Chan had totranslate everything the _38_said to her. In Rush Hour2(2001),she played a charactercalled“ Hu-Lithe” translation of this name into Mandarin Chinese is the word39_“ fox ” , _she has been in many kung-fu movies, she is not actually very good at it, so in fact she uses a lotof dance moves in her fight. She had attended the China Central Drama College, _40_ dancebefore she became an actress. She is so talented in dancing that she_41_ the BeijingDancing Collegeat 11 and the BeijingdancingAcademy at 15. Recentlyshe had taken some_42_ classes to have more development in America.There are four people in her family. Her father is an economist (经济学家) and her mother isa _43_ teacher for she loves babies a lot. After ZhangZiyi became popular,she became_44_ formany products such as Maybelline, Panteneshampoo, and LenovoComputers.She is thought as _45_ after NBA player Yao Ming in some report.36.A. appearedB. to appearC. appearanceD. appearing37.A. wouldn tB. couldn tC. didn tD. mustn t38.A. filmmakerB. actorC. photographerD. director39.A. Even thoughB. Even ifC. HoweverD. Because40.A. studiedB. studiesC. studyingD. study41.A. joinedB. cameC. arrivedD. returned42.A. Kung-fuB. danceC. EnglishD. sing43.A. collegeB. middle schoolC. primary schoolD. kindergarten ( 幼儿园 )44.A. modelB. speakerC. sellerD. producer45.A. the most popularB. the second most popularC. as popular asD. less popular


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