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    外研版三起五年级英语下册期中测试题外研版 (三起 )五年级英语下册期中测试题1一、按要求填空1、we (宾格 )2、dance(名词 )3、these(单数 )4、make a home library(翻译 )5 、a maths book(翻译 )6、去图书馆(翻译 )7、图书卡(翻译 )8、(过去式 )learneatis/amaredodrinksend9、(复数 )photochilddictionary10、(反义词 ) biglongnewheavyblack二、单项选择() 1、 Did she learnforeign languages?A manyB someC any() 2、 Did he learn English ?A Yes ,he didB No, he did C yes,he does() 3、 Shedidnt a cake yesterday、A makeB makesC made() 4、 HesEnglish now、A learnsB learnedC learning() 5、He isEnglish teacher、A aB oneC an() 6、 Therelots of buses and cars、A isB areC wasnt() 7、She cookeda fire、A inB onC at() 8、Thank you for talkingus、A withB aboutC to() 9、He was a、A driveB driverC drived() 10、She couldnt readwrite、A orB andC to() 11、I missgrandmother、A myB youC she() 12、not watch TV ?Because she didnt have a TV、A WhereB WhatC Why() 13、Letsto the library、A goB goes C went外研版三起五年级英语下册期中测试题() 14、 Heres our new computer、Mumit、 A buy B buysC bought() 15、 Here is a cardyou、AtoB forC of() 16、 We cana book about computer there、 A findsB find C found() 17、 Sam ate six hamburgersschool、A inB atC on() 18、What did she havelunch、A forB toC with() 19、 eggs did Sam eat?A how much B How manyC How nice() 20、SamChinese food very much、A likeB had likeC likes() 21、 Ive gotemail from Lingling、A aB anC one() 22、 Does she like Chinese food?- 、 A Yes,she doesntB No,she doesnt() 23、 Mum is going to cook Chinese foodLingling、 A toBwith C for() 24、 Seven years ago ,Mr Lia teacher、 A isB areC was() 25、 I want toan e-card、A makesB makeC made() 26、 Lookyour bag、Its broken、A toBatC about() 27、You cant take itChina、A forB onC to() 28、Ill buy you a new、A aB anC one() 29、 Itll be easyyou、A forB toC about( ) 30、 Thank you very much、 、A Yes,thank you、B Youre welcome、 C Yes,you are、三、连词成句1) have food didnt we2) house is a there big now3) learn your English did grandma ?4) was good he a pupil5) China is a about it programme外研版三起五年级英语下册期中测试题6) can out about find weather where you the ?7) English is traditional it a dinner四、选择正确的介词填空。(只填序号 )A、aboutB、toC、atD、inE、for1、Youcan ttake this old bag _ China、2、That red T-shirt is too big _ you、3、It saprogramme _ animals、4、You must bring back the books _ twoweekstime、5、Sorry、Im not good _ it、五、给下列问句选择正确的答语。()1、What did she do yesterday?A、She made a cake、( )2、 Whosthis?B、I want to buy a pen、()3、Is it new?C、Shes my mother、()4、 Can I have your library card,please?D、Yes,it is、()5、Can I help you?E、Yes、Here you are、六、阅读短文 ,判断句子正 (T)误(F)。I am Lucy、I like bags very much、Ihave two bags now、One is big and heavy、 The bag is black、 My father bought it ten years ago、And it has gotno wheels and no pockets、And the other bag is yellow、It sbig but light、I bought it last year when I went to Beijing、It has got two wheels andthree pockets、And it also has got a cute bear on it、()1、 Lucy has two bags、()2、 Her father bought a yellow bag for her、()3、 The black bag is big and heavy、外研版三起五年级英语下册期中测试题()4、 The yellow bag has got no wheels、()5、Lucy bought the yellow bag last year、一、 1、us2、dancer3、this4 做一个家庭图书馆5、一本数学书6、go to the library7、library card8、learntatewaswerediddranksent9 、photoschildrendictionaries10、smallshortOldlightwhite二、 1、外研版 (三起 )五年级英语下册期中测试题2一、英汉互译1、information _ _ 2、生活 _3、different_4、田地 _、5library_6、美味的 7、retired_ 8、带来 _9、traditional_10、简单的 _二、找出划线部分发音不同的单词。()1、 A、 bagB、haveC、gave()2、 A、 boyB、boatC、coat()3、 A teacherB、headC、meat()4、 A、 whereB、thereC、here()5、 A、 heavy B、bread C、tea三、按要求写出下列单词的正确形式。1、sandwich(复数 )_2、this(复数 )_ 3、hard(反义词 _外研版三起五年级英语下册期中测试题4、teach(过去式 )_5、light(反义词 )_6、get (过去式 )_ 7、met (原形 )_8、buy (过去式 )_9、lets(完全形式 )_ 10、libraries(单数 )_11、learn(过去式 )_ 12、grandma(对应词 ) _13、bring(反义词 )_ 14、drink(过去式 )_15、study(过去式 )_四、单项选择。()1、There wasnt_books on the desk、A、someB、muchC、any()2、Thank you for _ to me、 A、talk B、talking C、talked()3、An old lady _ her life many years ago、A、talked to B、talk about C、talked about()4、She didn t_ enough food ten years ago、 A、hasB、hadC、have ()5、There _ lots of knives in the sky、A、wasB、is C、are()6、The food is enough for_、A、us B、ourC、we()7、She wants _ an e-card for Jingling、A、made B、makesC、to make()8、Did your grandma _ English? 、Alearn B、learnedC、learnt()9、I watched a television programme about China、外研版三起五年级英语下册期中测试题A、last nigh B、next night C、this night()10、Mum is going to _ Chinese food、A.cooksB、cooking C、cook五、选择正确的介词填空。(只填序号 )A、aboutB、toC、atD、inE、for1、Youcan ttake this old bag _ China、2、That red T-shirt is too big _ you、3、It saprogramme _ animals、4、You must bring back the books _ two weeks time、5、Sorry、Im not good _ it、六、给下列问句选择正确的答语。()1、What did she do yesterday?()2、 Whosthis?()3、Is it new?()4、 Can I have your library card,please?()5、Can I help you?A、She made a cake、B、I want to buy a pen、C、Shes my mother、D、Yes,it is、EYes、Here you are、外研版三起五年级英语下册期中测试题十、阅读短文 ,判断句子正 (T)误(F)。I am Lucy、I like bags very much、Ihave two bags now、One is big and heavy、The bag is black、 My father bought it ten years ago、And it has got nowheels and no pockets、And the other bag is yellow、It sbig but light、I bought it last year when I went to Beijing、It has got two wheels andthree pockets、And it also has got a cute bear on it、()1、 Lucy has two bags、()2、 Her father bought a yellow bag for her、()3、 The black bag is big and heavy、()4、 The yellow bag has got no wheels、()5、 Lucy bought the yellow bag last year、


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