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    2020-2021 年 七年级英语下册任务型阅读易错题(word)一、七年级英语下册任务型阅读专项目练习(含答案解析)1信息归纳,请阅读下面这篇短文,根据所提供的信息,完成信息卡。Robert is a middle school boy from Australia. He is in Grade Seven. This term, he learns Chinese and he likes it very much. He wants to learn it well, so he finds a pen pal from Guangdong, China. His name is Yang Guang and he is a clever boy. He and Robert are in the same Grade. They both love playing football. They often chat with each other on the Internet. They have different school lives. Yang Guang is very busy every day. He gets up early and he has to stay at school for 8 hours every day and he has much homework to do after school. But Robert only stays at school for 5 hours and he often finishes his homework in just half an hour.Information CardWhere is Robert from?_Whatgrade is Yang Guang in?_Whatsport do Robert and Yang Guang both love playing?_Howmany hours does Robert stay at school every day?_Howlong does it take Robert to do his homework?_【答案】Australia; Grade 7 /Seven; Football ; 5 hours; Half an hour【解析】 【分析】文章大意:本文介绍了罗伯特和他的笔友杨光的学校生活一些情况。( 1)细节题。根据 Robert is a middle school boy from Australia. 可知罗伯特来自澳大利亚。故填 Australia。( 2)细节题。根据 Robert is a middle school boy from Australia. He is in Grade Seven. He andRobert are in the same Grade. 可知杨光在七年级。故填Grade 7 /Seven 。( 3)细节题。根据They both love playing football. 可知他们都喜欢踢足球。故填Football 。( 4)细节题。根据Robert only stays at school for 5 hours . 可知罗伯特每天待在学校5 小时。故填5 hours。( 1)细节题。根据he often finishes his homework in just half an hour.可知罗伯特花费半小时做作业。故填Half an hour 。【点评】考查任务型阅读,先看问题,带着问题找答案,注意上下文之间的联系。2请仔细阅读表格中的内容,左栏是对4 个人的描述,右栏是4 个广告,请为每个人选择最合适的广告。_Jenny likes sports.A. English Corner:7:30 9:00_Tom likes animals. He has two cats and a dog at B. Guangzhou Zoo: Monkey Show,home.on Sunday_Clark thinks movies are very interesting. WatchingC. Movie: Spiderman! September 6movies is relaxing.10. $10 for a kid_Alan is good at English. He wants to learn EnglishD. A football match on TV:8:00 teacher.10: 30 between Chinese team andEnglish team【答案】D; B; C; A【解析】 【分析】本文是为每个人选择最合适的广告。A. English Corner:7:30 9:00 英语角 :7:309:00B. Guangzhou Zoo: Monkey Show, on Sunday 广州动物园 :周日的猴子展C. Movie: Spiderman! September 610.$10 for a kid 电影 :蜘蛛侠! 9 月 6 日至 10 日,每个孩子 10 美元D. A football match on TV:8:00 10: 30 between Chinese team and English team中国队和英国队在电视上的足球比赛:8:00 10:30( 1)根据 Jenny likes sports ,可知应是, A football match on TV:8:00 10: 30 betweenChinese team and English team中国队和英国队在电视上的足球比赛:8:00 10:30 ,与体育有关,故选D。( 2)根据 Tom likes animals ,可知应是 Guangzhou Zoo: Monkey Show, on Sunday 广州动物园: 周日的猴子,与动物有关,故选B。( 3)根据 Clark thinks movies are very interesting. Watching movies is relaxing,可知应是,Movie: Spiderman! September 610.$10 for a kid电影 :蜘蛛侠! 9 月 6 日至 10 日,每个孩子10 美元,与电影有关,故选C。( 4)根据 Alan is good at English. He wants to learn English teacher ,可知应是, EnglishCorner:7:30 9:00 英语角 :7:309:00 ,与英语有关,故选A。【点评】考查任务型阅读,可以将整个文章首先浏览一遍,大概理解意思,找到可以匹配信息的选项。3任务型阅读My name is Frank. _ It was a very interesting trip.We flew to Hawaii. _ When we got there, we found a nice hotel. We stayed there forfour days. _ After breakfast , we went to the beach. My sister and I swam in the sea andplayed games on the beach. _ My mom sat in the chair and read her favorite book.We visited many beautiful places and ate a lot of food there. _ I also made two friendsthere. They were very friendly and they invited us to their houses. The trip was very nice. We want to go there again next year.A. We got up early every day.B. It was my first time to take aplane, so I felt very excited.C. The food was different from ours, butit was delicious.D. My father took photos of us.E. Last summer, I went to Hawaii withmy family.【答案】E; B; A; D;C【解析】 【分析】文章大意:文章讲述了Frank坐飞机去夏威夷旅行时的所见所闻。A. 我们每天起得很早。B. 那是我第一次坐飞机,因此我很兴奋。C. 食物不同于我们的食物,但是美味可口。D. 我爸爸给我们照了相。E. 去年夏天,我跟我的家人去了夏威夷。( 1)根据下文意思:那是一个有趣的旅行。可知,空缺处的句子是与旅行相关的。故选E。( 2)根据前句的意思:我们飞往夏威夷,可知作者坐飞机去的夏威夷,所以接下来的句子是与坐飞机相关的,故选 B。( 3)根据下文意思:早饭后他们去海边。可知空缺处句子的意思是他们每天早早起床。故选 A。( 4)根据前后句的意思:美俄米和我在海里游泳在海边做游戏。妈妈坐在椅子上读最喜欢的书籍,由此可知空缺处的句子是介绍爸爸的。故选D。( 5)根据前面的句子的意思:我们参观了很多地方,在那里吃了很多食物,可推测空缺处的句子是说明吃的东西咋样的。故选C。【点评】五选五的答案选项较少。并且给出的都是句子,因此我们可以通过句子的完整性或者句子后面的标点符号来判断该句在文章中的位置。另外,通过阅读选项,有可能找出跟其它选项意思完全不同的句子。这样的话我们可以只将该选项排除。4从下面五个选项中选出最佳选项完成短文。Do you like to eat noodles? Come to Mr. Whites Restaurant. Our restaurant is big and clean._You can order beef noodles , mutton noodles, chicken noodles, vegetable noodles ,etc. They are all at good prices. _ A bowl of mutton noodles is only 7 dollars. A bowl ofchicken noodles is only 6 dollars. A bowl of vegetable noodles is only 5 dollars. _ The fishsoup is a very popular special in our restaurant. The tomato and egg soup is delicious ,too. Many people would like to eat in our restaurant.Our restaurant is on Center Street. _ It is open from 11: 00 a. m. to 8 : 30 p. m. everyday. If you order meat noodles , fruit is free. _ You will get the food in about half an hour.A. A bowl of beef noodles is only 8dollars.B. If you are too busy to come ,please call us at2788-8998.C. We have different kinds ofnoodles.D. Its between the Land Park and theKing Supermarket.E. We also have different kinds ofsoup.【答案】C;A; E; D; B【解析】 【分析】文章大意:主要介绍怀特先生的餐馆的位置和内部环境、经营面条和汤的种类价格、营业时间。A. A bowl of beef noodles is only 8 dollars. 一碗牛肉面只有8 美元。B. If you are too busy to come , please call us at 2788-8998.如果您太忙不能来,请打 8998 给我们。2788-C. We have different kinds of noodles. 我们有不同种类的面条。D. Its between the Land Park and the King Supermarket. 在陆地公园和国王超市之间。E. We also have different kinds of soup. 我们还有各种各样的汤。( 1)根据下文 You can order beef noodles, mutton noodles, chicken noodles ,vegetable noodles, etc. 您可以点牛肉面、羊肉面、鸡肉面、蔬菜面等。可知上文应该有各种各样的面条,故选 C。( 2)由上文 They are all at good prices. 价格都很好。可知谈论总的价格。下文具体谈论各种各样面条的价格,上下文是总分关系,故选A。( 3)根据下文 The fish soup is a very popular special in our restaurant. The tomato and eggsoup is delicious , too. 具体说明几种汤。可知上文总体谈论各种各样的汤,上下文是总分关系。故选 E。( 4)根据上文 Our restaurant is on Center Street. 我们的餐馆在中央大街。可知下文应谈论具体的位置,故选 D。( 5)根据上文 If you order meat noodles, fruit is free. 如果你点的是肉面,水果是免费的。和下文You will get the food in about half an hour.你大约半小时后就能拿到食物。可知怎样订餐,故选B。【点评】考查任务型阅读,我们可以通过句子的完整性或者句子后面的标点符号来判断读句在文章中的位置。另外通过阅读选项。有可能找出跟其他选项表达完全不同意思的句子,这样的话我们就可以直接将该选项排除。5阅读短文,根据短文内容,从方框中的 A-F 六个选项中选出适当的选项补全短文,使文章完整、通顺(其中有一个选项是多余的)。Ma Wanqing, 13, is a Junior I at Chengdu No.3 Middle School. By looking at this kid, you would never think hes a scientist._ He got patents (专利) this month for two inventions (发明): a feet-washingmachine and an easy trash can (垃圾桶) .The feet-washing machine looks like a toy, but it really works." Just hit the button, and thats all it takes: the machine washes and dries your feet for you," said Wu Di at Chengdu Zhongya Patent Office._ Its something his mum makes him do every day._ He drew many pictures, and he made many changes to his first ideas. After lots ofthinking and hard work, he is finally finished._ "Its all because Im too lazy, "he tells them.But his mother, Wang Xiao lin, thinks differently." Hes hard-working. _"A. It took Ma a year to make the machine.B. Ma invented the machine because he hates washing his feet.C. Now, lots of other kids want to know how Ma gets such great ideas.D. Its very easy to use the trash can.E. When he gets an idea, he works very carefully and doesnt give up.F. But in fact Ma is a young scientist.【答案】F;B; A;C; E【解析】 【分析】文章大意:这篇文章讲了一个年仅十三岁的小发明家马万强的故事。这“他很勤奋。 ”可知此处讲的是他是怎样付诸行动的。故选个月他获得了两个发明专利。一个是一个洗脚机,另一个是简易垃圾桶。他是一个善于思考的孩子,一旦有了想法,立刻就会付诸实践,画图纸,修改思路等。大量的思考和辛勤工作使得他最终完成了自己的作品。但是他很谦虚的告诉其他孩子,那是因为自己懒惰。妈妈对他评价很高,认为他勤奋并且努力坚持。所给选项意思:A. It took Ma a year to make the machine. 花费马一年时间来制作这个机器。B. Ma invented the machine because he hates washing his feet.马发明这个机器因为他不喜欢洗脚。C. Now, lots of other kids want to know how Ma gets such great ideas. 现在,很多其他孩子想知道马是如何想到这个好主意的。D. Its very easy to use the trash can. 使用这个垃圾桶很简单。E. When he gets an idea, he works very carefully and doesnt give up. 当他有了一个观点时,他工作非常认真,不放弃。F. But in fact Ma is a young scientist. 但是,事实上马是一个年轻的科学家。( 1)根据 Ma Wanqing, 13, is a Junior I at Chengdu No.3 Middle School. 马万强,成都第三中学的一个初中生。和 He got patents (专利) this month for two inventions(发明): a feet-washing machine and an easy trash can (垃圾桶 )。他在一个月内得到两个发明专利,可知他是一个小科学家。故选 F。( 2)根据 The feet-washing machine looks like a toy, but it really works." Just hit the button, and thats all it takes: the machine washes and dries your feet for you," said Wu Di at ChengduZhongya Patent Office. 此处讲的是洗脚机,Its something his mum makes him do every day.他妈妈每天让他洗脚,所以此处讲的是他发明洗脚机的原因,故选B。( 3)根据 He drew many pictures, and he made many changes to his first ideas. After lots of thinking and hard work, he is finally finished. 他画了很多画,并且对最初的观点做了很多改变。经过很多思考和努力工作后,他最终完成。可知此处讲的是他制作机器的不容易。可知此处是他花了多长时间做这件事,故选A。( 4)根据 "Its all because Im too lazy, "he tells them.”这都是因为我太懒了“他告诉他们。可知此处是小朋友想知道他怎么想起这种办法的,故选C。( 5)根据 But his mother, Wang Xiao lin, thinks differently." Hes hard-working. 但是他的母亲,王晓琳,认为不同。E。【点评】此题考查任务型阅读理解。我们先弄清所给选项意思。然后跳过空格阅读短文,了解大意,根据上下文的联系和每个段落所描写的内容,确定文章所缺的句子,从所给的选项中选出正确答案。6从 II 栏的人物介绍中选出与I 栏人物相匹配的选项(其中有两项多余)。I_Look! Mary is tall and thin. Shehas long hair and big eyes. She looks beautiful! Shelikes dancing and dancesvery well._Lucys pen pal Linda is fromAmerica. Lucy goes to the airport to meet her. She takesa photo of Lindawith her._Zhang Ming likes action (动作)movies. His favorite movie star is Jet Li. He thinks JetLi lookscool and has great personality (人格) ._My English teacher is British.He is tall and thin. He has short curly black hair. He is sokind to us. Healso likes telling us jokes. We like his lessons._Whos the little girl? Shehas a round face. She is a little heavy(重的). Shehaslong hair and big eyes. She is playing with a little girl at the park.IIA.Mr. Brown teaches English in a middle school. He is from England. He lovesChinese andalso likes his students. His lessons are interesting.B.My young sister is a 5-year-old girl. Her name is Wang Li. She looks very lovely. She doesntgo to school. She often plays with other children in thepark.C.School Music Festival wants some girls. Can you sing or dance well? Welcome to join us.Call us at 6543211.D.I like math. I dont think math is difficult. I think it is interesting. Ioften help my friends withmath.E.At the airport, there is a girl waiting for her pen pal(笔友) . Her pen pal is a girl from NewYork.F.Do you want to join the music club? You can study to play the violin and thepiano. Call Mr.Zhang at 3654961.G.Its Shao Lin Temple(少林寺) . Its an action movie. Thereare many famous movie starsin it.【答案】C;E; G; A;B【解析】 【分析】 A. Mr. Brown teaches English in a middle school. He is from England. He loves Chinese and also likes his students. His lessons are interesting. 布朗先生在一所中学教英语。他是英国人。他喜欢汉语,也喜欢他的学生。他的课很有趣。B. My young sister is a 5-year-old girl. Her name is Wang Li. She looks very lovely. She doesnt goto school. She often plays with other children in the park.我妹妹是一个5 岁的女孩。她叫王莉。她看起来很可爱。她不上学。她经常和公园里的其他孩子玩。C. School Music Festival wants some girls. Can you sing or dance well? Welcome to join us. Call us at 6543211. 学校音乐节想要一些女孩。你会唱歌或跳舞吗?欢迎加入我们。请致电6543211 。D. I like math. I dont think math is difficult. I think it is interesting. I often help my friends withmath. 我喜欢数学。我认为数学不难。我觉得很有趣。我经常帮助我的朋友数学。E. At the airport, there is a girl waiting for her pen pal (笔友) . Her pen pal is a girl from New York. 在机场,有一个女孩在等她的笔友。她的笔友是一个来自纽约的女孩。F. Do you want to join the music club? You can study to play the violin and the piano. Call Mr.Zhang at 3654961. 你想加入音乐俱乐部吗?你可以学习拉小提琴和弹钢琴。打电话3654961给张先生。G. Its Shao Lin Temple(少林寺) . Its an action movie. There are many famous movie stars in it. 少林寺。这是一部动作片。里面有许多著名的电影明星。( 1)根据文中的语句 She likes dancing and dances very well. 可知, Mary 可以参加学校音乐节,故选 C。( 2)根据文中的语句 Lucys pen pal Linda is from America. Lucy goes to the airport to meet her. 可知,这是选项 E 描述的女孩,故选 E。( 3)根据文中的语句Zhang Ming likes action (动作) movies. His favorite movie star is Jet Li.可知,与选项G 相匹配,故选G。( 4)根据文中的语句My English teacher is British. 可知,与选项A 匹配,故选A。( 5)根据文中的语句She is playing with a little girl at the park.可知,与选项B 匹配,故选B。【点评】考查信息匹配。熟知各个选项的基本含义,根据所给的语境选择最佳选项。7下面1-5小题是人物的介绍,从AG 七个地点的介绍中为这5 个人选择最合适参观的地点(有两项多余)。_Jack likes hot weather,because he can swim at a pool or in the river. He wants to lieon the beachon the vacation._Lucy likes running. Shedoesnt like hot weather. She likes autumn. Its cool. She likesto seeautumn leaves._Mary likes winter. She wantsto skate on the ice._Ken likes flowers. He wantsto visit a place with many flowers._Tina is a student. She likesrainy days. She feels relaxed in the rain.A. Ice ParkYou can skate on the ice. There are manyyoung people skating here.B.Rainy ParkThis is a beautiful place. You can enjoythe rain in this place. It often rains, so please take araincoat or anumbrella here.C.Mount YangIts a mountain. If you like hiking orclimbing the mountain,you can come here. You canenjoy the good views in themountain.D.Fragrant MountainIn autumn, you can enjoy red autumnleaves in Fragrant Mountain. They are beautiful.E.The Great WallIf you come to Beijing, please visit theGreat Wall first. Its the longest wall with a longhistory in the world.F.Sun BeachIts a beautifulbeach. Many people arelying on the beach. Some are playing beachvolleyball, some are swimming inthe sea.G.Zhongshan GardenIts a beautiful garden in this city. Thereare many flowers in the garden. Many visitors comehere to enjoy thebeautiful flowers.【答案】F;D; A;G;B【解析】 【分析】所给选项意思:A. Ice Park


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