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    第 1 页 金融服务协议范本1 特征码 aOTTyDhLDkflFJlgafWx 根据中华人民共和国合同法及相关法律法规规定,北京$有限 公司(以下简称“本公司“)及会员根据本协议所列条文,以及 同意此协议受法律所约束的情况下,一致达成如下协议 Beijing $ Co , Ltd (“the Company“) and the Member, intending to be legally bound, and in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, agree as follows: 1服务 Service 本协议所指的服务,是指本公司将自己所有或第三方合法 所有并授权的法律资料置于互联网上,会员通过账号及密码登 录本公司网站数据库,按照会员章程及订阅表格所列 的权限查询各类资料。 The “Service“ herein referred to, is the search and retrieval service through which the member can read on the Internet the Companys own legal information or legal information legally obtained from third parties The right to access to the Service is through a set of 第 2 页 login name and password provided by the Company to the Member 2适用 Application 21 本公司有绝对酌情权拒绝任何会员申请而无须提供理 由; The Company may in its absolute discretion reserve the rights to reject any application to register as a Member, without the need to give any reason 22 在本公司在接受订阅者的申请及在订阅者遵守本协议 规定的情况下,订阅者即成为会员。本公司向会员提供服务并 保证持续更新所提供的信息。 Upon the application accepted by the Company and the subscribers pliance of this Agreement, the subscriber bees a Member The Company agrees to provide the Service to the Member and warrants to continuously update the information provided in the Service 23 订阅者在订阅服务时,保证 By subscribing to the Service, the subscriber warrants that: (a)其所提供的资料为完整,最新及正确无误; all information provided by the subscriber is 第 3 页 accurate, plete and current; (b) 本协议一经签署,即具法律效力并同意受其约束; the Agreement, when concluded, constitutes legal obligations that are binding and enforceable; (c)所签署协议的人士已得必要的授权。 the Subscriber has obtained necessary authorization to sign the Agreement 3费用的计算与支付 Price and Payment Terms 31 会员同意根据订阅表格注明的订阅年期向本公司 缴付订阅费用; The Member agrees to pay the amount of subscription fees for the fixed term of service as listed in the Subscription Form to the Company 32 透过支付订阅费用,会员按会员章程内所载的权 限享用服务; By paying the subscription fees, the Member enjoys the rights and is subjected to the limitation listed in the Terms & Conditions 第 4 页 33 本公司在收到已签署的协议和汇款凭证后,在一个工 作日内为会员设置好账号。若会员在提交的资料中未付汇款凭 证,则须在收到账号的 5 个工作日内以订阅表格内所载的 方式,缴清表内所列款项; Upon receiving the signed Agreement, the pany shall send the login account ID and password to the member within a working dayIf there is not advance payment,the member shall pay the funds within 5 working days after receiving the login account ID and password by any of the prescribed methods as set in the Subscription Form 34 除根据 32 所享有的服务外,会员同意根据本公司 在会员使用期间所订定的价格向本公司支付其它透过所持账号 及密码而获取的服务的费用。 Other than the rights enjoyed by the Member under 32, the Member agrees to pay all charges incurred by the use of login name and password provided by the Company at the rates and in accordance with the Companys billing policies in effect during each period in which the charges are incurred 4责任限制 Disclaimers 41 会员完全理解并同意自行承担使用网络服务的风险。 第 5 页 The Member fully understands and agrees that the use of the Service is at the Subscribers own risk 42 由于网络服务提供商的服务故障,造成本公司暂时不 能正常通过互联网发布信息,本公司不为此承担责任,但有义 务与网络服务提供商交涉,以尽快解决该问题。 The Company is not responsible for any interruption of Service due to problems occurred on the Internet platform or any other reasons that cannot be controlled by the Company The Company shall make effort to liaise with its Internet Service Provider in order to restore the Service as soon as possible 43 由于政府有权部门或司法机构的命令,造成本公司不 能通过互联网正常提供检索服务的,本公司不为此承担责任, 但本公司应归还已收取的未履行期间的服务费用。 The Company will not be responsible for the interruption of Service owing to orders of government authorities or judicial bodies The Company agrees to refund the paid fees pro rata to the remaining subscription period 44 由于本公司除维护服务器、添加资料等事项外的其它 原因造成信息检索服务中断,本公司将双倍补偿会员中断的时 间。如会员原因造成本公司无法正常提供服务,会员应承担相 第 6 页 应责任。 Other than interruptions arising from the maintenance of server or regular update, the Company agrees to pensate the Subscriber in an amount of time equal to twice as the ti me lost attributable to the fault of the Company Accordingly, the Subscriber agrees to pensate the Company any loss attributable to the fault of the Subscriber 45 除本第 42, 43 及 44 条规定的补偿或赔偿外, 双方一致同意:本违约规定所述其它任何赔偿应限于因已方违 约而给对方造成的直接经济损失,并不包括间接损失(此间接 损失包括但不仅限于营业收入或利润损失、技术或经营权利的 丧失、业务丧失等) ,也不包括惩罚性的赔偿。 The Company and the Subscriber agree that all claims, except stated in 32, 33, and 34 above, shall be limited to direct damages due to the breach of this Agreement In no event shall either 第 7 页 party be liable to the other for any penalty, consequential, indirect, special or incidental damages including, but not limited to, loss of profit or loss of technology or operation rights or loss of business rights


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