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    最新复习专题八年级英语下册语法填空知识点归纳1一、八年级英语下册语法填空专项练习(含答案解析)1 阅读下面短文,根据文章大意用所给单词的适当形式填空(未提供单词的,限填一词),使文章意思完整、正确。A new term begins. We are glad _( return ) to school again. In Grade 8, we have anew subject _. Some students think it is hard, but some think it is _ ( interest ) Mr. Smith is our teacher. He is from _ ( English ) . He is friendly and _ ( knowledge ) He advises us _ ( study ) hard.In his first class, Mr. Smith asked what we liked and _. The students were active aboutthis question.Kate told us her favouritefood was _ ( pancake), but she didnt likemeat. To our_ Tony, a naughtyboy, said that he liked _ ( copy) othershomework, for he didnt like study.【答案】 toreturn ; Physics; interesting ; England; knowledgeable ; tostudy ; hated ;pancakes; surprise; to copy/ copying【解析】 【分析】文章大意:新学期我们多了一门新科目物理,老师是Mr Smith ,在第一节课上他询问了我们的喜好。( 1 ) 句 意 : 我 们 很 高 兴 再 次 回 到 学 校 。 return , 回 到 , 动 词 。 固 定 结 构be glad to do sth. ,很高兴做某事,故填to return。( 2)句意:在八年级,我们有了一门新学科物理。根据生活常识可知,物理是八年级的课程,专有名词,首字母大写,故填Physics。( 3)句意:但有些学生认为这很有趣。interest ,名词,兴趣。根据题干中的is 可知此句需要形容词,表示有趣的,故填interesting 。( 4)句意:他来自英国。English,英国人,名词。固定结构,be from+ 国家或地区名词,来自某地,故填England。( 5)句意:他很友好,知识渊博。knowledge ,知识,名词。由friendly及and提示,可知此句需要形容词,故填knowledgeable 。( 6)句意:他建议我们要努力学习。study ,学习,动词;固定结构,advise to do sth. ,建议做某事,故填to study 。( 7)句意:在第一堂课上,史密斯先生问我们喜欢和讨厌什么。根据下文语句Kate toldus her favourite food was 8( pancake) , but she didnt like meat.提示可知,Smith 询问的是喜欢的与不喜欢的,故填hated。( 8)句意:凯特告诉我们她最喜欢的食物是煎饼。pancake,煎饼,可数名词。表示泛指要用复数形式,故填pancakes。( 9)句意:令我们惊奇的是。固定短语,to ones surprise,令某人惊奇,故填surprise 。( 10)句意:他喜欢抄别人的作业,因为他不喜欢学习。copy,抄袭;动词。固定结构like to do sth.=like doing sth.,喜欢做某事,故填to copy或 copying。【点评】考查语法填空。通读全文理解大意,然后根据上下文或者所给单词的提示对所缺部分进行逐一解答。2 下面短文,在空白 填入一个适当的 ,或填入括号中所 的正确形式(最多限填 3 个 )。When I was a little girl, I wanted to be an English _( teach) . When I grew up a littlebit, I had great interests in _. I loved going to concerts(音 会)with my friends andreading music books and _ ( magazine). During my last few months at high school, mydream was to _ a reporter for a music publication(刊物) . _ I learned writingin college. But my teacher said my writing was terrible, and I _ not be a good reporter.My friendsalso toldme itwas difficult_ ( find )a reporterjob. Then I began_ ( learn ) public relation (公共关系), because I enjoyed _ ( talk ) withpeople.But now I work as an editor for a newspaper, I got the job because of my _(write )skills. So dont let anyone tell you that you cant be what you want to be.【答案】teacher ; music; magazines;be/become ; So; could; to find ; to learn ;talking ;writing【解析】 【分析】文章大意:我小的 候想当一位英 老 。后来我 音 很感 趣,我想 一家音 刊物当 者。我 在是一家 的 。( 1)句意:当我 是个小女孩的 候,我想当一名英 老 。 teach,教, ;由文中的 句 I want to be an English 提示可知此句表示想成 一名英 老 , teacher ,可数名 ,由 an 提示要用 数形式,故答案 teacher。( 2)句意:当我 大一点的 候,我 音 有很大的 趣。根据后文的 句I loved goingto concerts (音 会)withmy friends and reading music books 提示可知,我 音 感 趣, music,不可数名 ,故填music 。( 3)句意:我喜 和朋友 一起去听音 会, 音 籍和 志。 , 志由前面books 提示要用复数形式,故答案 magazines。magazine,可数名( 4)句意:在高中的最后几个月里,我的梦想是成 一家音 刊物的 者。根据文中的my dream 及 a reporter不定式符号to ,故答案 的提示可知,此句表示想成 者。be 或 become 。be 或 become , ,前面有( 5)句意:所以我在大学里学 了写作。根据上文中的my dream was to be a reporter 提示可知,在大学里学 写作是 果,要用 so,故填So。( 6)句意:但我的老 我的写作很糟糕,我不会是一个好 者。根据上文 句But myteacher said my writing was terrible,提示可知,此句表示我不可能成 一名好的 者,要用情 can,因表示 去,故答案 could。( 7)句意:我的朋友也告 我很 找到一份 者的工作。固定句型 构its+形容 +to dosth,做某事怎 ,此句需要 不定式,find ,找到, , ,故填to find 。( 8)句意:后来我开始学 公共关系,因 我喜 与人交 。 learn,学 ; begin todo sth ,开始做某事,故填to learn ; talk, ; enjoy doing sth,喜 做某事,故填talking 。( 9)句意:我得到 份工作是因 我的写作能力。write ,写作, 。由because of可知,后面要用名 ,或代 。writing skill,写作能力,故填writing 。【点评】考查语法填空。答题时要跳过空格通读全文,了解大意,然后根据语境及所给单词的提示对所缺部分逐一解答,注意要考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素,最后通读一遍,并逐一验证。3语法填空I recently heard a story about a famous scientist. Because of his great achievements, he was thought to be more creative than a common person. When he was asked why he was able_ ( do) this, he gave the answer. It all came from an experience with his motherwhen he was about three years old. "I tried_get a bottle of milk from the fridge but it fell,spilling (溢出) the milk all over the floor a sea of milk! I was frightened and I didnt know what to do!" he said.His mother heard the noise and got into the kitchen. "I_( consider) how to explainthis to you, Mum, "he said. Instead of_( punish ) him, she said, "Robert, what a greatmess you have made! I havent seen_a sea of milk before! Well, since the milk hasalready been spilled, would you like_ ( play) in the milk for a while? We will cleanit_after that. "Then, he did so. After a few minutes, his mother said, "You know, Robert,whenever you _ ( make) a mess like this, finally you have to do it by yourself. "He useda sponge(海绵) and together they cleaned up the spilled milk.His mother then said, " You know, we failed to successfully carry a big milk bottle with two tinyhands just_. Lets go out in the yard and fill the bottle with water to see if you candiscover a way to carry it. "Then the little boy learned that if he grasped(抓紧) the bottle atthe top with both hands, he could carry it without_( drop ) it.What a wonderful lesson!【答案】todo ; to ; am considering ; punishing ; such; toplay; up ; make ; now ;dropping【解析】 【分析】短文大意:这篇文章介绍了一个母亲教育孩子的故事。孩子在拿牛奶时把牛奶洒了一地,母亲没有责备他,而是让他在牛奶中玩耍,然后让他把洒了的牛奶打扫干净,然后让孩子自己实践,掌握孩子拿牛奶的正确方法。( 1)句意:当人们为他他为什么能这样做时他给出了答复。事,故答案为:to do 。be able to do sth. ,能够做某( 2)句意:我试图想把一瓶牛奶从冰箱拿出来但是它倒了,牛奶洒了整个地板。try to dosth.试图做某事,故答案为:to 。( 3)句意: “我正想着如何向你解释,妈妈? ”他说。在直接引语中句子用现在时态,可知句子是现在进行时, be+doing ,故答案为: am considering 。( 4)句意:代替惩罚他的是,她说“罗伯特,你弄得多么脏啊!” insteadof 后跟 doing,故答案为: punishing 。( 5)句意:我以前从来没有见过这样的牛奶海洋。such,如此,修饰名词,故答案为:such。( 6)句意:你想在牛奶中玩一会儿吗? Would you like to do sth?你想做某事吗:故答案为: to play 。( 7)句意:在那之后我们把它清理干净。clean up,清理,打扫,故答案为:up。( 8)句意:罗伯特,无论何时你弄得这样一团糟,最后你必须自己来打扫。句子时态是一般现在时,故答案为: make。( 9)句意:你知道,刚才你没有成功的用小手提起一大瓶牛奶。just now刚才,固定短语,故答案为:now 。( 10)句意:然后这个小孩知道了如果用双手抓住瓶的顶部,他就能拿起它不用掉了。without,没有,介词,后面跟doing,故答案为:dropping 。【点评】此题考查语法填空。先阅读短文,理解短文大意。然后仔细阅读每个句子,根据语法知识和固定短文,用所给词的正确形式填空,完成短文。4阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或用括号中词语的正确形式填空。On my recent tip to Sydney with my parents, we visited the Wildlife Park.The Wildlife Park has lots _different birds. Some are local birds in Australia and theycan onlybe found there. There_( be) over 600 animals there, including kangaroos,koalas and crocodiles. They _( keep ) in the natural environment.We first spent some time with the kangaroos. We were allowed _( touch) and feedthem. Itwas exciting for me toget so close to _( they ) .Also thekoalas looked verylovely. Iknew I couldnt carrythem, so I took a photo with one. It was one of _( wonderful ) photos of my holiday in SydneyThe WildlifePark has plenty of freshwater _saltwater crocodiles. Some of them arereally big with huge_ ( tooth ) ! I was so scared of them. There was also a bird show. Thekeepers showed us different species they had. I saw _old parrot which could talkIt made a great _ ( impress) on me.I enjoyed the trip very much.【答案】of; are; are kept ; to touch ; them ; the mostwonderful; and ; teeth ; an;impression【解析】 【分析】 本文叙述作者对the Wildlife Park 的访问。作者对旅行中的所见所闻感到很兴奋。( 1)句意: 野生动物园有许多不同的动物和鸟类。lots of ,固定搭配,许多,故填of。( 2)句意:那里有600 多种动物,包括袋鼠,考拉和鳄鱼。根据animals 是名词复数可知 there be 句型的谓语动词是are,故填 are。( 3)句意:它们被保存在自然环境中。谓语keep 与主语they 是被动关系,描述客观事实用一般现在时,主语是复数,故助动词是are,keep 的过去分词是kept ,故填 are kept 。( 4)句意:我们被允许触摸并喂它们。be allowed to do,固定搭配,允许做某事,此处是不定式,故填to touch 。( 5)句意:如此接近他们是非常令人兴奋的。to 是介词,其后是宾格做宾语,them 指代kangaroos ,它们,故填them 。( 6)句意:这是我在悉尼度假的最精彩的照片之一。根据one of 可知是形容词最高级,wonderful是 形 容 词 , 是 多 音 节 单 词 , 最 高 就是the+most+ 形 容 词 , 故 填themostwonderful。( 7)句意:野生动物园拥有大量的淡水和咸水鳄鱼。处是并列关系,故用并列连词,and 并且,故填and。根据freshwater和saltwater可知此( 8)句意:他们中的一些有非常大的牙而且体型巨大!tooth是名词,表示泛指用复数,teeth是牙齿的复数,故填teeth 。( 9)句意:故用不定冠词我看到一只可以“说话 ”的老鹦鹉。an 表示泛指,故填an。parrot是名词单数,old以元音音素开头,( 10)句意:它给我留下了很好的印象。不定冠词a 后是名词,impress的名词是impression ,故填 impression 。【点评】考查语法填空,注意谓语的时态,语态,非谓语动词,词性,连词搭配等多种用法。5阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。Thomas Edison was an Americaninventor.When he was 7 years old,his motherhad_ Appendectomy (阑尾切除术). But it was too dark. So Edison put mirrors near oillamps _( light ) up the room.The story is in a Chinese textbook for primary school students by Peoples Education Press. Butthe publisher (出版社) _( recent )said it will cut out this story. Thats because manypeople _its not true. Many believe that the worlds first appendectomy was in 1886. Butwhen Edison was 7, it was 1854.The publisher also said it will not use some other stories. For example, theres story about thefirst US President George Washington. The story says young Washington _( cut ) downa cherry tree in the yard of his house. But _fact, there was no cherry tree in the area atthat time.So whats the problem? Experts say that some editors care too _about the educationalmeaning of a story and fail to check _ ( one )if the story is true.The publisher says, in the future, they will pay greater attention to the _( true ) ofthe stories in the textbook. "We will invite experts(专家) _check our stories," it said ina statement.【答案】an; to light ; recently ; think ; cut ; in; much ; first ;truth ; to【解析】 【分析】 本文介绍了一些编辑过于关注故事的教育意义,没有首先检查故事是否真实而导致的错误。( 1)句意:当他7 岁时,他的母亲做了阑尾切除术。根据Appendectomy是以元音音素开头的名词单数可知,此处用不定冠词an,表示泛指,故填an。( 2)句意:所以爱迪生在油灯附近装了镜子来照亮房间。不定式做目的状语,故填tolight。( 3)句意:但出版商最近表示,将删除这个故事。副词修饰said 动词, recent 的副词是, recently ,故填recently 。( 4)句意:那是因为很多人认为这不是真的。根据appendectomy was in 1886 ,可知此处是认为,Many believethatthe worldsfirstthink ,根据从句its not true 可知主句时态是一般 在 ,主 是people ,故 是原形,故填think 。( 5)句意:故事 小 盛 在他家院子里砍倒了一棵 桃 。介 去是一般 去 ,cut的 去式是cut ,故填cut 。( 6)句意:但事 上,当 个地区没有 桃 。in fact ,固定搭配,事 上,故填in。( 7)句意: 家 ,一些 于关注故事的教育意 ,没有首先 故事是否真 。 too much ,修 care,太 ,故填 much。( 8)句意: 家 ,一些 于关注故事的教育意 ,没有首先 故事是否真 。副 修 check, one 的副 是, first ,首先,故填first 。( 9)句意:出版商 ,在将来,他 会更加关注教科 中故事的真 性。the 定冠 后是名 , true 的名 是, truth ,事 ,故填truth 。( 10)句意:我 将邀 家来 我 的故事。invitesb todo,固定搭配,要求某人做,故填to。【点 】考 言 合运用能力,注意 的 , ,非 , 性多种用法。6 法填空The Earth is a planet. It and seven other planets go _ the Sun. We _( call)the eight planets and the Sun the solar system. _ first planet, next to the Sun, is Mercury(水星) . It is 58 million_ ( kilometer ) from the Sun. Venus(金星) is the secondplanet from the Sun, and _ ( we) planet, the Earth, is the third.It is 150 millionkilometers from the Sun.Jupiter (木星), Saturn (土星), Neptune (海王星)andUranus(天王星)are all_ ( big) than the Earth, _ Venus, Mars and Mercury are smaller than the Earth.Animals, trees and humans can only live _ the Earth-the other planets in our solarsystemdonothaveair_ water.Doanyplanetsinothersolarsystems have_ ( life ) ? We dont know about it.7 下面短文,在空白 填入一个适当的 ,或填入括号中所 的正确形式。Are you feeling very busy all the time? If you always think much work to do, it will make youfeel _ ( bore ) . You should know that youll also have so many things to do tomorrow.Why _ do the things you have to do today? So if you have a little time to relax, just enjoyyourself. It doesnt mean you are lazy. That is because only when you are relaxed, you can do best.Here are some _ ( way) for you to relax.Firstly, show love to everyone you meet. Talk to your friends _ smile to a stranger._ ( volunteer ) at a hospital is also a good way. The more you give, the _ youwill get._, take away the old things you dont need or send them to someone _ needsthem.Thirdly, watch the world as a child does. Go _ a walk in a park and have a picnic. It ishelpful _ ( lie) down on the grass and look at the blue sky. You can also sit down andlisten to your favorite music or even dance to it. Youll find your life more interesting.8【答案】lives;give; tries ; to save; reading; has bought ; invited ; goes; taking ; hasbecome【解析】 【分析】主要讲了作者的朋友Danny。( 1)句意:他生活在一个富裕的家庭。时态是一般现在时,主语是he,所以live 用单三lives,故填 lives。( 2)句意:他的父母总是给他许多零花钱。时态是一般现在时,主语是复数parents,所以 give 用原形,故填 give。( 3)句意:但是Danny 总是尽他最大努力节省钱。时态是一般现在时,主语数,所以try 用 tries ,try ones best to do sth. 尽某人最大努力做某事,所以用Danny 是单to save,故填tries , to save。( 4)句意: Danny 喜欢读书。 enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事,故填reading 。( 5)句意:自从他是年轻的,他已经买了许多书。since 引导的时间状语从句,主句用现在完成时,结构是have/has+动词过去分词,主语是he,所以用has, buy 的过去分词是bought ,故填has bought 。( 6)句意:他邀请我去我们的城市图书馆读书。last Saturday,表明时态是一般过去时,所以invite用过去式invited ,故填invited 。( 7)句意: Danny 通常骑自行车而不是坐公交去上学。主语 Danny 是单数,所以go 用单三 goes,故填 goes, ofusually 表明时态是一般现在时,是介词,后面用动词ing, take的ing


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